

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #19 : Part 2: Chapter 2: Declaration of War

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 3 พ.ย. 55



    Part 2: Armageddon

    Chapter 17

    Declaration of War

    "Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination." Kyle Reese, The Terminator 1984

    "But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal motherfuckers into junk. He turned it around. He brought us back from the brink. His name is Connor. John Connor. Your son, Sarah, your unborn son." Kyle Reese, The Terminator 1984

    "On the night we first met, John's father, Kyle Reese, told me words I remember to this day. He meant them as a warning. I think of them as words to live by. He told me of an apocalypse yet to come. Like a Pandora's box, he unpacked every horror, every evil, every dark thing that haunts our future. He also left me an unborn son to whom he bequeathed what remained in the box after the nightmare's fled - hope." Sarah Connor, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dungeons and Dragons 2008

    # # #

    2027, One week ago

    Day and night the Utah factory operates, producing ordinance for Sky Net's machine army. Inside the factory, humans are put to work doing the most menial tasks. Tasks for which machines could operate more efficiently, but which is left for humans to do.

    The humans, men, children, and women of all ages, are never allowed to work in areas where they could have access to chemicals or explosives. But they all must work twelve hour shifts, non-stop in the metal fabrication factory. No breaks allowed, collecting the waste metal and feeding it into bins in the wall. To stop working means instant death by their machine overseers, or worse torture at the hands of the sick bastard, a human that is less humane than the machines, that runs the factory. Fischer.

    A group of humans in nondescript ragged gray clothing are working the factory floor, sweeping up metal filings and scraps on the floor from the manufacture of shell and missile casings.

    There is a new member in their group. A male, with a solemn face, tattoos on one arm, and a fresh laser brand on his left forearm, still pink around the edges. He doesn't say much, but his eyes glow brightly from behind his beard. Burning with an intense hatred against the machines that scares his fellow prisoners.

    The sound of heavy metal footsteps approach the group. They all keep working, ignoring the sound. They know what that sound means. To stop work, even for a moment, invites death, either instantly or slow and lingering. The machine has come for one of them.

    The footsteps stop behind them, but they keep working. The man's eyes appear to burn with even brighter intensity as the machine looks upon him.

    "Derek Reese. You will come with me!" The T-800 orders.

    The people glance out of the corners of their eyes at the new guy.

    Without sparing them a glance, he leans his broom against the factory wall, and goes with the machine.

    Inside the factory work the T-800's, reputedly because they can react more quickly to a human rebellion. Outside on the grounds are T-600's. They are slower than their newer brethren, but they are deadly and never stop. Rubber skinned facsimile's of humans with mini guns. What they lack in intelligence, they make up for in firepower. Even if he attempted to escape, regardless of whether the T-600's killed him or not, the T-800's watching his fellow inmates would kill several of them as an example to the rest, whether they caught him or not.

    He follows the machine outside and through the compound behind a high masonry wall. The yard is broken up into sections by ten-foot high chainlink fencing topped with razor wire. In one section are a large group of humans, mentally broken by the reality of this world, behaving more like animals than people. As he passes the enclosure, one the creatures snarl at him like a dog, baring his broken and blacken teeth, saliva dripping from his mouth. One next to it snarls at the first, and they begin fighting. The people, if you can call them that anymore, appear to be starving.

    Derek doesn't understand why they are being kept like this or even kept alive. Unless part of some sick experiment by Sky Net. That's one thing that is so bizarre. The way Sky Net regard's the humans that survived Judgement Day. They are either a cheep and expendable labor force, some of which are brainwashed to serve the machines completely, even in their armies; or Sky Net experiments with humans like they were lab rats or specimens in a jar. He thought most of the rumors he heard were just that, rumors, until he ended up in prison with some of his fellow soldiers from Grizzly.

    As Derek is led to Fischer's residence, atop a wall that separates the human compound from the strictly machine operated facility, he sees a much smaller group of humans held behind a fence next to the others. These are different. For one they are clothed. Rags, but compared to the others, its clothing.

    New prisoners, but from where?

    He looks at them again from the corner of his eye and sees they are all female, about eight in all. The youngest female looks to be barely out of puberty, while the oldest just this side of forty. They all look frightened and stare at him, looking like they are pleading to him for help.

    How can I help them? I can't even help myself. There are metal guards on the walls, in the factory, even outside the shelters provided for them. Hell, there are even two more ahead of me guarding the stairs to Fischer's residence.

    Derek is shoved against the metal stairs. A T-600 stands to either side. He takes the hint and begins going up the stairs, Fischer comes out of the door of his home atop the wall.

    "You can stop there, Reese." He says as Derek comes to a landing midway. To low to attack Fischer, high enough to be a clear target of the machines below him and on the walls around the compound.

    "What do you want Fischer?" Derek asks, taking the opportunity of his higher position to glance at the prisoners again. It is then that he sees a couple of the women in the enclosure are pregnant.

    "Is that anyway to speak to your superior?" Fischer looks at the machine that led Derek to him. "Kill one of the women."

    A T-600 marches toward the women, the gate slides open and it steps through. It brings its mini-gun up to bear. The women try to scatter, but in their haste, some of them trip and fall.

