Vía Marítima - Vía Marítima นิยาย Vía Marítima : Dek-D.com - Writer

    Vía Marítima

    โดย Nayanapath

    "I saw her smile, in the beautiful sky. Her ocean-like blue eyes sparked through the sparkles of the ocean's surface. I knew that the moment would never fade away, she would always be in my mind."










    อัปเดตล่าสุด :  21 มิ.ย. 56 / 05:11 น.

    “The blue sparkling sea reflected the ray of sunlight. Mar was walking down the beach together with a tiny shell in her hand. Her long silk-like blonde hair shined luminously in the sun. Her fair skin made her stand out from a large crowd. I was sitting there, looking at her hair blowing in the wind. I saw her smile, in the beautiful sky. Her ocean-like blue eyes sparked through the sparkles of the ocean’s surface. I knew that moment would never fade away, she would always be with me, in my mind.”
    “The blue sparkling sea reflected the ray of sunlight. Mar was walking down the beach together with a tiny shell in her hand. Her long silk-like blonde hair shined luminously in the sun. Her fair skin made her stand out from a large crowd. I was sitting there, looking at her hair blowing in the wind. I saw her smile, in the beautiful sky. Her ocean-like blue eyes sparked through the sparkles of the ocean’s surface. I knew that moment would never fade away, she would always be with me, in my mind.”
    “The blue sparkling sea reflected the ray of sunlight. Mar was walking down the beach together with a tiny shell in her hand. Her long silk-like blonde hair shined luminously in the sun. Her fair skin made her stand out from a large crowd. I was sitting there, looking at her hair blowing in the wind. I saw her smile, in the beautiful sky. Her ocean-like blue eyes sparked through the sparkles of the ocean’s surface. I knew that the moment would never fade away, she would always be with me, in my mind.”


    • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ

      In middle of the darkest night, when ocean hit the sand and the moon kissed the sea, people were moving around with chaos.

      “Who was lying there?” “Can someone call Grandma?” “Quick Puetro!, she is injured!” “Get out of the way people!” “Move movemove!”

      The sun was shining through my eyes. Seagulls were flying and talking to each other. I heard the sound of sea hitting the shores. I saw the white splash of vapor colliding toward the beach, combined with sands, and peacefully ran back. This is how I woke up every day, amongst the beauty of the ocean, in the home of mine, Island of Costa Rica.

      The blue sparkling sea reflected the ray of sunlight. Mar was walking down the beach together with little shell in her hand. Her long silk-like blonde hair shined luminously in the sun. Her fair skin made her stand out from a large crowd. I was sitting there, looking at her hair blowing in the wind. I saw her smile, in the beautiful sky. Her ocean-like blue eyes sparked through the sparkles of the ocean’s surface. I knew that moment would never fade away, she would always be with me, in my mind.

      “Puetro, come here!” the sweet sound came from an angel of the beach. “Take a look at this!” Her exquisiteness caught every eye on the beach, and it had caught both of mine. I quickly ran toward her. She gave me a smile and handed the little crab to me. Its feet crawled into my hand, it tickled me and I cried out. She laughed in her little voice, then I smiled.

      I could not remember when it was the first time we had met. Ever since I could remember things, she had always be part of my life.

      Chapter 1

                  “Where is Mar? Puetro?” the familiar warm voice flowed into my ears. I put my hands up from the dirt of an old wrecked ship.

      “On the seashore, Grandma,” then went back to work. Repairing ships has always been my favorite time-killing activity. Mar would always be standing by me, putting things together, but today she decided to fish at the shore, on her own.

      Time passed by, noon had arrived, but there were no signs of Mar. Grandma wanted her in the dining room, therefore; I volunteered to find her. The sun was shining above my head, its rays reflected into the ocean’s sparkling surface. The clear sky had been painted in deep blue. The waves splashed into my legs, the sand tickled my toes, and the sun was smiling above my head. Being at the seashore was wonderful, but it would be amazing if Mar was there too. On the shore appeared only brown wooden sandals and a bucket of fish. The bate was hanging on the rim of the bridge, but there was no trace of the fish. Where is Mar? I have looked around and found no one. Aside from the sand of waves hitting the shore and flowing back splashing, the shores was dead silent. Suddenly, I heard a noise. It sounded like Grandma’s knife chopping on a carrot, but just a lot softer. The sound continued on and on, chop, chop, chop. It seemed to come from below the parking lot beside the shore. So I quietly tip toed into the ship, and surprisingly the left chamber was lit up. The sand continued, chop, chop, chop, and it ensured me that something was occurring inside the left storage room. I quietly and carefully placed my ear on the door and waited. The sound continued constantly, chop, chop, chop. I waited there for a couple minutes, when it suddenly stopped. Without conscious thought, I immediately opened the door. BANG! I banged on the wall created loud noise. Then the first picture which took over my eyes, went up through my spinal cord, was processed by my brain, and sent down to my conscious was the picture of a girl, the beautiful girl with the sparkling blue eyes. In her hand was a pair of orange scissors, holding them tightly near her ear. On the floor was a bunch of long, blond hair dispersed around her. The familiar picture of this beautiful girl had changed. The long silk-like blond hair changed into a boyish extremely short cut.

