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    Identity Of Naura shawali which can affect trimpuilty










    อัปเดตล่าสุด :  3 มี.ค. 59 / 13:12 น.

    Congratulations to Bernie Sanders on his wins last night, especially Colorado.

    I still do not think that a bomb thrower is going to be elected president, but he is right in that the huge income inequality in this country is the major challenge of our times.

    I am sorry about the fact that some of his followers are so blind that they can not see the difference between Hillary and the Republican candidates.

    Their tax programs alone will increase the distance between the super-wealthy and ordinary American workers.Good news for Hillary - according to the Super Tuesday polls - only 44% of Democrats in these states are angry with government, whereas most Republicans are. Yeah, that'll work out for Hillary in the general - heck 56% of Democrats who voted today are not angry! That's a winner right there ...

    That's the MSNBC pitch right now, I'm totally trying to buy it while I laugh and shake my head.Could it be that people are angry at "government" as a result of decades of self-serving cynical propaganda coming from the fascism-. Republican party? government ", they mean that they are angry at Congress. Lately that's been GOP controlled. Trump's supporters are willing to tear their party apart they are so angry. Dems just want a Dem POTUS so that the GOP can not go totally. crazy again a la 2000-2008.Being angry at the government also means you are angry at the House and Senate - who have more blame than the POTUS for what ails the nation.The Reepublican turnout is high. But the Republicans are well divided. among a field of candidates who openly loathe and disrespect each other, with the most clearly loathesome one winning a plurality but not a majority.

    This seems to bode well for whomever the Democratic nominee is. The Republicans are going to blanket the purple sates with ads tearing each other to pieces. When the primary is this bitter, it tends not to work out well for Republicans.

    For example, '08, 2000, and 92. 

    (I know they won 2000. But not the popular vote. And this years version of Nader will be actively campaigning for HRC, which will have an impact).


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