

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #25 : Chapter 23 : The Moon Among The Moons

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 2 ก.พ. 65

    Invisible Moon

    Chapter 23

    The Moon Among The Moons

    "Was it possible that a Moon could orbit another moon?"



    After the University Moon & Star contest had ended, the photos of the winners were uploaded on the XU Official Facebook page. I felt abashed when I saw that many people liked and commented on my photo. Many people praised that I was cute, and that they were impressed by my special ability. They also said that it was very interesting and they had never seen such a talent before. Some people also said that I did very well in the interview part. However, there were still some people who thought that the Moon from Engineering or Communication Arts should be the winner instead of me. In conclusion, the comments varied depending on the person. It was a relief that at least, nobody was bullying me.

    Furthermore, the top trend on Twitter was #TheMostHandsomeMoon — P'In's epic question. Tons of meme clips showing P'In saying "The Moon named IN", with an emotionless face were made. These memes were spread all over social media, together with the meme 'You lost the point'.

    As the outsiders who followed my University contest were UNISTAR fans, their focus was more on the judges rather than the Moon candidates. However, I was mentioned within DomWhai as well. P'Wayu's fan called me 'Whai's brother' or 'Whai's heir' because I could answer all of his lame jokes. Some fans even suggested that we should have a TV show together and make jokes throughout the show. I could feel that many of P'Wayu fans really liked me, but some of his fans also said that P'Wayu could have a brother, but couldn't cheat on P'Natee. They also said that P'Wayu only belonged to P'Natee, so P'Natee should look after his wife.

    Anyway, it was during the midterms and I had to study harder as the preparation for the contest had taken up a lot of my time. I haven't talked to anyone recently, especially not P'In. Even though I had his LINE and Facebook, I still couldn't say hello to him, because P'In didn't start first and he did tell me not to "talk too much".

    I also added P'Wayu's LINE. I could remember his LINE ID, since it was his birthday. And he was quick to accept my request. My LINE name was 'archawin', so he might already know it was me.

    Wayunilla : Hello. You're N'Win?

    I was glad that he could remember me. I was very excited to talk with a famous UNISTAR member too.

    archawin : Hello P'Wayu. Yes, it's me. Thank you for accepting my friend request.

    Wayunilla : No prob. I'd like to ask you more.

    My eyes widened when I saw his text. He wanted to ask me more?

    Don't tell me...

    Wayunilla : Which bird wears a hood?

    Here it comes again. I facepalmed myself. I thought for a while and replied.

    archawin : The Robin

    It was just the name of a bird, but it was sort of similar to 'Robin Hood'.

    Wayunilla : Nice :D :D :D

    Wayunilla : And which animal never gets up?

    archawin : Lion

    Was that because it could be pronounced as 'lie on'?

    Wayunilla : Also, which veggie is never off?

    archawin : Onion

    Again. It might be because it was 'on'-ion.

    That was basically it. Ever since we added each other's LINE, P'Wayu would greet me with his lame jokes on a daily basis, as if it had already become our 'routine joke'.

    The first midterm exam was Mr. Chana's subject. I had put in a lot of effort to prepare for this subject, but it turned out that the questions didn't ask anything from the textbook. The exam was about business and marketing and we were required to write around 1-2 pages to answer each question. We were given 3 questions to answer within 2 hours. When I finished, I felt like my brain and hands were all drained.

    After the exam, my classmates went back to the dorm to prepare for the next subject so we didn't have lunch together. Plus, it was only 10 A.M. now.

    Since I was too rushed this morning, I hadn't eaten breakfast yet. I decided to have brunch and bought some massaman curry before finding a seat at the canteen. Because I did my makeup today, some people recognised me. Some seniors were waving their hands at me so I raised my hands to pay respect to them and smiled.

    I found a nice table beside the balcony near the garden. Normally, if I didn't have a friend to eat with, I would happily eat while watching the trees.

    I was eating and watching a big tree that housed a sparrow's nest. The mom was feeding her babies. Watching this from far away, hearing the melodic sound of the birds, was so pleasant.


    Suddenly, I heard a screaming sound. It was so loud that even the birds flew away. When I realised what was happening, I was left speechless.

    There was a group of female students at my faculty's canteen. While I was still stunned, I saw bodyguards in black suits protecting someone. I took a careful look and I gasped when I saw who was inside the bodyguards' circle.

    That was...P'Wayu.

    "He's there! I finally found him!"

    When his eyes met mine, he immediately pointed at me.

    I was too shocked to figure out what I should do. P'Wayu had already walked to my table and sat beside me while his many guards surrounded me. His fans were still around and screaming, taking photos and videos. Luckily, they couldn't stay too close as they were blocked by the bodyguards.

    It was the first time I saw P'Wayu's in a non-formal setting. He had to stay inside the bodyguard circle all the time. It seemed to be safe, but still chaotic, as many fans were hysterical, calling his name all the time. However, P'Wayu looked so happy with this, he even waved his hands to his fans joyfully.

    I couldn't help but wonder.

    'Wouldn't his fans be confused if P'Wayu sat with me like this?'

