

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Castle and the Book

    ลำดับตอนที่ #5 : The Decision

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 12 ก.ย. 52

    Suddenly Jhoran who make the book come in and say


    “I will open the book for you”. She said some spell.



    Boom! The big book opened and the book of magic started to be inhale by the big book. Bang! The big shiny light came from the book and he thought that he was in the room in Atlantic again. He looked out from the windows and he saw the castle was burning by the Roman.


    “Don’t worry Tonto, that is what is your imagine look like. You are in the book space Tonto, it is the last chapter you have to make you decision” said the book.


    He know that if he let Roman destroy the book the castle in Atlantic will be save and if the Atlantic was been destroy so Wale will be destroy too.


    ”Hmm it is a very hard thing to do” said Tonto.


    If he touched the book he will be back in the book again and if he burned the book the story will be destroy. He thought that all of the story is just a fiction not a true story and the story have to end but the true story is you can make the ending good or bad but this book can help Tonto do everything he decided. He gently threw the book of a magic into a fireplace. All of the memory of the book appear in front of him and started to be disappeared. The sound of the book and the sound of everything get louder and the room turn dark and he saw only the book is being ripped off and paper was been burned. He decided to burn the book because the book always helped him but if he wanted to be very good he had to do everything by himself. Then he found that he was in Atlantic again. He saw that the Roman was destroy the castle was saved. It was night so he wrote his diary.


                            Dear Diary

                It was a very difficult thing that I found the Roman was destroyed out of the castle and I just sleeping. I dreamed that I was got into a book. I was a king and… I can not remember it was just a dream. I wanted to know what is in the castle of the room of Silomotahc Room. Lots of people said it have a special weapon that destroy the Roman. However I am tired I am going to sleep.


                Woosh! The wind blow and the candle had turn off.


                In the morning he walked to his king room to serve the food. The king told him to plant a flower in a garden. When he was planting he kicked something. He opened it.


    “It looked like an encyclopedia but it has a lot of story about the magic I will give this thing to the king” said Tonto


    - THE END -

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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