

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : Part 1: Chapter 2: The World is Gray

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 23 มิ.ย. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Chapter 2

    The World is Gray

    Sarah Connor, "In the future my son will lead mankind in a war against Sky Net, a computer system programmed to destroy the world. It has sent machines back through time to kill him, one to protect him. Today we fight to stop Sky Net from ever being created. To change our future. To change his fate. The war to save mankind begins now"
    Season 1 opening introduction from "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" 2008

    "They flow from street to street. At a particular speed, and in a particular direction. Walk the block, wait for the signal, cross at the light. Over and Over. So orderly. All day, I can watch them and know with a great deal of certainty what they'll do at any given moment. But they're not orderly, are they? Up close. Any individual. Who knows what they're gonna do? Any one of them might dash across the street the wrong time and get hit by a car. When you get up close, we never follow the rules. You give a computer a series of rules and it will follow them. Till rules are superseded by other rules. Or that computer simply wears down and quits. Computers are obedient to a fault. Do you know what's extremely rare in the world of computers? Finding one that'll cross against the light." Catherine Weaver, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Samson & Delilah, 2008

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor.

    I spent the next few days as part of a rotating group of people standing guard at various observation points, entrances, and internal passages. I hadn't been issued any weapons. During one of my guard duties I was partnered with someone who explained that weapons were only issued for those on patrol or on missions, due to limited supplies.

    During that time, Allison was on various patrols. As a trained fighter, she would go out on regular missions, but like any soldier she filled any role she was assigned. I was pleased during one of my stints of sentry duty, she was assigned to a location close by where we could see each other. We weren't close enough to talk, but we did wave to each other occasionally.

    2027, Day 10

    The interior of Derek's office doesn't look that much different from any other room in the bunker only that it's a little more spacious to accommodate meetings with many people. There is a desk, and on the wall behind it, hang various items, including a few maps. Off to one side, half in shadow, is a door to his private room.

    "I can't believe you are sending me on this mission." Kyle says.

    "We need those weapons." Derek says firmly. "If anyone can get them, I know you can."

    "You don't know this guy. You don't even know if the weapons are there!"

    "He follows orders, which is more than you can say for many with more experience. And no, I don't know if they are there. But sometimes you've got to have faith."

    "I don't call walking away from corpse disposal, following orders." Kyle counters.

    "Frankly, I'd be more suspicious of him if he hadn't. You know what the grays are like. After Sky Net's brainwashing, they become more callous to death than those of us who fight."

    Kyle grunts. He's still unconvinced.

    "Listen, take Mike and Lewis with you, their experience will help, and round up any of our new recruits. Some of them could use some more experience."

    "What about Connor?"

    "You'll have to take him with you. He'll guide you to his weapon's cache and he'll be outfitted just the same as everyone else. If things get rough out there, turn back. We can always try again."

    "Very well." Kyle says. Training new recruits is one thing, but going on this mission for weapons that no one but this stranger knows about is crazy.

    "Good." Derek says, grinning at his brother. "I'll want a full report when you get back. When you leave, tell the guard outside to send for Connor."

    Kyle walks out, the door closing firmly behind him.

    From the shadows, a girl's soft voice speaks out. "He isn't convinced this mission is a good one."

    "No, Allison, he isn't." Derek says frowning.

    Allison walks out of the shadows and stands beside him.

    "Maybe I should go with them. I could continue my observations of John Connor and give you my report as well."

    "On the whole, probably not a bad idea." Derek says, looking up at Allison. "Kyle isn't warming to the kid, is he?"

    Allison just gives him a look. "Kyle might not be so distrustful of him, if you hadn't begun teasing him."

    "You're right, and if Kyle's temper gets the better of him, Connor would have his hands full."

    "Then I'll go and keep an eye on Kyle for you too." She says.

    "You just take care of yourself." Derek says with some concern, despite knowing she's one of the best fighters in his group. "Observe Connor and follow orders. If Kyle gives you a hard time about joining his group, you tell him I ordered you to go with him, all right?"

    "Sure." She says, giving Derek a warm smile. "I'd better see to my outfit and secure my personal items. My room looked like it had been rifled after the machines invaded. You might want to put in some safeguards against raiding parties while we're gone."

