

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    UNISTAR : Invisible Moon [English Version]

    ลำดับตอนที่ #14 : Chapter 12 : When The Air Falls for the Moon

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 25 ธ.ค. 64


    Invisible Moon

    Chapter 11

    A Rose From The Moon

    "A chance to see a shooting star

    is as rare as a chance of getting a rose from the moon."



    The feeling of condensing from air to vapour, to be existent. I hadn't quite gotten used to it yet.

    "Ahhh! Are you in P'In's buddy-code family?"

    "Where did P'In take you to eat?"

    "Can my buddy-code family join yours?"

    "I envy you. Can you help me ask for his signature?"

    "How do you contact P'In?"

    After today's activity ended, even though I was able to escape the third-year seniors' attention, I was still caught in the middle of a bunch of first-years. Everyone kept babbling and I could barely follow.

    "Hey, hey. Please calm down everyone. Win, are you okay?" Boss interjected, saving me.

    Thank God! I was so relieved that he did.

    "How is it like to be close with P'In? I'm so envious!" Parn asked me.

    "P'In...smells nice." I wasn't sure what I was saying.


    My answer caused an eruption of screams from all the girls around me.

    "Wait...How could you smell him? Or does he just always smell nice?"

    "My friend went to Hi-Touch event and met P'In. She said P'In really smelled nice too."

    "OMG! I want to sniff him now."

    "I'll sniff his whole body, from head to toe."

    "Idiot. Such a pervert."

    Still, I was surrounded by many friends desiring to see P'In's signature. Many had asked what P'In treated me to as a buddy-code family. I told them we had eaten suki. They thought it was a shabu hot pot at the shopping mall and kept muttering away. Therefore, I didn't have the chance to correct them and say that it was just a simple local Thai suki.

    Besides, many were begging me to get P'In's signature for them. I wanted and didn't want to help them at the same time. As I didn't know when I would be able to meet P'In again, and I was afraid this would bother him.

    Boss could probably read my thoughts, so he asked our friends to calm down. Boss also said we should collect the seniors' signatures by ourselves. They eventually understood and didn't request it from me anymore. Still, some secretly asked for my help get P'In's signature on their photo-books or wanted a handmade carp fish from P'In.

    "Are you alright? You must be tired." Boss comforted me.

    Afterwards, the freshmen who surrounded me dispersed. Boss persuaded me and his friends to go to a steakhouse nearby, which wasn't too expensive. So now, I was eating with Boss and his friends, without being invisible for the first time.

    Anyhow, besides Parn, Boss's friends weren't into the UNISTAR thing that much. So I could free myself from the UNISTAR topic. We literally started to get to know each other. Most questions were like: What's your name? Which high-school did you graduate from? Where do you stay now? And I found that many of them were in the same dorm as me.

    "Oh right! Tomorrow is Rose Day." Parn said, excitedly.

    "Rose Day? Wait. Like Lily Day?" A male friend asked.

    "What is Rose Day?" Some friends weren't aware of it.

    "It's our XU university's special event." Parn explained.

    "Rose Day usually takes place in the first semester and Lily Day will take place in the second semester. On Rose Day, all the Moon candidates from every year and every faculty are going to have a rose with their name tags on it. They'll walk around the campus and when the Moons meet someone who they deem as most beautiful, they will give the rose to that person."

    "That's right. And on Lily Day too." Boss added. "Just that...in contrast, the Star candidates are going to give a lily to the one they deem as most handsome."

    "Wow! That's awesome. I wanna get a rose from the Moon too." Parn made a dreamy expression.

    "Wake up! You're daydreaming."

    I was curious about what they were talking about.

    Rose Day...the Moon would give a rose?

    P'In was the university Moon and the business faculty Moon.

    So who did he give the rose to last year?

    "Uh...then who received the rose from P'In last year?" Boss asked the question that was just on my mind.

    "Hehehe." Parn, for some reason, was giggling loudly.

    "Hey. Why are you laughing so hard?"

    "Sorry, I just recalled it. It's super funny."

    "What's so funny? Who did P'In give the rose to?" Boss asked again. He was just as curious as everyone else was.

    "The one who received the rose from P'In is the most noble woman in our business faculty."

    "Huh? Noble? Senior? Faculty Star?"

    "God. No." Parn said then took out her phone.

    "Friends, you should watch it by yourselves."

