

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #28 : Chapter 26 : The Moon in the Dom

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 1 มี.ค. 65

    Invisible Moon

    Chapter 26

    The Moon in the Fandom

    "If the moon could hide behind the cloud,

    it could orbit around another moon."



    "Welcome back to UNISTAR SHOWTIME! Today, we have a hundred Moon candidates from our local universities joining the UNISTAR workshop at MW Entertainment hall!"

    I watched UNISTAR SHOWTIME! on my laptop, as I knew it would be uploaded today.

    It featured the atmosphere of the meeting from the time we registered and listened to PD Kwang's speech up to the activities conducted. I thought the one who got the most air time was Oat. Even though I always stayed beside him, it seemed like I still couldn't escape my invisible curse. There were only a few shots of me appearing on the screen. Perhaps, because Oat was too tall, a smaller person like me ended up hidden under his shadow.

    I watched the short introduction video from each candidate, because there were too many candidates, all videos were cut into 5-second previews, and not everyone's video was broadcasted. Like Oat's video, which only showed his comment;

    "I love playing drums, and I want to play it for everyone."

    I first thought that because of my invisible curse, my video wouldn't appear. So I almost skipped the rest of the show to open my Facebook.

    "...Which member do you like most?"

    I flinched. This question sounded so familiar. And I was shocked when I saw myself standing with a blushed face in the video.

    "...I like P'In."


    I almost tore out my hair. The introduction video was 1-minute long! But why did they only pick this part to broadcast? Why?

    Knowing that the full video would be uploaded on the website was shameful enough, but this cut...was even included in the broadcast.

    I didn't even know where to hide myself now.

    This was so embarrassing, but I still felt a bit of relief. At least, I wasn't the only one who was asked this sort of question. Other candidates also talked about their favourite UNISTAR member. And the most frequently mentioned member was P'Leo. It fits his title, 'Full Moon'. P'Leo was undoubtedly the most ideal Moon among UNISTAR members. No wonder he was considered an idol by many candidates.

    "Ah...so embarrassing!"

    I admit that I was P'In's fan and that I was wholeheartedly a DomKati. I knew other people wouldn't care that much, but I still felt shy.

    I turned my attention to my mobile phone when I heard a notification sound. It was Oat. We befriended each other on our Facebook accounts during the briefing. It was much better to have a good companion in the contest rather than being alone.

    Oat Suphakorn : Win. Have you watched UNISTAR SHOWTIME! yet?

    Archawin Deshsakul : I did. You appeared a lot on the screen.

    Oat Suphakorn : Nah...Because of my height I guess.

    Oat Suphakorn : Hey, I remember you asked about P'Natee. You can follow his Facebook. P'Natee always uploads videos of his singing, playing music, and so on. He's very talented with the guitar.

    Oat Suphakorn : www.facebook.com/Natee.Akaranaphapant

    Oat sent me the link to P'Natee's personal Facebook.

    Oat Suphakorn : I also found P'Wayu's and P'Leo's. I'm not their friend on Facebook but their Facebook posts are public. You can also follow them.

    Oat Suphakorn : P'Wayu likes to post about his jokes and foodstuff and P'Leo likes to post about everyday life issues, sometimes about medical facts.

    Oat Suphakorn : www.facebook.com/Wayu.Chotithanakarun

    Oat Suphakorn : www.facebook.com/LeoRatchapol.Kantirakorn

    Oat Suphakorn : Only P'Sea's and P'In's Facebook accounts aren't public, so we can't follow them.

    It seemed like Oat was a big follower of UNISTAR members. I clicked on the link that he had sent. I was surprised to discover that the UNISTAR members' personal Facebook accounts had hundreds of thousands of followers. Normally, I would only follow their IG and Facebook fan pages, because I didn't know which one was their real ID. Since Oat sent them to me, and those Facebook profiles also had P'In as a mutual friend, it must be their actual Facebook accounts. So I followed them too.

    Archawin Deshsakul : Done. Thanks!

