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    lllll Big Lil' Room lllll

    ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : Yingmann's Hi5 Journal :: monkeymann.hi5.com ค่ะ

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 19 เม.ย. 52

    Rules of Life:
    every actions have consequences.. everything happens for a reason 
    and u r the only one responsible for ur own actions.. for the things u have done.
    without all these little tests, life would be like a smooth paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. 
    safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless. all u have to do in life is.. 
    love someone and to be loved in return.. go out with ur friends, do good things to ur family, 
    party hard, have fun and look twice as good as the bitch standing next to u hahaha 
    i am only joking! the people u meet, who affect ur life and successes and downfalls u experience..
    they are the ones who create who u are. even the bad experience can be learned from.. 
    those lessons are the hardest and probably the most important ones..
    if someone hurts u, betrays u or breaks ur heart.. forgive them, for they have helped 
    u learn about trust and the importance of being cautions to whom u open ur heart.
    if someone loves u, love them back unconditionally. not only because they love u, 
    but because they are teaching u to love and opening ur heart and eyes to things
    u would have never seen or felt without them. make every day count.. appreciate every moment 
    and take from it everything that u possibly can, for u may never be able to experience it again. 
    talk to people u have never talked to befo  re, and actually "listen". let urself fall in love, 
    why not just open ur heart and let it lead u blindly.. break free and set ur sights high.. 
    u can make ur life anything u wish.. every minute u spend mad or upset is a minute of happiness 
    that u will never get back. say everything u want to say when u actually mean it, 
    its better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. i'd rather be hated for who i am,
    than loved for what im not. i dont mind when people say bad things about me, 
    but only when "people" actually know me or ever talked to me. the faith is not blind..
    nothing should ever bring u down.. because "what comes around.. goes around" 
    what im trying to say is... live your life to the fullest!!! be happy, dont worry too much.
    something u never done? give it a try, do the best u can.. even if u miss.. 
    at least u did ur best and u will not regret :)

    u wanna know what living life to the fullest actually is? it's waking up in the morning with no complaints. 
    it's knowing that u always deserve to laugh. it's doing what feels right no matter what. 
    it's doing what you want to, no matter how stupid you look. it's about being yourself, 
    because no one can tell you
    you're doing it wrong...

    Lesson of Life:
    sometimes.. its okay not to be ok...
    its ok to be depressed, its ok to cry...
    people may talk shit about you, but so what?
    they are just jealous cuz they cant have life the way they want.
    im not blaming anyone, they have rights to say anything..
    its their opinions, but u can choose
    to listen only the things u wanna hear
    and if its something u dont want to see, just close your eyes.
    i finally realised... all this game, this entire drama..
    its not WORTH it at all.
    i dont need anyone else in order to survive.
    no one is ever going to always be there,
    no matter what they say or promise u.
    u just gotta suck it up, accept it, and yes... life goes on.
    and you have to let go.. because if he belongs to you,
    he will always come back to you..
    if he doesnt... its not the end of the world

    "if he's dumb enough to walk away,
    be smart enough to let him go"

    Marilyn Monroe:
    this life is what u make it. no matter what, u’re going to mess up sometimes, it’s a universal truth. 
    but the good part is u get to decide how u’re going to mess it up.
    girls will be ur friends – they’ll act like it anyway. but just remember, some come, some go. 
    the ones that stay with u through everything – they’re ur true best friends.
    don’t let go of them. also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. 
    as for lovers, well, they’ll come and go too. and babe, I hate to say it, most of them
    – actually pretty much all of them- are going to break ur heart, but u can’t give up 
    because if u give up, u’ll never find ur soul mate. u’ll never find that half
    who makes u whole and that goes for everything. just because u fail once, 
    doesn’t mean u’re gonna fail at everything. keep trying, hold on, and always,
    always believe in urself, because if u don’t, then who will, sweetie? 
    so keep ur head high, keep ur chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a
    beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2025

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