25 facts about you
1. Your full name
2. Zodiac sign
3. Your best friend
4. 3 fears
5. 3 things your love
6. Last song you listened
7. How tall are you
8. Favorite song 's
9. Favorite movie 's
10. 3 things that upset you
11. 2 things that make you happy
12. Celebrity crush
13. When was the last time you cried
14. Something you really really want
15. Three confession for me
16. Three thing You've lied about
17. an embarrassing moment
18. Something that's constantly on your mind
19. Your future goal
20. What you did yesterday
21. Something you're talented at
22. A photo of yourself
23. Do you smoke/drink
24. Current relationship status
25. Do you miss anyone right now
- Idol Producer -
CaiXuKun & ChenLiNong
ช่ายสวี่คุน & เฉินลี่หนง (หนงหนง)
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