

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #21 : Chapter 19 : The Air Became Coconut-Milk

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 2 ก.พ. 65


    Invisible Moon

    Chapter 19

    The Air Became Coconut Milk

    "If a coconut could turn into kati (coconut milk),

    then could the air become DomKati?"



    "Did I already...become a DomKati?"

    I was rubbing my temples at my desk, as I was already back in my dorm. I felt like I had my head in the clouds. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I only knew that I had just been sitting and smiling to myself for an hour while watching a bottle of perfume which was placed beside the carp fish and the rose from P'In. I also sprayed the perfume P'In gave me all over the room. Moreover, even though I was full, I was still eating the coconut cake that was kept in the fridge.

    When I became conscious again, I realised that I was searching the hashtag #InvisibleMoon and found a tweet posted by DomKati.

    If IN is my husband I'll study hard @kati_superfan

    The 3 telling signs that you've become #DomKati #InvisibleMoon

    First - Eat everything that has coconut as an ingredient

    Second - Flinch whenever you hear 'IN' (e.g. in-trend, inter, indy)

    Third - Do good & love traditional Thai things


    I evaluated myself. The first sign, the evidence was exactly in my mouth. I was eating the coconut cake which I didn't even realise I had bought. The second sign, flinching whenever I heard part of P'In's name. That was true as well. And the third sign, started to do good and love Thai things. Also true.

    Wait...so I had already become a DomKati?

    "Oh! What should I do?" I held my head. I had no choice but to admit that I was P'In's fanboy. Since when? In the past, P'Wun had been obsessed over many male idols to the point that I could remember all their names, but I wasn't interested before. Then how did I suddenly become P'In's fan now?


    I was smiling stupidly as I looked at the carp fish, the rose and the perfume bottle that had been added to my personal collection. My heart felt so warm.

    I suddenly recalled P'In's words.

    "Red, like strawberry."

    "Ahhh!" I held my cheek — which was poked by P'In — and was swinging my legs like an idiot.

    I was that close to P'In and I didn't even need to queue up to join events or buy fanmeet tickets like others.

    I was definitely the luckiest and happiest DomKati.

    During the weekend, I didn't have any plans other than to prepare for the contest. So I spent most of my time in the library, reading the books for my general knowledge performance.

    I hadn't seen P'In since then. But I saw from other UNISTAR members' Twitter and Instagram that they were filming the music video for an advertisement this week. P'In must be busy.

    Today I was a fading Win, as usual. I didn't do my makeup or hair, so, I could stay in the library peacefully without anyone noticing me. It was sort of amazing that I only needed to remove my makeup and I would return to being ordinary air.

    I was reading in the library for many hours and started to feel sleepy, so I opened my phone, put on my headphones and searched on YouTube.

    "Oh right, I haven't watched the previous UNISTAR contest."

    I just remembered. I had watched many UNISTAR TV programs, but never thought of watching the UNISTAR contest before, until Mr. Chana mentioned them in class.

    I was curious about how P'In performed in the contest.

    I searched for the UNISTAR contest video — the three-generation contest which included P'Sea and P'Leo, but I only watched P'In's part.

    "Oh my God! The stage was extremely large."

    I felt excited as I saw the contest atmosphere. It looked like a concert mixed with the Miss Universe contest. I hadn't thought that the contest would be so big, with a huge audience.

    "Oh, P'In! Wow!" I exclaimed as P'In came up on the stage to perform his special talent. P'In wore a Thai traditional costume made of silk, his phraratchathan[1] shirt was paired with an exquisite pair of chong kben[2] pants.

    Once P'In sat in front of the ranad ek, he raised his hands to pay respect and began playing.

    I was surprised because instead of playing a traditional Thai song, he played an international song.

    As I kept listening, I realised it was the song 'See You Again' from Wiz Khalifa. It was literally a western song, but when P'In was playing it using a Thai musical instrument, it sounded so melodic. Plus, with him wearing this costume while playing the ranad ek, it made him look so enchanting. As if he just walked out of the pages of a Thai ancient novel.

    I was enjoying the performance until P'In swiped the ranad with a stick and increased the tempo.

    "Sugar, Maroon 5." I mumbled.

    I tapped my fingers on the table, following the rhythm as I listened without even realising it. His performance wasn't only symphonic, it was also enjoyable. P'In didn't play only one song, but he mixed many different ones — like a ranad medley. There were many familiar international songs such as 'Just the Way You Are' by Bruno Mars and 'One Call Away' by Charlie Puth'. P'In mixed all the songs, playing them back and forth, harmoniously. Every melody was produced by a single ranad ek.


    There was no other word to describe this performance except fabulous.

    In this video, the cheering sound was extremely overwhelming. If I was a judge, I would have given him — a hundred out of ten!

    It's no wonder P'In could become a UNISTAR member. Good-looking. Outstanding talent. Plus, distinctive characteristics. Oh right! How did he do in the interview part?

    I kept watching until the video reached P'In's interview section of the contest.

    The question he got was very basic; why do you want to be a UNISTAR?

    Yeah. Why? I was also wondering about that. P'In lived invisibly, like he didn't want to be a celebrity or idol. So how did an introvert person like P'In become the UNISTAR?

    "At first, I didn't want to be a UNISTAR." P'In held the mic and answered.

    This was the first time I could hear P'In speaking clearly using full structured sentences, and he didn't redact the sentences into a few words. Apparently, P'In was capable of communicating in proper language.

    In short, P'In could speak normal human language!

    "I didn't know why I should become famous. Idol wasn't my answer."

    I turned pale as I listened to his reply. Wait. How could he answer it like that?