    Parn was showing a video on YouTube. In the video, P'In was wearing his XU university uniform with a tiny UNISTAR logo pin. His hand was holding a fresh rose that had a small name tag hanging on it. The tag was too small, but I could guess it had 'IN, Business Moon, 2nd year' written on it.

    The video was filled with a deafening sound of screaming the moment P'In appeared. His fans must have been waiting, hoping to get the rose from him. Or maybe they just wanted to see him. It seemed like that was one of the rarest days where the agency had assigned a number of bodyguards around him, so the fans weren't able to get close to him easily. P'In was heading somewhere, emotionlessly, and that place was my faculty building.

    P'In stopped in front of the building. Then, placed a rose on the statue plinth, and raised his hands to pay respect.

    "Thank you, Lady Maria. You gave me a place to study."

    He only said that and walked away.

    As soon as the video showed the full figure of the statue — we were all laughing out loud.

    That was Lady Maria Vongz, the founder of the business faculty.

    P'In should have given the rose to a woman he thought was the most beautiful.

    Well, Lady Maria Vongz was beautiful, obviously. P'In even said 'Thank you, you gave me a place to study'.

    Knee-slapper! I eventually agreed with another one of his titles — Unbothered Moon. Because his unbotheredness was sometimes freaky and creative. I bet no one expected it.

    This morning, I was almost shocked when I walked out of my dorm. Today, the university was overwhelmingly crowded with groups of girls and most of them weren't XU students. I noticed a lot of them were wearing grey or purple clothing. Undoubtedly, they were P'In's and P'Wayu's fans.

    Moreover, when I reached the football field, I saw filming sets, MWTV vans, and many people wearing 'UNISTAR STAFF' T-shirts.

    Besides the fans, MWTV staff also came to film P'In and P'Wayu. UNISTAR summoned the crowd as always and I wasn't surprised anymore. It was a good chance to see P'In and P'Wayu.

    There was no class this morning because of Rose Day. Initially, the university didn't intend to cancel the classes, but many students would skip anyway. They would want to see the handsome Moons and hope to get a rose from one of the Moons rather than attend classes. The university then had no choice but to officially cancel classes, as the classrooms would still be empty otherwise, and teachers wouldn't have any students to teach anyway.

    I personally didn't like crowded places, so I kept walking to avoid the crowd until I reached my faculty building. Since I was hungry, I decided to go and grab something at the canteen. There were too many people, particularly DomKati wearing grey shirts, waiting for P'In.

    I'm glad of my invisible curse while I was scrambling to buy a butter-bread for my breakfast because I was successful. I looked for an empty seat, but they were all full. What should I do now?

    "Ahhhh P'Wayu!"

    Suddenly, the DomKati sitting here earlier were screaming and running out.

    'P'Wayu came?' I thought. Since almost everyone had gone out for P'Wayu, the canteen was left quite empty. Only a few DomKati remained. They were probably only interested in P'In and didn't pay much attention to P'Wayu.

    Lucky me, because I could finally find a seat to eat. However, I was also curious about what was happening outside. It wasn't easy to get a chance to see the UNISTARs. I also wondered who would receive P'Wayu's rose.

    I put the untouched bread in my bag, using my fading trait to scramble through the crowd. I almost freaked out with how crowded it was now. There were a lot of DomKati and DomWhai — P'Wayu's fandom. As P'Wayu's twitter account handle was 'Whai = Wayu @whywayu', — I had no idea why he used that name though — the fans called him 'Nong Whai' and named the fandom as 'DomWhai'.

    Oh! I could see P'Wayu now.

    I chose to watch from far away. P'Wayu was standing on a high platform, surrounded by security guards and screaming fans wearing purple coloured clothing. Plus, since the business and engineering buildings were next to each other, some of P'In's fans were there too.

    P'Wayu borrowed a megaphone from the staff, then he began greeting fans.

    "Hi! My dear fans krub."


    Such a simple greeting could cause the fans to go wild.

    "Today is Road Day. What? Different road? 'Rose' Day, not 'Road' Day."

    The fans were screaming, but I facepalmed myself instead. It seemed like P'Wayu would rather die if he couldn't make any jokes. Somehow, the fans still liked it though.

    "I have a rose right here."

    P'Wayu said, spinning a rose with his hand. Its stalk was about a foot long with a tag hanging — I assumed it had P'Wayu's name written on it. The beautiful rose was in full bloom.

    "Do you want it?" He shouted. The fans screamed in response.

