

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #24 : Chapter 22 : The Shining Air

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 2 ก.พ. 65


    Invisible Moon

    Chapter 22

    The Shining Air

    "The Moon didn't shine by itself,

    it reflects the brightness of the sun."



    While I was still confused because P'In said that he would deduct my points, the MC announced that my time was up and I had to leave the stage, still muddleheaded.

    Which Moon is the most handsome...The Moon named 'IN'.

    His question was still stuck in my head. P'In would really deduct my points just because I couldn't answer that? Seriously?

    'Who knew that he could come up with such a question?'

    Now, I was on a short break while other candidates were performing their talent. I was relieved that my performance went smoothly, even though I couldn't answer P'In's question.

    At first I was very worried. If I couldn't answer the first question, this performance would have failed. At least, I did a pretty good job.

    There were 24 performances in total as we had 12 faculties competing. Each person was given no more than 5 minutes, so most of them performed music, dancing, or singing, which took around 3-4 minutes.

    I had my phone connected to the university wi-fi. I was watching the live contest and wondering how the others performed. The Moon from the Faculty of Communication Arts was wearing a traditional Thai costume, playing the fiddle just as P'In had told me. The Moon from the Faculty of Engineering was performing a fencing art. I thought these two were the most competitive candidates among us.

    Half an hour had passed, and the last performance ended. The next part was the interview. My queue was at the very end. While waiting, I was still concentrating on how other candidates answered their questions.

    All questions were random. There was a glass of rolled papers on the judges' table and they would randomly pick one question for each candidate. The candidates were given 3 minutes to answer them and the questions that had already been asked would be removed so we wouldn't get the same question. It seemed very fair. Everything depended on the candidates' luck and wit.

    There were all types of questions, including very basic ones such as 'Why do you want to become the Moon?', as well as very specific questions like 'What do you think about this political incident?'.

    Basically, there were no right or wrong answers. The scores would be subject to how the judges evaluated the quality of those answers.

    In this part, I thought the Moon from communication arts didn't do very well because he got the question about the law, which he was unfamiliar with, and his answer was unclear. As for the Moon from engineering, he got the question about college education in Thailand. He gave a very common answer, too basic. Unexpectedly, the one who could do very well in this part turned out to be the Moon from the Faculty of Medicine. However, he made a mistake during his juggling performance earlier. Probably because he was nervous at that time.

    At this point, I had no idea who would be the winner because the favoured candidates didn't do well in the interview part, and the ones who did well during the interview didn't do so well for their performance earlier.

    Time flew and soon, it was my turn. I was still very nervous, but felt a little bit better.

    "Next, the Moon candidate from the Faculty of Business Administration, Archawin Deshsakul."

    I took a deep breath and walked to the stage. I tried to control my shaking legs.

    I faced the five judges again. The teacher picked a question and read it for me.

    "Your question is...What is the meaning of 'inspiration' in your own definition?"

    I thought for a while. Inspiration? I thought the question was comparatively difficult. But when I saw P'In, I felt inspired.

    He was my inspiration.

    In the past, I dreamt of changing myself, but I had never succeeded. It was probably because I didn't have a clear goal and had low self-esteem, but P'In was the one who managed to change my attitude.

    Then, I decided to answer.

    "Inspiration for me...is like a powerful energy. It can motivate someone to continue to pursue their dream. For some, inspiration may be a goal that encourages them to keep going. They might burn out and lose themselves in the middle of the darkness, but the inspiration will rekindle their fading light...make it shine again like magic. Without inspiration, it's just like an engine without fuel."

    I paused for a breath and continued.

    "I believe we all have our own values, but sometimes, we just don't realise it. So when inspiration motivates us, make us see our value, we'll see that if we all make an effort, everything can be achieved."

    I looked at P'In again and reconsidered myself. I couldn't deny that I could only stand right here because of P'In.

    I could value myself because I saw how even a famous person like P'In wanted to be invisible. So that meant an invisible person like me wasn't useless.

    P'In had pulled me into the light. P'In had seen the light inside me which I had never noticed before. So I believed that everyone had their own light, it only depended on how we view ourselves.

    P'In was indeed my inspiration. P'In made me believe in myself.

    "I'll give my own example. Before, I was an invisible person. I was fading and forgotten. Perhaps, because I thought I wasn't good enough, I didn't intend to improve myself. I stayed away from socialising and was stuck with my own negative thoughts. However, when I received my inspiration, I changed my mindset. I found that it's not too hard to do it. That's why I'm standing right here."

    The judges nodded at my answer.

    "Then, what gave you such inspiration?" A teacher asked.

    I looked at P'In. P'In was the answer, but I couldn't say that here.

