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    A Passage A Day

    ลำดับตอนที่ #40 : Bangkok Erawan shrine bomb: Uighur suspects plead not guilty

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    Bangkok Erawan shrine bomb: Uighur suspects plead not guilty

    16 February 2016

    Two ethnic Uighur Chinese men have pleaded not guilty of involvement in the bombing of a shrine in Bangkok, in their first court appearance.

    Twenty people were killed when the bomb hit the Erawan shrine in the centre of the Thai capital on 17 August.

    Yusufu Mieraili and Adem Karadag, also known as Bilal Mohammed, face charges of murder and possessing explosives.

    No group has ever admitted being behind the bombing, which also injured scores of people.

    Police say the men, both from the Xinjiang region of China, initially admitted carrying out the attack.

    Mr Karadag is accused of placing the bomb inside the Hindu shrine in a backpack.

    But his lawyer has alleged his client was tortured into confessing and is innocent of all charges except one of entering the country illegally.


    Prosecutors say Mr Mieraili delivered the backpack containing the bomb to another man.

    On arriving at court, he said he was "an innocent Muslim" who had already been detained for six months.

    Both men arrived at court shackled and with bare feet.

    Police chief Chakthip Chaijinda said the men had a right to retract their confession, but "we have witnesses and clear evidence to prosecute them", AFP reports.

    The Thai military government says it suspects a people-smuggling gang angered by a crackdown on its activities carried out the attack.

    But many observers believe the attack was in fact carried out in retaliation for the forced repatriation from Thailand last July of more than 100 Uighur asylum seekers back to China.

    Fifteen suspects for whom the police issued arrest warrants are still at large.






    pleaded (v.)

    to make a ​statement of what you ​believe to be ​true, ​especially in ​support of something or someone or when someone has been ​accused in a ​law court:


    shrine (n.)

    a ​place for ​worship that is ​holy because of a ​connection with a ​holy person or ​object

    a ​special place in which you ​remember and ​praise someone who has ​died, ​especially someone ​famous:


    possess (v.)

    to have or own something, or to have a ​particular ​quality:

     (of a ​wish or an ​idea) to take ​control over a person's ​mind, making that ​person ​behave in a very ​strange way:


    alleged  (adj.)

     said or ​thought by some ​people to be the ​stated bad or ​illegal thing, ​although you have no ​proof:


    tortured (adj.)

     involving suffering and ​difficulty:


    Prosecutors (n.)

    a ​legal official who ​accuses someone of ​committing a ​crime, ​especially in a ​law court


    detain (v.)

    to ​force someone ​officially to ​stay in a ​place:

     to ​delay someone for a ​short length of ​time:

     to ​keep someone in ​prison for as ​long as the ​courts feel is ​necessary


    retract  (v.)

    to take back an ​offer or ​statement, etc. or ​admit that a ​statement was ​false

    to ​pull something back or in:


    prosecute (v.)

    to ​officially accuse someone of ​committing a ​crime in a ​law court, or (of a ​lawyer) to ​try to ​prove that a ​personaccused of ​committing a ​crime is ​guilty of that ​crime:

    to ​continue to take ​part in a ​planned group of ​activities, ​especially a ​war:


    smuggling (n.)

    the ​crime of taking ​goods or ​people into or out of a country ​illegally:


    crackdown (n.)

    a ​situation in which someone ​starts to ​deal with ​bad or ​illegalbehaviour in a more ​severe way:



    retaliate (v.)

    to ​hurt someone or do something ​harmful to someone because they have done or said something ​harmful to you:



    repatriate (v.)

    to ​send or ​bring someone, or sometimes ​money or other ​property, back to the ​country that he, she, or it came from:


     warrants  (v.)

    to make a ​particular activity necessary:

    used to say that you are ​certain about something:


     an ​official document, ​signed by a ​judge or other ​person in ​authority, that gives the ​police permission to ​searchsomeone's ​home, ​arrest a ​person, or take some other ​action:

    a ​reason for doing something:


    at large.



     themy butter

    themy butter



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