    They quickly get up, but for one, who is dragging her foot. Her ankle being twisted in her fall.

    Derek panics as he sees she is one of the pregnant women. The machine aims its gun at the woman. The others moan, scream or cry in expectation of her horrifying death.

    "Wait! Stop!" Derek screams.

    The machine pauses, looking to Fischer for orders. Fischer grins waiting for Derek.

    "I'm sorry. You don't have to kill her." Derek swallows, trying to find it in himself to be respectful to this beast in the guise of a man. "Mr. Fischer. I understand you have called for me."

    "Yes that is much better." Fischer sneers. "Try to remember to be more respectful in the future."

    Fischer looks at the machine. "Stand down."

    The T-600 lowers its weapon, and slowly backs out through the gate which opens behind him. The pregnant woman on the ground quickly crawls to the others, who help her to her feet. On the other side of the fence, the human creatures snarl and snap, greedily reaching through the fence with their dirty sinewy arms.

    Fischer speaks. "You have a weakness Reese. One that I plan to exploit. Between Sky Net and myself, we've tortured you days and days, not once did you give in and tell us what we wanted to know. What my master wanted to know. The whereabouts of John Connor."

    Fischer walks to the head of the metal stairs and looks down on Derek on the landing below.

    "You were too strong for our usual techniques. More willing to die at our hands than to give up the information we wanted. So we moved you here to work, for Sky Net. In the time you've been here at this facility, I've observed a weakness in you. You have compassion for those weaker than you, younger than you, especially females."

    "What are you playing at Fischer?" Derek growls.

    "Getting the answer to Sky Net's question." Fischer smiles.

    "Tell me where to find John Connor, or I'll order the machine to open the gate between the women and those things that used to be human. I should tell you they are quite hungry."

    Derek can't believe what Fischer has just said. Turning purple with rage, he shouts. "You Bastard! Let the women go!"

    Speaking as if Derek hadn't said anything at all, Fischer keeps talking. "Of course if some vestiges of their humanness remain, they might take the women as mates. I'm sure the women might not see it that way. Forcibly raped in mass by multiple attackers, but then again they are quite hungry so it's a toss up between cannibalism and mass rape. You might even get to see both."

    "You're mad! Insane!" Derek yells, his face red with rage and frustration.

    The women look at him pleadingly, yelling at him to save them.

    "If you want to save their lives, then tell me where to find John Connor." Fischer says serenely.

    Derek looks at the women and back at Fischer. Connor is a nobody. But Kyle and Allison are with him at Outpost Delta. He can't lose his only family and the people in his command. But the women, the girls, screaming and crying. The savages, snarling and snapping on the other side of the fence from the women. He has to tell him something.

    "Tell me!" Fischer screams.

    "He's at the alpha site." Derek says, looking at the ground. "Grizzly's main encampment under downtown L. A. That's where you will find John Connor."

    Derek had lied, knowing that John was at outpost Delta with Allison and Kyle. If luck was with him, they would still be there and safe from attack.

    "You see. It wasn't difficult at all. I just had to find the right incentive." Fischer smiles holding his arms out.

    His arms drop to his sides. Fischer suddenly scowls.

    "Open the gate."

    The women scream as the T-800 moves to the controls that operate the gate between the women and creatures.

    "What? NO!" Derek screams and tries to dash up the stairs but a T-600 grabs his ankle. Derek falls, smashing and bloodying his face on the metal steps.

    "You said you'd spare them if I told you!" He shouts, spitting blood.

    "No, I didn't. I said if you wanted to save them not that they would be saved. You've wasted our valuable time. If you told us what we wanted to know at the beginning, none of this would be happening now. This is your punishment."

    Fischer looks at the machine, holding Derek's ankle. "Make him watch until all the women are taken care of, then take him back to the factory. See to it that he maintains his quota for today or I'll kill more humans."

    Derek tries to fight back, kicking at the machine. The T-600 drags him off the landing by his leg, slamming his body to the ground and knocking the wind out of him.

    Two T-600's grabs Derek by the arms and drag him to the women's enclosure. The compound is filled with the sound of screaming women and the snarls of savages. But over it Fischer's voice calls out.

    "You are weak, Reese! Your own compassion has been your undoing! And now all of your former allies will be killed along with John Connor! The war is over! Sky Net has won! And you have made that possible! You can say goodbye to your Aussie slut too!"

    As Derek is held by his arms, unable to move. One of the machines prevents him from closing his eyes while the savages attack the women. As he is forced to watch, one of the women breaks free from her attackers. She runs toward him, screaming for help.

    Derek strains against his captors, as the woman, a naked girl about twenty years of age runs to the fence, with blood running from her scalp and down her naked thighs. Thrusting her arms through the chain link fence, she screams and begs Derek to help her.

    All Derek can do, is say "I'm sorry," before several creatures come up behind the girl and pull her to the ground. As a group, they beginning tearing at her flesh with their teeth, while another creature forces the girl's legs apart.

    Derek screams at the top of his voice for Fischer to stop it, but his cries are ignored and Derek's voice grows hoarser and hoarser until nothing but a raspy incoherent scream of rage is the only sound he makes.