    Oh, I forgot. His fans called me the 'lame joke heir', so they wouldn't be surprised.

    "Hello, P'Wayu." I raised my hands to pay respect and then looked at my lunch.

    "Ah...P'Wayu. Have you eaten lunch yet?"

    I asked that because if P'Wayu just sat next to me while I was the only one eating and P'Wayu just watched me chewing...it would be quite...awkward.

    "I already asked my bodyguard to buy it for me." P'Wayu said and rested his arms on the table. Then, he started the conversation.

    "Do you know....which veggie can drive?"

    And...he had to begin with this sort of question.

    "Ah..." I thought for a while. "Cabbage."

    Because it sounded like a 'cab' — taxi.

    I had to speak louder as I wasn't used to sitting in the middle of a crowd like this.

    "Great!" He clapped his hands, then one of his bodyguards brought a bowl of noodles and a cola. He must've asked his bodyguard to buy them. Still, he was more focused on talking about those lame jokes rather than eating.

    "Which food is always stuck?"


    "Yes!" He snapped his fingers.

    "And which food should I give to Ai Natee?" He grinned. Some of his fans started to scream as they heard him mentioning P'Natee. Even if it was 'Ai Natee'.

    "Ah..." I need to think carefully.

    I tried to figure out the connection between P'Natee and some kind of food name, plus the fact that P'Wayu always argued with P'Natee.

    When I realised, I stiffened.

    Seriously? He actually meant this word?

    "Cheese...Shit?" I could only whisper it. I didn't dare to say it too loudly.

    "God! I like it!" P'Wayu seemed to be impressed with my answer. He even hugged my shoulder in a friendly way.

    Suddenly, someone came and interrupted us. That person was holding a dish of green curry and rice, and just sat in the middle of me and P'Wayu.

    I widened my eyes. DomWhai around us were screaming.

    Who else could summon a lot of screaming sound? Who else could walk through the bodyguard circle without being blocked? And who else could pass through the fans without being noticed?

    "P'In? Why did you sit here?" P'Wayu looked confused as P'In squeezed himself between us.

    Although P'Wayu's fans always followed P'Wayu, the chance of meeting P'In was very rare. So, it was understandable that they were really out of control right now.

    "I can't?" P'In asked P'Wayu in a monotone.

    "Of course, you can." P'Wayu nodded and pointed to the opposite side of the table.

    "You can sit there. Don't need to squeeze like this."

    "You go sit." P'In told P'Wayu. P'Wayu seemed a bit shocked.

    "But I sat here first." P'Wayu murmured. "There's only one bench, but there's three people here. Very uncomfortable."

    "Then don't sit here." P'In said and started eating as emotionless as usual.

    I looked at P'In and P'Wayu, confused.

    P'Wayu glanced at P'In for a while, then decided to give up. He moved himself to the opposite side of the table, leaving both P'In and I on that bench.

    Even so, it didn't mean that he couldn't talk.

    "Hey. N'Win. During the UNISTAR contest, I can't score and promote you anymore. But I'd like to tell you that I'll cheer for you, fly-thing!" P'Wayu smiled at me while twirling his noodles with his fork.

    P'In only glanced at P'Wayu and continued eating.

    I understood what P'Wayu meant. Because during the UNISTAR contest, MW entertainment needed the contest to be the fair for everyone, so they prohibited the UNISTAR members from promoting the new candidates, and if those candidates came from the same university, they wouldn't be able to give them any scores as the judges during the final stage with the 9 finalists.

    For example, since I came from XU University, if I managed to get into the final stage, P'In and P'Wayu who also came from the same university couldn't give me any scores. Only P'Sea, P'Leo, P'Natee and PD Kwang would be judging and deciding on my score.

    I accepted this reason, as most of the UNISTAR members were also part of the student committee of their own university. Therefore, it would be unfair without this rule.

    And...the 'fly-thing' from P'Wayu...he might mean 'fighting'.

    "Thank you krub. P'Wayu." I replied. When talking about the UNISTAR contest, I became both excited and nervous.

    "Has any MW staff contacted you?" P'Wayu asked. "The University should have sent your name as the University Moon candidate to MW. Soon, the first round for online voting will start."

    "Really? I'll check it when I go back home. Thank you so much for telling me."

    P'Wayu just nodded. He seemed to have something more to say. He took out his phone and asked.

    "Oh right...do you have an IG account?"

    "Ah...yes." I was a little confused. "But I rarely use it. I've never posted any photos."

    "Just post it now. Can you give me your IG name?" P'Wayu just asked for my IG.

    "Yes. My IG is Archawin_d." I said.

    As P'Wayu had asked me directly, it would be kind of rude if I didn't tell him.

    My IG had the same name as my Twitter.

    "Okay." P'Wayu replied as he ate while opening his IG.

    However, P'In, who was eating green curry next to me, also fished out his phone.

    Why was everyone playing on their mobile phones? I alternately looked at P'Wayu and P'In, again and again. Then, I could play too right? I thought before taking out my phone too.