    "It was a person." I said indirectly.

    "I saw many things that he did. He made me look back on myself and I realised that I still have the ability to do something. I want to be the Moon because I want to be an inspiration for others. Supposing that a fading person like me could become the Moon, others shouldn't give up yet. I want to give this message to anyone who is in despair from pursuing their dream, to stand up and fight for it. You have your own value and talent. Just look for it and keep going for your dream. Nothing is impossible."

    My voice sounded very confident.

    "I believe inspiration is like magic. I received inspiration from someone, who also gave a lot of inspiration to many people. So I want to pass on this inspiration to other people as well. This is my answer, the inspiration in my own definition."

    I was finally done. The judges were taking notes. It seemed like one teacher wanted to ask me more. I was worried if she wanted to know who exactly had inspired me, then, what should I do?


    "Still have time left?" P'Wayu asked and when the MCs nodded, P'Wayu just gave me a big smile.

    "Then I'd like to add some questions..."

    My eyes widened.

    P'Wayu had questions. Don't tell me...

    "Which 'nest' can run super fast?"

    Well. I could only complain in my head. I knew it would turn out this way.

    I thought about all the words close to 'nest'.

    "Internet," I said.

    "Correct!" P'Wayu pointed at me.

    As the MCs hadn't announced the time, he still kept going.

    "Which horse has corn?"

    The question was not related to the contest at all.

    "Unicorn," I replied.

    Another lame homophone joke.

    "And which horse has to pay?"

    P'Wayu seemed very excited.

    "Pegasus," I said.

    Did 'pe-' sound like 'pay'?

    "So Cool!" P'Wayu gave me a big applause. He looked so satisfied.

    "I love him!"

    P'Wayu just suddenly declared that he loved me in the middle of the contest. I was so shocked even though I do understand that he meant he loved how I could answer all of his lame jokes.

    P'In turned to look at P'Wayu. Emotionless. But P'Wayu seemed to be unstoppable.

    "And do you know...?" P'Wayu smiled.

    "Which 'line' I really want the most right now?"

    I was frowning. I was trying to link something with the word 'line', but it didn't work out. So I randomly guessed.

    "Lineman[1]?" I thought about something related to P'Wayu, maybe he was hungry and wanted to order food.

    However, P'Wayu shook his head.

    "Slay Red Moon – Oops!"

    I covered my mouth immediately.

    Did my answer provoke DomHusky to slay me?

    'DomHusky' was the name of P'Natee's fandom, because P'Natee always had a bad-mouth, like a barking dog[2]. Still, he was adorable like a Siberian Husky. So his fans called him 'Husky', but P'Wayu just called them 'DomDog' and called P'Natee 'Dog Moon'. It was kind of rude though. But DomHusky loved pairing up these two, so they forgave P'Wayu. The fans said they were such a lovely couple.

    Back to his question.

    "Not exactly. But I really like this answer." P'Wayu laughed.

    "Ah...Then...What is the correct answer?" I decided to give up.

    I had no idea which 'line' he wanted the most now.

    P'Wayu grinned and said clearly.

    "Your LINE! Can I have it?"

    I widened my eyes. What did he just say?

    'Line' that he wanted the most now — was the LINE message application. He meant he wanted to add my LINE?

    What P'Wayu said made his fans scream and they went a little wild. They shouted things like 'you can't do that!', 'P'Natee will get jealous!', 'P'Natee will punish you!', and those along the same line.

    I hadn't said anything yet —


    Someone had just hit the table so loud, everyone flinched. It was more surprising when we all realised who it was.

    "P'In! You gave me a fright." P'Wayu told P'In, whose hands were still on the table. P'In's expression was hard to guess.

    "Time's up..." P'In said in a flat tone. Everyone was confused.

    Even the MCs were confused too. Until P'In looked at them and pressured them.

    "Time's up already, right?"

    The MCs hurriedly checked the time and said.

    "Still have 10 seconds left..." The MC said, but when he met P'In's cold eyes, he swallowed and cut it off.

    "Alright...If there are no other questions from the judges, thank you N'Archawin. And the next candidate is..."

    My part was done. I walked off from the stage puzzled. I couldn't help but look back at the judges. P'Wayu seemed a bit sad that he couldn't continue asking me questions, while P'In was still looking at me until I reached the backstage.

    I rested and took a deep breath. I was puzzled by P'In's reaction.

    Why did he hit the table? Did he get angry with me? I was concerned about it. Perhaps, P'In was afraid that P'Wayu didn't keep his manners and might have a negative influence on UNISTAR's image. That was possible.