                  “What is happening!?” I shouted at her without thinking. Her deep blue eyes, which are now vibrating like waves of the ocean, were staring at me. She said nothing, and I was waiting. Then I saw a droplet rolling down her cheeks. Then she started to sob, and I desperately went down to comfort her.

      “Perdon Mar, Perdon,” I kept repeating this world over and over again. It was the only word coming into my mind and kept spinning around my head. I felt terrible, one for my loud harsh voice which had been yelled into her face, and two for neglecting her sensitive feelings. Mar was crying herself to sleep. Her prim and proper face became pinking upon the strong sunrays. Her eyes were swollen red and soaked in tears. I look around to the disperse hairs on the floor. No one knew what was happening to her, but I dared to guess.

                  Riding on my back under the sun rays of hot noon seemed to be an easy and comfortable pace for Mar. She lost her consciousness after the long, pathetic crying. Grandma needed her on the table as soon as possible. Therefore; we were walking as fast as my legs could. Amongst the golden sunrays and tilt ocean surface, we were walking together as we always would.

      Chapter 2

                  “Anything as you prefer mother,” said by a deep, low, and calm from whom whostood up and walking slowly to the huge window. As he gazed out through the soft golden sunlight, his sight was vague.

      “I do not appreciate that answer my son. I never wanted to force you, you know it well.” The whisper came from the lady who was lying on the bed. She was covered with a soft thick blanket. Her face was pale, her hands were wrinkled, and her voice could hardly be heard.

      “I do, mother, I understand,” the young man replied. His silk-like blonde hair moved in the wind. The golden soft rays shone on his fair, perfect face. His deep blue eyes reflected the weary and care of his mother. “I decided to go, not because you desperately wanted me to. I just...” then a long pause of silence broke his shaking voice “…miss her.” He finally replied with a soft and still voice. “Nathaniel,” the young man turned his fine face to the lady,

      “Thank you,” she whispered

      Chapter 3

                  I was sitting on the beach; watching the waves moving toward me then watching them rolled out again. The white vapor splashed up to me, then Mar laughed. She had a very bright smile on her fair, gorgeous face. After several months, her hair had grown back enough to touch her tiny shoulders and waved naturally with the wind. We enjoyed sitting on the beach, watching the sun slowly moving up. Today grandma said we are going to have a special guest, and I have to be the one picking voice him up from the dock. Grandma strictly reminded me to do a good job; she kept repeating how important he was. I preferred walking down the beach, collecting the tiny shells for Mar more. The weather was nice so I started singing.

                  “I’ll pick you something, it’s beautiful. It’s for la lala for a minute all blues. I’ave seen the sunset on the beach yeah, it makes me feel calm, when I feel calm, I feel good. When I feel good, I sing…” The sun had slowly moved up above my head. I felt the warmth in the air, while walking home I saw birds fly across the sky. Throwing random pebbles into the ocean and skipping casually on the shore were my all-time favorite relaxation until an image of a small ligneous shelter appeared before my eyes. Both of the windows, next to the single small wooden door, were filled with the colorful flowers. At that moment, I certainly knew that I have reached my home. Grandma was watering her dear tulips, she looked up and in sudden, her voice struck into my ears.

      “Puetro! Where do you go? Go gogo, go to dock, go now. Guest’s here, he wait for you!” Rather than its uncommon grammar, the tone of voice squeezed my head severely. I turned my face and frowned at her.

      “Fine, grandmamma, see ya!” then I quickly ran out the door, ignoring the voice which was following my back.

      “Come back! Change clothes!!” I kept running away “PUETRO!!” the last shout was projected, then the silence of peace visited my mind.

                  Arriving at the dock took less time than I had thought. However, a lot more people from than I had expected. People were crowding everywhere, moving back and forth around me. How would I notice my ‘very important person’ guest? How was I supposed to identify him amidst all these alike people? Then suddenly, somebody’s aura struck my eyes. His fair skin reflected under the rays of the sun. His long legs were moving toward me. I was staring at his broad shoulders and his blonde, silk-like hair. The sparkles in his ocean-like blue eyes were moving like the waves of the sea. At the moment, I could not imagine how on earth a man’s attractiveness could shine so prominently out of his casual white T-shirt and a normal pair of jeans. He came through the crowding people and stopped in front of me.

