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    นินจาอย่างฉันจะไปเป็นนางฟ้าได้ยังไง?! - Is this just a dream?

    ลำดับตอนที่ #4 : Chapter 2 Is it real?

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 30 พ.ย. 67

    Chapter 2 “Is it real?”

    The time on Earth was faster than Heaven, and 5 years had passed, resulting in the loss of Shi-ta's parents. Therefore, Shi-ta had to live in heaven only. 

    And now, he was mourning in front of his father and mother's grave, the gentle breeze rustling the leaves around him, as if the world itself was mourning too. The darkening sky seemed like it was going to rain, matching the heaviness in his heart.

    “Oi oi oi, Are you okay, Shi-ta?” Shi-to asked, gently resting a hand on Shi-ta’s shoulder.

    “Yeah, I’m okay…” Shi-ta replied, his voice tinged with sadness. “My mom on Earth was a good person… Maybe she’s somewhere in Heaven” He looked at his mother's grave, feeling sad in his heart. “Except for my father, who is now in Hell. He was so cruel during his life.” Shi-ta clenched his fists, angrily gazing at his father’s grave beside his mother’s.

    “Yeah… I understand. Humans aren’t all good…” Shi-to replied, his voice heavy with sadness. This realization made Shi-ta aware that Shi-to had also faced terrible experiences while living on Earth. 

    “Only five years have passed… how did they die so quickly?” Shi-to asked, his face full of curiosity.

    “They had been sick for a long time,” Shi-ta replied, his voice heavy with helplessness. “It’s not surprising…”

    “By the way, forget it, they’re just humans,” Shi-to urged brightly, pulling Shi-ta's hand. “Let’s go! Class is starting soon!” With that, they both soared back toward the castle.

    “W-Wait!” Shi-ta stammered, but before he could say more, they were already flying back to the castle together.

    They flew to the Valorium Kingdom(อา๷า๬ั๥รวา​โล​เรียม), the sixth rank of Heaven’s hierarchy and be responsible to training both new and experienced angels. When it was the time, the kingdom would bustle with angels studying at various levels, from ordinary level angels to the highest-ranking ones.

    Afterward, while studying with his teacher, they learned about the various forms of life in the universe. There were many creatures, including ordinary beings, humans, aliens, angels, demons, balances, animals, gods, and the God of all.

    “God of all? Do you think he’s real?” Shi-ta asked curiously, glancing at Shi-to during their lesson

    “Just asked the teacher, Shi-ta!” Shi-to replied, pressing his eyebrows together and pointing toward their teacher, signaling for him to speak.

    “That’s fine, Shi-to. I’ll explain this to you all,” said the teacher, a young-looking man with tousled hair who had overheard their conversation about the God of all. “He is indeed real, but he was imprisoned somewhere in this universe around 1,500,000 years ago.” The students' eyes widened, and their faces reflected shock.

    “Yes, he had a plan to destroy the entire universe. Fortunately, the angels who possessed granite ores(​แร่​แ๥ร​ไนท์) and used its power to freeze him and banish him forever… until now. At that moment, angels still didn't know how to make the weapon with Granite ores” 

    The teacher concluded his explanation about the God of all and signaled to the next lesson. “Now, let’s discuss levels and hierarchy, or called ranking. First—” he began, continuing his explanation until the end of the class.

    After the class ended, Shi-ta quietly reviewed his lesson as he walked out of the classroom. “Ah… 1st Rank oversees the entire universe; 2nd Rank takes care of Heaven; 3rd Rank is for judgment; 4th Rank manages the entire planet…?” Suddenly, he was about to exclaim in frustration, “AH! Fu—” but Shi-to quickly zipped up his mouth. “Shh! Stop! What are you going to shout? This is Heaven, not Earth…!!” 

    “I can’t remember what I've just learned! What about 5th Rank?”

