

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    My diary the way to my Dream :)

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : poem had written by me :)

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 5 พ.ค. 54

    tradigy love poem

    when the sky was cover 
    we can met for hour 
    everything must not over
    cause i'm wanna be your color 
    and it will be 4ever

    lol. it's from when i listen the song LOVE STORY -taylor swift 
    from tragidy of love Romio & juliet 

    Sad love poem

    the rainy day, i can remember
    the day you asked me don't be together 
    the melancholy that i never had met ever
    the sudden about your behavior
    cause our love same as anticlockwise tower
    don't have you i'm like a child in house foster
    you are bonafade love ,if haven't you my life is worthless in this world either

    inspiration from Grenade - Bruno Mars 

    :EDIT GRAMMAR by my teacher P'Peachy

    the rainy day,i could remember
    the day you asked me not be together 
    the melancholy that i never had met ever
    the bereft in your behavior
    casue ' our love is like an anticlockwise tower
    without you i'm like a lonely child in the foster
    Oh ! bona fide love ,without you,my life is worthless in this world either 

    please leave some opinion about my poem lol. if have some where you want to leave me some suggestion pls >_______< HOPE YOU ENJOY MY POEM :)
    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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