ลำดับตอนที่ #15
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ลำดับตอนที่ #15 : Desire เครดิต - www.gongaga.com
Title: Desire
Pair: Ed/Roy
Circle: Kazino Made
Pages: 20
Content: PG-13
Plot: Ed thinks to himself how he and his brother work for this organization they keep returning to. In the night, he walks there, and he finds Roy. He says he's not sleeping, and Roy asks what time it is. Ed says it's about 3am- he hasn't been crying has he?
Ed says that his brother has been grieving, and he understands how he feels. He gets mad at Roy for not answering him and Roy shushes him. He admits he knows what it's like, and regrets what happened. He too has thought about that forbidden magic, but knows what happens if you use it. He hugs Ed and Ed is surprised at the captain's softness.
They find solace in each other, thinking that feeling that is better than the alternative.
Sample: Download Desire.zip