    I opened my Instagram and felt disheartened. No photos. 0 followers.

    Wait...one follower just now...oh...two followers?

    "I already followed you."

    P'Wayu winked at me, causing me to widen my eyes.

    "You followed my IG?" I was shocked because P'Wayu was a famous Moon. A UNISTAR Member with a million followers.

    That could only mean that I would be at the centre of attention of that million followers...

    "Yep!" P'Wayu said. "Don't forget to post some photos and click like on my photos too, okay?"

    I thought I wouldn't be more shocked, but suddenly...

    "First follower." P'In interrupted before placing his mobile phone on the table and continued eating.

    "Huh? What do you mean?" P'Wayu didn't understand.

    First follower? My eyes widened again. Then I checked my two followers on IG.

    Whywayu — this must be P'Wayu.

    And the other one was IntrakornD — this was P'In's IG!

    Wait...I was so surprised that my phone almost slipped.

    P'In told me that he was the first person who followed my IG? Wait...since I told P'Wayu my IG name and he suddenly took out his phone, did he actually plan to follow me before P'Wayu did?

    But P'In had never followed anyone on his IG before. I remembered the following number on P'In's IG was zero. P'In didn't even follow other UNISTAR members or the MW Official IG page.

    Feeling extremely curious, I checked P'In's IG.


    2210 Posts 1.1 M Followers 1 Following

    And that 1 following — was me.


    I was stunned!

    "Follow back." P'In said, emotionlessly.

    That made me realise that I used to stalk P'In's IG, but never actually followed him.

    "Did you follow?" P'In kept asking. His expression was still emotionless.

    "I followed." I hurriedly clicked the follow button, nervously and shyly.

    Right now. P'In and I were following each other.

    I just smiled unconsciously.

    "Hey, follow me too!" P'Wayu interrupted.

    "Ah...alright." I nodded. P'Wayu was a senior, and if he followed me, I should follow back.

    However, P'In was...

    "Don't follow." P'In said.

    P'Wayu and I immediately turned to P'In. Dazed.

    "Huh? Why? N'Win is my fan. He should follow me too."

    "When?" P'In looked at P'Wayu.

    "What?" P'Wayu couldn't understand P'In's short sentences apparently.

    "Did he tell you that he is your fan?" P'In asked again.

    I looked from P'In to P'Wayu and scratched my head.

    What was happening here?

    "Then. Are you my fan or P'In's fan?" P'Wayu might not know how to answer, so he just asked me instead.

    P'In also turned to me, waiting for my answer.

    "Ah..." This question made me lose my appetite. I was eating alone in the first place. Why did these two famous Moons come to join me? I was feeling so much pressure!

    I was whose fan? I was worried. How should I answer this?

    I glanced at P'In and bowed my head.

    I knew myself. It was very clear. I was his fan.

    "I admire P'In." I answered, a bit embarrassed.

    My answer bloomed a smile on P'In's emotionless face.

    "Then just follow me," P'In said to me. I could only blink.

    P'Wayu just raised his eyebrows, then whistled.

    "P'In krub. Even the 'dorm' allows the tenant to move out, so why can't the one in a fan 'dom' move out?"

    P'Wayu joked with P'In, but P'In just responded with an emotionless face. I didn't know whether P'In wasn't in the mood or it just wasn't funny.

    "N'Win might be your DomKati, but I can steal him to be in DomWhai someday hahaha." P'Wayu laughed.

    P'In stared at P'Wayu for a moment.

    "Wanna move your fandom?" P'Wayu invited me. "I'm a lively person. It's more fun than someone who's always silent. Trust me."

    I knew P'Wayu implied P'In, but I couldn't help but think that P'Wayu was sometimes too lively.

    "Will you go?" P'In asked me.

    "Oh..." I kept blinking.

    P'In asked whether I would move the fandom?

    Huh? Wait. I only said indirectly that I admired P'In, but he already counted me as DomKati?

    My face became hot. Even though it was true and P'In knew it already...it was still embarrassing.

    "Ah..." I was so shy that I was at a loss for words.

    "P'In. Why do you pressure N'Win like this? How could he answer you this way? We need to wait and see in the long term for this sort of thing."

    P'Wayu smiled at P'In while P'In gave P'Wayu such strange cold eyes.

    I was still looking at both of them. Still confused. I was only eating by myself. Suddenly, the two famous UNISTARs popped up out of nowhere and discussed which fandom I belong to....but why was it me?

    Nevermind. P'In already followed my IG. As I thought of this, I tried hard to hold my smile. I looked at my phone happily.

    If you're wondering what the Invisible Moon and Half Moon were up to, well...P'In was still staring at P'Wayu and P'Wayu was still trying to invite me to his fandom.

    One Moon talked too much. The other Moon barely talked. But both of them had their own unique funny side.

    So I just let them do as they pleased.

    Perhaps, tomorrow they would have already forgotten what was happening today.



    Footnote : 

    [1] Ai is a rude word in Thai spoken language. Usually used as a prefix in the front of a person's name. The meaning is quite similar to 'That fucking (person's name)'.


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