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    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #29 : Chapter 27 : The Fallen Moon

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 28 ก.พ. 65

    Invisible Moon

    Chapter 27

    The Fallen Moon

    "The Moon that could rise up in the sky,

    could also fall to the ground one day."



    Win! Arhhh~”

    I distanced my phone from my ears when I heard P’Wun’s scream as I answered her call.

    “P’Wun, you’re too loud. My ears can’t take it anymore.” I had to tell her directly.

    Win! Open the UNISTAR website! Open the UNISTAR Facebook! Open the UNISTAR Twitter!

    I had no idea what was wrong with her. She jabbered on even though I had no idea what she was saying.

    “Okay. Hold on a moment. I just arrived at my dorm.” I told her and put my bag on the chair before opening my laptop.

    Hurry up!” She urged me.

    “What’s happening P’Wun? Why are you so excited?” I couldn’t help but ask.

    What? Don’t you remember what day it is? It’s so important!

    “Today…is Wednesday.” I answered.

    “No! It’s today! The results day!”

    What results day? I thought. Was I so focused on studying that I totally forgot something important?

    I looked at the date on the calendar and tried to figure it out…

    “Huh! The announcement for the 9 UNISTAR finalists!”

    I knew it! I started to feel jittery. I placed my cell phone on the table, opened the browser on my laptop and searched the UNISTAR website.

    “Damn! Why is my internet so slow?!” I nervously waited for the web page to load. I’ve never been this restless in my life.

    It finally appeared!

    ‘Announcement: 9 Moons for the UNISTAR Final Stage’

    I felt very tense. What if my name wasn’t there? What should I do?

    The website published the 9 finalists' names with the voting results, sorting them from the highest voting score to the lowest.


    I exclaimed as the first name appeared.

    #1 Sun: XYU Moon — 20.33%

    Oh my god. Even the number of votes he received was incomparable to other candidates. Evidently, his popularity was no joke.

    #2 Oat: QU Moon — 12.04%

    “Wow! Oat!” I smiled. I was very happy that he got into the final round, with a rather high score at that.

    I scrolled down on the browser. It seemed like Sun was the only one to receive such an overwhelming voting score, other candidates’ scores were not much different from one another.

    “Huh! Huhhh!” I was shocked when I saw my photo with the voting score.

    #6 Win: XU Moon — 9.28%

    “Oh my god! I got it!” I was too surprised to control myself.

    Win! Did you see it? Arh~~ Congratulations~!

    I heard P’Wun’s voice from the phone, so I picked it up and continued talking to her.

    “I saw it. Thank you so much P’Wun. I’m very happy!”

    Me too! You’ll be standing on the UNISTAR stage soon! I wanna go, but I’m not sure if I can get a ticket. It would be tough!

    “P’Wun. I’ve got free tickets. MW gave each candidate 2 tickets.”

    Arhhh~ Really? Wow…that’s great! Can I have one please? I’ll make a light sign — a big one! Hey, Win, this time I’ll tell everyone to vote for you. You’ll be the winner!

    “Oh. Thank you krub, P’Wun.” I said, happily.

    Talking with my sister made me so happy. Having someone willing to support me was such a nice feeling. P’Wun also told me that I should call my parents as well. Although my parents weren’t as excited as her, they had also told their companions to register and vote for me, even though they had to treat their co-workers to a meal in exchange. I didn’t know that my parents had done this much. It made me realise that every vote I received was so valuable.

    P’Wun and I talked on the phone for another hour until she hung up. I was glad for all the support from everyone around me.

    Getting support from companions was much better than walking alone. Besides my family, I also had Oat, P’Noey, P’Tong, Pan, my friends and seniors in my faculty who congratulated me.

    Wayunilla: Congrats!

    Wayunilla: Celebrate with no joke today LOL.

    Even P'Wayu. Well, I had been waiting for the day that P’Wayu would give me a break from the daily jokes. So I said thank you, and thanked him for congratulating me as well.

    Oat told me to check my email because MW had already sent the details for the final contest and the contract signing date.

    From : unistar.project@mw.ent.co.th

    Subject : UNISTAR Final Round Instructions

    Congratulations to all 9 finalists!

    We’ve attached a document containing the contest instructions, workshop schedule, and other necessary details with this email.

    Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    UNISTAR Project Team.

