

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Road of Heaven

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : PROLOGUE : The Calling of God

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 9 พ.ย. 62

    When your instinct tells you to go somewhere without planning but preparing.

    A gorgeous destination comes out from nowhere, someone drops this opportunity into my hands. The name of the place hits the back of my brain hard, and right at the Moment, I hold it tight in my hand. And only say '' Yes''. It is either because of my own vacation plan is not yet clear or the new destination is the place that is listed in my 'To Go list'. Thus that the ''Yes'' fall out from my lip easily.

    Plan is better to be no plan, but wisely prepare my physical and mental for this event. 6 days walking up and down in the most famous area, or somes name it ''The roof top of the World'', 5 nights will sleep in the sufficient space where I can expect nothing but spectacular view. Where else can it be?

    The new trekking route which opened for tourist not even yet 6 years. The part of the highest range where so many people want to be there. Himalayas range with highest peak named ''Everest'', what for the newbie like me? Mardi Himalaya is the destination for my first trip. Exactly! As one of my quotes said

    _Destiny leads me to the destination, since destiny is unpredictable, hence destination is unforeseeable_ by P Hussarangsee on 5 Dec 2013

    Yes, some unforeseeable place is calling me out there...

    Annapurna Sanctuary.

    "A moaning sound from mountains, Howling,

    Loud in my head, Exciting,

    My heart beats faster, Racing,

    Annapurna calls out for me, no hesitating." 

    19 Oct to 26 Oct 2019


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