    I was lost in my own thoughts while waiting. Then the seniors told us to get ready as the winner would be announced soon. I was suddenly nervous.

    I had been preparing for a long time. When the time came, everything was happening so fast.

    "We're reaching the end of our XU Moon & Star Contest. The score is already calculated as well. Next, we will announce the results and winners. Who is going to be XU Moon & Star of the year..."

    The MCs said while all candidates were standing in their positions as rehearsed before.

    "Let's start from the most popular vote winner..."

    "And the candidate with the most number of likes on Facebook is..."

    I forgot to check. It seemed like the Communication Arts and Engineering Moon had gotten a lot of likes recently.

    "The Moon candidate from the Faculty of Communication Arts!"

    The result was actually as expected.

    The Communication Arts Moon walked out to receive the award and the popular vote sash. Everyone was clapping for him.

    "Next, is the XU Star award, starting from the 2nd runner-up, followed by the 1st runner-up and the winner of this year's competition is...."

    The MCs announced that Nina, the Star from my faculty, won the 2nd runner-up award, the 1st runner-up was the Engineering Star, and the winner was the Accountancy Star, just as expected.

    "Next, the XU Moon award..."

    My hands were shaking. Here it was, we would find out the results now.

    At first, I was very worried. What if I couldn't win any award? Would everyone be disappointed or not? But now, I had already put down that feeling. What would happen, would happen. Still, I couldn't help but anticipate it. Even if it was just 2nd runner-up, I would be satisfied.

    "The 2nd runner-up XU Moon is...the candidate from the Faculty of Medicine..."

    Oh...I was surprised. Even though the ratio of performance and interview score was equal, the interview part seemed to influence the scores a lot.

    I was very anxious at this point.

    "The 1st runner-up XU Moon is...the candidate from the Faculty of Engineering..."

    So, there was only the Moon from the Faculty of Communication Arts left. He might be the winner.

    "And lastly, the XU Moon winner...I must say that the gap between the total score of the winner and 1st runner-up is very small..."

    Small gap score! I thought. So could it be the Communication Arts Moon? Would I still have any chance? I was sweating buckets anticipating the announcement.

    "And the XU Moon of this year. Congratulations!"

    "Archawin Deshsakul...The candidate from the Faculty of Business Administration!"

    I was stunned when I heard the announcement. Wait. Was that my name?

    I...actually became the XU Moon?

    There was big applause and cheering from my faculty audience group. I realised what was happening and I walked to receive the award. Still, unbelievable!

    I was wearing a sash with the words 'XU Moon' and holding the trophy.

    I couldn't believe that I actually won the XU Moon contest.

    The air like me actually became the Moon.

    Really...? I glanced at P'In. While everyone was clapping for me, P'In was still emotionless, but he was looking at me.

    Our eyes met, I smiled at him. I couldn't help but wonder whether P'In would be happy that I won or not.

    As if my curiosity was reflected in my eyes. P'In nodded slightly to me, making me smile much wider.

    Sometimes, I didn't understand it either.

    Was I happy because I became the Moon,

    Or, because of P'In?

    The contest ended. We were on the stage, taking a group photo. Then, some seniors came to interview me about how I felt winning the XU Moon title. That time I was too excited, so I wasn't sure what I had answered. I only remembered that I said 'I'm glad' and 'thank you' most of the time.

    Everything was over and I was back in the dressing room. There were some candidates who congratulated me. Then, everyone prepared to go back. Me as well.

    I was packing my stuff, but as my head was still in the clouds, I did it so slowly. By the time I realised it, I was already the last one in the room.

    I planned to go back to my dorm. Suddenly, someone came into the room. At first, I thought it might be another candidate, but when I looked at him, he was so dazzling that I couldn't take my eyes off him.

    He wasn't a normal Moon. Obviously.

    I was amazed. It was the first time that I've met him this close. He was taller than I thought. His skin was very bright and smooth.

    "I want to know more about you." P'Wayu greeted me. He was very friendly.

    "Hello, P'Wayu." I had no idea what I should do, so I just raised my hands to pay respect.

    "Hey. You're amazing! You could answer all of my questions." P'Wayu said.

    "So I gave you a full score!"

    What he said made my eyes widen. Right...The MCs also said that the score gap between the winner and the 1st runner-up was small.

    Don't tell me I could become the Moon because P'Wayu was impressed by how I answered his jokes?

    Seriously? I had no idea whether I should laugh or cry.

    I had yet to say anything before another person came in. When I saw who he was, my heart raced.

    "P'In..." I called his name lightly.

    P'In was looking for me and then he looked at P'Wayu.

    "Manager is looking for you." P'In said, emotionlessly.

