

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Private story !

    ลำดับตอนที่ #7 : Jealousy Bites Robert

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 23 เม.ย. 63


         Silver moonlight poured in through the large glass windows.

         An acquaintance had invited me to a ball he was holding, and I had invited Robert to come with me.

         We had danced to a couple of upbeat tunes, and now were waltzing to a slow one.


    "It's been a while since you've danced in public like this, but you're not nervous at all, are you?"


    "No. And it's because you're my partner today."


    "I'm honored, Your Highness."

         Robert said teasingly, and I responded with a smile while making sure we were still in step to the music.

         After the song finished, the aristocrat who had invited us walked to the center of the ballroom.


    "Hello again, everyone. What do you say to changing it up a little tonight? How about switching partners.

    "And then you'll dance as if you and your new partner are lovers, as the next song will be a song about love."

         (So then I'll be pretending that someone else who isn't Robert is my lover.)

         I wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea, but then the host walked up to me and held out a hand.


    "Will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

         (I remember this guy being oddly persistent last time I met him.)


    "The honor would be mine, as long as my partner gives his consent."

         I answered after a pause, not wanting to bring anymore attention than what was already on us.


    "Don't worry about me, Float. But..."

         Don't make me too jealous, Robert whispered so only I could hear.

         I held back a grin, not wanting to be disrespectful to the host. My thought still on Robert, I took the host's hand without thinking.

         The host pulled me closer to his body than needed, and I awkwardly took a half-a-step back. But even when the song was over, and the next song was about to begin, the host held tightly onto my hand.

         (Ugh, well I guess I can just do one more dance with him.)

         I sighed inwardly, not noticing Robert come up from behind, so when a hand grabbed my arm, I was surprised.

         I turned to see Robert, and Robert gently yanked me away from the host.


    "What do you think you're doing?"


    "You two were dancing so wonderfully like you really were a true couple.

    "So now I can't lose during the next dance, as her real lover."

         His tone was joking, but it still made me excited to hear the word 'lover' from his lips.

         (Ah, maybe he realized I wanted to get away and came here to help.)

         Robert lowered his grip on my arm to my hand, so that we were in a dancing position once more.

         His smile was warm and kind, and we swayed with the music.

         (Even if it was to help me, it's not very Robert-like to interrupt a dance in the middle.)

         As glad as I was, I found myself curious as to why Robert acted as he did.


    "Robert? Did you come over to help me earlier?"

         I asked, a bit hesitantly. Robert showed surprise before smiling wryly at me.

         He stopped dancing.


    "There's something I've been wanting to tell you, Float."


    "Tell me? About what?"

         Robert led me to the balcony. The air was cold for this time of year.


    "It's all right to refuse if you don't want to."

         Robert looked straight at me, his expression worried, but his eyes stern.


    "I know, but I didn't want to insult the host."

         I replied, and Robert gave me a faint smile.



    "You're too nice, Princess. And that's not a bad thing. Even a good thing for a Princess. But...

    "Remember that all men are wolves."

                   I looked up to see Robert's face more clearly, but suddenly, before I knew it, I was in the middle of a kiss.

                   The kiss was gentle, and yet I felt like I was being devoured body and soul.

                   Wanting more, I kissed Robert back,

                  I could feel his lips turn upwards into a smile against my lips as he tangled his fingers into my hair.


    "Didn't I warn you not to make me too jealous?

    "Or is this what you wanted?"

                   Of course I hadn't planned on making me jealous, but it was so rare to see Robert act so roughly, it was almost worth it.

                  I opened my mouth to answer.


    "What if I said yes?

    "That I wanted to see you jealous."


    "Then you've succeeded. Maybe it was immature of me, but when I saw you dancing with him

    "And seeing you laughing like that, pretending to be lovers, it made me burn with jealousy."


    "So you really were jealous?"

         Robert was always so mature that it was hard to imagine him jealous in any way.


    "Of course I was…and I still am, to tell you the truth."

         (So he didn't come just to help me. He came because he was jealous, too.)

         I giggled at the thought.

         My giggle was muffled when Robert pulled me into an embrace.


    "I try to be mature. But when I'm around you, sometimes I lose my cool.

    "And yet, there's a part of me that doesn't mind feeling jealous.

    "Since even jealousy is a sign of how special you are to me, Float."

         His voice was back to his usual calm tone. I snuggled against him, and he continued to hold me tight...


    นิยายแฟร์ 2025

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