

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    A Passage A Day

    ลำดับตอนที่ #61 : คำที่เจอมาแล้วประมาณล้านรอบแต่จำไม่ได้ p.1

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 21
      10 มี.ค. 59

    established (adj)

    accepted or ​respected because of having ​existed for a ​longperiod of ​time

    declare (v.)

    to ​announce something clearly, ​firmly, ​publicly, or ​officially:

    preserve  (v.)

     to ​keep something as it is, ​especially in ​order to ​prevent it from ​decaying or being ​damaged or ​destroyed:

    pledge (n.)

    a ​serious or ​formal promise, ​especially one to give ​money or to be a ​friend, or something that you give as a ​sign that you will ​keep a ​promise:

     dignity (n.)

    the ​importance and ​value that a ​person has, that makes other ​people respect them or makes them ​respect themselves:

    calm, ​serious, and ​controlled behaviour that makes ​peoplerespect you:

    contribute (v.)

    to give something, ​especially money, in ​order to ​provide or ​achieve something together with other ​people:

    to write ​articles for a ​newspaper, ​magazine, or ​book:

    advocate (v.)

     to ​publicly support or ​suggest an ​idea, ​development, or way of doing something:

    nuisance  (n.)

    something or someone that ​annoys you or ​causes ​troublefor you:

    menace  (n.)

    something that is ​likely to ​cause harm

     a ​dangerous quality that makes you ​think someone is going to do something ​bad:

    spike  (n.)

     a ​narrow, ​thin shape with a ​sharp point at one end, or something, ​especially a ​piece of ​metal, with this ​shape:


    attribute (n.)

    a ​quality or ​characteristic that someone or something has:

    strike (v.)

    to ​refuse to ​continue ​working because of an ​argumentwith an ​employer about ​working ​conditions, ​pay ​levels, or ​job ​losses:

    incidents (n.)

     an ​event that is either ​unpleasant or ​unusual:

    without incident = with nothing ​unpleasant or ​unusual happening:

    controversial (Adj.)

    causing disagreement or discussion:

    sanctions (n.)

    an ​official ​order, such as the ​stopping of ​trade, that is taken against a ​country in ​order to make it ​obeyinternational ​law

     a ​strong ​action taken in ​order to make ​people ​obey a ​lawor ​rule, or a ​punishment given when they do not ​obey

     approval or ​permission, ​especially ​formal or ​legal:


    impose  (v.)

    to ​officially force a ​rule, ​tax, ​punishment, etc. to be ​obeyed or ​received

     to ​force someone to ​accept something, ​especially a ​beliefor way of ​living:


    deliberate (adj.)

    (often of something ​bad) ​intentional or ​planned

     deliberate ​movement, ​action, or ​thought is done ​carefullywithout ​hurrying

    (v) to ​think or ​talk ​seriously and ​carefully about something:

    compromise (n.)

    an ​agreement in an ​argument in which the ​people ​involvedreduce ​their ​demands or ​change ​their ​opinion in ​order to ​agree:


      to ​accept that you will ​reduce ​your ​demands or ​changeyour ​opinion in ​order to ​reach an ​agreement with someone:

    to ​allow ​your ​principles to be less ​strong or ​your ​standards or ​morals to be ​lower:


    escalate (v.)

     to ​become or make something ​become ​greater or more ​serious:

    devastating (adj.)

    causing a lot of ​damage or ​destruction:


    the ​act of making something ​stronger:



     A condemned ​person is someone who is going to be ​killed, ​especially as a ​punishment for having ​committed a very ​serious crime, such as ​murder.


    A condemned ​building that has been ​officially judged not ​safe for ​people to ​live in or to use, or ​food that has been ​officially judged not ​safe to ​eat.

    speculative (adj.)

    based on a ​guess and not on ​information

    bought or done in ​order to make a ​profit in the ​future:

    imposed (v.)

    to ​officially force a ​rule, ​tax, ​punishment, etc. to be ​obeyed or ​received

     to ​force someone to ​accept something, ​especially a ​beliefor way of ​living

     to ​expect someone to do something for you or ​spend timewith you when they do not ​want to or when it is not ​convenient for them:



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