

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : Chapter 2 : Invisible & Invisible

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 9 ธ.ค. 64


    Invisible Moon

    Chapter 2

    Invisible & Invisible


    "Only an invisible person can see another invisible person."



    "Good evening! Welcome to UNISTAR SHOWTIME! Follow the life of the Moon!"

    "Today, we bring you an exclusive interview that's highly requested by fans! 'How do we find 'IN UNISTAR' who is as handsome as an angel but invisible?' And now, we invite all UNISTAR members to answer this question!"

    I was lying on my bed in my dorm, using my mobile phone to catch up with the TV programme on YouTube.

    UNISTAR SHOWTIME! Follow the life of the Moon! - episode: IN the Invisible Moon

    In the video, it seemed like the cameraman was walking around to record the interview of the UNISTAR members in a studio, they might be on their break during work.

    The camera zoomed in on the first member, P'Leo, whose Twitter hashtag is #FullMoon. The title suited his perfection. He had a perfect appearance, was excellent in studies, had a good personality, was studying medicine, was multilingual and was also the most 'normal' one in the group. He was known as the ideal Moon model.

    Leo: I'm not surprised with the case of N'In's invisibility. It can be explained with scientific reasoning. N'In isn't invisible, nothing supernatural at all. I think N'In knows how to blend in other people's blind spots. P'Kwang and I were once curious, so we checked the CCTV and wondered why even though N'In was just standing right there, nobody noticed him. It's because N'In often lurked in spots or areas people often overlook. When he moves, he usually moves while others are focusing on something else. Besides, N'In always did everything quietly and disappeared even before we realised it. N'In knows how to use areas to hide from people's eyes.

    I nodded in agreement. P'Leo studied medicine, so it's no wonder he could explain it with such solid reasoning.

    Interviewer: You seem to understand a lot. Have you ever seen N'In during his invisible mode?

    Leo: Most of the time, if he doesn't want us to see, we would rarely see him. However, the more time we spent together, the more I could learn his ways. Now I can see him more often. I assume that introverted people probably have more chances to see N'In compared to the extroverts.

    For example, P'Kwang is also an introvert and recently N'[1]In's invisible skills became barely effective on P'Kwang as well. I guess if you are sort of a recluse person like N'In and have known him long enough, you might not feel like he is invisible anymore. Perhaps, due to the similarity of views and preferences — being in the same place and looking at something in the same way — would enable you to see him.

    I considered P'Leo's analysis. It might be true that people with the same habits tend to view everything in the same way. This reminded me of that coincidence, when P'In stood behind the tree which was a blind spot. It was surprising because although I was not familiar with him, I could see him from the first time I met him while others had to spend more time adapting.

    Then, the scene shifted to the next member, P'Sea, the first generation and oldest member of UNISTAR. He was a tall man with a fair face, his facial features looked both beautiful and handsome. No wonder he held the title #BeautifulMoon.

    Interviewer: What do you think about having the Invisible Moon in UNISTAR?

    Sea: I like him. I can see a lot of funny things when he is around. Especially when the Half Moons were fighting and N'In suddenly showed up. Both of them would scream 'ARGH!' as if they saw a ghost.

    From outside, P'Sea seemed to be very calm and polite, his face also looked innocent, but he had a teasing habit. He liked making fun of other members a lot.

    Interviewer: Really?

    The interviewer turned to ask the Half Moons, P'Natee and P'Wayu.

    Natee: No way! I am a real man. I'm not afraid of ghosts.

    Wayu: Not true! I've never cried 'ARGH', I cried 'WARGH'.

    Then, the interviewer returned to P'Sea.

    Interviewer: Have you ever been shocked when N'In suddenly appeared?

    Sea: No, I've never, because he is handsome. Hahaha.

    Interviewer: Oh, wouldn't the Prince get jealous if you say something like this?

    If I wasn't wrong, the Prince was P'Leo's nickname, because his fandom name was #Dom[2]Prince. On the other hand, P'Sea was called Princess because many fans liked to pair these two up. They both were in the same TV programme called 'Diagnostics with the Medical Moons', a fifteen-minute show about health care tips. Sometimes they would do demonstrations for first aid, massages and body checks, which further fueled their fans' imagination.

