

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    HTML Basics

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : 1

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 24 พ.ย. 51

    HTML Basics For Your hi5 Profile

    Three simple rules for HTML beginners:

    1. HTML tags are placed between less-than (<) and greater-than (>) signs.
    2. Many tags need to be closed, which is done with a forward slash ( / ). Some examples below are <strong></strong>, <i></i>, and <a></a>. Tags that don't need to be closed include line breaks ( <br/> ) and image tags ( <img /> ) - the slash is added to the end of the single tag.
    3. Tags need to be closed in a "first in - last out" manner. For example, if you open tags in this order: <a><strong><i>, you need to close them starting with the last and working toward the first: </i></strong></a>, otherwise your tags may appear broken or not show at all.

    Some basic HTML tags you can use:

    1. Line Break: Use the <br/> tag.
      Example: Check <br/> out <br/> my <br/> profile!
    2. Bold Text: Use the <strong> tag.
      Example: <strong>Check out my profile!</strong>
      Check out my profile!
    3. Italic Text: Use the <i> tag.
      Example: <i>Check out my profile!</i>
      Check out my profile!
    4. Bold Italic Text: Use the <i> and <strong> tags together.
      Example: <strong><i>Check out my profile!</i></strong>
      Check out my profile!
    5. Make A Text/Image Link:
      Use <a href="http://www.YOUR_URL_HERE.com/">YOUR TEXT or IMAGE HERE</a>
      Example: <a href="http://www.hi5.com">hi5.com</a>

      To have the link open in a new window, add target="_blank" to your <a> tag:
      <a href="http://www.hi5.com" target="_blank">hi5.com</a>
    6. Cool Characters ขผ ขภ ขพ: Check these out!
    7. Add An Image:
      Use <img src="http://www.YOUR_URL_HERE.com/image.jpg" />
      <img src="http://images.hi5.com/images/frontpage_pic.jpg"/>

    CSS Basics For Your hi5 Profile

    CSS is a powerful tool you can use to make your profile stand out by using some basic HTML and CSS styling. Inside of an HTML tag, place style=" ", so it looks like this: <p style=" ">.
    Inside of the quotes you can put your styles. Separate each style with a semicolon ( ; ). If you'd like to make your text big, red, and centered, try these styles:
    <p style="font-size: 36px; color: #FF0000; text-align: center;">big, red, center text</p>

    big, red, center text

    A common tag you can use besides the <p> tag is the <div> tag. This puts a box around your content, and you can give the box styles for itself and the stuff in it. The large white boxes on this page are made with <div> tags.

    Some other styles you can use are listed below, or you can view a full list on DevGuru.

    • background-color: Change colors or make the background transparent.
    • background-image: Use to add or subtract a background image.
    • border: Specify the color, thickness, and style of borders on an element.
    • color: Controls text color.
    • font-family: Specify fonts like Verdana, Arial, Trebuchet, Times New Roman, or Georgia.
    • font-size: Change the size of your type.
    • font-style: Make your text italic, oblique, or normal.
    • font-weight: Make your text bold weight, lightweight, or normal.
    • height: Structure your element with a percentage, or a specified number.
    • margin: Give your element space around the outside edge by adding margins.
    • padding: Padding your element puts space on the inside edge.
    • position: Move your element wherever you like.
    • text-align: Align your text left, right, or center, or justify it.
    • text-decoration: Strike through your text, underline or overline it.
    • width: Structure your element with a percentage, or a specified number.

    Video, Flash, and Everything Else

    You can copy code from a website that allows you to post videos to our site, for example www.youtube.com or videos.google.com.

    You can also add some fun flash from a website that allows you to post flash to our site, for example slide.com.

    What's Not Allowed?
    Applets, forms, frames, layers, scripts. These will be automatically stripped from your code.

    Stylesheet for hi5 Profiles

    Would you like to be able to customize each part of your hi5 profile? Here is how to do it:

    1. Click on Profile Customization under the My Profile tab
    2. Copy the stylesheet below and change the styles you want in Notepad or HTML editor.
    3. Paste the styles in the Style textbox.
    4. Click Save.
    It's that easy!!

