

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #12 : Chapter 10 : The Condensed Air

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 9 ธ.ค. 64

    Invisible Moon
    Chapter 10
    The Condensed Air

    "Even the air could be condensed and become droplets,
    What if my invisibility could also turn visible?"


    Being an invisible person my whole life, I used to imagine what it would be like if I were a popular person. However, this dream was almost unimaginable for me. Until today, I could only wish to have someone who cared for me, someone who didn't treat me as an invisible thing. If this wish came true, it would be more than enough for me.

    "Walk you back."

    P'In's short sentence — 'walk you back', was already beyond my expectations.

    P'In was the first person who didn't treat me like air. Despite the fact that it was just part of his role as a buddy-code senior, I was still satisfied.

    I was walking with him back to the dorm. After he returned the claypot to the grandpa, the grandpa gave him a bottle of jujube juice, the very one he was holding right now.

    We were just walking, not talking, but I felt happy. Perhaps, the sentiment of being someone's acquaintance, the knowledge that someone knew I was here, even without any conversations, was such a warm feeling.

    As we were walking side by side, I could smell the unique scent of P'In's fragrance. It wasn't a costly luxury perfume, it was a natural scent — like coconut scent. Probably because he loved to eat and cook Thai food with coconut milk.

    Besides, I noticed that P'In always looked at the natural things around him. He loved looking at the trees, grass, flying birds, as well as the floating clouds in the sky.

    I unconsciously loved looking at P'In. I wish the distance to the dorm would be further. And wish the time with P'In would be longer. It would be blissful to walk with him a little more.

    "This dorm?" He asked.

    When we arrived, I realised the magic of the fairy — the pleasant time with P'In — was already over. I turned back to the air as always.

    "P'In krub, where do you live?"

    My words slipped out, and I covered my mouth immediately.

    Was I too offensive? Because P'In was a UNISTAR and my question sounded like I was a stalker fan.

    "There." P'In, however, just pointed to the adjacent dorm.

    Not far. Apparently. I heard this dorm was for senior year students. This university arranged the dorms by students' genders; male and female, and students' year of study; freshmen and seniors. As sometimes the freshmen dorm would arrange study activities or freshy meetings, which might bother other year students.

    I nearly asked for his room number, but stopped myself just in time. So I only said...

    "Thank you krub, P'In. Goodbye." I raised my hands to greet him.

    He raised his hands to receive my respect and waved to say goodbye. He then went back to his dorm.

    I pretended to go inside, but I was peeking at him until he disappeared into the building. Once I couldn't see him anymore, I stopped looking and went inside.

    The moment I wasn't invisible was indeed such a pleasure.

    I intended to wake up early this morning to see P'In. Unfortunately, I was too late. P'In and his fans had already left. Still, I was able to give alms to the monk.

    I thought P'In might go to see the homeless old man, but that old man wasn't there. I had no idea where he had gone. So, I went to the riverfront, hoping that P'In might go feed the dog. When I arrived, however, the dogs were eating, but there was no sign of P'In. He wasn't here to feed the fish either.

    Perhaps, I was too late today. Next time, I must wake up earlier.

    "Oh..." I was startled, feeling something bumping my leg. It was the blind white dog.

    "It's you, White." I hesitated a bit, then patted its head softly. The dog sniffed me for a while and wagged its tail.

    "So cute." I smiled thoughtlessly, patting the dog lovingly.

    I suddenly came up with an idea. I took a photo of the white and other dogs and posted it on my Twitter. I usually tweeted randomly, and had no followers.

    The wind is the air @archawin_d

    These dogs didn't have an owner, but they do look happy, not starving. #InvisibleMoon #UNISTAR

    I attached the photo that I took of the dogs eating happily, and included the temple's donation box for dog food.

    After that, I went to the riverfront. The same grandma was still selling the fish food, but the bread was sold out, only the pellets remained. So I bought two packs of pellets and fed the fish. I assumed P'In had already fed a lot, the fish shouldn't be so hungry, but they still scrambled to eat. So greedy.

    When I finished feeding them, I rushed to the lecture room as my class would start at 8.00 a.m. Today's class was mathematics for business. The professor suggested many textbooks that were required for the course. Some of them could be borrowed from the seniors. I heard my friends say that we could ask our buddy-code seniors. So I was thinking whether I should ask P'In.

    During lunch break, I decided to call P'In, but he didn't answer. Hesitantly, I sent a message instead.

    'P'In krub. Do you have any textbooks for the mathematics for business course? If you have and won't use them anymore, could you please lend them to me? Thank you so much — Win'

    "Did you know? UNISTAR is going to launch a new campaign." Parn, one of Boss's friends said. She was a big fan of UNISTAR. Her bias was P'Leo.

    "Oh right! I saw that the MW group is opening a new franchise restaurant — Thai hot pot."

    "Really? And who will be the centre?" Boss asked. Although he was a male, he seemed to be quite interested in the UNISTAR project. His most favourite member was P'In.

    "This time PD Kwang selected P'Wayu. I think it suits him."

    "Wow! P'Wayu~ I'm looking forward to it."

    "But it's a restaurant campaign, how can they present it? The fashion show wouldn't work right?"