                  “Good morning,” he said and stretched out his right hand toward me.

      “Hey, what’s up!” I replied without full consciousness and shook his hand up and down. He grinned and said

      “Excuse me, Mr. Puetro Roberto, am I right?” My consciousness was still not full, so I replied in dazed voice

      “Right! My name is Puetro! Who are you?” and Nathaniel Middleton was the name I received.

                  Travelling back from dock to home seemed to be longer path journey. Nathaniel Middleton was sitting quietly, his hands on his labs. He looked out the window, staring at variety heights of trees.

      “Erm…where you from?” I started, finding the question to destroy an awkward dead silence. He turned his face slowly to me.

      “London,” then he turned it away to the trees. What an arrogant face you are! Thinking he was the most handsome person in the world? I want to puke right over here, immediately.

      Finally we arrived at our home sweet home. I climbed down the car and looked for what are needed to be carried. Mr. Handsome Nathaniel decorously walked down the car and stand still. His two eyes were just gazing at me, carrying out his heavily loaded stuffs. This is how very elite luxurious and expensive a high-society man could look, staring at the boy who was carrying things for him, and perdon, not even a word of “thank you.”

      People in the village came to our home, to greet our special new comer. Mar was there to, in a nice white satin dress. Her hair was beautifully tied up, decorated by tiny Gypso flowers. Her smile was always amiably cheerful, it made me almost melt. Her blue eyes were waving like the sea, but it was given to that new urban man. I started to feel uncomforted inside my stomach. They were looking at each other, and I am standing here, looking at them. They were talking, laughing, enjoying the new handsome decorous man, and I, holding all of his stuff was watching them smiling into each other’s eyes. I suddenly dropped all the things (BANG!) and walked straight into the house. 

      CHAPTER 4

                  Under the soft moon beam, the village decided to arrange the welcome party for Nathaniel Middleton, son of the ‘great donator’ of the village. Everyone was enjoying, laughing, talking, and being happy. However, they were missing a person, a person who was like legs and arms of the village; Puerto. He did not join any of the amazing celebrations the village had for the new comer. He hated it.

      After he had imprisoned himself in his upper room, Puerto turned off the lights and climbed into his bed. He lied down under the soft thick blanket, and cried. He silently felt sorry for himself, disappointed in himself, but moreover, he was confused. Feeling like flying away, into the peaceful sight, Puerto pushed the curtains aside, hoping for some moonlight to shine through the window. The sound of music was smoothly playing, people were laughing, chatting, dancing, and having a wonderful time without him. Puerto stared down at the party, then he spotted Mar. She stood alone, dressed in an angel look as she always does, her tied up hair neatly arranged. Her eyes were dazzling under the light and her smile shone even brighter than the stars. She moved her shoulder with the rhythm of the song, and giggled softly in the air. Puerto looked at her, and he smiled unconsciously.

      “Mar,” a voice called. Mar turned around, the gypso flower in her hair felling off because of the sudden movement. Her hair released and it fell perfectly on her gorgeous shoulders. It was Nathaniel she was smiling at. He walked slowly to Mar, and smiled softly. Puerto, at the window was balling his hands into fists. Nate used his hand to brush Mar’s hair behind her ears. He played with her chin and she giggled softly. Puerto’s face went extremely red. He punched hardly on the wall and grifted his teeth. Mar reached her soft hand out and touched Nate’s hand. She looked at him into his eyes and smiled lovingly. Puerto quickly shut the window and shouted out in anger. He ran out the back door, into the mountain, giving above all his sorrows.

      CHAPTER 5

                  “I love you! Mar, I love you!” I shouted in tears while climbing up the mountains. I just wanted to lie down, alone, by myself. I had no idea where all the tears come from. May be because I knew I had lost her, who had spent her entire life with me, to the new strange guy who she had just met couple of hours ago. May be I knew I had lost her forever, and was never going to get her back. No matter what I’ve done, or how much I have given her. It was useless

                  I kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing. Passing through all the unsightly vegetation, grass-plant, or the pinnate grasses which had given me bleeding cuts all over my body, it could not be compared to the pain in my chest, in my heart. He started speaking out loud. “Between you and I, that was not love, you just walked into my life, changed it, and passed out. We never loved each other, it was only me, going fragile. The good moments have passed and never going to come back.” Then suddenly I tripped over the rock and began to roll into the berry bushes. My body stopped, but my breath continued. I lied down still and looked up in the darkness of the night. The stars were shining brightly.