    The camera then zoomed on P'Natee, the #RedMoon. He had a reputation as a blunt person. He was always straightforward — if someone cursed him, he would curse back wittily, anyway many fans loved it — it was sort of his unique characteristic.

    Natee: Why is P'In invisible? Well, P'In realised that he can't beat my handsomeness, so he had to hide himself, hahaha. Hey, cameraman! Please focus on me. You must make me look super handsome!

    The interviewer only asked him once and was done, she then turned to the next member instead — P'Wayu, who I just saw this morning. He was surrounded by many fans at the football field.

    There were two UNISTAR members from XU university, P'In and P'Wayu. These two had different types of handsomeness. P'In was like a masterpiece sculpture - gorgeous but emotionless, while P'Wayu was like a glorious supermodel - his super fair skin made him shine under the spotlight. P'Wayu looked so hot when he had a serious expression and looked bright when he was smiling. Among all the UNISTAR members, P'Wayu was the first person I could remember because he held the title #NewMoon. As he loved making jokes, but his jokes often fell flat and no one could understand them. It was as if his unfunny joke turned off his shining light as the Moon, dark like the new moon.

    How bad was his joke? Here's a sample.

    Interviewer: You are in the same university as N'In, so you must be closer to N'In compared to other members, right? So, can you tell the fans what they need to do to see the Invisible Moon?

    Wayu: If you wanna see P'In, it's very easy.

    Interviewer: How?

    Wayu: Just fall asleep.

    Interviewer: Then?

    Wayu: Whenever you sleep, you'll go to see 'Pha In[3]'.


    I ate dot. No one would ever laugh at this joke.

    Nevertheless, no matter how unfunny his jokes were, his fans still liked them. That made me want to eat more dots.

    So, I only found out more about P'In from P'Leo. Others...let's not even mention it.

    Interviewer: It's not over yet! We've already interviewed all other UNISTAR members, now it's time to interview our Invisible Moon... wait — where is he?!

    The cameraman tried to find P'In, but could not even see his shadow. There were only other members taking a break.

    Leo: Where is N'In? I thought he was still here a second ago.

    Natee: Er! P'In has vanished.

    Sea: He probably went out while we were interviewing.

    Wayu: I told you, go to sleep and you will see P'In for sure — I mean Pha In.

    The video ended with P'Wayu's unfunny joke, but still no sign of P'In. I put down my phone on the bed while thinking about what P'Leo had said.

    "I could see P'In because we are similar?"

    It was possible. The same personality would have the same views. Anyway, it was my bedtime now. Tomorrow would be the first day of orientation month[5]. I need to be ready for new friends and a new society.

    I woke up and dressed up in our university uniform. I arrived at the business faculty building ten minutes before the designated time. I went to the registration queue to get my name tag. Nobody took over my queue, so I considered myself lucky today.

    "N'Win No.101, here you go." The senior student gave me a name tag. I took a look at her name tag, it had 'P'Noey 3rd year' written on it.

    It was a common tradition in Thai universities, whereby the third-year seniors would arrange the orientation sessions, and the sophomores would help during some activities.

    Come to think of it, P'In was also in his third year, because P'In was the third generation of UNISTAR.

    I wore my name tag and went to sit with a row of classmates in the building yard. When all the freshmen came, the activities would start. In the meantime, I was using my phone to search for P'In's profile on the unistar.com website.

    "Oh, P'In is also studying business." I exclaimed, and looked around, wondering if he would join the session today.

    "P'Noey ka[6], will P'In come today?"

    The first-year female students asked enthusiastically.

    "I think so. But I haven't seen him." P'Noey said.

    "So...P'In is invisible?" They continued to ask.

    "Do you want to hear the truth? We study in the same classroom, but sometimes I couldn't even see where he was sitting."

    "Really? By the way, Is P'In a P'Cheer[7]?"

    "Oh yeah! My friend from the engineering faculty told me that the third years assigned P'Wayu to serve the drinks." Another girl added.