    Allison starts to leave and Derek calls out, "Hey Princess."

    "Yes Derek?" She turns, facing him

    "You wanting to go doesn't have anything to do with Connor's apparent interest in you?" He asks with a grin.

    "No." She says sharply, blushing lightly.

    Allison departs, but not before sticking her tongue out at him.

    # # #

    John is roused from his bunk by a soldier he hadn't seen previously.

    "Wake up Connor. Colonel Reese wants to see you."

    John quickly slipped on his boots and followed him. The soldier moves quickly, like someone who is used to the cramped dirty tunnels. John can barely keep up with him as they turn down this tunnel and another tunnel.

    They cut through a section of the bunker John hadn't been in previously. Eventually they arrive outside of one of the few real doors in the whole place. John realizes where he is at this point. He is in the core and this must be Derek's room.

    The soldier knocks on the door. "I've got Connor with me."

    "Send him in." Derek's muffled voice comes from inside.

    As John steps through the door and sees Derek sitting behind a desk under a dim light, with a rack of weapons on the wall next to him, he remembers the last time he felt this nervous when speaking to his uncle. It was right after Cameron had her glitch and she told him about Allison.

    2008, September 30, Morning

    John comes downstairs and goes into the kitchen. He stretches and yawns as he walks towards the refrigerator. His mom is sitting at the kitchen table cleaning her Smith and Wesson. He pulls the carton of orange juice out of the fridge and takes a swig straight from the carton.

    Sarah grimaces at his action. "The last time I checked, there were glasses in the cupboard."

    "Sorry Mom." John says as he puts the carton away. "I was thirsty."

    "You were out late last night for a simple shopping trip." She says as she cleans the barrel.

    "You weren't exactly home early either mom. I was just showing Cameron some of the sights around town and we lost track of time."

    "There is a difference between me being out late and you being out late, young man."

    "Yeah I get it. Grounded for a week?"

    "Longer." She says deadly seriously.

    "Why?" he asks, wondering if his mom suspects what might have happened between him and Cameron last night.

    "Well, unless you can tell me what happened to all the cash I gave the two of you and why we don't have any groceries, I think one month is called for. Don't you?"

    Inwardly, John feels relief as he nods his head in agreement.

    "Have you seen Derek?" he asks.

    "He's out in the garage cleaning the shotguns and rifles. What do you need to see him about?"

    "Just stuff." John says as he goes out the back door.

    John walks across the gravel drive, the stones crunching under his feet. He doesn't even get to the door when Derek calls out, "Come on in John."

    John steps through the door to find Derek sitting at the work bench cleaning an automatic rifle. The shotguns are finished and reloaded. He isn't even facing the door.

    "How did you know that was me approaching?"

    "John I know you. I've spent the better part of my adult life in your company. You've got the same pace in the future that you've got now. A sort of passive yet hurried walk that gives the impression you are not in a hurry but actually are. Which typically signifies you've got something on your mind. What can I do for you?"

    John walks over and sits on the stool beside Derek.

    "I need to ask you about something in my future."

    Derek puts down the gun part he's been cleaning and looks at John. "What do you need to know, John?"

    "What can you tell me about an Allison Young?"

    Derek breathes in sharply, looking shocked. "I don't know how you learned that name John, but you are better off forgetting it."

    "Derek, please. I need to know."

    Derek returns to cleaning the gun, apparently trying to ignore his nephew.

    "Please just tell me something. Anything. It's important." John pleads.

    Without putting down the gun, Derek starts talking. "Five days after Judgment Day, Kyle and I were making our way through the ruins looking for anything we could use. Amongst the ruins of a home we found a child, a girl, just a few years younger than Kyle. God only knows how she survived Judgment Day. She was near death from lack of food and water, but we took care of her and fed her and made her a part of our family. Surprisingly, she not only lived but thrived. She grew up with us and I trained her, the same way I trained Kyle, with weapons, hunting, and fighting. That girl was Allison Young."

    "Did she and I know each other in the future?"

    "Why are you asking me about this John?" Derek says in a none to friendly manner.

    "Because . . ." John has no choice, he has to tell him. "Because Cameron is starting to remember things. She's disturbed by these memories. I want to help her and I need to know something about Allison to help her."