    He didn't even need to ask. It was obvious that his fans were ready to fight for it.

    "I really wanna give it to all my fans krub, because my fans are all beautiful. Really! But...I only have one. What should I do?"

    P'Wayu was trying to decide. The fans kept shouting, trying to get him to look at them.

    "How about this...let fate decide!"

    He lifted the rose.

    "I'll randomly throw it. Whoever catches it, gets it!"

    I was stunned. Did he choose to throw? His fans would go crazy fighting for it.

    "Ready? One...two..."

    The fans were ready for battle.

    The worst part is, P'Wayu didn't just throw it. He softly bit the rose petals using his lips, with a seductive gaze. The fans went wilder.

    Oh! He already threw it!

    "OMG!" I was so shocked.

    His fans were rushing towards the rose, crashing into each other.

    The scene looked like the American football of DomWhai!

    I watched and bit my nails. It was terrifying. I was worried someone would get injured. Such an aggressive battle! It seemed like if someone could grab the rose by any chance, others would steal it right away. An endless battle. Obviously. Because it wasn't simply a rose from P'Wayu, it was the rose with a touch of his lips. This battle would definitely not end so easily until we have one strongest winner.

    "Ahhh! P'In!!!"

    As soon as I heard DomKati screaming, I turned around immediately.

    The screaming was so loud, and I saw P'In coming with ten guards. This was the first time I had seen him with guards. It's unavoidable because he had no choice but to appear today. He couldn't be invisible, and his fans were waiting expectantly.

    P'In was walking, protected by his guards who were leading the way. I was standing on my tiptoes. There was a rose in his hand, similar to P'Wayu's.

    I blinked as I saw P'In heading in my direction. I looked around and noticed that the business building was right behind me.

    "Oh...Lady Maria."

    I tilted my neck a little. The statue of Lady Maria was just there. P'In might give the rose to her again.

    "Excuse us. Can we get through please?" The guards told the fans to move.

    I saw P'In walking here, surrounded by screaming fans. DomKati was shouting his name excitedly. They were all holding their phones to take photos and record videos. I was thinking if I should move aside.

    However, I paused when his eyes met mine.

    I didn't know what to do, so I only raised my hand to politely pay respect to P'In because P'In was my senior and I was younger.

    He didn't respond, just continued heading towards me.

    My legs froze. I looked behind me. Lady Maria Vongz was right here. I should move away. But when I turned back, I was surprised that P'In was standing right in front of me, with only a metre of distance. His guards also surrounded me.

    He was standing still, facing me, looking at me, without any emotions on his face, as he always did.

    "P'In..." I called his name, almost undertone compared to the fans' noisy sound around us. Nevertheless, it seemed like all other sounds were fading away, little by little, as P'In stood here.

    Right. He was here, right in front of me. I just stood blinking at him.

    Until he slowly handed a rose to me.

    My eyes widened and I froze. It took a while for me to react.

    "This is...w-why?" I stuttered.

    I wasn't sure if he heard me, but then he replied.

    "It suits you."

    "Huh? You're giving...to me?" I pointed at myself. Hesitantly.

    "Yes." He nodded slightly.

    The fans burst into excitement when they saw P'In giving the rose to someone. They tried to scramble inside, craving to know who the lucky person was.

    I lifted my shaky hand to accept the rose from P'In. Then, I was suddenly pushed away by the crowd, away from P'In, and I couldn't see him anymore.

    P'In was surrounded by plenty of fans, while I fell out of the fans' cordon. Unnoticed, due to my invisibility.

    I was looking at the rose in my hand. I still couldn't believe it.

    A name tag with the XU logo was hanging on the rose's long stalk.

    'IN, Business Moon, 3rd year'

    This was the rose from P'In — the rose that he gave to me with his own hand. I thought about the purpose of Rose Day. The Moon from every year and every faculty would give a rose to — the most beautiful one.

    "What? Beautiful? Me?" I was shocked.

    If he really meant it according to Rose Day, then...

    P'In thought that I was beautiful? Seriously?

    I held my chest tightly.

    It's just a rose, but why did I feel like there were infinite butterflies flying in my heart. Why?




    [1] Hi-Touch is an event that provides a privilege for the fans to touch their idol's hand for a few seconds. The UNISTAR Hi-Touch privileges can be upgraded from fanmeet tickets via redeeming Unity points.

    [2] Whai in Thai means Rattan palm.



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