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ลำดับตอนที่ #11 : 少年犯罪レポート เครดิต - www.gongaga.com
เครดิต - www.gongaga.com
Title: 少年犯罪レポート
Pair: Edward/Roy
Circle: Jyuji Azuma & Kazuyosi Haniwa
Pages: 17
Content: R
Plot: [Edward is beating up some thugs on the street who called him "kid", by which he's offended. Later Roy is chewing him out for his conduct. Edward mouths off that it's his job- Roy says it's HIS as well.
Edward then gets all lecherous on him, and says they better wrap it up because he feels like playing around.
He retorts wittily, to which Edward looks blank and Roy is reminded how young he is.
He says they should play around right here? Edward is impressed by Roy's "skill". Edward finishes first and Roy teases him to grow up fast. Edward takes Roy, since he's all annoyed at the comment. He taunts him while he's doing it, calling him womanly.
Roy is not phased.
Edward asks who would take his fieriness- Roy?
Sample: Download Criminal Boy Report.zip