

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    A Passage A Day

    ลำดับตอนที่ #28 : German trains in deadly head-on crash

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 29
      9 ก.พ. 59


    9 February 2016

    Germany train crash: Several killed near Bavarian town of Bad Aibling


    Two passenger trains have collided in the German state of Bavaria, with police saying at least eight people have been killed and scores injured.

    The head-on crash happened near Bad Aibling, a spa town about 60km (37 miles) south-east of Munich.

    The trains' operator said both trains had partially derailed and were wedged into each other.

    Police said rescue teams were trying to free people still trapped in the wreckage.


    Regional police said in a tweet (in German) that eight people were dead and about 100 injured, of whom 50 were seriously hurt.

    The drivers of both trains and two train guards were among those killed, regional broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk said, quoting police.

    Rainer Scharf, of Bavarian police, said that "given the severity of the accident, we believe the two regional trains collided head-on at a low speed".

    Regional train company Meridian said in a statement that "a tragic accident" had occurred on a single-track route between Rosenheim and Holzkirchen at about 07:00 local time (06:00 GMT).


    Bernd Rosenbach, managing director of Bayerische Oberlandbahn, which operates Meridian trains, told reporters: "The accident is a huge shock for us. We are doing everything we can to help the travellers, relatives and workers."

    Technical manager Fabian Amini added: "Our thanks go to the emergency services and workers who gave their help so quickly."

    Grey line


    The scene of the crash is close to the Mangfall river in a hilly and densely wooded region. Casualties were being evacuated by boat and by helicopter.

    Several hundred emergency services personnel were at the scene and rescue teams from nearby Austria were also helping, local media said.

    Although the trains were carrying commuters, local carnival holidays meant no schoolchildren were on board, according to reports.





    spa (n.)

    a ​town where ​water comes out of the ​ground and ​peoplecome to ​drink it or ​lie in it because they ​think it will ​improvetheir health:



    partially (adj.)

    not ​complete:

    influenced by the ​fact that you ​personally prefer or ​approveof something, so that you do not ​judge fairly:


    Derailed (v.)

    If a ​train derails or is derailed, it comes off the ​railwaytracks.


     Wedge (v.)

    to put something into a very ​small or ​narrow space, so that it cannot ​move easily:

     to make something ​stay in a ​particular position by using a wedge:


    a ​piece of ​metal, ​wood, ​rubber, etc. with a ​pointed edge at one end and a ​wide edge at the other, either ​pushed between two ​objects to ​keep them still or ​forced into something to ​break pieces off it:


    Region (n.)

    a ​particular area or ​part of the ​world, or any of the ​largeofficial areas into which a ​country is ​divided:


    among (prep.)

    happening or being ​included as ​part of a ​group of ​people or things:


    severity (n.)


    the ​quality of being very ​unkind or ​unpleasant:



    route (n.)

    a ​particular way or ​direction between ​places:



    dense (adj.)

    having ​parts that are ​close together so that it is ​difficult to go or ​see through:

    (of a ​substance) ​containing a lot of ​matterin a ​small space:


    Casualties (n.)

     a ​person injured or ​killed in a ​serious accident or ​war:

    person or thing that ​suffers as a ​result of something ​else happening:

    the ​part of a ​hospital where ​people who are ​hurt in ​accidents or ​suddenly become ill are taken for ​urgent treatment:



    evacuate (v.)

    to ​move people from a ​dangerous place to ​somewhere safe:


    commuter (n.)

    someone who ​regularly travels between ​work and ​home:









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