    Archawin Deshsakul : I should go to bed now. Talk to you later.

    Oat Suphakorn : Okay. Good night.

    After chatting with Oat. I also looked at the stuff that P'In had given me, including the carp fish, his signature, the rose, and the perfume. Right now, I arranged them on a special shelf along with other UNISTAR souvenirs.

    The more I look, the more I felt —

    "No way!"

    I still couldn't move on from the fact that I had said 'I like P'In' in the introduction video.

    I could only cover my face with my pillow and blanket.

    Hopefully, it could remove my embarrassment until I fell asleep.

    The next day, I went to college as usual, but it seemed like I was recognised by more others. Since I became the XU University Moon, I was already pushed to the centre of attention. But now, even if I had only appeared on UNISTAR SHOWTIME!, for only 5 seconds, I was a prospective UNISTAR candidate.

    Just imagine, how famous were the UNISTARs? It was like I had just become a celebrity all of a sudden. Wherever I went, people paid attention to me, greeted me, and smiled at me.

    If it was me from before, I would be so nervous. But for now, I am getting used to it. Though still not perfectly adapted, at least I could smile back at them.

    "Wow, Win! You went to the workshop. How was it?"

    When I stepped into the faculty building, Parn was the first person to excitedly come to talk to me.

    So I described the experience without divulging too much.

    "The MW entertainment building is quite big. I didn't meet the UNISTAR members, but I met PD Kwang...and..."

    However, I paused as I just saw P'In drinking coconut juice on the balcony. He was still handsome, gorgeous, and invisible as always.

    The moment I noticed P'In. He seemed to realise it and looked back at me as well.

    "And...what? Tell me more, Win." My friend kept asking.

    "Uh...and we had a workshop and did a short introduction video..."

    I couldn't keep my sentences straight as P'In kept making eye contact with me.

    "Did you meet any handsome guy? How about Sun? How's he?" My friend was still curious, while I was getting more distracted.

    "Sun...is very good-looking. But I only talked to Oat..."

    I swallowed hard when I noticed P'In walking this way once he finished drinking his coconut juice.

    I opened my eyes wider. I didn't even know whether he was just walking by or walking towards me.


    "I like P'In."

    I suddenly recalled the most embarrassing moment. I was too shy to face P'In now.

    "Excuse me. I need to go to the toilet now."

    I told my friend and rushed to the toilet to calm myself down.

    "Urhh! What's happening to me!?" I didn't understand myself.

    Why was I avoiding P'In? I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I took a deep breath, convincing myself that I was too worried. That I was thinking too much.

    Once I calmed down, I walked out of the toilet. My friend might be waiting for me to finish my story about the workshop I attended. But while I was walking to see her...


    "Wha..." I was shocked as I wasn't careful. I almost bumped into another person who just entered the toilet. But I was more shocked when I saw that this person was...

    "P'In." I felt very nervous.

    I just thought about P'In and then, P'In appeared all of sudden.

    'What should I do?'

    P'In, however, just headed to the sink and washed his hands.

    "How was the briefing?" He asked.

    "Ah..." I tried to control myself.

    "It was good and I met P'Kwang too."

    I said whatever I could think of. However, while I was right in front of P'In, my mind turned blank.

    In the meantime, P'In seemed to act normal. I was the only one acting weird.

    Or it could be — P'In hadn't watched my shameless video yet? I was obviously thinking too much.

    "P'In, you haven't watched the latest episode of UNISTAR SHOWTIME!, have you?" I asked, expecting his answer to be 'not yet'.

    "Already watched," P'In said emotionlessly as he finished washing his hands.

    I froze. What? He already watched it?

    It meant that embarrassing moment — I like P'In — Oh no!

    "So...you already saw...my part in the video?" My voice was shaking.

    "Yes." P'In nodded. "The full video of yours on the website, also watched."

    Huh?! Oh...no! Then he must be —

    "You already know....I'm...a fan of yours?" I covered my face with my hands. I was too shy to face him right now.

    P'In's eyes met mine, full of curiosity.

