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    Honkai Star Rail But Am Stronger Than You

    ลำดับตอนที่ #2 : แนะนำตัวละคร 0.1 [ไม่ใช่ภาษาไทย]

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    Tier: At most 3-C | At most 3-C

    Key: Xianzhou Luofu Arc | Xianzhou Luofu Wardance Arc

    Name: Yanqing, Cloud Knight Lieutenant

    Origin: Honkai Star Rail

    Gender: Male

    Age: Speculated to be around 8 or 9 years old by March 7th. His official age range is 8-14

    Classification: Human, Lieutenant of the Luofu Cloud Knights

    Powers and Abilities:

    Superhuman Physical Characteristics

    Immortality (Type 1; As a Xianzhou native, Yanqing will stop aging once he reaches physical maturity and can live for an indefinite number of years)

    Master Swordsman (Despite his young age, Yanqing possesses exceptional swordsmanship skills. He has been trained by Jing Yuan, a master swordsman, which has contributed to his remarkable abilities. Yanqing demonstrates a unique technique wherein he interweaves his six flying swords with his two additional swords, enabling him to launch swift and precise attacks from multiple angles against his opponents. His skill and proficiency with this technique have earned him praise from Jing Yuan's former master, Jingliu, acknowledging his talent and prowess in the art of swordsmanship. Furthermore, Yanqing's abilities are showcased by his ability to deflect a blow from Jingliu, although it required significant effort on his part. Was capable of fighting on par with Yunli, another swordmaster. The Arbiter-General Huaiyan, who trained Yunli for her whole life and taught her everything she knows regarding the Zhuming's swordsmanship, believes that she cannot best Yanqing in a 1v1 duel)

    Acrobatics (Hypermobility; Yanqing can jump and flip on his swords to ride them)

    Extrasensory Perception & Enhanced Senses (Enhanced Sight)

    (Neutral Vision & Soul Vision; Can see souls)

    Non-Physical Interaction

    (Spiritual, Mental & Information (Type 2); Can interact with souls)

    (Memories; Should be able to interact with memories like Fu Xuan)

    (Energy; Can interact with Heliobi - beings composed entirely of pure energy)

    (Data; Can interact with Aether Spirit which are composed of data)

    Accelerated Development

    (Training, Physical Statistics & Abilities; Through his training he is able to quickly become an unrivaled fighter and even master the control of 6 flying swords in a short period which is something chief drillmasters can't even master given a century)

    (Battle, Abilities; He is able to improve his abilities and even create new ones through battles)

    Ki Manipulation, Weapon Control & Limited Telekinesis (Yanqing can use Ki to telekinetically control 6 flying invisible swords to attack his opponents)

    Ice Manipulation (All of his attacks deals ice damage and can freeze his opponents)

    Status Effect Inducement (His frozen opponents will take damage over time)

    Statistics Amplification (Can increase his damage, speed, critical damage and critical rate)

    Empowerment (As a Pathstrider of The Hunt's path)

    Passive Probability Manipulation (When one walks on a Path their various possibilities collapses into a single entity)

    Resistance to:

    Ice Manipulation (Fought against Jingliu and could resist being frozen by her attack)

    Extreme Cold (At least -270.45°C; Can resist the temperature of the Shackling Prison which are near Absolute Zero)

    Antimatter Manipulation (Can resist the effects from Reavers whose bodies are completely made out of antimatter)

    Biological Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Space-Time Manipulation & Reality Warping (12-D, possibly Ω; Can withstand several effects caused by the Fragmentum. As a Xianzhou Native they possess a unique biological trait where their cells cannot be altered. Their standard bodily characteristics are set in stone from the moment they are born, and any attempt to change or modify these characteristics will cause the cells to revert back to their original form)

    Status Effect Inducement (12-D, possibly Ω; Which includes Burning, Freezing, Electric Shock, Sharp Winds, Quantum Entanglement & Imaginary Imprisonment)

    Fear Manipulation with Medicinal Pellets (Biochemical; A medicine that suppresses innate fear in the amygdala)

    Unconventional Resistance to:

    Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation & Information Manipulation (Type 2; The soul contains the consciousness and fundamental information)

    Attack Potency: At most Galaxy level (Clashed with Blade and was able to parry strikes from him. Fought against Blade and Imbibitor Lunae at the same time, although the latter wasn't serious and he lost in the end. Was able to match Xianzhou Luofu Arc Trailblazer in a one-one-one combat[Statistics Values 1]) | At most Galaxy level (Grew stronger than before after training for months. Fought on par with Yunli. The Arbiter-General Huaiyan believes that Yunli cannot best Yanqing[Statistics Values 2])

    Speed: Unknown, likely Relativistic travel and flight speed, likely FTL reaction and combat speed (Kept pace with Xianzhou Luofu Arc Trailblazer) | Relativistic travel and flight speed, FTL reaction and combat speed (Kept up with Yunli)

    Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Clashed with Blade) | Class 5 (Stronger than before)

    Striking Strength: At most Galaxy level | At most Galaxy level (Can clash evenly with Yunli)

    Durability: At most Galaxy level (Withstood attacks from Blade. Survived attacks from a suppressed Imbibitor Lunae. Blocked an strike from a casual and blindfolded Jingliu. Was able to withstand attacks from Xhianzhou Luofu Arc Trailblazer) | At most Galaxy level (Superior to Yunli, who can tank strikes from Post-Penacony Arc Argenti. Blocked many attacks from Yunli)

    Stamina: Superhuman

    Range: Extended Melee Range with Swords, Several Meters with Invisible Swords

    Standard Equipment:

    Flying Swords he can summon

    Intelligence: Genius (Despite his young age, Yanqing is considered by many in the Xianzhou Luofu to be very talented boy in the swordsmanship, trained personally by Jing Yuan, the General of Luofu, as well being praised by Jingliu herself, the former Sword Champion, who acknowledged his talent and skills. After accumulating even more knowledge and improving his skills even further in a short span of time after his first encounter with the Transcendent Flash, he improved to the point that he was briefly capable engaging a serious Blade in combat, who Jingliu previously stated that Yanqing stand no chance against, once again showing his immense talent)

    Weaknesses: As a long life species Yanqing will eventually be Mara-Strucked causing him to lose his human form and lose all reason. He is also overconfident and lacks experience


    Tier: At most 3-C

    Name: Yunli

    Origin: Honkai: Star Rail

    Gender: Female

    Age: Around 8 to 14 years old (She is of a similar age to Yanqing)

    Classification: Human

    Powers and Abilities:

    Superhuman Physical Characteristics

    Immortality (Type 1; As a Xianzhou native, Yunli will stop aging once she reaches physical maturity and can live for an indefinite number of years)

    Supernatural Willpower (Despite her young age, Yunli has been teetering on the edge of life and death in over 300 battles suffering the same number of fatal wounds)

    Extrasensory Perception (Enhanced Sight) & Enhanced Senses

    (Neutral Vision & Soul Vision; Can see souls)

    Master Swordswoman (Yunli is a swordmaster of the Xianzhou Zhuming, having been trained by General Huaiyan since she was little. She is the second youngest prodigy swordmaster of the Flamewheel Octet, a group at the pinnacle of Zhuming's swordplay. The Flamewheel Octet group's skills has even been praised by Jing Yuan, a swordmaster himself. Yunli has proven herself capable of fighting on par with Yanqing, another swordmaster)

    Acrobatics (Hypermobility, All-Terrain Mobility, Self-Momentum & Surface Running; Yunli is incredibly acrobatic, effortlessly controlling the speed of her movements, jumping great distances, running up walls, and performing incredible flips, all while wielding her greatsword)

    Martial Arts (Although Yunli prefers to overwhelm her opponents with her strength, she does incorporate a bit of martial arts into her swordplay)

    Non-Physical Interaction

    (Spiritual, Mental & Information (Type 2); Can interact with souls)

    (Energy; Can interact with Heliobi - beings composed entirely of pure energy)

    (Memories; Should be able to interact with memories like Fu Xuan)

    (Data; Can interact with Aether Spirit which is composed of data)

    Empowerment (As a Pathstrider of The Hunt's path)

    Limited Size Manipulation (Yunli can increase the size of her weapon)

    Limited Healing (Yunli can heal herself[16])

    Empathic Manipulation (Yunli can taunt her opponents forcing them to attack her)

    Statistics Amplification & Damage Boost (Yunli can increase her attack and damage)

    Limited Automatic Translation (Having been around weapons since she was young, Yunli can understand and communicate with them, which allows her to discern her opponents' personalities)

    Passive Probability Manipulation (When one walks on a Path their various possibilities collapses into a single entity)

    Resistance to:

    Extreme Cold (Can resist the temperature of the Shackling Prison which are near absolute zero)

    Antimatter Manipulation (Can resist the effects from Reavers whose bodies are completely made out of antimatter)

    Biological Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Space-Time Manipulation & Reality Warping (12-D, possibly Ω; Can withstand several effects caused by the Fragmentum. As a Xianzhou Native they possess a unique biological trait where their cells cannot be altered. Their standard bodily characteristics are set in stone from the moment they are born, and any attempt to change or modify these characteristics will cause the cells to revert back to their original form)

    Status Effect Inducement (12-D, possibly Ω; Which includes Burning, Freezing, Electric Shock, Sharp Winds, Quantum Entanglement & Imaginary Imprisonment)

    Unconventional Resistance to:

    Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation & Information Manipulation (Type 2; The soul contains the consciousness and fundamental information)

    Attack Potency: At most Galaxy level (Was able to evenly match and eventually defeat Post-Penacony Arc Argenti in a 1v1 duel. Fought on par with Yanqing, although the Arbiter-General Huaiyan believes that Yunli cannot best Yanqing[Statistics Values 1])

