

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Private story !

    ลำดับตอนที่ #6 : Jealousy Bites Leo

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 23 เม.ย. 63


         The sun was warm, and the sky was clear blue. It was a beautiful spring afternoon.

         Leo had been busy these past few days, so Giles had been tutoring me instead.


    "All right, flip to the next page."


    "Got it."

         I took notes as Giles explained, but something about today's lecture reminded me of Leo.

         (Ah, it's because Leo warned me that the history of this country was going to be confusing.

         (I wonder what he's doing right now? I hope he's doing well.)

         I heard a half-amused, half-exasperated chuckle from above, and my head snapped up.


    "Oops. Sorry, Giles."


    "Let's take a break, shall we?"




         We were sipping a delicious brand of earl grey tea, when Giles mentioned Leo's name.


    "How's Leo as a tutor?"


    "He's... Well, he's good at teaching, too.

    "But sometimes he teases me during his lectures, and it makes it really hard to concentrate."

              (Not that I mind.)

         I answered truthfully. Giles then suddenly stood up.


    "Teases you? Like... This?"

         Giles put a hand on my chair, almost trapping me between him and the chair, and then leaned in.



         I thought he was going to kiss me, and quickly yelled his name. But the moment I did so, he stood up straight again.

         (Wait, what is he holding?)

         I saw the piece of lint in Giles's hand, along with his smug expression.

         I blushed instantly at my mistake.

         I looked away, not being able to bear his smirk when...

         My eyes met with Leo's crimson ones. He was standing by the door, and he looked angry.


    "Leo? Did you finish work already?"

         Excited to see him for the first time in a week, I stood up to run over towards him.

         But Leo swiftly turned around before saying


    "I don't have the confidence to stay calm right now. I'm sorry.

    "I just dropped by to say hi, so I have to get back to work now."

         (Oh, no. Don't tell me he saw Giles and me and made the same mistake I did!)

         I wanted to run after him, but my feet were frozen to the ground with fear.



         Later that night, I was in bed, but it was hard for me to fall asleep thinking about Leo.

         (He probably did see it and thought that we were kissing.

         (Wait, nohe's smarter than that. I have to give him more credit.)

         I sighed to myself, not knowing what to think anymore.

         It was then that a hesitant knock echoed throughout my room.


    "Are you still awake, Float?"


    "I am. Come in."

         I lifted myself up on the bed.

         Leo opened the door and slowly walked his way over to the bed, sitting down near my feet.


    "Sorry to come visiting you so late. I was going to visit tomorrow morning.

    "But I didn't think I could sleep without apologizing to you. I'm sorry for acting like that this noon."

         Leo averted his eyes, as if he were afraid of what my reaction would be.


    "You scared me, Leo.

    "I have a feeling I know what you thought you saw though. So I'm sorry, too."


    "You don't have anything to apologize about, Float."

         Leo continued while rubbing his thumb over my hand.


    "I heard from Giles that he was just getting a piece of lint off your clothes.

    "I trust you two, and I'd usually be able to stay calm and know that it's just a misunderstanding,

    "So maybe it's because I'd been busier than usual. At least I hope so..."

         Leo flashed a wry smile.


    "I'm so lame. I was jealous because of a misunderstanding."


    "Just a little."


    "You say as you laugh."


    "It's true. I'm kind of happy to see you jealous actually. It's cute."

         Feeling back to my old self again, I teased Leo.

         His expression brightened at that, and he lifted his fingers to my face and let it trail down my cheek.



    "Thank you, Float. Can I ask for one more favor?"


    "Anything for you."


    "Prove to me that I'm yours, and you're mine so that I won't accidentally get jealous again.

    "Help me relax."

         Leo tilted his head to the side, and he looked so cute I just had to laugh.


    "Sure, I can do that."

         I unbuttoned Leo's shirt and sucked hard on the base of his exposed neck, making sure to leave a bright, red mark.


    "You're always full of surprises. Maybe it's true that jealousy adds spice, because I'm finding you even more sexy tonight."

         Leo grinned with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

         Knowing what he was about to say next, I pulled his hand, making us both fall onto the bed, with a grin of my own...



    นิยายแฟร์ 2025

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