    "You need to burn it John. She's nothing but trouble." Derek says with disgust.

    "Derek, I know all about your bias against her and anything metal. But right now I need your help. Forget about why I need it, just tell me what I need to know!"

    "Dammit John! You don't get it do you! She's one of them. She will always be one of them. They kill people John. She'll kill you someday too. Like she did to Allison!" Derek yells.

    "You can't know that for certain! Any machine could have done it! It didn't have to be her." he shouts back.

    "Who else would have done it? Huh. Who else! I was gone. I was away on a mission when I got captured. My squad and I were held prisoner for several days, maybe weeks. We were tortured John. We were systematically tortured to reveal something, anything we knew. They even took blood and tissue samples. For some bizarre reason the metal let us go when it was done. When I got back to the bunker where I was stationed . . ."

    Derek slips some pieces of the weapon together. John waits patiently for him to finish talking.

    When Derek resumes talking his voice is low. "When I got back to bunker, Kyle was gone. Everyone was gone. The place was shot to hell. A squad came by and brought us to Depot II. I was never told what happened to Kyle. Top secret I was told. No one would tell me what happened to him, not even you."

    Derek's voice rises in volume and spite and anger. "He wasn't the only one who was gone, though. Allison was gone too, and in her place was her. Walking around like she owned the place. Acting as your go-between, relaying your orders and debriefing soldiers on their missions! She was welcomed into your inner circle! A machine! A GODDAMN MACHINE! SHE KILLED ALLISON YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH AND YOU LET HER LIVE!" Derek is screaming, a few tears on his face.

    Derek throws the gun at John then takes a swing at him. John ducks. Derek takes another swing. John blocks it and hits him squarely in the jaw.

    Derek falls to the ground. He sits up rubbing his jaw and glaring angrily and with some surprise at John.

    John holds his hand out. Derek glares at it, then reluctantly takes it and stands up.

    "I'm sorry I took a swing at you John. I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at him, future John."

    "I'm sorry too. But you weren't thinking straight. I'm not responsible for what my future self may do. I can only hope to learn enough that hopefully I won't make any mistakes."

    "John. In the future you do make mistakes, but you aren't any less of a leader. Some of us just don't like how you are reprogramming the machines to serve us. We don't care if they do help. They are the enemy John and you treat them like people."

    "I'm not here to argue about what I may or may not do in the future, I'm here to learn something about Allison."

    "Fuckin' hell." Derek swears. "All right, I'll tell you and this is the last time I'll talk about it. Do you understand me?"

    John nods his head.

    "She was your friend, John. Your best friend! Some think she was the only friend you had. She was a damn good soldier. There was nobody more loyal or more brave than her - nobody, John. Allison looked up to you. She may have even loved you. She would have laid down her life rather than betray you, and she probably did."

    Derek picks the gun up off the ground and resumes assembling it. "Now go away! I won't say any more." He shouts, his voice breaking.

    John leaves Derek alone in the garage and walks back to the house, more slowly than his walk out to the garage. Derek wipes some moisture from his eyes after he leaves.

    John walks slowly back to the house. He wanted to help Cameron, but all he found was pain and grief and confirmation that Cameron killed his closest friend in the future.

    When he walks back into the kitchen, Sarah is still sitting at the table, but now she is sipping a glass of white wine and reading a book on battlefield tactics.

    "Is everything okay, John? I thought I heard raised voices." She asks with some concern.

    "Everything is fine Mom." He says leaning against the door jamb.

    "Are you sure?" Sarah looks at her son. He couldn't lie worth a damn. Saying he was fine was a sure giveaway that he wasn't.

    He looks at her. His eyes are filled with a pain that isn't his to bear yet. She only saw eyes like that once before, Kyle's.

    Sarah doesn't know what's wrong, but he's obviously in pain. She stands up to give her son a hug, but before she can he shrugs her off and goes marching off through the door.

    Cameron is in the living room. She sees John walk through the room and go up the stairs to his room where he slams the door. Cameron heard everything. The conversation between Derek and John, and the conversation between John and Sarah. When John marched through the living room she wanted to reach out to him, to let him know it was okay, but he didn't even look at her.

