Dear my respectful judge , I would like to say that I'm sure that Titupa , Lord
Parris's black slave must be the one who use a black magic in our village and she must cause
lady Betty and lady Abigail those strange symptom. First of all, I would like to introduce
myself . My name is Magaret Berman and I'm lord Parris neighbor that why I know all about
Tituba's abnormal actions and I will tell you all the things I know about her . Started with her
appealing , she has a black curly hair , black eyes and dark skin color , unlike us . Black color
refers to all bad thing , bad luck and also black magic . I have been told that she came from
South America , an unknown place and that is one of the reasons why I think she must bring a
black magic to our village because we don't know anything about the place where she came
from , maybe her hometown teach her back magic or how to communicate with the devil .
Also she is in lord Parris's house when lady Betty and lady Abigail are suffering in
bewitchment . Secondly , I used to see her talking to black cats , dogs and also rats . Talking
like they aren't just an animal but a person . Also sometimes I saw her talking to herself but
her conversation is abnormal .It doesn't like just talking to herself but it's like she's talking to
someone next to her but I couldn't see anyone talking with her at that time . I'm sure she must
talk to a devil that why I couldn't see who is talking to her . Moreover , she has stopped going
to church since last month and when she going to church I can see her body shaking all the
times after that she always makes an excuse like ‘I’m not very well today , I need to take a
rest ’ and left the church hastily . Also ,my husband also tells me that Titupa is practicing
voodoo every night while everyone is sleeping . That night my husband was coming home
late because of the traffic as he was about to sleep he saw a light from Titupa’s room and saw
her doing a kind of ritual that he lately knows that is called voodoo . Also Titupa is breaking
our village rules , she taught our girls about fortune telling which is a supernatural thing and
against a rule of our religion . I’m sure she used her black magic in that fortune telling games
. One day I read a book about how to identify a witch . It’s said that baking a witch cake ,
made from rye meal and the afflicted girl’s urine and feed it to a dog is able to cast a spell
on a witch . When a dog eats that cake, it will hurt the witch and she'll cry out in agony
but before I could feed cake to my dog , Titupa promptly going out of her living and
destroy my cake . I don’t understand if she isn’t a witch why does she needs to destroy my
cake . The answer is very clear . It’s because she is the one and she doesn’t want anyone to
know about her secret that why she destroyed my cake so her secret will continue being a
secret but she couldn’t fool me because I have an evidence that proves that she is a witch . It
is about her mysterious actions I can still remember that night . It’s was 5 days ago , I was
awake in the middle of the night seeing Tituba going out of the house into a deep dark forest .
At first , I think she maybe goes to search for a vegetable to cook for a meal but things seem
Obviously change after she goes to the forest that night. Animals in the forest slowly decline ,
some are disappearing into thin air and some are dying . Also plants become wither too . That
why I do really believe the Titupa must be the one who bring black magic into our village and
if you guys don’t believe in my word I have another suggestion about how to prove that
Tituba is a witch or not if the result runs out as she is a normal person I'm ready to receive a
punishment as I accuse of an innocent person . According to what I read from a book , one of
the way to identify a witch is called "the weighing test" . Weighing a witch against the bible
can indicate who is a witch . Using a big scale that on the first side includes a metal bound
bible and the other puts a suspense in it . If the result appears as she is heavier than the bible
then it's clear that her soul still remained and she is innocent but if the result appears as she is
lighter than the bible then it's clear that she already gave her soul to the devil and she's guilty
as she is a witch . Dear my respectful judge , I do believe in your power and I wish that you
will give both of us a justice decision
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