    "Wait, P'In. I didn't get his Line yet." P'Wayu said and took out his cell phone, the same model as P'In's.

    "Can you open your QR code? I'll scan your LINE." P'Wayu asked me.

    "Ah...you mean my LINE?" I was surprised. The UNISTAR member just asked to add my LINE. So I just took out my mobile phone.

    I was very nervous as I was standing in front of a celebrity. So I took a moment to open my QR code.

    "Come closer," P'Wayu told me to move my mobile phone close to his. So it would be easier to scan.


    "What? P'In...What are you doing?" P'Wayu exclaimed as P'In just walked past between us, interrupting the scanning.

    "Forgot stuff." P'In said without any emotion and walked to the makeup table.

    "Huh?" P'Wayu scratched his head.

    "How could you forget something here? Our dressing room is in the hotel nearby."

    Although P'Wayu didn't understand P'In, he still wanted to continue scanning my LINE.

    "Let's do it again."

    However, while P'Wayu was trying to scan my QR code, P'In was —

    "What? Again? What's wrong, P'In?"

    P'Wayu complained. Confused.

    Because P'In just walked past in the middle between us again. And his face was so emotionless, as if he didn't even realise what he did wrong.

    "Maybe there," P'In murmured and walked to the clothing rack.

    "Huh?" P'Wayu exclaimed again. He seemed really confused, but still, he turned his focus to me.

    "Never mind. Let's do it again."

    Then, it happened again.

    When P'Wayu was trying to scan, P'In would interrupt so we couldn't add each other's LINE successfully.

    "P'In krub. Because you kept walking like this, I couldn't scan his LINE." P'Wayu decided to tell P'In directly.

    "Then, do not scan." P'In just said.

    P'Wayu was silent for a while, then, he seemed to understand what P'In had implied just now.

    "P'In...I won't do anything bad to him," P'Wayu said.

    "I just want to chat with him. He is indeed an interesting person. Okay?"

    "No, you can't." P'In replied briefly.

    I gasped. Shocked. Wait...P'In? Why?

    P'Wayu looked at P'In with confusion, then he sighed.

    "Never mind." P'Wayu turned to me.

    "So you just add my LINE. Okay? My LINE ID is 'Whywayu_1707'"

    P'Wayu broke off the conversation by telling me his LINE ID. Then he looked at P'In confusingly again.

    "Fine. I'll go now." P'Wayu said and walked out of the room.

    So there were only me and P'In in this room. Alone.

    "You'll add?" P'In asked.

    He asked whether I would add P'Wayu's LINE. Well. Should I? P'Wayu was also a UNISTAR member. If I said no after P'Wayu had told me to add, it would make P'Wayu feel bad.

    "I will. If I don't forget his ID." I answered.

    P'In frowned. And he took his mobile phone.

    "Then, I'll add too." He said.

    "Huh?" I was confused. "Add what?"

    "LINE." He said. "Facebook too. Everything."

    "Ahh...You want to add me on social media?" I tried to make sure.

    "Yes." He nodded.

    I blinked. What was happening? I didn't quite understand why P'In acted so weird. We had known each other for a while, but why did he suddenly want to add my LINE and Facebook?

    Whatever. I was very happy about this. So I couldn't help but smile.

    "Alright, P'In." So I showed him my mobile phone.

    P'In scanned my QR code and I typed my Facebook name on his phone.

    In just a few seconds, we were now connected with each other.

    P'In's LINE name was only written as 'IN' and his name on Facebook was 'Intrakorn Dechapraphas'.

    He didn't use his own photo as a profile picture, but it was the image of a coconut that he might have taken himself. He was truly the leader of DomKati — Coconut fever.

    "I need to go now," P'In said while looking at the phone. I could see that his manager was calling him.

    "Thank you so much P'In. I could become the Moon because of you."

    "Congratulations!" P'In said. Only one word could make me smile so happily.

    This word was like a light shining in my heart.

    I wasn't sure which made me happier between becoming the XU Moon or receiving this word from P'In.

    "And..." Before P'In left, he gave me a reminder.

    "Do not talk too much."

    "What?" I was puzzled, but he went away before I could ask.

    Do not talk too much? What? Oh!

    Could he mean that although I had his Facebook and LINE, P'In didn't want me to disturb his privacy?

    Understood. He might be too busy to talk casually.

    However, I had his phone number, LINE and Facebook. So I was literally the happiest DomKati in the world.

    I was very satisfied with everything I had now.



    Footnote : 

    [1] Lineman is the name of a food delivery application which is very popular in Thailand.

    [2] Barking Dog can be a rude word in Thai, mentioning a person who has a bad-mouth or dog-mouth.

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