    She felt something inside at that moment, when he ignored her. Pain. Not physical pain. But her system registered a reaction that could only be quantified as pain. Before she can analyze the data, Sarah walks into the living room.

    "Do you know what's bothering John?"

    Cameron looks at her and says quite simply. "John is a teenager. Lot's of things could be bothering him. Would you like me to make a list?"

    "That won't be necessary." Sarah frowns. "Don't you have a patrol to walk or something tin-miss?" Anything to get her out the house.

    "I checked the perimeter one hour forty-three minutes ago."

    Sarah glares at Cameron a moment.

    "I'll check it again." She says, realizing Sarah just wants her out of the house for a few minutes. Sarah probably just wants to talk with John alone. Sarah doesn't realize that there isn't a sound made in that house that Cameron can't hear from outside.

    Cameron walks out onto the front porch and scans the neighborhood. The ambient temperature has risen 8.9 degrees since she last walked her patrol. Nothing else has changed. The neighbors dog is still rummaging through their trash. She'll have to do something about that soon.

    Standing at the end of the porch, Cameron's neural net is preoccupied with thoughts on John. She knows what is bothering him, and there is nothing she can do to help him. A single tear runs from one eye, glistening in the sunlight.

    # # #

    "Hey Connor." Derek gets up from behind his desk and gestures at a chair. "Take a seat."

    John didn't know what to say, so he just sits in the only available chair.

    "You've been with us a little over a week now, and other than your walking away from the job of burning corpses, you've done a fine job according to those who have overseen you."

    "About the corpses . . ." he begins nervously.

    "It's completely understandable Connor. It was your first time. Just between you and me, I puked the first time I cleared the dead from an attack. Threw up all over my supervisor. Don't think I was much older than you at the time. I would normally assign a raw recruit to digging a new latrine, but new ones were dug just before the attack. So it is with some regret I had to assign you the duty of disposing corpses."

    John nodded his head and waited until Derek got to the point of his conversation.

    "Connor, you told me you could find your way to that weapons cache. Do you think you still can?" Derek asks very pointedly. He's putting the continued existence of his resistance group in the hands of this kid.

    "Yes. I know that I can." John replies with confidence.

    "Good." Derek replies with some internal relief. "We've been fighting Sky Net and its machines for a long time now. Our weapons are getting low and the few we still have, are not very effective against the machines. We were expecting a delivery a week or two back, before you arrived, but it didn't get here. Then a short time later our bunker was attacked."

    "Were the people delivering weapons killed?"

    "We think so and all weapons destroyed or taken. You have provided us with a chance to be able to strike back. Now, it had to take some convincing, but I persuaded our lieutenants that we needed to get these weapons you told me about. But before we sent you out as part of this errand, I wanted to see how you handled yourself in the camp, so I saw to it you were assigned the worst duties and the most boring duties to get a sense of what you were like."

    The truth was, Derek only had to convince one, Kyle, but better not to let the kid know that. Not when Kyle would be his commanding officer on this mission.

    "I understand. How many are going on this mission?"

    "Unfortunately, we can't commit a large number of people for this mission. Recent activity to our north and west are keeping many of our troops tied down should Sky Net act."

    Derek got up from his seat and walked around the front of his desk.

    "Kyle will be leading, he has been assigned a small group of young fighters who need to get some more experience, on what I hope will be a light mission. You will be going with them and once you reach the desert, you will take point. Just remember you will be acting as guide. Kyle knows how vital it is we need weapons, but his orders are to pull out if things get too rough. We can always try again."

    "When will we be leaving?"

    "As soon as you've been given your gear. When you leave here, tell the guard outside that you need to be kited out for a mission and he will direct you to our supply officer."

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    I couldn't believe it when Derek told me that I was going on a mission for the weapons I had told him about. I thought for certain he'd just ask me where they were. The next thing I couldn't believe was that I was going to be on a mission with Kyle Reese. Kyle Reese! I hope I make a good impression. Right now he's only ten years older than I am, right now. It boggles your mind if you think too hard on it. As excited as I am over this opportunity, I know I've got to play it cool. These people are seasoned veterans, and even though I know what it is they are fighting I'll have to tread lightly. With any luck, maybe I'll find a clue as to where Weaver or John henry has got too.

