Hi today is my first day of high school. I\'m Thai girl and I\'m 15 yers old. Oh I for got. My name is Bua. Here they are. My high school. I\'m so exiting. Oh my goch. It\'s him. he guy who I like. He\'s so cute. Oh my goch! I was about to walk and say hi to him. But.......I trip! And the water that I hold was...............alover him!Oh My goch! What chould I do.No. He\'s lokk at me. what should I do? HELP!!!!!!!!!He came in to me and.........\" are you okay?\" That\'s the first word he spoke to me. \"aah yeah. Thanks\" He smile at me and alk to his class. Oh his name is Ryan. He\'s asian. He in 12 grade. He\'s Vietnames too. Oha my goch. I can\'t stop from looking at him.
      How as it? This is my first story so if there was any think wrong, don\'t keep it to your self okay? Writ it to me.Or if you want to talk to me. My e-mail is B_bua250@hotmail.com.see you later.
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