

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #38 : Chapter 36 : The Happy Wind

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 2 ก.พ. 65

    Invisible Moon

    Chapter 36
    The Happy Wind

    "The free wind was happy,
    the freed moon was too."


    After P'In announced his withdrawal, the hall turned chaotic.

    At first, I was so shocked when P'In said he would quit UNISTAR, and I was even more shocked when he confessed his feelings.

    However, when my eyes met P'In's, his words — saying that he liked me – as his eyes looked at me warmly. I felt like everything that surrounded me gradually faded away until I couldn't hear anything anymore.

    As if this world only had the two of us.

    Me and P'In.

    While I was looking at P'In, my heart was racing, as if there were a flower blooming in my chest. All kinds of burdening emotions were gone, replaced with a new, brighter feeling.

    Once I knew both of us had the same feelings I felt so happy, as if my body were floating along in the cloud, surrounded by the stars, full of light sparkles and rainbows. I had never felt this happy before.

    P'In's eyes were even warmer than the sunlight.

    As if he passed his feelings towards me through his gentle eyes.

    We both had a crush on each other. I wasn't alone, I didn't have to face this problem alone. I wasn't left by myself in this lonely world. P'In would stand by me, and he would never leave me.

    A few minutes ago, I was so confused and frightened, like I was walking alone in the darkness. When I thought there was no exit, I suddenly received the light from him, the light with hope and trust, lighting my way back home.

    We both were falling for each other, forgetting the world surrounding us.

    "N'In, we need to talk." PD Kwang's voice brought me out from the reverie. Among the chaos, PD Kwang led P'In backstage. And the host took over the situation.

    "By popular demand, we have a very special show tonight! With such an impressive performance from our brand-new UNISTAR member, we're inviting N'Sun, the latest member of UNISTAR to perform an encore stage of '24K magic' to close our show."

    Although Sun's fans seemed very excited about this, it still couldn't unwind the chaos among DomKati and other fandoms. However, the host already did his best to divert the audience's focus to Sun instead.

    After that, everyone left the stage, leaving Sun to perform.

    I had no idea where P'Kwang and P'In went. I didn't see them at all. I was very worried about P'In. What he had done would impact him a lot.

    "N'Win." P'Leo was the first one who talked to me.

    "I indeed like your genuineness," P'Leo said. "Unfortunately, we can't work together as UNISTAR. But I still hope we can cooperate someday in the future."

    "Thank you krub, P'Leo." I raised my hands to pay respect sincerely. P'Leo received my respect and was about to leave, but he just remembered something.

    "Oh, about the interview. I'm very sorry. I might have hurt you a lot." P'Leo seemed to feel guilty about it.

    "That time, when N'In asked me if he could talk to you during the interview, I already knew what he wanted, but I think it's better to let you two talk about this in private."

    Then, P'Leo left. I was pondering about what he told me.

    "Hey! Google boy!" P'Natee called me. "Don't give up! Fight!"

    "Thank you krub, P'Natee."

    It was the first time that I talked with P'Natee in person. I felt a bit awkward because he always used direct words, not really polite nor gentle. I might need some time to adapt myself.

    "Hey! Dog! Go take care of your puppy." P'Wayu pointed to Oat.

    "This is my little bro. Go away."

    P'Natee suddenly stared at P'Wayu hostilely, but he just left without arguing with P'Wayu. When the 'dog' was gone, P'Wayu seemed much happier, and turned to me.

    "Wow! I couldn't believe P'In did that. Whatever it is, I'm always on your side. Everything will be fine, trust me."

    "Thank you krub, P'Wayu. You're always supporting me."

    "Of course! I'm a good person, right? Unlike some dog around here." P'Wayu laughed.

    "Hey! I heard that, No-eye." P'Natee said. He was standing there, still within earshot.

    "Did you hear a dog barking?" P'Wayu pretended like he didn't hear anything.

    When it comes to P'Natee, P'Wayu would always be a hothead.

    "Fool! There's no dog here. You're such a No-eye indeed." P'Natee snapped back.

    "Hey! Dog. Can you just stop interrupting?" P'Wayu argued.

    "Then, can you stop being a No-eye?" P'Natee raised his eyebrows.

    "F*** you, dog! Even if I had no eyes, have I ever stepped on your tail? And I have eyes, they just aren't big!"

    Both of them kept arguing like that and I could only watch them helplessly until Oat pulled me away from there.