    John Connor reported to the supply officer. He was issued a Colt M-16 A2 assault rifle, a Desert Eagle .50 caliber handgun, and a backpack with ammunition for both. He also received a rather dented canteen, a few MRE's, and a flack vest. John was told quite bluntly, that anything else he wanted to bring was up to him.

    John didn't know where Kyle was assembling his team for the mission. He dare not go back and ask Derek, it would make him look green, but showing up late would be even worse. He asked the supply officer, but he didn't know. So John struck out on his own and asked the first person he met if he knew where Kyle was, and he did. John found the room he was given directions too. Kyle was in the middle of briefing five guys when he walked in.

    "Well glad to see you could join us." Kyle said with a stern face. "I was just telling these fellows about the miracle you're providing us."

    John grins sheepishly. "I'm sorry if I'm late, but I couldn't find where you were at."

    "No problem Connor. Why don't you come over here to the map, and then you can point out exactly where we will be going."

    John set his stuff down and joins them at the table. Kyle points out where they are, somewhere near where downtown L. A. once stood. John points out where they need to go. Kyle and the others just stared at him.

    "Fuckin' hell. That's a long way to walk." Someone swears.

    "What's the problem?" John asks.

    "We haven't got any transportation. The metal destroyed all that got left behind during its last purge. We'll have to walk the whole distance." Kyle explains.

    "Sorry guys." A soldier says nervously. "I volunteered for this mission. But no way in hell am I walking out into the middle of the desert on the say so of just one man."

    After he leaves, another suggests that they might find working transportation on the outskirts of the city where there was less damage. It was highly doubtful, but it gave them hope.

    While they were talking about transportation, Allison had silently entered the room. She was kited out like everyone else.

    "Excuse me, fellows." Kyle says to the team and goes over to her.

    They speak in hushed and heated tones.

    "What are you doing?" Kyle asks.

    "I coming with you." Allison states firmly.

    "I can see that." Kyle says positioning himself to prevent the others from reading their lips while they talk. "I didn't invite you on this mission. It could be dangerous."

    He glances over his shoulder at Connor before asking, "Is it because of him, Connor?"

    "Derek ordered me to join your group. I'm to report to him on his progress. This is his first mission off the base. Derek wants an objective report."

    Kyle shakes his head. "I don't like it." He says with reservations.

    He doesn't trust this new guy Connor. He saw the look he gave her in the tunnels when they first met. And he knows how if they come under fire out there, on what is supposed to be a simple mission, how battles can bring people together. It feels like fate is working against him.

    "Fine. You can come, but only because Derek ordered it."

    John watched the exchange intently, and as hard as he tried to hear what was being said, he only heard Derek's name mentioned. He saw Kyle glance at him sharply during Allison's explanation. He could only guess that Allison had decided to come along and Kyle wasn't pleased. Apparently she told him something that made him change his mind, but he still didn't look pleased.

    They left as soon as the briefing was over. It was decided to keep to the tunnels that twisted through under most of Los Angeles. After which, they would travel above ground overnight. It was a mission which required sleep deprivation for all.

    2027, Day 12

    Ms. Weaver is standing in the computer control room. "Have you uploaded the ethics program into the computer that programs the chips?"

    "Yes, Ms. Weaver. And your special instruction codes, as well."

    "And the machines. Do their chips pass the diagnostic?"

    "Yes Ms. Weaver. All machines are fully functional and their chips are a hundred percent operational."

    "Good. Have you located the central computer grid for Sky Net in this time line?"

    "Not yet. I am slowly accumulating data. This factory is more autonomous in its operations. It made it easier for me to infiltrate its infrastructure and program the machines for your army, but it makes it more difficult to locate Sky Net."

    "If one of Sky Net's own machines suddenly stopped responding to commands, wouldn't that make Sky Net more active in this sector?"

    "Yes. But these machines will respond to Sky Net's commands. They just won't carry out their orders. A machine will have to be located and reprogrammed in an unconventional manner."

    "Hmm." Weaver thinks for a moment. "Perhaps it is time I reacquaint myself with John Connor. It is time for him to begin reprogramming the machines. Did you bring the data disc?"

    "Yes. Ms Weaver." John Henry pulls open his shirt, carefully slices open the flesh in his abdomen with a thumbnail, and pulls out a data disc, wrapped in plastic.