      “Starts, do you love me? I have no one left, will you ever leave me?” I busted out in tears, and sobbed.

      Suddenly, there wasa sound of thunder, a sound from abyss, from under the earth that had erupted up.

      CHAPTER 6

                  Gathering myself up again, I tried to push all the pinned bushes away. The sound continued growling and yelling like the thunder sinking down in the well of anger. I slowly stood up to find the source of that threatening voice. Beholding from far away, I suddenly saw waves. Waves which were higher than ten meters! There were three of them, and all of them were travelling to me! At that moment, nobody could stop me from panicking. I started running, I ran and ran, and ran. The only thing that was present in my head was the picture of my life, my childhood, my happiness, and Mar. The sound of waves colliding with the wind continued bombarding in my ears. Without looking back, I turned my direction into the middle of nowhere, I ran up the mountain and climbed and climbed and climbed without any hesitation. Then, I suddenly tripped over a rock and fell down the slope.

      “BOOM!”the lout voice of impact growled behind my back. I jumped up with fear and burst out in tears. Then I suddenly realized that my life had not yet taken, I wiped the tears from my eyes and slowly turned around.

      That moment was still haunting me, beholding in the sound of silence. My speechless mouth was opened unconsciously. My body was freezing as there was some invisible power possessed me. My shoulders were locked and my knees suddenly got loose which made me fell, the picture of the village sinking into the darkness of the ocean bared upon my eyes. Everywhere was water, water, water, water, water. The place which used to be my shelter had transformed into a massive and immense oceans. Then the picture before my eyes suddenly turned black. I felt like I was flying, everything got soft, light, and warm. Then suddenly, the dark picture turned upside down and it disappeared.

      CHAPTER 7

                  The sun was shining through my eyes. The seagulls sound came right through my ears. However, I didn’t hear any waves hitting the shore as I expected to. I slowly open my weak eyeslids. It was hard to bring up my head when it was heavy like there were 10-kilograms stone pulling on it. After a while, I could get up and gather myself. Looking around the unfamiliar room for a little while, then suddenly an image came in my head! The image of water dominating the land, the image of village sunk into the water, the image of my grandma, of people, and of Mar. I was hallucinating. Then I started screaming.

      “NO, NO, NO!” At that moment, the water came up from nowhere and poured out of my eyes. I was shaking badly, putting my hands on my ears and screamed to fire all the images away. Then suddenly, I heard the door opened, and there was a touch of warm arms embracing me. Then all of sudden, I hugged the person back without thinking. The touch, the smell, the sounds she comforted me with gave me a definite idea of who she was. I suddenly burst out in tears. I hugged her tightly, drawing her slim and fragile body back to my embrace. Surprisingly, she was crying too. Then I slowly brushed her hair behind her ears and wiped off the tears of her beautiful face.

      “Everything is going to be alright Mar, it is going to be alright, believe me.” I whispered softly and combed her silky blonde hair slowly.

      “Nate, Nate has gone, Nate has gone missing! He got lost in evil immense waves!” I was shocked for a moment my brain could not process this, and I didn’t know what to say. I could hardly feel anything, the image was all blurred. I looked at her face; her eyes were swollen and sunk in tears. Her dreadful pain caused a numb all over my body. Then I started to feel tears rolling down my cheeks, after they had disappeared only a moment ago. I did not know what I was crying for, but after seeing Mar’s condition, I could not hold any feeling inside. I opened my arms and pu them around Mar’s body. I hugged her inside my warm and story body.

      “I will never let go of you Mar, I will never hurt you as he did.” Shaking in my arms, crying, Mar slowly looked up to my face. I smiled warmly in my tears, and patted my hand on her head.

      “Puerto, I did not know exactly what that feeling was, but I felt so warmth with him. I felt comfort under his protection.” She continued in her shaking voice, “I didn’t know why, but I gave him my full trust, like I gave it to you.”

      After hearing what Mar had said, I could not at all believe my ears. I started at her for a moment. Everything I saw went in slow motion. My brain was trying to process, my evaluation was slower, while my body movement stopped. The only image I could see was that horrifying image. That image was bright and clear in my mind. I could remember every emotion I have felt, every feelings which had tortured me, had always run through my mind, and now, it started to happen again. Then consciousness caught me. The emotion I was blindly felt had changed into the guilt after I saw my beloved Mar shook hard in her sorrow. I realized I should not put any selfish feelings before her. I pulled her lean lady-like body into my arms, and hold her tightly in my embrace and whispered. “I will always be with you.”


