

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    [one-shot: Sherlock bbc: Johnlock]​ The series of injury and sickness

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : I'd like to die after you

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 8 มิ.ย. 63

    “ …I meant it…. I don’t have friends” I said, looking at the retired army doctor… “ I’ve just got one ” I hoped that he would sense my sincerity….Those words really came out from my heart. They were the truth, you are my only friend I’ve ever had before. I swear to God, I would give up anything…anything at all to protect you John..




    A few months later….

    “Tell me again…” John said lazily, taking another sip from his glass  “ What are we doing here?”

    “ Hmm. Isn’t it obvious? We are investigating ” I replied 

    “ WE ARE IN A BAR ” he roared, quietly. Athough I don’t think it’s necessary as the bar was extremely noisy from both music and people.

    I finished my drinks before answering him “ Yes, I can see that…Well, we are waiting for the suspect to show up ” I added after an emotionless glare was given to me.

    John sighed out of boredom…which is understandable since we’ve been here for three hours already…

    “ Let’s play a game shall we? ”  I asked, drawing his attention.

    “ What game?” he obviously gave interest 

    I pulled my phone out of the pocket and opened the app I downloaded before we departed “ Truth or dare. By using this app, the questions will be generated automatically. So…are you in?”

    Again…he gave me an emotionless glare and eventually spoke “ Are you really? ”

    I frowned, feeling a bit confused “ Why?”

    “ Well…it’s a child-game. I played that when I was a little kid with friends! ”

    “ Oh…I-I sorry…Erm I didn’t know ” I whispered “ I didn’t have any friend to play with so…”


    “ very well” I was going to put my cell-phone back to my pocket but I was stopped by his next sentence.

    “You first”

    I looked at him quietly for a sec before smiling and open the app. I touched the botton saying ‘Question’ excitedly…And the first question appeared.

    I could tell that my smile gradually disappeared “…”

    “ well? ”

    I take a deep breath “ You know what you were right. It’s a child-game. Let’s ignore that”

    “ wait what? Why? ” he asked in surprise

    “Nothing…just the app is giving an odd question ”

    “And what is it ?”

    I opened my mouth but I couldn’t let out a word, so I passed the phone to him.


    ‘ Would you prefer your best friend to die before or after you? ’


    “....” We both fell silent for a moment. Personally, I would like to know his answer…In fact, I’m dying to know it!...

    “....I am going to answer it.” He said calmly when my heart was racing. For me, I would rather die before he would. I couldn’t stand seeing him dying in any ways. If I am truly his best friend, he probably thought the same…right?

    John looked in my eye and spoke clearly word by word “ I’d like you to die first. ”

    I stunned….and felt a little bit…shocked. Quite a period had passed before my jaw started moving again. “…Alright..Ahem ok…thanks for telling me…”

    For some reasons, he chuckled “ Look Sherlock, what I meant…”

    “He’s here” I interrupted, staring at a man wearing a black hoodie. “ He is leaving. Come on John, we need to follow him!” I rushed to outside and followed the guy in hurry. I could hear that John was a few steps behind me. John’s words still stuck in my head…No! I must concentrate on the case! 

    “ SHERLOCK!!” 

    I heard the yelling and the next second I was pushed harshly to the ground.


    My eyes were widened. Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion from my view….


    John pushed me out of the bullet way. In return, the bullet hit his shoulder resulting in spilling out of his red, warm blood…As the soldier was falling, he pulled his gun out and shot…His bullet flew intentionally and hit the guy at his hip. He grabed his hip, cried out in pain and collapsed to the ground. I supported John to sit down and ran to take the suspect’s gun away.

    “John! Are you alright!? ” I kneeled down besides John, who was using his wool gloves to press his shoulder. 

    His breathing was a bit fast, the bleeding ain’t look so severe but it still soaked half of his shirt and his face was so pale as he would passed out at any time.

     “ What should I do?” I asked in panic

    “ Calm down…it missed the vital organs. My lung was untouched. I’ll be fine ” He said. I saw he bit his lip after he finished. It must be so painful.

    I took off my scarf and press hard at his wound. He let out a small groan when his face became even paler. 

    I was suddenly so angry. “ What on earth were you thinking!? You Bloody idiot!!” I shouted “ You would have died! Didn’t you say earlier that you’d like me to die first!? That was actually a perfect opportunity!”

    He looked confused before laughing so badly. He put the unharm-hand on my shouldier and said “ Listen Sherlock, I haven’t finished my sentence yet back at the bar…. ”

    I looked at him, waiting patiently.


    “…I’d like to die after you…because I don’t want you to die alone…”


    I stunned

    “Your personality makes me really think that you’ll never make any other friends ever again in this life….” 


    John smiled “ Do you understand? It does not mean that I can’t die for you…I am more than willing to…but…if it’s possible, I prefered to be at your side till the last beating”

    …For no reason, I felt my eyes turning hotter and his face became blurry.

    “Don’t cry”

    “…Who is?”


    I, then, heard some siren was appoaching us.

    “Wait, I haven’t called the ambulance ” I said worriedly

    “ I texted Greg…If I wait till you call ‘em, I’ll be bleeding to death.”

    I rolled my eyes.

    “ As I said, you were always late, Sherlock”



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