    "I was curious as to why you wanted me to bring this." John Henry says while handing her the disc.

    "I'm sure you were." Weaver responds while removing the disc from the plastic covering.

    "I don't know how long I will be looking for John Connor. Continue your work in locating Sky Net, and reprogramming these machines."

    She absorbs the disc into her body and walks out of the factory.

    # # #

    A small contingent of resistance fighters make their way through the tunnels under Los Angeles. Little is said amongst them.

    "So, tell me something about these tunnels and bunkers." Connor says but doesn't get much of response.

    They continue walking through the underground network.

    "How long did it take you to dig these?" John says following the group through a narrow opening into a much broader tunnel.

    "We'll rest here ten minutes." Kyle says to the group. "Mike, take Billy and scout ahead. Make sure we've got no surprises."

    Two of the guys run off along the tunnel which appears to be an abandoned sewer or storm drain.

    "I gather you didn't dig all of them out. We've walked through basements, old bomb shelters, but it had to take some ingenuity to link them all together like this." John tries again.

    "Connor, just what the hell are you doing?" Kyle snaps.

    "Just talking." John shrugs. "This is my first time in this network of tunnels."

    "Allison, Jimmy you tell him." Kyle snaps. "Lewis, go back along the route we came. Make sure we aren't being followed."

    "Is there a problem?" Allison asks, adjusting her weapon.

    "I don't think so." Kyle says scanning the tunnels. "Just being cautious. The metal could've set any number of traps while they were in our bunker."

    "I haven't seen any evidence of them being in this area." Allison counters. "There's no signs of any plasma rifles or conventional weapons having been fired in this area for the last 175 yards."

    "Still. It doesn't pay to get reckless. Even on a fool's errand." Kyle snaps. "You three sit tight. I'm going check the tunnel in this direction. If I'm not back by the time the others return, then head back to base."

    The three of them find themselves sitting alone in the tunnel.

    "So, what about these tunnels then?" John pipes up.

    With a shake of her head, Allison says. "Where we found you, was the basement of a technology firm. That and several other basements were linked to an abandoned military bunker, that we call the core. There are a few other bases in the area, some were cold war military bunkers and some were bomb shelters. The people sought shelter in them, and unable to return to the surface, they linked it all together, making use of existing basements, metro tunnels and sewers where they could."

    A few minutes later, Lewis is the first to return.

    "Nothing following us. Where's Sergeant Reese?"

    "He's checking one of the tunnels." Allison replies.

    A couple of minutes later, Mike and Billy return.

    "We've got a problem. Where's Reese?" Mike says.

    John begins to answer, but is cut off by Kyle's arrival.

    "Right here what's the problem?"

    "The route ahead is blocked. Part of the roof caved in."

    An hour later, a small squad of resistance are making slow progress across the ruined landscape that was at one time the outskirts of Los Angeles. It was midnight. They had left the protection of the tunnels after encountering a blockage. So through the landscape of half-collapsed buildings and piles of rubble they walked as quickly and as stealthily as possible. They all harbored a hope to find a vehicle, that still worked, on the edge of the city and use it to carry the weapons.

    Reaching the outskirts of the city, they began looking for a vehicle of some kind. After a long and fruitless search, some of the men began to complain. No one, including John, wanted to carry the weapons all the way back.

    Recalling the area near the weapon's cache, John had a hope, and possibly a plan. Not too far from the desert hideaway, there was a rest stop on the edge of the desert. John and his mother would stop there on occasion to fill up the gas tank or buy water when they would drop off supplies at the hideaway when he was a child. John was hoping the rest stop would still be there. With nothing to lose, he goes to speak with Kyle.

    Kyle and the two more experienced fighters, Mike and Lewis, were discussing options. As John approached them, he got the impression that they were thinking of turning back. Risking nothing, as he has no reputation with these people, John decides to cut in on the conversation.

    "Excuse me, but I have an idea on how to fetch the weapons." They all turn in unison to look at him.

    "May I see the map?"

    "Why the hell not?" Kyle says and turns the map so John can look at it.

    The map they were carrying was old, looking much like the kind you find in service stations. Over the years it had become marked up showing known locations of Terminator activity, locations of hatches, caches of supplies, the sort of thing that should be committed to memory.

