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    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Words that are often confused

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 19 มี.ค. 55

    Words that are often confused
    sensible and sensitive

    sensible means ‘practical’ or ‘having good judgement’ =  
    ที่ขึ้นอยู่กับความเป็นจริงor มีเหตุผล
    sensitive means ‘easily affected by the things people say or do’ = ซึ่งรู้สึกไวต่อคำพูดหรือการกระทำ
    ·                                 Come on darling, be sensible and put a coat on. It’s freezing outside.
    ·                                 Don’t be so sensitive - he didn’t say you were fat, it was just a joke.

    Usually we are sympathetic when someone has a problem or is in trouble.  
    = เห็นอกเห็นใจ,
    ·                                 They were very sympathetic when our house was burgled but they couldn’t do much to help.
    We don’t use it to mean ‘nice’ or ‘pleasant’
    ·                                 My uncle is a very sympathetic man.

    We are nervous in a particular situation, like an exam. We don’t generally use nervous to describe someone’s character.=
    กระสับกระส่าย, ร้อนรน, ประหม่า, กลัวลนลาน
    ·                                 I’ve never been as nervous as the time I had to give a speech to 500 people.
    ·                                 My sister is very nervous. She’s always shouting at me.
    journey and travel

    Journey is countable. Travel is uncountable and refers to the general idea of travelling.
    ·                                 Did you have a good travel?
    ·                                 Travel is something I recommend to all young people.
    ·                                 The journey took about 8 hours.
    recipe, receipt and prescription

    A recipe is a set of instructions for cooking something.
    = ตำรากับข้าว, สูตรอาหาร (อาจแปลว่าเครื่องหมายนำการสั่งยา (ในใบสั่งยา) เขียนแทนด้วย Px แต่ยึดความหมายแรกดีกว่านะ)
    A receipt is a piece of paper you are given after you pay for something.
    = ใบเสร็จรับเงิน
    A prescription is a piece of paper a doctor gives you to get the medicine you need. =

    จาก Britishcouncil คะ

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