    <style type="text/css">
    .text_header {
    color: #FF99FF;
    font: 20px "Courier New", Courier, mono;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 0px 4px 0px 100px;
    border-right:1px solid #CCCCCC;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    background: #333333;
    background-image: url(http://images.hi5.com/images/home/graphics/music_bkgd.jpg);
    font: 20px "Courier New", Courier, mono;
    color: #0066FF;
    font: 18px Lucida Console, Monaco, monospace;
    color: #FF3399;

    font:14px Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif ;
    color: #3300FF;
    a, a:visited, a:active,a.link_blue {
    color: #00FF00;
    font: 12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    border-bottom:1px solid #009900;
    .bg_title {
    background-color: #666666;
    .bg_title span.text_header {
    padding-left: 150px;
    font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    border-right:1px solid #000000;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
    background: #999999;

    Want to learn more about HTML and CSS?

    Click here to read a helpful tutorial. Learning HTML and CSS is a skill that help you create, edit and maintain webpages for fun, business, or family. Practice your skills on hi5!

    Color Tables

    HTML colors are written as RRGGBB (red, green, blue) values, using combinations of numbers 0-9 and letters A-F. The value of 0 turns the color channel off, and the value of F turns it completely on. The other numbers and letters represent varying levels of the color. That is why the hex color for bright red is #FF0000 (Red channels are both fully on, with green and blue turned off). Copy and paste web-safe colors for your profile below.

    Make sure you always start your colors with a pound sign (#).

    #000000 #000033 #000066 #000099 #0000CC #0000FF
    #003300 #003333 #003366 #003399 #0033CC #0033FF
    #006600 #006633 #006666 #006699 #0066CC #0066FF
    #009900 #009933 #009966 #009999 #0099CC #0099FF
    #00CC00 #00CC33 #00CC66 #00CC99 #00CCCC #00CCFF
    #00FF00 #00FF33 #00FF66 #00FF99 #00FFCC #00FFFF
    #330000 #330033 #330066 #330099 #3300CC #3300FF
    #333300 #333333 #333366 #333399 #3333CC #3333FF
    #336600 #336633 #336666 #336699 #3366CC #3366FF
    #339900 #339933 #339966 #339999 #3399CC #3399FF
    #33CC00 #33CC33 #33CC66 #33CC99 #33CCCC #33CCFF
    #33FF00 #33FF33 #33FF66 #33FF99 #33FFCC #33FFFF
    #660000 #660033 #660066 #660099 #6600CC #6600FF
    #663300 #663333 #663366 #663399 #6633CC #6633FF
    #666600 #666633 #666666 #666699 #6666CC #6666FF
    #669900 #669933 #669966 #669999 #6699CC #6699FF
    #66CC00 #66CC33 #66CC66 #66CC99 #66CCCC #66CCFF
    #66FF00 #66FF33 #66FF66 #66FF99 #66FFCC #66FFFF
    #990000 #990033 #990066 #990099 #9900CC #9900FF
    #993300 #993333 #993366 #993399 #9933CC #9933FF
    #996600 #996633 #996666 #996699 #9966CC #9966FF
    #999900 #999933 #999966 #999999 #9999CC #9999FF
    #99CC00 #99CC33 #99CC66 #99CC99 #99CCCC #99CCFF
    #99FF00 #99FF33 #99FF66 #99FF99 #99FFCC #99FFFF
    #CC0000 #CC0033 #CC0066 #CC0099 #CC00CC #CC00FF
    #CC3300 #CC3333 #CC3366 #CC3399 #CC33CC #CC33FF
    #CC6600 #CC6633 #CC6666 #CC6699 #CC66CC #CC66FF
    #CC9900 #CC9933 #CC9966 #CC9999 #CC99CC #CC99FF
    #FF0000 #FF0033 #FF0066 #FF0099 #FF00CC #FF00FF
    #FF3300 #FF3333 #FF3366 #FF3399 #FF33CC #FF33FF
    #FF6600 #FF6633 #FF6666 #FF6699 #FF66CC #FF66FF
    #FF9900 #FF9933 #FF9966 #FF9999 #FF99CC #FF99FF

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