    I downloaded the file attachment and read it. It stated that I would need to join a workshop with the UNISTAR members in a special TV program called ‘UNISTAR Contest Workshop’. I also needed to prepare my documents for the contract signing. They also included a detailed guide for the restrictions on my social media usage.

    The staff also gave me a mini homework to think about my Moon title, so it could be used to promote my hashtag. However, if I became a UNISTAR member, this title might change.

    I had no idea what Moon I should be? Fading Moon? Oh no. Who would cheer for a Fading Moon? Invisible Moon? No, this title belonged to P’In.

    Well, I decided to think about it later.

    I was humming happily and was about to take a shower.

    Suddenly, I received a message via LINE.

    IN: Congrats.

    I couldn’t stop smiling because of this short text.

    archawin: Thank you so much!

    archawin: (Cheerful Rabbit jumping sticker)

    The air like me was about to become a dazzling bubble.

    I couldn’t think of anything that could make me unhappy for now.

    Today I woke up with such a delightful feeling. When something good happens, our daily life would become much more colourful.

    I got ready for class, dressed up, styled my hair and did my makeup. I ate a sandwich which I bought yesterday for breakfast. I didn’t forget to put on the perfume that P’In gave me…Well, at least if he wanted to prove it again, I wouldn’t be kicked out of his fandom. I had no choice, right?

    I knew that when my name was announced as a finalist in the UNISTAR contest, people would recognise me. I was a bit worried about how I should respond if some people came to talk to me or ask to take a photo with me. How should I smile, or how should I reply? I didn’t want to ruin the UNISTAR image, so I should be careful with how I behave in public.

    However, it was quite strange. When I was walking past many students, they turned to look at me. But somehow their expressions were very weird, as if I did something wrong. Many people looked at me and whispered to each other. Some people even gazed at me angrily.

    ‘Or, they might be cheering for other candidates, so they’re not happy that I got into the final round?’ I was trying to figure out the reason.

    I walked, still wondering about it until I reached my faculty’s building. I paused, seeing something so shocking.

    “What...is...this?!” My eyes widened.

    There were insults painted with red spray on the building’s wall.

    ‘F*** OFF GAY MOON’

    Not only on the wall, they were also on the floor.


    I wondered if it was done by anti-fans.

    Moon? I thought. This word reminded me of P’In.

    ‘Was he alright? Why did anti-fans do this to P’In? But, P’In didn’t have anti-fans, did he? Then, what was happening?’ I was very concerned about P’In now.

    “Huh?” I was startled as I was suddenly hit by eggs.

    When I turned around, I saw a group of teenage girls wearing black clothes and a mask concealing their identity. They were angrily yelling at me.

    “F*** you! Gay Moon! Get the sh** away from P’In!”

    I was shocked. I had no idea what they were talking about. Were they cursing me?

    “Go to hell! You’re ruining P’In’s reputation!”

    They threw things at me. I was still in a state of confusion, so I could only use my arms and hands to protect myself.

    “Such an ugly dirty Moon!”

    “You do not deserve to be UNISTAR!”

    “Quit the contest!”

    “Quit the university!”

    My student uniform was messy and dirty. I was a bit hurt as someone also threw a small stone at me. There were some students nearby who noticed that I was attacked, but they didn’t come to help me.

    However, the worst thing was I didn’t even know why this was happening. Why were they attacking me? What did I do wrong?

    “Hey! What’re you doing!”

    I heard shouts from behind me. I saw P’Tong, P’Noey, and other seniors running here.

    When the group of teenagers saw the seniors came to help me, they just ran away, avoiding getting caught, leaving me standing alone, frightened.

    “N’Win. Are you okay?” P’Noey asked worriedly.

    “P’Noey. What’s happening? Why did they attack me?” My voice was shaking. It was very frightening. My mind was blank as if I was lost in the darkness.

    “Ah…” P’Noey hesitated to answer. She looked at P’Tong, her eyes full of concern.

    “N’Win.” P’Tong said. “You should go back to the dorm and change your clothes first. I’ll go with you.” P’Tong held my arm, he touched my shoulder softly to console me.

    “N’Win. If you need help, feel free to tell us.”

    Many seniors were trying to comfort me as well. It seemed like everyone had already known what was going on except me. Anyhow, I really appreciate their kindness.

