

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    a short and a long of hans winterson

    ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : "Wasted" land

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 19
      21 ก.ค. 66

           First year of nuclear war , kay one of many survivors that roam around the land of nothing , only ruines , Ashes burnt and a little of life that always be a small one , all the big one are dead no sight of life upon this ruines building the sky tower that used to he high up touch the sky now are only just a burnt ruine with no sight of people on them only they touch is neither a toxic fog up in the low sky or the ashes fill floor with toxic all over them

           Kay is a widow , her love died cause of radiation toxic her family almost immediately dead after the second bomb come a pity is never leave her eyes since , she lost her son for first bomb the heat make him boil in the pool the strike was too sudden; no alarm no sound thier technology is scared us all she and her husband run away for the new state where is her mom live but the second bomb take away her mom oh how the humanity evolved to kill , it's neutron bomb , upon arrived no sight of ruines but everything going down with chaos , everyone dead right on the spot , her husband die after the radiated poison finally kill his heart , only Kay , she thought she wouldn't survive a radiation didn't effect her much only a few headaches seem impossible but still she roaming around right now.

           September 2032, noone know the day since the clouds of toxic are block the sun no hum from bird nor a sound of anything only the slow wind kay wish it's didn't get more windy now , she wearing gas mask cover her exhausted face ; no more life to live for only get to survive day by day on her she had a hunting rifle with ammo of 1 chamber or 5  rounds , 1 can of soup she doesn't sure is it irritated or not but she still keep it because it's only thing her husband gave her before he collapsed and 1 water bottle she kind of sure that the water is clean , she roaming from the mall down into the city something and someone she doesn't expect and doesn't want to be appear in far sight , it's cleaner , they're from government to clean and kill everyone on sight upon meeting to prevent radiation from spreading they doing something right now she can't see them clear but it's seem like they're taking thier victim to somewhere, somewhere that she should leave that alone , she finally get in one of the house , no live mean no harm only thing that will harm you in this is nature that left by a man first thing she do is get in the kitchen, she turn on Geiger counters, quiet swallow the room for a second and geiger start working, it's have radioactive but not too much by around the room , the ticking sounds is surrounded the room but surely there's no way it's lound enough to go out of the house , she open the cabin grab some food and can opener , she had a decent meal out of the can of food a quiet is now replaced all the sound since she turn off the keiker , her stomach is fulled she wash it down it a water in the bottle and a meal is done, she grabbed 2 can of food and run away far from the house and those cleaner 

    To start fire you need 2 things , fuel and fire , she only have fuel , now in the dead Forrest neutron bomb killed everything , small , big , on the sky , on the land or on the water , smell of corpes decomposing all over the forest but if she wants to survive neither going in the town where cleaner might kill her when she fall asleep or live in this dead forest, it's not that different but at least in the forest she have more hope to survive , she use keiker to see is this area effect by radioactive or not.... It's not , what a relief while she reaching down to put keiker into her back , like g-d have a mercy upon her , she remembers collected matches from the house before now , why does she doesn't remember before?  She started a fire wish no one see the smoke , this dead silence Forrest is too quiet for a single man to stay and doesn't fall asleep, so she lay down with a blanket sleep on the cold floor reminded her of a bunker she used to be in , sky is always dark with toxic gray cloud so remind you she have to wear gasmask while sleep

    Morning shine , if you thinking about a sun light shine down from clear sky , no it's not what you think a cloud is block everything, sounds? No not a single one , she woke up yet still no purpose in life since everything is lost as always the only thing in life for her is to survive , her only purpose is to find purpose in life, this land used to give everyone opportunity, to work to be educated and to be alive , now it's all wasted no one around at all she get out of the forest heading in the city again she go into random house and doing the things that she done yesterday again but this time no food for her no supply nothing , until she heard a lound noise from front door , cleaner they're here they spray cleaning products to clean all over the place she quick and quiet like a wood mice and hide under bed upstairs, cleaner get into the room within minutes , she doesn't even move a single muscle after a blink of an eyes , everyone gone? Cleaner is no more? Where did they go? She come out from under the bed , that was too quick ahe stare at them all time and now they gone within a second? Impossible this is not possible at all , she leaning onto bed , a softness of bed is not the first thing she felt, it's a corpes warped with cleaner body bag to stop radioactive from spreading, is the corpe always here? Why is she didn't see it suddenly she seem like to remember something, yes she saw the body but it doesn't cover with this blue body bag no , she pull out keiker and measure the wrapped body , it's seem so low that this is impossible, she reach and open the bag , the keiker making a ticking sound lound enough to make her scared , but she is more scared that face of a body she sure it the same one she had in memory but why does she just remember now... Something wrong with her , is this part of radioactive poison?? She not sure at all , she wander down stairs and down the road , keep thinking about thing that just happened until she heard a lound gas come from one of the house following with a scream 

    Help me!!

    HELP ME!!



    A lound noise come from a building , cleaner, they burning victims down at the first floor , she saw a burning body trying to crawl out of window , most of them fail to do but 1 that look like a child? Screaming lound running out of window before collapsed into the ground , smell of burning human meat is all over the place, kay cannot hold it anymore she throw the thought of what happened to her before unsafe the rifle and ready it , she running in and fired. 1 cleaner man shot dead on spot by kay her first kill her hands is shaking but she snap out of shock with a lound assault rifle noise she get in bunker , clear for another shot and aim for the head of those cleaners they are down 1 by 1 till her ammo is out , her sudden headache doesn't help at all she gaze on assault rifle that is on the ground but the only 1 cleaner left and he's somewhere she cannot sure is running out and pick the gun up will be good idea or not

    Thing going like this for 10 minutes no one make a move at all, her headache start killing her , as ahe remember radioactive cannot make her lose memories or this much headache what wrong with her?? She decided she will run for it , so shr run in and grab an assault rifle before she getting shot at lucky it's all missed she running back to cover and fire back where they're firing from a lound groaning pain can be heard after she empty her magazine she got him , she finally did it before she collapsed onto the floor, all went black before she wake up on the table eating a can of food... What? She felt the terrible terrible headache she doesn't know why , is she forgot that she woke up and go find a food? The keiker counter is lound like when she open that corpe oh no.. why is she eating in radioactive area , the door is open and keiker is lound everyone should heard it this is no good her head ache is too much she collapsed to the ground but still crawling for the keiker her legs don't move at all she grabbed the keiker and turn it off , so cold around here her gasmask is fogging up she cannot breathe. Must. Take it. Off... She did her face pale white like a Paint on the wall , wind slowly come her lungs filled with water from radiation no is she going to die here? All the suffer she doesn't even know is everything, from flighting sleeping or corpes is real , this is the same house where she used to be when first searching the town, are they all illusion? She doesn't know her hand start to cold what a suffer feeling, the cleaner stand in front of the door , they have wound on the left hand pointing gun at her, she suffers more than enough she simply ask.

    "Shoot me."


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