

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    [attack on titan]Demon High School(Eng version)

    ลำดับตอนที่ #5 : Chapter 2

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 23 ก.พ. 57

    Chapter 2

    Levi Talk

    Now we are in car. I’ m drive it very smoothly, but the other time I’m drive it very evil. Why this time I’m drive it smoothly because that pappy at the back. He’s singing softly but I can hear it.

    “Eren what do you want to go” I don’t know where I should to go

    “Anywhere that have senpai too~” Anywhere that have me? That pappy adjoins than I think. So go to that around.

    I’m turn in the people have a very good base, but he doesn’t known until I parked the car at luxury mall.

    “S-s-s-senpai why a-are you l-lead me here?”

    “Because you say anywhere that has me so I lead you here.”

    “B-but I’m not fit for here.” I know you are from orphanage, but he grade is very good so he have an opportune to study at demon high school the best school in demon world.

    “If you can study at there so you fit for here too.” he should be here. If excluding him from orphanage it will good. He surname is Jaeger, him clan has been a partner with my grandfather about 500 years ago, but he don’t know, and I don’t know many details. So I’m not dear to tall him. Let my grandfather do it.

    Many eyes stare at us. If they look at me it would be I was a grandson of the demon king and why I’m too shorter in the news or TV. I high 160 cm there are the problems? But Eren has many questions.

    I’m clasping him to give him some peace of mind. From coward pappy become playful pappy. I’m smile a little bit and back to normal.

    I like him habit.

    I’m leading him at restaurant. I’m come here regularly.

    “Two people” I told to waiter bluntly. The waiter led us to V.I.P room.

    “Please wait for a waiter 5 minute.”The waiter leaves the room. Now I and Eren am looking menu.

    “S-senpai it wasn’t too expensive?”

    “No, it normal in this around.”

    “B-but it too expensive for me and I don’t have much money.”

    “I told you already. What is mine it like that yours what is yours it like that mine.”

    “But I’m…”

    “If you don’t order it, I will order everything in restaurant.” I cut the annoying dialogue for me. He’s make him cheek like balloon. The waiter is come in the room to take food items. I’m order normal, but Eren refused to place orders. It forces me to use the settler.

    “Take out all food in the restaurant.”The waiter and Eren are gape. The waiter is going out from the room, but Eren’s call him back.

    “I took the steak meat and cancel that order.” I’m chucking. He’s grimace at me, like puppy touchy him master.

    “Senpai it’s not funny.” I’m smile a little bit and pat Eren head.

    “All right I’m not going to difficult you.”He’s smiling.

    “If senpai’s graduated. What are you wanted to doing after graduate?”Why you ask this question.

    “My grandfather said He would give me a demon king from him after I graduate.”

    “But if you are demon king, I will never see you again.”

    “Eren don’t do that face. I don’t like it.”He doing like want to cry. I’m very don’t like it. It makes me feel bad.

    “If you’re graduated. You can move in my house.” He doing like not believe what I say.

    “I can?”

    “Yes, you can” He’s smile very big

    “And you? What are you wanted to doing after graduate?”I’m asked him back.

    “I want to be a hunter and kill all werewolves.” You want to avenge the clan?

    “So, that time learned lesson first practice with me. What is it?” That time we met a werewolf. He wants to kill it, but it can dodge every attack and we almost died. Luckily, my grandfather is walk in the school come across before, and finished it with 1 hit.

    “T-t-that time I’m not too strong but if I grow more, I will strong more that time.”Eren said with a gesture that commitment.

    “Sorry Sir. Wine brands you order are sold out.”  What that wine sold out. What I give to drink.

    “Senpai! You order wine!!” Eren don’t negotiate me to ordered beer.

    “Senpai please order beer for me.”

    “No you only 15 year ago. Which remaining brands.” I’m asked the waiter.

    “It has only 20 year ago can sell.”All right I will be cutting problem with Eren (About he doesn’t drink beer.)

     “1 cup water.”The waiter write in him note and leave the room.

    This night I will drink your blood.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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