    “Let’s go N’Win.” P’Tong accompanied me back to my dorm.

    “Thank you krub.” I said weakly.

    I suddenly saw P’In running from another side. P’In looked around, restlessly. His eyes paused on the painted words on the building.

    His eyes looked so worried, but it seemed like he was still fine, he didn’t get attacked like me. So I felt a bit relieved.

    Until he noticed me, and looked shocked.

    P’In walked towards us, his eyes showing various expressions. I couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

    P’Tong didn’t notice P’In, so he was still leading me away.

    At first, I was planning to greet P’In, however, I finally realised what was happening…

    “Get the sh** away from P’In!” “You’re ruining P’In’s reputation!”

    I was reminded of those words from that group of teenagers.

    As P’In seemed to be fine now. I didn’t want to trouble him anymore.

    So I just turned away from him and kept walking with P’Tong.

    I never looked back.

    When P’Tong and I arrived at the dorm, he told me that he would wait for me in the lobby. I told him that I was alright, he didn’t need to wait for me. But he insisted on accompanying me today, so I told him to wait in my room instead. He agreed and went off to buy something to eat first, as my dorm was very close to the street food stalls outside.

    I went straight to my room and took a shower.

    My clothes were covered in egg yolk and dust. Very dirty. So, I had to wash everything from top to toe and my clothes as well. But I was afraid P’Tong had to wait for too long, so I just washed roughly.

    While I was taking my shower, I thought about what was going on now. It must be about me and P’In. It made me feel uneasy.

    When I got out of the bathroom, I put my clothes into the washing machine and went down to the lobby. I saw P’Tong talking to his friend on the phone.

    “Still don’t know who painted that? How did they get in? Um. Okay, I got it. I’ll take care of him.”

    When he finished talking, he just noticed me.

    “Hey, N’Win. Are you feeling better now?” P’Tong looked so worried.

    “I bought you a lunch box, in case you wanna eat something.”

    “Thank you so much,” I thanked him and took it.

    “Do you have any plans? Would you mind eating together in my room?” I said.

    “Okay. I don’t have any plans.” P’Tong said and followed me to my room.

    When we got in, I made space for him to sit comfortably.

    “I’d like to thank you so much for helping me today,” I said.

    “But…P’Tong. What was happening? Do you know why those people attacked me?”

    P’Tong sighed.

    “You still haven’t seen it, right?” He said and showed me a screenshot image on his phone.

    I was stunned when I saw it.

    It was a post on Twitter with some photos, and the hashtags #UNISTAR and #InvisibleMoon.

    The post included three shocking photos.

    The first one was a photo of me following P’In to his dorm. It must have been that time when he had invited me to eat green curry together.

    The second one was a photo of that time when P’In and I hugged each other near the riverside. It must be that time when I went looking for P’In. He had been sad and had hugged me, so I hugged him back.

    The third one was a photo of me and P’In standing very close to each other in the male washroom. This photo was absolutely misleading. It must have been during that time when P’In wanted proof of whether I used his perfume...

    However, that post was written in a very offensive way.

    ‘Did he become the Moon because of his talent or by just selling his body?’

    I was so shocked as I felt my limbs turning weak.

    “What is that? It’s not true at all!”

    That post was too far from the truth. Who took these photos? Why did the guy have so many pictures of me and P’In?

    I used my cell phone to look for that Twitter profile. It was a newly registered account, with only one post. But that one post caught my attention as the hashtag #InvisibleMoon went trending with the hashtag #GayMoon. Many people tweeted about me using very offensive words such as ‘Shorty Gay Moon’, ‘I sell my body to P’In in exchange for winning’, and they also criticised my appearance and saying that my talent was terrible. They said that I didn’t deserve to become the Moon, that I should just stay away from P’In.

    Some people even tagged P’In’s Twitter @IntrakornD saying that ‘You can’t be a gay’, ‘It’s not true, right?’, or ‘P’In won’t fall for that bitchy boy’. Even worse, they tagged my university’s Twitter @XUofficial, saying that XU should expel me and discharge me from becoming the University Moon. Some also tagged @UnistarProject to disqualify me from the contest.

    The reason why DomKati was very mad with me was because after that post had spread all over social media, P’In had received so much bad criticism from the public compared to before, when he had a very good reputation. So P’In’s fans blamed me, saying that it was my fault and that I ruined P’In’s reputation.

