Although clean freshwater is so important for the quality of life, over one billion people still does not have access to clean drinking water. A truly horrific number. Not only do we humans need it to drink, we also need it to keep an acceptable hygien in order to stay healthy. Apart from water consumption on a personal level, industries and agriculture actually consumes the majority of freshwater supplied. If they didn't get their share of water, our lifestyle would plummet into food shortages and lower material standard. To make matters worse. Not only are over one bilion people lacking access to clean drinking water, but we are polluting the water we have. Oil spill and dumping of toxic waste are causing real damage in our rivers, lakes and oceans, causing depletion of fish and other animals we need for food. So by polluting the water our food is also affected as a bonus. In many parts of the world, clean freshwater supply can't meet the growing demand from a growing population. That is why it is important to save and conserve what we have, in order for everyone to at least have something to drink without getting sick. A few simple things you could do to save water are:Use your dishwasher only when it is full.Use a composting toilet or at least a new water efficient toilet.Fix dripping faucets.If you are hand washing your dishes, rinse it in a bowl.Only take short showers. To spread the word about these water issues I really think some great slogans on water can help. When writing articles, fliers or placards slogans are perfect for getting wholesale good quality water dispensers the message noticed and remembered by the readers. For a great collection of all sorts of water slogans, please check out the About the Author box!
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