Hi guys!
I write these one-shot(s) in 2 purposes.
1. To improve my English- so if I made errors anywhere (grammar/ spelling / word order/ bad word choice), please comment and let me know. I'll be grateful.
2. I have a dozen ideas that one of the partner falling ill or get injured. I need to split them out otherwise I can't rest peacefully at night. Also if any of you have more ideas of these, please do share.
There is another reason why I write this in English- I tried to write in Thai before but I had a feeling that this is not it. For example, John likes to use word 'bloody' and in some situation there is no a perfect translation of it (like 'I'm a bloody doctor' how would you tranlated that? I really want to know tho, if anyone knows plz comment)
That is it! Enjoy the first chapter!
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