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    A Passage A Day

    ลำดับตอนที่ #26 : North Korea fires long-range rocket despite warnings

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 28
      7 ก.พ. 59

    North Korea fires long-range rocket despite warnings

    • 1 minute ago


    North Korea has fired a long-range rocket, which critics say is a test of banned missile technology.

    The country had notified UN agencies in advance that it intended to put an earth observation satellite into orbit.

    It appears that the rocket was fired from a missile base in the north-west of the country and passed over Japan's southern Okinawa islands.

    The launch was condemned by Japan and the US, amid fears the North is developing nuclear weapons capable of reaching the US mainland.

    The US, Japan and South Korea have requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council later on Sunday.

    South Korean analysts had speculated that the North might do the launch ahead of 16 February, the birthday of the late North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il.

    North Korea has already provoked international criticism this year with a fourth nuclear bomb test on 6 January.

    The North insists its space programme is purely scientific in nature, but the US, South Korea and even ally China say the rocket launches are aimed at developing an inter-continental ballistic missile capable of striking the US.


    'Serious threats'

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the launch "absolutely unacceptable," saying it was a "clear violation" of UN Security Council resolutions.

    UN Security Council resolutions ban the state from carrying out any nuclear or ballistic missile tests.

     US National Security Adviser Susan Rice said North Korea's use of ballistic missile technology was "yet another destabilizing and provocative action".

    "North Korea's missile and nuclear weapons programs represent serious threats to our interests - including the security of some of our closest allies," she said in a statement.

    Contenders for the Republican ticket in the US presidential election this year were asked for their reaction during a debate in New Hampshire.

    Donald Trump said he would work with China to resolve the North Korea nuclear issue: "I would get on with China. Let China solve that problem. They can do it quickly and surgically. That's what we should do with North Korea."

    For his part, Chris Christie said of the North Korean government: "All these people understand is toughness and strength."






    in advance

    before a ​particular time, or before doing a ​particular thing:



    the ​curved path through which ​objects in ​space movearound a ​planet or ​star:



    the launch.

    an ​occasion when a ​ship is put into ​water, or a ​spacecraft is ​sent into ​space, for the first ​time:’




     A condemned ​person is someone who is going to be ​killed, ​especially as a ​punishment for having ​committed a very ​serious crime, such as ​murder.


    A condemned ​building that has been ​officially judged not ​safe for ​people to ​live in or to use, or ​food that has been ​officially judged not ​safe to ​eat.



    carry sth out

    to do or ​complete something, ​especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do:

    carry out something       

    to ​perform or ​complete a ​job or ​activity; to ​fulfill:



    ballistic missile

    a missile (= ​flying weapon) that has ​power in ​order to ​direct it on ​its flight, but that ​continues and ​falls towards ​its targetwithout ​power


    destabiliaze (v.)

     to make a ​government, ​area, or ​political group lose power or ​control, or to make a ​political or ​economic situation less ​strong or ​safe, by ​causing changes and ​problems:


    speculated (v.)

    to ​guess possible answers to a ​question when you do not have enough ​information to be ​certain:


    provoked (v.)

    to ​cause a ​reaction, ​especially a ​negative one:



    intercontinental (adj.)

    between ​continents:

    continent (n.)  

    B1 one of the seven ​large ​land ​masses on the earth's ​surface, ​surrounded, or ​mainly ​surrounded, by ​sea and usually consisting of ​various ​countries:


    Surgically (adv.)

     using ​surgical procedures to ​treat an ​injury or ​condition:

    surgical (adj.)

    used for medical operations:



























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