    Many people sent me a lot of hate messages on my Instagram because P’In and P’Wayu followed me. I didn’t dare to open it. Some people also noticed that my Twitter handle, @archawin_d, was similar to my username on my IG, so many people tagged and accused me of trying to seduce P’In and intended to do such a thing in the first place. They also commented in my introduction contest video that I said that ‘I like P’In’ meant that I wanted to flirt with P'In. They even said I wanted to be a UNISTAR just to get close to P’In. They used many types of bad words to tell me to stay away such as ‘get away from P’In’, ‘P’In is not a gay like you', ‘Go die, Gay Moon’, ‘Go to hell, Ugly Moon’, and so on.

    Both my hands were shaking, my face turned pale.

    “Are you okay?” P’Tong sat next to me. He was trying to console me. I nodded slightly, but I almost couldn’t hold my phone.

    “I told my friend to check the CCTV. That group of women who attacked you this morning was the same group that painted those words on the building. I guess they are aggressive fans.”

    P’Tong continued.

    “I already informed our university office. They’ll increase the security measures. For now, every outsider must show their ID card when entering the university.”

    “Thank you krub, P’Tong.” I said.

    “Are you attending class today? If you are, I’ll go with you.” P’Tong said.

    “By the way, during this time, you shouldn’t go outside alone. I'm afraid those crazy fans will attack you again at any time. If you have any problems, feel free to call me or somebody else. We’re XU family. We’re willing to help you.”

    “Thank you so much.” I appreciate P’Tong caring for and staying with me during such a difficult time.

    “I…actually don’t feel very well. I just want to rest.”

    I felt so weak. Even if I went to class, I might be very depressed and couldn’t concentrate at all.

    “Okay. I understand. Well, I gotta go now. Don’t forget to eat something. If you need anything, just call me.” P’Tong said.

    “Thank you again, P’Tong.” I raised my hands to pay respect. P’Tong waved his hand and left my room.

    Once I was alone, I fell onto my bed.

    My head hurt so much. I couldn’t think of anything. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I was still too shocked to cry.

    I was afraid that P’In would start to hate me, as I had already ruined his reputation.

    My thoughts were floating around, until I lost track of time, and fell asleep.

    I woke up a while later and ate the lunch box, feeling numb.

    I decided to delete all social media applications, including Twitter and Instagram from my phone. I only kept Facebook and LINE.

    TonG: Those painted words on the building are already gone.

    I saw the LINE message from P’Tong. I felt a little confused.

    archawin: It’s already cleaned off?

    I remembered those words were painted by spray, it must have been hard to erase them. The words on the floor might need a strong cleaning liquid to scrub it off, and the other one on the wall could only be cleared by painting another layer over it.

    TonG: Yes. Noey told me that IN did it.

    I widened my eyes and dropped my phone on the bed.

    P’In did that…

    Why? Why did P'In have to do that?

    I was both shocked and surprised. So I planned to ask P’Noey on Facebook messenger, but I saw that P’Noey posted on her timeline and tagged ‘Kati Fanclub’ fan page, which was a fanpage for DomKati.

    This post was accompanied with a harsh caption.

    ‘Is this how the fans show their love to their beloved idol? Whatever they did, their idol must take responsibility for it.’

    She also attached the photo of P’In holding a mop and bucket as he cleaned the painted words with some help from a third-year senior. There was also another photo of P’In holding the paintbrush to erase the words on the wall.

    When I saw this photo. I didn’t care what DomKati would say. I immediately ran out of my dorm.

    I didn’t do my makeup, so I was just the usual fading Win. I headed to my faculty, wondering if P'In was still there.

    I wanted to meet him. Even though I felt too guilty to face him.

    When I arrived, I found the building all cleaned, without a single trace of those painted words anymore. What’s left were just the wet floor and the painted colour on the wall, which was still not completely dry.

    “Damn it!” I could only be angry at myself.

    My tears were falling uncontrollably.

    I caused trouble for P’In, he didn’t need to do this for me.

    Currently, I was like a fallen Moon, no longer able to rise up in the sky.

    As for the Invisible Moon – P’In, I wanted him to always shine in the sky.

    He was my inspiration…but I ruined him.

    The air like me should stay invisible.

    And never exist.



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