    "You'll be okay, Win. Everyone will understand you. Don't pressure yourself too much."

    "Thank you, Oat." I was so happy that many people encouraged me.

    "Hi Win. It's not bad today, right? You made it fun to watch." P'Sea smiled, and I widened my eyes.

    "Can I talk to Win personally?" P'Sea asked Oat, and he nodded.

    "Come here." Then, P'Sea led me to an empty dressing room nearby.

    "What do you want to talk about?" I was curious.

    "You might've already become a UNISTAR if IN didn't ask me."

    "Huh? P'In asked?" I blinked.

    What did P'In ask P'Sea? I remembered that during the break, P'In went to talk to P'Sea. Still, I had no idea what they were talking about.

    "I've already helped out. Your score was only 1% less than Sun, which means you are the true winner."

    "Wait. P'Sea! What did P'In ask you to do?" I was confused.

    P'Sea looked at my eyes and grinned.

    "He just didn't want you to win the UNISTAR contest."

    "Huh?" I didn't get it. "Why?"

    "Because IN couldn't give you any score, he couldn't do anything, Wayu either. Natee always follows his emotions, and doesn't listen to any reason. PD Kwang and Leo always stick to their principles, work must come first. So I am the only one who is flexible."

    "Do you really not know that an Idol and a personal relationship can't coexist smoothly?" P'Sea explained.

    "IN is a UNISTAR now. If you became a UNISTAR too and the two of you started dating, you must face your fans and agency. If your fans are unhappy with it, if you have anti-fans, you and N'In will be forced to break up. Although you both love each other, you don't have much choice. The fans and agency will always be involved."

    I was shocked to hear what he said.

    "According to N'In's contract, in a few months, N'In can quit UNISTAR as he has already completed the two-year minimum length of contract period. Even though his resignation will only take effect if the agency approves it, if he is adamant, I believe PD Kwang will understand and help him, because there is no point in forcing IN to work if he doesn't want to."

    P'Sea smiled.

    "But you made it more complicated by becoming a UNISTAR candidate. Between IN and you, having one idol would already give the relationship a problem..."

    P'Sea sighed then said.

    "But now, since you didn't become a UNISTAR member, you have a choice, and that was why IN didn't hesitate to quit."

    "This is..." When I heard the truth, both my hands trembled. I was both surprised and hurt by P'In's decision.

    "Do you understand now? For IN, you are even more important than his fame or the UNISTAR." P'Sea said.

    "He's willing to do everything just for you."

    I went blank, the only thing I could think of was that I had to see P'In. I wanted to meet him.

    "P'Sea krub. Do you know where P'In is right now?" I asked restlessly.

    "Whenever PD Kwang has a serious talk with any idol, he is always in the staff room." P'Sea shrugged.

    "Thank you!" I said briefly before running out immediately.

    I asked a staff member where the room was and continued running.

    "Damn. Why am I so stupid?" I blamed myself.

    Why didn't I notice this about P'In before?

    Before, he asked whether I wanted to be a UNISTAR.

    Before, he asked whether I could wait...

    Before, I had never realised his true feelings.

    But now, I finally understood everything. I had made him do so much for me, but I had never even realised it.

    I rushed to the staff room, and when I arrived, P'In and PD Kwang just came out, so I stopped.

    "IN...you don't need to always think of others and pressure yourself too much." PD Kwang touched his shoulder.

    "You should do something for yourself. You've given so much happiness to your fans for almost two years. DomKati always loves and protects you. So why don't you try to talk to them? I think they will understand how you feel."

    I heard PD Kwang consoling P'In. Then, he turned to me.

    "Hi, N'Win." PD Kwang greeted me.

    I felt very awkward at first, I was afraid he would be mad at me for causing the contest to end in chaos. However, he just smiled at me.

    "You have talent." PD Kwang said. "If you are interested in working as an idol or an artist, I'll be happy to discuss it with you. It isn't necessary to be full-time, you can work as freelance or part-time, no binding contracts, no rules about personal relationships."

    After that, PD Kwang looked at P'In and patted his shoulder.

    "You both should talk as well, just tell him what you feel, don't keep it to yourself."

    "Thank you krub, P'Kwang." P'In said.

    Then, PD Kwang just said goodbye and left.

    Leaving me and P'In alone here, together.

    When our eyes met, my heart raced.