      CHAPTER 8

                  “After the rain, there is always sunshine,” I repeated the words grandma had always taught me. It should be true, at least partially. The next morning arrived. The sky after rain is always beautiful, I hoped. Mar was still sleeping. She was tightly held in my embrace. Her eyes were swollen and red, her eye browns tightly packed, her lips were pursed to each other, and both of her hands curled up into fists. Having her in my arms, closely by my side was honestly my dream moment, but I never expected this. I would rather see her smile from far away than to feel her pain near my heart. The golden sunlight shone from across the room, its sparkling ray reflected on Mar’s unbreakinly fair skin. I brushed her soft silky blonde hair behind her ears, and softly wiped a tear off her cheek. Her beautiful prim face had sunk me into the wonder of moment. I stared at her full, pinkish lips and slowly blend my face toward her oval face. I closed my eyes, and pressed my lips softly on hers. I could feel the warmth of her soul, and the sweet strawberry taste of her character. Then suddenly, I could feel her eyelashes brushing on my cheeks. Mar slowly opened her eyes and stared at me quietly in a long pause. Her ocean-like deep blue eyes pulled me into the wonders and her world. Her face turned pink, and she suddenly turned her face down to hide her smile. She pursed her lips and put a strand of hair behind her ear. With some procession, I suddenly stretched my hand out and took her chin gently. My heart was racing, and the feeling inside me was boiling like it was going to spill out. I longed for those deep blue eyes and the soft touches of her again. I pulled up her chin slowly, she turned her face along the will of my hand and looked up until her sparkling deep blue eyes locked with mine. I held her tiny thin body in my warm arms, and slowly kissed her again. I could still feel the strawberry on her full perfect lips, she held up her hands and curled them tightly on my chest. I slowly combed down her hair softly, as she tilted her head and kissed me back. In that wonderful moment, I could feel the sound of two people combined together. The flash back of our story began in my head with the sweet melody of a piano playing beautifully. The touch of her little soft hands which were on my chest, were moving up slowly to my muscular shoulders and rested there. I embraced her tiny thin waist toward my warm body and held her tightly in my protection. Then she slowly pulled her lips away and cuddled her face on my broad shoulder. I took her hand tenderly, and rested my face on her soft, silky blonde hair. We stayed still for a long moment, having only quietness and peace enfolding us together.

      The golden sun rays which shone softly from the window reminded me of our home. The smell of the warm air and fresh grass brought me remembrance of our memories. Havingher resting in my embrace was the recall of our story. I realized that I will never be able to release this embrace in our heart. Our feelings had bond tightly together. Even though It has been coined and strength, I am certain that it would never been torn from each other. 

      Then suddenly a knock on the door broke the silence. Mar and I released our embraces from each other. She looked into my eyes, without saying a world, everything was understood. She smiled gently at me and stood up to open the door.

      It was grandma, rushing into me and giving me a bight tight hug. She patted her hand on my face, observing my 32-part of body. “You fine? Puerto? What happened? Where you go?” asked my grandma, the voice was filled with care and weary.

                  “I’m alright grandma,” I replied, looking in her worrisome eyes and hands tightly. “I’m sorry grandma, I’m sorry I left you,” my voice suddenly started shaking. I put down my face to hide the tears. “it’s alright child, it’s alright, I am well.” She cupped my face and wiped off my tears slowly. I hugged her and unconsciously started to sob. I could feel her warmth, love, and care which were transported into my body. The smell of sweet coconut was still covering her body, “I missed you.” I whispered softly in humid eyes of joy. Grandma gently patted my head, then suddenly a thought struck into my mind like a jet plane hit the surface of ocean.

                  “Grandma, how is Nate?” I asked with strong curiosity. She looked up into my eyes and slowly shook her head.

      CHAPTER 9

                  Gathering our belongings and minds, we were ready to confront the truth. The chaos and confusion in my mind made me forgot the doubtful thought of the location I was staying. How could I get here? Grandma explained the sudden situation in detail along the way we travelled back to our former “home.”

                  Amongst the tall trees, we were walking down the wood, toward our familiar smell of the clear deep blue sea. I noticed that we were walking down the mountain, high enough to survived from the humongous waves.

                  “You were on a rock, Tan found you, accidentally,” explained grandma in her uncomfortable English. “We run to the donated refuge up the hill, to save our lives. You ly on steep of mountain” added grandma, and she cleared her throat.

