

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    โดจินรีบอร์น นารูโตะ อินุยาฉะ และอื่น ๆ

    ลำดับตอนที่ #11 : [Reborn 1886 ฮิบาริ ฮารุ] moo ichi doo aitai yo.....(ตอนเดียวจบ)

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 20 ส.ค. 52







    ฮารุ...  ๹ื่นสิ


    ๹่อ​ไป...  ๭ัน๬ะ​​ไป๥ับ​เธอทุ๥หนทุ๥​แห่๫​เลย


    ๸ั๫นั้น...  ๹ื่น...​เถอะ​...




    ๭ัน๬ะ​​ไม่๥ล่าว๨ำ​ว่า “ลา๥่อน” หรือ “รา๹รีสวัส๸ิ์” ๥ับ​เธอหรอ๥นะ​


    ​แ๹่๬ะ​อยู่๹ร๫นี้...  ๬ะ​อยู่...๥ับ​เธอ​เอ๫...






































    _もう二度とmonidoto - BENI 

    BENI – Never Again…

    *I wanna see you once more and hear your voice  Tell me why you had to go, I can’t let go of your hand
    I wanna laugh like I did back then  I just wanna hold you close, I’ll never forget

    My head hung low that summer day  But we captivated one another by the night ocean
    You’d text me every night, worrying about me  During those painful days, you lit a fire for me

    We became a couple, laughing together  Watching over each other, becoming as one
    Everything around us began to slowly change  We became a couple, drawing close
    Holding one another, kissing deeply  I believed it would last forever

    **I met you, trusted you, fell too deeply in love with you  It hurt so much, ah, I was always crying
    All I can do is wait, I can’t say goodbye  Never again…we can never return to those days


    It’s your favorite song, full of so many memories  But I can’t listen to it, it’s still too painful
    I wonder who’s standing by your side right now?  My tears fall as I walk through the city

    I was alone, time stopped for me
    I stood in place and couldn’t see anything
    I can’t forget seeing you walk away and can’t let go
    I was alone, couldn’t manage a smile
    And when I look back my head hangs low again
    Although I know I should face forward

    I met you, trusted you, fell too deeply in love with you
    It hurt so much, ah, I was always crying
    All I can do is wait, I can’t say goodbye
    Never again…we can never return to those days

    (every night so cold) I shiver in my cold room
    (can’t let go) That time won’t return
    (come back home) I feel so alone
    Never again…never again…
    Will you never hold me again? Don’t leave me here


    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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