Heaven-hell Dimesion
No one was good or bad from the start it is society that makes us human.
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Lord God Father creator multiverse and Dimesion
He saw that the Titan with so much that it's dangerous
So he created the 7 apostles
Come defeat the harassing titan God Dimension
after that Multiverse So it is 2 parts
and Lord God Father create gods
7 Gods
1st God of The world Named Land he created the world and the moon.
2nd Goddess of the oceans Named Wasser She is Build the world's oceans and waters.
3rd God of the breath Named Luft they create the ozone layer and air
4th Goddess of Creating life Named Lilith she created life
5th god of intelligence Named Adam he created the intinct of living tings
6th goddess of the Creativity Named wohlstand she Build a habitat for living tings
7th god of the Darkness names Lichtbringes he is the strongest in THE GODS
The Seven gods will be taught in the language of heavan that Princps deorum concilium
or called in Elf language Wellsmarkcared that createur
But language in TamilRasilDrua Mawr o'r nef
located at God Dimension Universe Eden
symbol Pure heavenly tree of Lord God Father
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