                  “Donated refuge?” I cried in wonder, “what is that?” I asked grandma in a dubious voice. “They said that ten years ago, two people come for holiday and got hit by tsunami.” I tried to pay most attention to grandma’s weird dialect. “Both died, and their family gave their private asylum as our refuge.” Walking down the damped steep was hard, but believing what grandma said was even harder. Grandma loved telling stories and seldomly any of them were facts.

                  We were so close to our destination, by climbing all the rocks and fallen trees, I saw the pale face of Mar. She walked much slower now, her body was swinging like it was going to fall. Then I slowly grabbed her arm and held her shoulders.

                  “GRANDMA!! GRANDMA! GRANDMA!” THEN SUDDENLY, THERE WAS A VOICE LOUDLY PROJECTED FROM BEHIND. We synchronizingly turned our head toward that exclamation, and saw Tan running down the hill. He was soaked in his sweat, his face was bright red, he was running at fall speed when he suddenly tripped over the pebbles in front of us.

                  “TAN! What? What happen?” Grandma asked in a terrified voice and bent her body to pick Tan up from the damp ground. He stood up and wiped the soil off his pants and looked up. Trying to catch his breath, he patted his chest and started talking.

                  “Go up, we found something.” Then he paused to take a breath.

                  “Clam down Tan, what happened?” Mar asked softly in her little voice and patted her head on Tan’s back gently.

                  “Mar, you must come with me, we al must get back to the asylum,” said Tan. Tan was my growing-up together comrade. I have known him exactly seventeen years, and I have never seen any moment his face was as serious on this.

                  “What happened amigo? What did you find?” I asked him in curiosity.

                  “Just come with me,” he replied. He looked around, to every villager’s faces, but his eyes caught Mar. “Just come.” Then he started walking up the hill.

      CHAPTER 10

                  By the time Tan came, the sun was already on our head. The weather was extremely hot, but everyone was definitely silent. There was not at all any complaining, we were excited of what was lying ahead.

                  By the time the sun began to set, we reached our destination. This was the first time I could carefully look at the luxurious asylum. The humongous hacienda was beautifully decorated with golden wood. The tutor style matched very well with the forest background. These was a strong steel gate, and a lamp on the carrier of the house shone bright though the twilight.

                  “Who exactly donated this house?” I exclaimed in complete surprise Tan turned his face to me, stared into my eyes but said nothing. He acted really weird today, he had never kept any secrets from me. Then I saw Mar’s face turn pale again.

                  “What is happening again?” I whispered

                  “I felt weird, it’s not good” then she frowned. Without any hesitation, I grabbed her hand and held it tightly. She looked at me curiosity but I smiled.

                  We walked inside the hacienda, following Tan. He was walking up the strong wooden stair. On the refuge, no one had a chance to observe the house. No one even dared to climb upstairs, the immense size of the house was enough for the whole village to stay together on the first floor only. Tan walked slower as we reached the second floor. The majestic second floor was unexplainable large. There were sofas and lavish curtains, a luscious massive ancient vase and a gorgeous grand carpet on the floor. There were doors, one in the left corner, the second beside it. These doors being next to each other, they must certainly be the twin bedroom. However, on the other side was a single wooden door. It was much small than the other two. Tan walked directly to that unique small door on the right. Mar and I followed him, but everyone else seemed to be stuck in their admiration of luxurious items outside. Tan opened the tiny door softly, and walked inside.

                  The interior of the room was decorated with wooden furniture. The cream and brown colors gave the feeling of warmth and tenderness. This room was surely the former bedroom of a little girl, with the sweet pink mobile on the celling, and the white lovely bed in the corner. The wallpaper was printed in pink and white polka dots. On the right wall were old pictures, covered in tons of a dust. The vague image indicated the affable family picture. However, the oldness and the tiny particles clouded up to hide the significance of the people in the pictures. Tan moved straight toward the timbered cabinet across the room. It was the one and only cabinet standing boldly in the room. Tan sat down in front of it, and pulled out its door carefully.

                  Mar looked around the room. She suddenly stiffened and her face turned pale. I walked to her and put my hand in hers. She looked at me and frowned. Her eyes denoted the discomfort.

                  “I felt weird Puerto, I don’t like this feeling.” She said in her unstable tone of voice, and she pursed her lips. I held her in my arms, and patted her hair, then walked her toward the old cabinet and Tan. Tan looked at Mar, then looked back, inside the cabinet and pulled something out.

                  It was a photo album. Time had ruined its cover and soft pieces of papers, but the pictures inside seemed to be in good quality. He handed them to Mar and nodded.

