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    A Passage A Day

    ลำดับตอนที่ #42 : Leaving EU would put UK food and farming exports at risk, says Liz Truss

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 14
      24 ก.พ. 59


    It would be “wrong to take a leap into the dark” and put food and farming exports worth £11bn at risk by leaving the European Union, environment secretary, Liz Truss, has said.

    Voting to stay in the EU referendum would allow the UK to push for reform in the food and farming sector, while giving British producers access to 500 million consumers, Truss said.

    Food and farming is the UK’s largest manufacturing industry, employing 3.8 million people, and 60% of the sector’s exports are to the EU, bringing in £11bn, she said.

    She told the National Farmers’ Union annual conference on Tuesday: “I believe that by voting to remain within a reformed EU we can work to reduce bureaucracy and secure further reform while still enjoying the significant benefits of the single market which gives us access to 500 million consumers.

    “We are able to export our high quality products freely without the trade barriers we deal with elsewhere and with a say in the rules.” 

    And she warned: “At a time of severe price volatility and global market uncertainty, I believe it would be wrong to take a leap into the dark. The years of complication and risk caused by negotiating withdrawal would be a distraction from our efforts to build a world-leading food and farming industry that brings jobs and growth to Britain.”

    Prime minister David Cameron’s settlement for reforms agreed with other EU leaders “gives us the best of both worlds”, she suggested.

    The environment secretary said she wanted to see more decisions on farming issues, such as pesticide controls and protecting the environment, made by national and local leaders.

    And she said she wanted reforms of the EU’s farming subsidy system, which saw UK farmers receive £2.4bn last year in direct support, to make it less complicated. Truss blamed the complexity of the scheme for delayed payments to farmers this year, warning that it was “vital” to do the calculations for what farmers should receive properly or the UK could be hit by huge fines.

    The UK is already having to pay £70m in fines a year to the EU for not paying out the subsidies according to the rules.








    leap (n.)

    a ​big change, ​increase, or ​improvement:


    reform (v.)

    to make an ​improvement, ​especially by ​changing a person's ​behaviour or the ​structure of something:


    manufacturing  (n.)

     the ​business of ​producing goods in ​large numbers:


    bureaucracy (n.)

    a ​system for ​controlling or ​managing a ​country, ​company, or ​organization that is ​operated by a ​large number of ​officialsemployed to ​follow rules carefully:


    severe (adj.)

    causing very ​great pain, ​difficulty, ​worry, ​damage, etc.; very ​serious:

    extreme or very ​difficult:

     not ​kind or ​showing sympathy; not ​willing to ​accept other people's ​mistakes or ​failures:

    completely plain and without ​decoration:


    volatility  (adj.)

    likely to ​change suddenly and ​unexpectedly or ​suddenlybecome violent or ​angry:

    A volatile ​liquid or ​solid substance will ​change easily into a ​gas.


    complication (n.)

     something that makes a ​situation more ​difficult, or the ​act of doing this:

     an ​extra medical problem that makes it more ​difficult to ​treat an ​existing illness:


    withdrawal (n.)

    the ​act or ​process of taking something away so that it is no ​longer available, or of someone ​stopping being ​involvedin an ​activity:


     pesticide (n.)

    a ​chemical substance used to ​kill harmful insects, ​smallanimals, ​wild plants, and other ​unwanted organisms:


    subsidy (n.)

    money given as ​part of the ​cost of something, to ​help or ​encourage it to ​happen:


     scheme (n.)

    an ​organized plan for doing something, ​especially something ​dishonest or ​illegal that will ​bring a good ​result for you:

     an ​officially organized plan or ​system:


    to make ​clever, ​secret plans that often ​deceive others:







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