    Too direct. God. Didn't he want to be a UNISTAR member?

    But I kept watching. P'In must have more to say. Otherwise, he would not be the UNISTAR like now.

    "If so, then why did you choose to be here?" PD Kwang, one of the judges, asked back.

    P'In was standing still for a second. His gaze looked distant, perhaps thinking of someone. Then, P'In answered.

    "My grandma said, there were still many people in this world trying to find happiness, without ever understanding — what true happiness is."

    P'In continued.

    "Each person might define happiness in a different way. In fact, happiness is never far away. There's no need to spend money, it could just be a small thing. Happiness can be family, friends, or nature surrounding us. Unfortunately, only a few people could realise this kind of happiness."

    "So, the reason why I'm standing right here is because I wish for everyone to see what true happiness is."

    I was left in awe by his words. Apparently, since idols were constantly in the limelight, whatever they did would naturally gain attention. Whatever they do would have a significant influence on society.

    I was reminded of many good things that P'In had done. P'In rarely posted on Twitter, but he always retweeted whenever somebody needed help. P'In had never posted his own selfie on IG, but he posted beautiful images of nature.

    P'In barely used any words, but he presented happiness through his actions.

    When looking at the beautiful nature or good things in society, I also felt warm and happy.

    Here it was, the small happiness without any cost, but extremely valuable.

    "I see. This is the last question. What is true happiness for you, N'In?" PD Kwang asked.

    P'In was silent for a moment and said.

    "For me, before, it had always been my family..."

    His voice was shaking, but still in control.

    "But I eventually realised, even my family couldn't stay with me forever."

    My tears dropped. Even though I already knew that P'In didn't have both parents now, I felt sad hearing this.

    "But I'd like to thank my grandma, who showed me true happiness..."

    P'In continued.

    "The happiness that is passed on to others, will be the happiness that lasts forever."

    "Wow..." I was impressed.

    Only a simple sentence, but was so deep in meaning.

    When we defined happiness as a person or an object, it wasn't sustainable. Because an object would decay. Because a person would pass away. It was a fact of life.

    On the other hand, if we defined happiness in terms of internal feelings, the happiness that was passed on to others, it would create much more happiness by sharing the happiness. Others who received the happiness would keep sharing. Again and again. It was endless happiness — the happiness that lasts forever. True happiness that P'In had mentioned.

    I believed, for many fans, P'In wasn't only their idol. P'In was their positive energy. Whenever they were encountering any difficulties, whenever they were feeling down and worthless, whenever they were losing someone important, only seeing what P'In had done, receiving the happiness that P'In had shared, it could encourage them, it could give them strength, and it could make them look forward to the future.

    There was no doubt why P'In was chosen as a UNISTAR. There was no doubt about everything that P'In did. And there was no doubt why P'In was the Moon that received the most love from the fans.

    And I had no regret being enslaved by UNISTAR marketing!

    "Win, fighting!"

    After watching the UNISTAR contest video. I felt so energetic and encouraged. I didn't want to disappoint P'In. I must put in my best effort for the University Moon contest!

    The new week began and I had something new added to my schedule — a photoshoot for XU Official Facebook page. The photos would be utilised during the voting process for the University Moon contest that would be held soon.

    In addition, the seniors would be checking on the signature collection book this evening. I had been busy with the Moon contest, so I almost forgot about that.

    Since I had to go and take photos today, I did my makeup and hair. The student committee sent me an email to set the appointment at 10 A.M. Today, I had a class with Mr. Chana, so I asked him for special permission to leave the class and he granted my request.

    However, it wasn't 10 A.M. yet. At first, I planned to leave my dorm near the appointment time, but I suddenly felt like eating tako (Thai pudding with coconut topping) and coconut milk piekpoon (pandanus pudding in coconut cream). I remembered that the market near my university had that, so I went to buy them even though I still wasn't used to attracting attention. Luckily, it was during class hours, so most of the students were still in the classrooms.

    I couldn't help but wonder, how did the other UNISTAR members, besides P'In, normally live on campus? Even a common person with a good-looking face could easily attract attention from others. If they were both good-looking and famous idols, the fans would be swarming them wherever they went. That was why UNISTAR members needed ten bodyguards each.

    When I arrived at the market, I bought a set of each different tako flavour such as taro, corn, and ginkgo. Basically, I bought every flavour that was available at the stall. I didn't know why I was so greedy. Plus, I also bought three cups of piekpoon.

    I found a good place to sit beside the lake on campus. While I was eating, I recalled that this was the place where I first met P'In.

    Oh right! Did anyone feed the fish yet?

    I placed down the spoon and looked in my bag. Luckily, I had a box of biscuits with me, so I broke the biscuit into smaller pieces and fed the fish.

    When I saw the fish swimming in front of me to eat, I smiled happily.

    "Huh? What..." I suddenly paused.

    I came to a fully conscious realisation that I had bought so many coconut desserts and I was also feeding the fish — I did everything like P'In always did.

    What was happening to me?

    Was I already sort of pulled into P'Inism?

    "Oh no! I'm already a DomKati!" I tugged my head.

    Alright. Fine. I'll admit it.

    I was a DomKati.

    I was an absolute P'In fanboy.



    Footnote : 

    [1] Phraratchathan is a traditional Thai shirt for male, usually worn on formal occasions.

    [2] Chong Kben is a traditional Thai pants that can be worn by both male and female. It is a piece of cloth wrapped around the waist then pulled back between the legs and tucked in at the back.

    The cloth that P'In was wearing in the UNISTAR Contest should look like this photo~

    The cloth that P'In was wearing in the UNISTAR Contest should look like this photo~


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