

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The Castle and the Book

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : The Roman has come

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 12 ก.ย. 52

                He was walking passed his king room and he heard something from the room.


    “The Roman is coming what can I do?” asked the king.


    Tonto suspect that if the Roman is coming what about the book so in the book Roman is coming too. He walked to his room and started reading his book. He read for a long time and he didn’t get to the Wale Castle. He began to read half a book and then the noise has come. Boom! He got back to Wale again.


    “Jake, I think that the Roman is coming” said Tonto.

    “You are right, The Roman is getting to this country” said Jake.


    He walked through the room called Chatomolis.


    “Well I must find a key to open it” said Tonto.


    Tonto walked to his room and prepare for a war.


    “600 spearmen, 400 cannons, 60 …” said Tonto.

    “All right everyone, how to defeat the roman is you must be in circle. Spearmen protect the castle. Cannons destroy the entry of the roman. Witches protect the bridge to Wale” ordered Tonto.


    He walked to the fort and look for the roman.


    “Hmm, there are lot of roman camp, may be I could observe it” he thinked.


    He dressed like roman army and walked to the roman camp. He saw a gun, a sword, a horse. He saw a way to get into a camp secretly. He went back to the castle and told his army the plan.


    “You must get to the back of the roman camp and dressed like roman army when you have a chance destroy the roman” said Tonto.


    He read a book and he found that the book began to shine.

    “Tonto, It is nearly the last page of the book be careful” said the book.


    Boom! He went back to Atlantic again. He saw that the castle began to burn and his room is burning.


    “Get out of the castle” said the king.


    Tonto took only his book to the horse and get away from the castle. When he was getting out of the castle the book began to shine.


    “Tonto, when you get out of the castle area the book will not work” said the book.


    He gets back to his room and trying to save the castle by extinguishes the fire. Boom! He got to Wale again.


    “The roman is coming” said Jake.

    “Where are they?” asked Tonto.

    “In their camp” answered Jake.

    “Move the army” said Tonto.


    The army is going to roman camp now. After those 2 hours the army is very weak.


    “Oh no! I must do something” said Tonto.


    He ran to the Chatomolis room.


    “Oh no! The room was locked” said Tonto.


    Suddenly the book turns itself into an arrow and pointed to Photolomis Room.


    “Jake what is it room” asked Tonto.

    “Oh you found this room it has been hidden for 200 years. It keep old thing in the castle” answered Jake.


    Tonto walked to the room and search for something.


    “Hmm, The keys room” said Tonto.


    He walked around the key room and saw a lots of key he must find a key to open the room of Chatomolis.

    “Here it is” said Tonto.


    He opened the drawer and picked up a key but it is not easy as he thought. He found that it was not a correct key he continued finding and he found the right key. He ran to Chatomolis room and the castle tower start to burn. He opened the room and saw a very big book.


    “Welcome to chapter III” said the book.

    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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