    "You've always been my fan, haven't you?"

    "Huh?" I was stunned.

    I unconsciously stepped back when P'In moved closer towards me.

    But...actually, he might already know it since he argued with P'Wayu that day.

    "Since when did you know that?" My voice was still trembling.

    P'In just paused.

    "Hm...don't know." P'In seemed to be unperturbed.

    However, he also seemed to be more interested about another thing rather than how he knew that, which was —

    "So, you're DomKati?" P'In asked directly, as if confirming.

    "Uh..." It was too direct. I felt even more shy.

    "Would you mind, if I say yes?" I bent down.

    P'In just stayed silent. So I felt awkward because I assumed he might not feel good about it.

    "P'In krub. I admire you so much. Even though I'm DomKati, I've never expected anything from you. I'm happy with just being your buddy-code family and your fan. Please trust me."

    "What do you mean by 'expected'?" P'In tilted his head.

    "Oh...'expected'? Ah...expect..." I was considering what to say.

    Yeah. What did I mean by 'expected'? I just wanted to say I wouldn't take any advantage of his fame, but I didn't understand his question, so I looked at P'In and asked.

    "What kind of 'expected' do you mean?"

    Nevertheless, when I asked him, his eyes just moved to my new hair colour instead.

    "This colour.. suits you." He said.

    I was a bit confused because he suddenly changed the topic. However, it was such a relief, so I told him...

    "Yes, the MW hairstylist chose it for me. You think it's okay?"

    P'In nodded and said.

    "Gotta go now." P'In might have to go to his afternoon class.

    "Okay. Bye krub."

    I waved and raised my hands to pay respect.

    P'In was about to go, however, he paused.

    "Win." P'In turned back and called me. I flinched as P'In stepped closer, backing me till I hit the wall behind me.

    My eyes widened. P'In was too close. So close that I could smell his unique scent.

    "The perfume. You didn't use it?" He asked.

    "Huh...perfume..." I became dazed. P'In probably meant the perfume that he gave to me when I went to his dorm.

    Of course, I had never used it when I went out. I was too shy to walk around smelling like P'In. However, whenever I stayed alone, I always used it. I would spray the scent in my room before I went to bed.

    "I did," I told the truth.

    P'In looked puzzled.

    He surprised me when he leaned his face closer to my neck.

    "P'In...w—what...a—are you...d—doing?"

    My body was shaking, my heart was racing.

    "Prove it."

    P'In said with a soft tone. But it was so close to my ear, so my whole body started to feel hot.

    He was trying to prove whether I actually used his perfume or not.

    I — I couldn't take it any longer.

    "P'In. Do you know? A perfume is an essential solution made from oil and alcohol. It contains both natural flower extracts and synthetic scents. Perfume can be categorised into three types according to their scent intensity: Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette and Eau de Cologne. The intensity measuring index is called IFRA. Also, in order to bring out the perfume scent effectively, it must be used in a specific part of the body such as the wrist or neck..."

    When my rambling reached this part, my face turned red.

    Wait. P'In was just trying to smell around my neck and I went on spurting facts.

    'What was wrong with me?'

    I should have told him that I only used it when I was in my room. Not keep babbling about perfume like this.

    Nevertheless, perhaps because my random facts were too boring for P'In, so he just stepped back naturally.

    P'In looked at me, his face was emotionless, his eyes looked complex.

    "Next time, use it." P'In said in a monotone.

    "Okay." I could only agree, still confused.

    "If you don't..."

    P'In said calmly but his lips lifted slightly.

    "I won't accept you as my fan."

    "Huh?" I gasped.

    However, that was all P'In said before he turned and left, leaving me standing there in confusion.

    I had no idea whether he actually meant what he just said or if he was just kidding.

    What type of condition was that? If I wouldn't use his perfume, he would kick me out of his fandom. Seriously?


    "Oh. I can't take it anymore!!!"

    As I recalled how P'In leaned in to smell my neck, I could feel my legs giving out, forcing me to lean against the wall to control my balance.



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