      CHAPTER 11

                  The old photo album was too old to imagine what was inside it. Mar held it in her tiny hand, and flipped the first page over. It showed the picture of a small family. There were a father, mother, and a son. The mother was in a beautiful white pleat dress. She had some urbane sunglasses in her wary beautiful chestnut hair. On the other hand, father and son were in normal white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. They were smiling and had straight silk-like blonde hair. Their eyes were sparkling blue like the color of the ocean. The background of the picture was the familiar shone, where Mar and I used to fish together. Then she flipped the picture, and it was the image of the son. The adolescent boy was staring at the camera, smiled vividly in his deep blue eyes. His fair skin reflected under the sunlight, the blonde in silky hair waves along with the ocean breeze. This boy looked familiar, I though.

                  Mar looked at him, and tilted her head. I grabbed the image from her hand, and looked at it carefully. The little boy was standing on the familiar shore, where Mar and I used to fish. His blue eyes were staring at me in the way I felt familiar.

                  “What happened, Puerto?” Mar’s question abruptly destroyed the silence in my mind. I pulled my head up, then suddenly my eyes locked with hers. The sparkling deep blue eyes were staring at me, then I flashed back to our childhood, the moment when Mar cut her hair and cried uncontrollably on the shore we used to fish. Then I looked back at the image and my mind suddenly lost consciousness. I looked at Tan and he looked at me. Tan took the photo out of the album, and flipped it over. There was something written on the back of the photo. It was written in black cursive ink.

                  “September 11, 1995

      Nathaniel Middleton turned 5-year-old. We celebrated it with him on the beautiful beach of Puerto Rico.”

                  My hands turned numb. My mind was not able to process. My body started to shake and I stared at Mar. I was not sure whether I should smile or burst out in tears. One thing I was certain of was Mar was not part of our village by blood, but I didn’t know where exactly she was from and had not bothered to know, but now I realized maybe I should have been.

                  Mar grabbed the picture out of my hands, she need the words, and suddenly tears rolled down her cheeks.

                  “Who is he!?” she cried out in tears, her voice shook hardly, and her hands lost control. “He looks like me! Why does he look like me!?” Mar cried out loud “TAN!” she shouted at Tan uncontrollably. “Who am I, Who am I Tan?” her eyes drowned in her dears, looked at Tan desperately.
                  “You are Isabelle Middleton, the younger daughter of Mr. Frederick and Mrs. Katherine Middleton, a highborn family in England.” Tan proclaimed the truth while staring in her eyes. Tan held Mars hands tightly and looked at me. Mar, suddenly lost her consciousness and fell on my shoulders, and I myself, didn’t know what to do. Everything went blurry. My hand went cold, and I felt numbness going through my body.

                  After carrying Mar, or Isabelle Middleton, to the couch downstairs, I almost killed Tan for telling her the truth. He said that it was from the telephone. After Mar, grandma, the villagers, and I went down the hill, there had been a ring of the telephone.

                  “The voice on other end was from an old lady, claiming she was the mother of Nathaniel Middleton, the owner of this house.”

                  “The owner of the house!?” I exclaimed in bombshell, and Tan nodded

                  “She cried for a long time after hearing he had cotter lost in the humongous wave, then started to ask about her little daughter. She directed me to grab the key in the living room and open the tiny door on the right. Then I found those pictures and this.” He spoke and handed me a box. It was a box decorated in pink, the outer part seemed to be ruined by time, but inside was still fine. I took out the old cover, then discovered an album arranged nicely in new pack cover. I flipped the cover and found the typed wordings of, Dear, Isabelle Middleton, Inside was the photos of a little baby in pink jumpsuit. She smiled brightly with her sparkling blue eyes and straight blonde hair. I skimmed through all photos and my instinct clearly stated that this little baby in the picture I was holding was Mar.

      Then there was a small diary under whole bunch of photos. I grabbed it and turned the page over.

                  “December 27, 2000

                              My darling Isabelle is now 3 years old. Even though we are to celebrate your birthday without your mother, or Nat, I am happy you enjoy your birthday in Puerto Rico. Sea, sand, and sun will brighten your smile, it healed my heart, my only love.”

                                                                              F. Middleton

                  “December 30, 2000

                              Isabelle, my love. Today, sun rays shone brightly in the sky, I will take you to walk along the beautiful coast. Your eyes reminded me of your brother, both of you have diamonds sparkling in them. I am waiting for the day your mother will forgive me, and we will become a family again. I am still waiting, Isabelle, we will smile together.

                                                                              F. Middleton

      Then I flipped to the next page, but I found nothing. Since that page throughout the last were entire blank papers.