    "Win..." P'In called my name and moved closer.

    "Yes?" To be honest, I was really shy but I pretended I wasn't.

    "What you said on the stage was wrong," P'In told me.

    "What was wrong?" I was confused.

    Did he mean when I said that I like him, or something else?

    "You said...P'In doesn't like Win...that's not true."

    His eyes were fixed on me. My face felt hot.

    "You said...you don't deserve P'In...that's also wrong."

    I lowered my face bashfully. I got why P'Leo said that we should talk privately rather than let P'In say it on the stage.

    "And...what is right?"

    Even though I was shy, I wanted to be sure.

    Perhaps, I just wanted to hear it from him. Once again.

    "Hard to say," P'In said.

    "Not good with words, can I show you instead?"

    "Show me?" I blinked.

    "Stay still." He ordered me. I nodded.

    Then, P'In brought his face closer to mine. My heart raced faster.

    I wasn't prepared for this. His beautiful lips touched mine softly.

    I was stunned, my eyes instantly widened.

    Since I was born, this was the first time I was ever kissed, and by the one I liked nonetheless. I could only hear my heart beating loudly.

    His kiss was warm, soft and gentle. He tasted sweet, like the smooth fragrance of a coconut. The kiss from the moon sent me into a daze, my mind was floating, my body felt light.

    I was sinking into a warm and happy heaven, like I was flying in the sky surrounded by pink sparkly lights.

    P'In took his lips off mine slowly, but his eyes were still fixed on mine.

    "This is right." He said lightly.


    I was still on cloud nine, so I couldn't say a thing.

    "I like you," P'In said, firmly.

    I blushed.

    P'In said he liked me...he confessed to me, again.

    And what should I reply? What should I say? This was the first time in my life that I've ever had a crush and the best thing was, my crush felt the same about me.

    I felt very restless and didn't know what to do. I could only stand still like this...

    "Uh...P'In...well, I also..." I stammered because I was trying to find the right words.

    "Can we date?" P'In interrupted.


    'Yes!' This was what I should say. but I was too slow for him.

    "Will you be mine?" His expression was so loving and gentle.

    "...Will you?" P'In repeated.

    In the end, I couldn't control myself anymore.

    I suddenly hugged him tight and cried.

    "P'In, I love you so much!"

    I confessed with a cry. I knew it wouldn't look good, but thinking about how tense it was before, I felt so relieved. My love was requited, I was so happy that I cried.

    I couldn't believe this day became a reality, the day that P'In accepted my feelings.

    The only thing I could do was embrace him with both hands and cry again. These were tears of happiness.

    "I love you too. Sorry for making you cry." P'In whispered and hugged me back, patting my head softly.

    "I'm okay."

    It wasn't P'In's fault at all.

    I felt at ease and content now. His body was warm with a lingering coconut scent. It was a bliss to stay in his embrace, like a sweet daydream.

    "Win.." P'In called me, pulling me back to reality.

    "Yes?" When I realised what I was doing, I felt very embarrassed.

    "You haven't answered." He repeated again.

    "Can we date?"

    "Yes, of course." I said shyly.

    "Then..." P'In moved back a bit, looking at me with a serious expression.

    "Don't like someone else." P'In gave me an order.

    I smiled bashfully.

    "I only like you."

    "Really?" He asked, his emotionless expression returning.

    "Yes!" I nodded.

    "So then, can we try again?" P'In looked so unbothered.

    I blinked.

    "Try what?"

    What did he mean? Don't tell me...


    I didn't get an answer because P'In just kissed me instead, turning my body to jelly.

    I suspected that P'In was already addicted to my lips, since he kept kissing me nonstop.

    My brain was so blurry. My whole body couldn't move anymore.

    My mouth was filled with the taste of coconut scent. My heart seemed to have melted in coconut milk — by the embrace and kiss of the Invisible Moon.



    Author's Note:

    Happy Lunar New Year to everyone celebrating!

    We apologise for the delayed release of this chapter. We've been working hard to prepare the e-book and had to push back the release of the last 3 chapters. T_T Time sure does fly.

    We'll be announcing some exciting news about the e-book as well as subsequent release of the 9 extra paid chapters after chapter 38. ^^ We'll update you on the details for purchase soon!

    In the meantime, enjoy this chapter and the updated chapters 18-25~

    Love, the Invisible Moon translation team.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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