    Oho, I could imagine the scene. Even when P'Wayu was just walking normally, he would have a hoard of fans running after him. If one of them were to receive a drink from him, no doubt that the drink bottle would be heavily hugged and kissed until it couldn't retain its shape.

    "Really?! I'm envious! I wanna be in that faculty now!" P'Noey said.

    "Yeah! Then, can we go to the engineering faculty instead?"

    "No way! Get in line! If you skip, we will punish you." P'Noey suddenly turned serious.

    "P'Noey is too cruel. We just wanna see P'In." They almost cried.

    "Me too! Where is he? I wanna see him too." P'Noey was just the same.

    My classmates dispiritedly came to sit behind me. The third-year said P'In would come, but where was he? I also wondered while looking at the balcony outside the building. The scenery was beautiful. The black afara tree was full of light-coloured flowers, fluttering like a flying bird when the wind blew.

    "Eh!" I exclaimed.

    P'In was sitting at the balcony, but no one noticed him again. I assumed it was because people rarely looked at this place. P'In was looking at the black afara tree like me. He was holding a glass of coconut juice, as the wind blew gently causing his white shirt and his hair to flutter lightly.

    I couldn't help but think that the scene looked like he was shooting a music video.

    All of a sudden, as if my eyes were tricked, P'In turned to me and he noticed that I was observing him.

    Our eyes met. His expression was stone-like, not showing any emotions, but the way he looked at me was strange — hard to explain — somehow serious, but not that much, somehow curious, but unconcerned. His eyes reflected the sunlight as if it was a sparkle of the moonlight's reflection on water. I just realised that he had such beautiful eyes.

    I unconsciously gazed at him for a while, until his eyes flashed with surprise, making me realize that I had been staring for too long. So I quickly looked away.

    "Hello all Freshies[8]! Welcome to XU University's Faculty of Business! Congratulations for getting in here. Let me introduce myself, my name is P'Tong, I'm your P'Cheer..."

    The head of the orientation committee was greeting us using a megaphone. I was carefully listening to him, as I was determined to make a better life here. However, even as I was trying to focus, I still felt like I was being watched.

    I glanced at the balcony instinctively and was startled. P'In was looking at me while drinking coconut juice using a straw. His face was emotionless, only a little glimmer in his eyes.

    'Does he like coconut juice?' I thought.

    No, no! It was not the right time to think about his favorite juice. I was nervous because a celebrity was staring at me like I was doing something wrong. But I was more curious. Normally, not many people would notice my existence because I wasn't interesting or attractive enough.

    Then, I stared back at P'In as though we could communicate through our eyes. When our eyes met again, P'In didn't turn away.

    'Why were you looking at me?' I frowned, trying to ask through my eyes.

    P'In showed a thoughtful expression for a second, then turned his eyes away from me. He went back to scooping the coconut meat from the glass.

    I couldn't comprehend what he was thinking, but I had a feeling that he might be thinking of the same thing I was. The reason why he looked at me was probably similar to mine.

    'Why could we see each other?'

    Perhaps, only the Invisible could see the Invisible.




    [1] N' (Pronounced as Nong In Thai) is the polite way to address a younger person in Thai culture. Commonly spoken, it's used as a prefix in front of the younger person's name.

    [2] Dom is the shortened from 'fandom', which refers to fanclubs of idols or celebrity, commonly used as slang among Thai teenagers.

    [3] Go to see Pha In is a Thai idiom, can refer to 'fall asleep'.

    [4] 'Ate dot' (eat dot) is a Thai slang word that means 'no comment'. It's similar to replying with no comment as '...' (pronounced "dot dot dot").

    [5] Orientation month is a tradition in Thai universities. It's made up of activities that are arranged by the seniors of each faculty. The aim is to allow first-year students to bond with each other and get to know their seniors. The main rule of this ceremony is the freshman need to obey the seniors' instructions.

    [6] "ka" is a way of showing respect to the interlocutor in Thai culture. Normally "ka" is used by Thai females at the end of a sentence.

    [7] P'Cheer is the title of a senior who leads activities during orientation sessions.

    [8] Freshy (or freshies) refers to the first-year students in a college, normally used in Thai spoken language.



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