    "I heard they're going to shoot a music video. They even have dance practises."

    "Oh, really? So P'In and all UNISTAR members will be busy."

    "The UNISTAR members have been busy all the time. They have a ton of events and projects."

    I nodded in agreement. No wonder P'In didn't answer my call. He must have been very busy every day. This was the idol's life.

    Unexpectedly, my cell phone was beeping — I received a new message. The sender's name made me way too excited.

    P'In : In your locker.

    It was only a short text but it made me extremely happy.

    He had already put it in my locker? I rushed out to check. My friends weren't done eating, yet, with my fading characteristic, no one noticed that I was away.

    I opened my locker and found three textbooks placed inside. I took them enthusiastically. On the cover, I could see his name written neatly - 'Intrakorn Dechapraphas'. P'In highlighted some texts, scribbled a few notes that were short, very short, short as his style — incomprehensible.

    I was looking around, but P'In wasn't here anymore.

    'Got them. Thank you krub, P'In — Win'

    So I could only send him a thank you message. And he didn't reply.

    At noon, some freshmen made good use of their time by collecting seniors' signatures. Especially Boss. He had asked almost every senior that he met. Because Boss was an attractive guy, he was also very popular with seniors, particularly female seniors. Whoever he asked from, he would get it. Boss's signature book must have the fastest progress among freshmen right now.

    In comparison to me. Wherever I went, no one ever saw me. Whoever I called, no one ever heard me.

    We had the orientation session in the evening as usual. And I joined it.

    P'Cheer taught our faculty's cheering song. Later, they made us run around the campus while singing this cheering song. At the end of the session, they allowed us to collect the seniors' signatures.

    I scanned around in case I could find any senior who was away from the crowd. So I would try asking them, by chance my fading could probably become ineffective. At least temporarily.

    When I found P'Tong drinking water alone, I rushed to him.

    "P'Tong krub, may I have your signature please?" I went, and shouted, as loud as I could.

    P'Tong then turned to me.

    "Oh! It's you! Nong..." He seemed to recognise me but forgot my name.

    "How was the buddy-code treat yesterday?" P'Tong asked. I guessed that he at least remembered my buddy-code issue.

    "It was great. Really great." I answer shyly. And he nodded.

    "IN is an idol. He may be busy sometimes. If you need any help, feel free to ask me."

    Then, P'Tong signed my book without requesting me to do anything in exchange. Perhaps, he felt pity for me about the buddy-code thing.

    "Let's see. How much you've got so far." P'Tong was checking my book.

    I froze. Today wasn't the deadline. For real? He was going to count mine now?

    It was such a shame! I only had two signatures for now.

    "Wait! IN's signature?" P'Tong was astonished when he saw the first page.

    "How did you get that?!"

    His question made me blink my eyes repeatedly.

    "Well, P'In just signed..."

    "Really? Oh! because you are his buddy-code family, right? Still. That's incredible."

    His excitement attracted other third-year seniors' attention.

    "What's up? Tong?"

    "This freshman got IN to sign."

    P'Tong was showing my signature book to his friends. They all seemed to be surprised. Some female seniors even began screaming.

    "Ahhh IN's signature! I've just seen the actual one!"

    "Goodness! I've only seen it from photos."

    "Whose book? How come?"

    "My gosh! I did an assignment with him so many times. Unfortunately, he was already gone whenever I was about to ask."

    The fading me now began to feel awkward from all the attention. Or more precisely, P'In's signature was in the centre of attention. Nobody cared about me anyway.

    "Nong ka, will you sell it? Can I buy your signature book?" A female third-year asked.

    "Nong, do you want to complete all the signatures? I can help you, just exchange for IN's signature. Hehe."

    "Wait, wait. Is that you? Are you IN's buddy-code family? Ahhh! Can you help me get him to sign?"

    And now, I was surrounded by a crowd — the centre of attention. While my brain was totally blank as everyone kept throwing requests at me, and I could barely follow. It was the first time that I experienced this sort of feeling. Before this, I only had to put in all my effort to get someone's attention, but now, everyone was putting all their efforts into getting my attention. I wasn't even able to interrupt them at all.

    "Hey! All of you! Please stop! Return the book to him." P'Tong managed to get my signature book back. Many seniors were still keeping an eye on it, longingly.

    "Tong~ Is IN coming today? Can I ask Nong to get his autograph?" P'Noey was blinking at me and P'Tong, again and again.

    "IN has UNISTAR duties at the agency." P'Tong said.

    Many seniors looked a little sad. However, some were still trying to talk to me. Not letting go easily.

    "You don't have my signature yet, right? I can sign for you. Please let me look at IN's signature for a few more moments."

    "Let me sign too! I'd like to take a clear photo of IN's signature, please."

    I was standing there, dazed. Hard to explain. When thinking of the fact that I used to be unnoticed whenever I was running around to ask for a signature. But now, in contrast, they all ran towards me, scrambling to sign for me.

    It was unbelievable that today I managed to collect most of the third-years' signatures. Everyone wanted to sign for me, of course it's because they just wanted to see P'In's signature.

    I needed to thank P'In.

    He had made the air condense into existence.

    I was no longer invisible. Temporarily.



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