    Speed: Relativistic travel speed, FTL reaction and combat speed (Kept up with Argenti. Was able to match Yanqing)

    Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Yunli can effortlessly lift 453kg. Was able to clash with Yanqing)

    Striking Strength: At most Galaxy level

    Durability: At most Galaxy level (Can withstand attacks from the likes of Argenti and Yanqing. Tanked an strike from a very strong Borisin)

    Stamina: Superhuman (Yunli can train for days on end. Fought in over 300 battles while sustaining fatal injuries)

    Range: Extended Melee Range with her Greatsword, Several Meters with her Greatsword's Size Manipulation

    Standard Equipment:

    A greatsword named Old Mettle she can summon

    Intelligence: Genius (Yunli is a prodigy in swordswomanship. Trained by Huaiyan, the General of Zhuming, she became the second youngest swordmaster of the Flamewheel Octet, a group at the pinnacle of Zhuming's swordplay)

    Weaknesses: As a long life species, she will eventually be Mara-Strucked causing Yunli to lose her human form and lose all reason. She is also overconfident



    Tier: 7-A physically, likely higher with magic and projectiles

    Key: Fusion of Dusttale!Sans and Insanity!Sans | Mirrored Insanity

    Name: Devastating Judgement, InsanityDust!Sans, DustInsanity!Sans, Deju (​เ๸๬ู)

    Origin: Mirrored Insanity

    Gender: Male

    Age: Likely the same as his canon counterpart

    Powers and Abilities:

    Superhuman Physical Characteristics

    Magic (Enhanced and amplified versions of both characters' abilities)

    Monster Physiology



    Acausality (Type 1) (Remembers resets)

    Durability Negation (Via Karma, determination-based attacks)

    Summoning (Gaster Blasters, enhanced versions of both characters)

    Energy Projection

    Bone Manipulation (Larger, sharper, and enhanced by determination magic)

    Gravity Manipulation (Greater mastery and power)

    Information Analysis

    Telekinesis (Class 25, likely Class K)

    Non-Physical Interaction

    Genius Intelligence (Though has insanity-driven behavior, retains genius-level combat tactics)

    Inorganic Physiology

    Immortality (Type 1 & 3)

    Soul Manipulation (Enhanced with greater mastery, can alter gravity and inflict severe damage)

    Soul Absorption

    Fear Manipulation (Greater potency)

    Time Stop

    Resistance to Fear Manipulation

    Resistance to Heat Manipulation (Can survive in extreme environments like Hotland)

    Resistance to Soul Manipulation

    Regeneration Negation (Low-Godly; destroys souls, enhanced by determination)

    Statistics Amplification

    Power Mimicry (Enhanced, can copy and improve upon other characters' abilities)

    Teleportation (Enhanced, can teleport himself, others, and attacks with greater precision and effect)

    Berserk Mode (Gains immense power at the cost of sanity)

    Determination Magic (Highly potent, resulting from an accident in Gaster's lab)

    Regeneration (Limited, sustained by determination)

    Infinite Stamina


    Reality Manipulation (Limited) (Through interaction with the narrative and timeline)

    Attack Potency:

    Mountain Level physically

    Likely Island Level with magic and projectiles

    Building+ Level with activation of red eyes


    Superhuman running speed

    Hypersonic+ (with Massively Hypersonic+ combat and reaction speed)

    Subsonic attack speed

    Massively Hypersonic+ (Can dodge lightning attacks and blitz opponents)

    Lifting Strength:

    Class 25, likely Class K

    Striking Strength:

    Mountain Level (Physically)

    Large Mountain Level (Enhanced strength and power from the fusion)


    Mountain Level physically


    Building+ Level with activation of red eyes




    Hundreds of meters via bone attacks

    Significantly higher via Gaster Blasters and teleportation

    Unknown range for teleportation and reality manipulation

    Intelligence: Super Genius (Fusion of two genius-level intelligences, though insanity may interfere at times)

    Standard Equipment:

    Enhanced Gaster Blasters (More powerful and durable than their previous versions)

    Sharp Bones (Amplified by determination magic)

    Papyrus Head (Worn as a trophy, symbolic of Insanity!Sans)

    Knife (Occasionally used, but prefers bone and magic attacks)


    Insanity (Unpredictable, can interfere with rational thinking and combat strategy)

    Arrogance (Overconfident in his abilities, which can lead to mistakes)

    Fragility (Despite his power, he can still be overwhelmed if caught off-guard)

    Notable Attacks/Techniques:

    Soul Manipulation (Enhanced mastery allows for more complex and devastating attacks)

    Bone Attacks (Massive barrages of bones that inflict cumulative damage over time)

    Gaster Blasters (Powerful lasers with the ability to inflict KR damage)

    Teleportation (Strategic teleportation of himself, his attacks, and his opponents)

    Determination Magic (Unleashes devastating attacks fueled by his determination)


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