    “5th Rank is the police of the universe, known as the Galactic Enforcement Agency (GEA), and 6th Rank—” Shi-to began, trying to help Shi-ta recall the information.

    After recalling, “On the other hand, demons don’t allocate any duty like angels. By the way, They knew what rank they were…. D-Do you understand…?” Shi-to glanced at Shi-ta, but Shi-ta’s face evidently showed he was really confused. “Oh gosh, Shi-ta!!” Shi-to exclaimed, shaking his head and smiling in disbelief.

    But while they were walking, Shi-ta started to quieten down and said “Ugh… Hey… Shi-to, I need to tell you something…I have two genders!”

    “What?” Shi-to froze, then laughed, playfully slapping Shi-ta’s hand.

    “Come on, don’t joke around! No one has two genders—except for Sir. Ilyanor(อิ​เลย์นอร์), the highest of all ranks and levels, who has none! Hahaha!”

    “I’m serious!” Shi-ta protested, smacking Shi-to on the back multiple times.

    “Ow! Stop that!” Shi-to winced, then smirked. “Alright then, prove it,”

    “What?! Are you daring me? How can I prove it?” Shi-ta said, looking blank as he tried to think of a way. “Alright, let’s see.” He grabbed Shi-to’s hand.

    “Wait! Where are we going?”

    “Back home to show you,” Shi-ta replied, and they flew back to the castle.



    Upon reaching the castle, Shi-ta hurriedly dragged Shi-to toward his room.

    “Oh hey, sons, why so rushed?” Theronios greeted them with a delighted face.

    “Ah—nothing, Dad! We just have something… interesting to do…” Shi-ta replied, grinning while gripping Shi-to’s hand tightly.

    “Oh, he’s going to sho—” Shi-to began to explain, but Shi-ta quickly clamped a hand over his mouth, cutting him off.

    Theronios raised an eyebrow, smirking. “A secret, huh? Fine! I don't care, then! Hahaha”

    “Haha, yeah! See ya, Dad!” Shi-ta gave a dry laugh before pulling Shi-to into his room.

    “Wait—Shi-ta!” Shi-to protested, glancing back at Theronios with a desperate look, clearly wishing his father would help him.

    Once they reached Shi-ta’s room, Shi-to slumped down, looking bewildered. Shi-ta released his grip, then closed and locked the door firmly, ensuring no one else could enter. He crouched down, placing a hand on Shi-to’s shoulder.

    “All right, are you ready? And remember—don’t tell anyone about this, okay?”

    “Whoa... Are you serious? Hey—no games here, right?”

    “U-Um…” Shi-ta slowly sat down, took off his pants, and carefully unfolded his leg, revealing what he wanted to prove to Shi-to. Shi-to was in complete shock for a moment, his hand moving toward it. 

    Shi-ta quickly slapped Shi-to’s hand away, his face turning red with embarrassment. “Ah, enough!” Shi-ta quickly slapped Shi-to’s face softly, urging him to stop. He stood up, put on his pants, and walked out of the room.

    Shi-to dashed out of the room “Oi Shi-ta! Why do you have 2 genders?” He grabbed Shi-ta’s arm, stopping him from walking.

    “I don’t know!! I’ve had it since I was born on Earth!” Shi-ta yelled, then realized his voice had gotten too loud. He quickly lowered his tone and whispered, “DON’T TELL ANYONE, OKAY?”

    “U–Um… okay…” Shi-to replied, holding Shi-ta’s hand and gazing into his eyes. “I promise.”

    Shi-to had the secret of Shi-ta

    Afterward, Shi-to kept Shi-ta’s secret, and no one ever found out. The weight of that secret hung between them, unspoken yet always present, as they continued their lives in the castle. Despite Shi-to's usual calm nature, he couldn’t shake the curiosity swirling in his mind. What would it mean for Shi-ta’s future? What would happen if anyone found out? But for now, the promise was all that mattered, and he kept it safe, locked away in his heart.


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