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    The Witch’s Quest | นิยายภาษาอังกฤษ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : Setting Off

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      25 มิ.ย. 67

    Chapter 3: Setting Off

    The library of Willowbrook stood at the edge of the village square, its wooden doors adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of magical creatures and ancient spells. Elara pushed open the heavy door, the scent of old parchment and ink filling her senses as she stepped into the cool interior.

    Books lined the shelves from floor to ceiling, their spines worn with age and wisdom. Elara marvelled at the vast collection, knowing that somewhere among these shelves lay the answers she sought about her grandmother, Seraphina, and the elusive family spellbook.

    "Where do we start, Elara?" Tumble asked, his eyes darting excitedly from one shelf to the next.

    Elara scanned the rows of books, her fingers tracing the titles as she searched for any mention of her grandmother's name. "We need to find someone who knew Seraphina well," she replied thoughtfully. "Maybe there's a book here that mentions her."

    They wandered deeper into the library, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished wooden floor. A kindly librarian with spectacles perched on her nose glanced up from her desk, her eyes twinkling with curiosity as she noticed Elara and Tumble.

    "Can I help you find something, dear?" the librarian asked, her voice warm and inviting.

    Elara approached the desk, the pendant nestled safely in her pocket. "I'm looking for information about my grandmother, Seraphina," she explained eagerly. "She was a powerful witch who lived here in Willowbrook. Do you have any books about her?"

    The librarian's expression softened with understanding. "Ah, Seraphina," she murmured, her gaze drifting toward the shelves. "She was a remarkable woman, known for her kindness and her deep connection to the magic of this land."

    She pulled out a weathered tome bound in cracked leather, its pages yellowed with age. "This book," she continued, placing it gently on the desk, "contains stories and legends passed down through generations. Perhaps you will find some clues about your grandmother within its pages."

    Elara eagerly opened the book, her eyes scanning the ancient text for any mention of Seraphina. Tumble leaned in close, his nose twitching with curiosity as he studied the faded illustrations and intricate script.

    "Here," Elara exclaimed softly, her finger tracing a passage that described Seraphina's encounters with mythical creatures and her mastery of ancient spells. "It says she once ventured into the Whispering Woods to commune with the spirits of nature."

    Tumble's eyes widened with excitement. "Maybe she left clues about the spellbook in the forest!"

    Elara nodded thoughtfully. "It's possible," she agreed, her mind racing with possibilities. "If my grandmother had a connection to the Whispering Woods, there might be more to discover there."

    The librarian smiled warmly at Elara. "Follow your heart, dear," she encouraged. "Sometimes, the answers we seek are found in unexpected places."

    With renewed determination, Elara closed the book and tucked it under her arm, the weight of its ancient knowledge filling her with a sense of purpose. "Thank you," she said gratefully to the librarian. "We'll start our search in the Whispering Woods."

    As they left the library and crossed the village square, Elara felt a sense of excitement building within her—a certainty that their journey was leading them closer to uncovering the secrets of her grandmother's magic and finding the elusive family spellbook.

    "We're on the right path, Tumble," Elara said with a smile, her eyes shining with determination. "Let's head to the Whispering Woods and see what we can discover."

    Tumble wagged his tail eagerly, his green eyes reflecting the same sense of adventure that burned brightly in Elara's heart. Together, they set off down the familiar path that led to the edge of Willowbrook and the enchanted forest beyond.

    As they ventured deeper into the Whispering Woods, the air hummed with the gentle whispers of ancient trees and the promise of untold mysteries waiting to be unveiled. Elara could feel the magic of the forest swirling around her, guiding their steps toward a destiny intertwined with courage, friendship, and the power of family.

    Little did she know, their journey was only just beginning—a journey that would lead them beyond the safety of Willowbrook and into a world where legends whispered of forgotten spells, hidden dangers, and the enduring strength of a young witch determined to protect her village and unlock the magic within.


    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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