      “December 30, 2000 was the day the huge tsunami terribly hit our village,” said Tan. I lifted my head, and looked at him in wonder. “The day after this, Mr. Frederick Middleton disappeared in the humongous waves, and no one ever saw him again,” Tan said in a sorry sight.

      “And this baby, was found injured on the shore, where grandma took care of her, and raised her up together with me, as Mar,” I said, feeling emptiness in my heart. I did not know why but I could feel droplets rolling down my cheeks with the coldness catching my heart. I held Mar’s hand tightly, and leaned my forehead on her hands.

      “Puerto, Mrs. Middleton is coming to pick her up and take her back to London, tonight.”

      Then, immediately, my body turned stiff. I slowly turned my face to Tan, and without holding back, I burst out in tears. I, the strong Puerto was crying like a little baby. I cried until Grandma rushed in to watch over me. All the villagers ran to see what was happening. All they tried to comfort me, but the unstoppably tears kept on rolling down my face. I sobbed my face down on Angel Mar’s little hands. She used to be my little angel of the beach, the angel in our village as part of our family. I used to believe that she was part of my soul, the completed piece of my heart, but now I realized it was never so. She had never been part of my life, not my family, not my soul. She had just influenced my feelings, and ruined. I looked at her one last time, she was lying primly, her fair skin reflecting the sun, her straight nose, her full lips, her straight silky blonde hair. Everything reminded me of things that had happened between Mar and me. Then a slight thought struck in my mind.

                  “Isabelle Middleton.” I pronounced clearly, then turned around and ran away. People behind me were calling me loudly, I heard grandma’s voice crying after me, but I couldn’t stop myself. It is the moment of truth which I could not escape. I could not bear to see her leaving, I could not bear to lose her, when I hadn’t even really had her. Maybe everything was just a dream, a beautiful one. I walked out the door, down the hill, away from the reality. The sky was totally dark, not even the stars stayed with me. Then everything flashed in white.

      CHAPTER 12

                  Today was my one year anniversary of getting back here. The blue sparkling sea reflected the rays of sunlight, I walked down the beach, holding some little shells in my hand. I breathed the ocean breeze in my lungs. I missed the sound of seagulls, flying above my head, the sound of the sea hitting the shore, the image of white splashing vapor colliding toward the tiny particles of sands.

                  I walked down along the beach, letting my feet touch the softness of the sand. I always loved the feeling of shells and crabs tickling my feet. Everything had changed after the cataclysm. Houses, villages, ships, but one thing that never changed was one person.

                  Standing in his brown T-shirt and familiar short, facing the ocean, his skin tanned of sunlight, tall with strong shoulders, firmly showing his back toward me, his dark brown wavy hair waving along with the breeze, standing there, hands in his pockets. Then he slowly turned around, his eyes fixed onto mine, and he paused. His body was deadly stiff, his eyes beheld my ears and walked toward him.

                  “Mar…” he pronounced my name clearly, the name I always wanted to hear. “What..” he started, but I shushed him with my finger on his lips. The sun began to set. The orange shiny rays filled up the sky. I stared into his deep dark brown eyes. I looked at his dark eye browns, his straight nose, and his full lips. His eyes were staring at mine, denoting the feeling I felt.

                  “I can hear you thinking,” I broke the silence with whisper. “Do you feel the way I do right now?” I asked

                  “Mar…” he began again, his voice was soft and tender. “Please, don’t stand so close to me, I’m having trouble breathing.” Then his voice shook heavily, and turned his face down, but I placed my hand on his broad shoulders.

                  “I’m sorry Puerto, for the vacillated mind and vague decision.” He looked up, and I continued. “I am afraid of what you’ll see right now, I kept waiting for you to take me. I was not sure then, but now I do.” I looked into his eyes, “I am really sorry Puerto.” I ended my sentence and took my hands off his shoulders. I stepped back and was about to turn away, when I felt his warm familiar arms pulling my body into his embrace. I turned around in his encircle, and rested my hands on his robust chest. He tightened his hug around my waist, pulling my body toward his vigorous figure. He looked me into my eyes, and this was the first time I felt like melting in his enfolding. His dark brown eyes took me into the wonder of his world, everything around us went silent. The orange rays of the setting sun shone on his soft face.

                  “I will never ever let go of you,” he whispered, “I was born as sand, supporting everyone to stand firmly, and you, are my mar, the sea which will always be by my side.” His sandy eyes stared in mine. “No matter how many times the sea destroyed the shore, no matter how many times waves pushed the sand away, I will never leave you.”

                  “We were born to each other?” Mar replied and she giggled softly.

                  Then we watched the sun going down together, standing side by side by side, like an ocean lying together with sand.




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