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    The Witch’s Quest | นิยายภาษาอังกฤษ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : Into the Enchanted Forest

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 4
      26 มิ.ย. 67

    Chapter 4: Into the Enchanted Forest

    The Whispering Woods stretched before Elara and Tumble like an emerald sea of ancient trees and dappled sunlight. Shafts of golden light filtered through the canopy above, casting intricate patterns on the moss-covered ground. The air was thick with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the faint echo of distant birdcalls.

    Elara took a deep breath, the crisp forest air filling her lungs with renewed determination. "This is it, Tumble," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. "Somewhere in these woods, we'll find clues about my grandmother and the family spellbook."

    Tumble wagged his tail eagerly, his eyes bright with anticipation. "Let's start exploring, Elara! Maybe the spirits of the forest will guide us."

    With a nod, Elara led the way along a narrow path that wound deeper into the heart of the Whispering Woods. Every rustle of leaves and soft whisper of wind seemed to beckon them forward, urging them to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the ancient grove.

    As they walked, Elara's thoughts drifted to the stories she had read in the library—the tales of Seraphina's encounters with magical creatures and her deep connection to the natural world. Could her grandmother have left behind clues or enchantments that would lead them to the family spellbook?

    Suddenly, a soft melody drifted through the trees—a hauntingly beautiful tune that seemed to echo through the forest itself. Elara and Tumble exchanged a curious glance before following the sound deeper into the woods.

    Around a bend in the path, they discovered a clearing bathed in dappled sunlight, where a figure sat upon a fallen log, fingers dancing over the strings of a silver harp. The melody filled the air with an ethereal grace, weaving a spell of tranquility and wonder.

    Elara approached cautiously, her heart racing with a mixture of awe and curiosity. The harpist—a graceful elf with shimmering silver hair and eyes like pools of moonlight—looked up, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

    "Welcome, travelers," the elf greeted warmly, her voice as melodic as the music she played. "I am Lyra, guardian of the Whispering Woods. What brings you to this enchanted realm?"

    Elara stepped forward, her eyes bright with excitement. "I'm Elara," she introduced herself, her voice tinged with reverence. "We seek knowledge about my grandmother, Seraphina, and the family spellbook. Can you help us?"

    Lyra's eyes sparkled with wisdom as she set aside her harp and rose to her feet. "Seraphina," she murmured, her voice soft with memory. "She was a beloved friend and ally of the forest spirits—a witch of great skill and compassion."

    Tumble tilted his head, his ears twitching with curiosity. "Did she leave anything behind?" he asked eagerly. "Clues about a spellbook?"

    Lyra nodded thoughtfully. "Many years ago, Seraphina entrusted me with a gift—a crystal pendant much like the one you carry," she explained, her fingers tracing a delicate chain around her neck. "It holds the key to unlocking the secrets of her magic and the location of the family spellbook."

    Elara's heart leaped with hope. "Where is it?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

    Lyra gestured toward a towering oak tree at the edge of the clearing, its ancient branches reaching toward the sky. "In the heart of the Whispering Woods lies a hidden grove," she revealed. "There, beneath the roots of the oldest tree, you will find a doorway to a forgotten chamber—a sanctuary where Seraphina's magic still lingers."

    Excitement surged through Elara as she exchanged a glance with Tumble. "Thank you, Lyra," she said gratefully, her voice filled with determination. "We'll find the hidden grove and uncover the secrets of my grandmother's magic."

    With a nod of farewell, Elara and Tumble continued deeper into the Whispering Woods, their hearts light with the promise of discovery and the knowledge that they were one step closer to finding the family spellbook.

    As they ventured onward, the forest seemed to hum with anticipation, its ancient trees whispering tales of bravery and enchantment. Elara could feel the magic of the Whispering Woods swirling around her, guiding their path toward a destiny intertwined with courage, friendship, and the enduring power of family.

    Little did she know, their journey into the heart of the enchanted forest would lead them closer to unraveling the mysteries of her grandmother's magic—and closer to the challenges and adventures that awaited them beyond the safety of Willowbrook.


    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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