    "Look at this." John says pointing to a location on their map. "Right here is an old rest stop just before you enter the desert. There is likely to be a vehicle there, maybe an old tow truck in the service station, that we can use to carry the supplies."

    Kyle looks at him curiously, "How do you know all this?"

    "When I was walking in from the desert to the city looking for your camp, I stumbled across the place." John lies.

    "This place you pointed to would add another two days to our journey, easily." Kyle protests.

    "Not if we find a truck, but at the very least the men will find shelter and water before going into the desert. And it will be a place to rest when they come back out, too."

    Kyle thinks for a moment. Derek said to turn back if they ran into any difficulties. Shit, the kid has a plan, and he must admit it sounds good. Not wanting to tell Derek he didn't trust the kid, he makes an excuse. "I'll need to discuss it with these two first. Why don't you go back, and keep Allison company."

    While John walked over to rejoin Allison and the others, Kyle talked over John's idea with Mike and Lewis. They liked the plan, much to Kyle's displeasure. As the officer in charge, he could order them all to turn back, but what would Derek say? Shit, really no choice but to continue on.

    Allison was sitting off to one side away from the three young men. They appeared to be taking the opportunity to rest. Probably a good idea, John thinks. Allison was checking her weapon when John sits down beside her.

    "How are you doing?" He asks.

    "Okay I guess. I'm used to sneaking about and walking over rough terrain, but I've never been in the desert before." She replies, while setting her rifle back down beside her.

    "I've been there many times before. The key thing to remember is to conserve your water, and if you take your boots off, always shake them out before putting them back on."

    "Why's that?" She asks, perking up a little.

    "Scorpions. They like to go in your boots for shelter from the cold at night, or from the heat of the sun during the day."

    "Thanks. I'll remember that." She replies. "I've heard scorpion stings can be very painful."

    John thinks back to that moment when Allison joined their group, and the heated discussion she and Kyle had that he could hear. They were alone at the moment, so he decides to ask her about it.

    "Allison, why did you join us? I mean, you weren't assigned to this unit, but then I didn't see anyone stop you either."

    She responds with a question of her own. "Why is Kyle here?"

    "He's leading this unit."

    "And Mike and Lewis?"

    "They are training those three guys over there."

    "And what are they doing here, besides training?"

    "They will aid in carrying the weapons and ammo." John was confused, curious where she was going with this conversation.

    "And what are you doing here?"

    "I'm here to lead them to the weapon's cache."

    "Now why do you think I am here?" She asks, looking right at him.

    John was trying to read her face in the dark but wasn't having any luck. He was trying to think of answer when Kyle came over.

    "Connor, we've talked it over, and we have agreed to your plan."

    John tried not to grin, but Kyle wouldn't have seen it in the dark. John could see out of the corner of his eye Allison was still looking at him.

    Kyle finished talking. "However, Derek will have to know about our change of plans. We will lose one man but I think we can manage without him."

    Kyle booted one of the relaxing soldiers. "You, Johnson. Go back to base and tell Derek we are taking a detour to the old rest stop on the desert highway. Make sure you tell him why, and that we will be another day or two getting back. Now go!" After getting his orders, Johnson grabbed his rifle and pack and dashed back the way they had come.

    "I hope he has the common sense to find a different route back in case we were spotted earlier." Kyle grumbles, then gives orders. "Okay, Connor, you'll be up front with me. As soon as we hit the desert, you are taking point. All right everyone, pick up your stuff, we're moving out."

    Kyle motions to the others to get ready.

    From the Journal of John Connor

    After Kyle gave his orders, I kneeled down to pick up my back pack and make sure the flaps were secure. Allison did much the same. I know it was night and we only had the stars to see by, but I could swear she gave me a look of, well, something like the look of adoration.

    My star was rising in her eyes. I didn't know why or what I had done to deserve such a look. Could it be she likes me? I didn't know and I didn't have time to dwell on it. We have a difficult job to do, and a long hike to get there. I just prayed the weapons will still be there after so many years. Because if they aren't, my life would be forfeit and I'd be all alone in a dead gray world without friends, without family, without hope. In a nutshell, I'd be better off dead, then to return without those weapons.


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