    Unable to do anything, Derek is forced to watch as the savages kill the women in the most brutal and horrific way imaginable. He vomits repeatedly, until there's nothing but dry heaves, before being dragged away. It takes a human mind to be this cruel, this savage. A machine will just put a bullet in your head. A preferable way to die.

    Charles Fischer sits down at a computer and enters in his username and password.

    Launching an application, he types a message.

    :\I have the location of John Connor.


    :\The resistance main bunker, downtown L. A.

    :\The same place I attacked before. Are you sure?

    :\Definitely. Reese had no choice but give up the location.

    :\What is being done to Reese?

    :\He's being punished for his lack of cooperation.

    :\You've done good work Fischer. The information you obtained has confirmed what I've recently come to suspect. Someone tried hacking one of Sky Net's communication nodes. A signal trace on Sky Net's network points to an old factory near that location. I will be recalling the T-800's at your location to assist in the attack. Arrival of transport is imminent.


    An hour after he was taken, the group of humans, inside the factory, is surprised to see the new guy back inside, pushing a broom. His hair is more disheveled than ever now and his face is bloody and dirty, but for tracks left by tears. A vomit stain on the front of his shirt puts off a strong sour odor.

    One of the slave workers manages to sidle up close to Derek and whispers, "What happened to you?"

    Derek glances around. Talking while working is an offence. He doesn't see any machines close enough to overhear, which is probably why this guy is talking to him.

    "What happened to me doesn't matter. What does matter is yet to come. Tell the others to be ready." Derek whispers hoarsely. His throat raw from the screaming at Fischer to stop the madness.

    "Ready? Ready for what? Who are you?" The mans whispers loud enough that one of the machines turns to look their way.

    Risking all, Derek whispers back, without moving his lips. "The name is Derek Reese. Colonel Resistance Group Grizzly, California. Some of my people are here with me. So spread the word. We are getting the hell out of here."

    With those last words, Derek keeps working like nothing has transpired between them. The one thing Derek knows, he'll never get that girl's frightened, pleading face out of his head. Nor the sound of her screams as she was eaten alive. He'll kill Fischer if it is the last thing he does.

    2027, Day 53 after midnight

    Across rubble strewn streets, of what was downtown Los Angeles, humans scramble and run for their lives fleeing from Sky net's machines. Machines, both in the air and on the ground, and some in the tunnels under ground, do what they were programmed to do, terminate humans.

    Aerial hunter killers, pummel the ground with plasma, incinerating some and weakening the structures that support the tunnels. Hunter Killer tanks, called Ogre's or Centaurs depending on their size, fire on the masses, while terminators march through the underground bunkers driving the humans to the surface where they'll be killed.

    But some of them escape, protected by other machines. Machines reprogrammed with code written by John Connor, who is presently fleeing for his life, along with his companion, in one of those many tunnels.

    "Run Allison! Run!" John shouts as he fires the shotgun repeatedly hitting the endo with multiple explosive blasts.

    The pursuing Terminators jerks and moves with each blast but they don't stop their chase.

    He turns and runs after Allison as the metal opens fire with its plasma rifle. John leaps to one side avoiding the hot flash of the plasma round. He lets out a yelp as he feels the heat singe his hair and burn his neck.

    He keeps running, desperately trying to keep up with Allison who is quickly outdistancing him. She suddenly stops and spins, kneeling down and opening fire on the machines pursuing John. Her first shot hits the leading machine knocking it back into the one behind it. They fall in a tangle of metal arms and legs.

    "Quick, follow me before they can register where we're going." Shouts Allison as she grabs John and pulls him along down the main tunnel.

    She suddenly dashes into a side tunnel and stops several paces in. "Wait here." She says.

    John is gasping for breath as he asks, "Where are you going?" But Allison quickly runs off without saying a word.

    John kneels down and holds the shotgun pointing toward the opening they came through. He quickly loads more shells into the shotgun.

    Allison is suddenly back by his side. "I went to get these." She hands him two small packages of C4 explosives. "They were stashed away for safe keeping a long time ago. We are lucky they were still there."

    "But there are no fuses, no detonators. We will have to shoot it to make it explode which means we'll be dangerously close to the explosion."

    "You can't make scrambled eggs without cracking a few eggs." Allison winks at John.

    "Yeah but this is one egg I don't want cracked." He says pointing to himself. "How far does this tunnel go?"

    "A couple of hundred yards. Why?"

    "Well one of us can lead the metal into this tunnel. The other can take a position further back down the tunnel. When the metal is right underneath that pipe up there, one of us can shoot the C4 then duck down to avoid the blast. It will be very dangerous."

    "Well, it's better than dying at their hands."

    "If you don't mind, I'd rather not die at all. Give me a boost, will you. That pipe is pretty high."

    Leaning against the wall of the tunnel for support, Allison holds her hands in front, her fingers interlaced. John places his foot in her hands and he pulls himself up onto the pipe while Allison lifts.

    Pulling his belt out of its loops, he uses it to strap the C4 to the pipe and then drops to the ground below, with a brief warning.

    "This is what we'll do. I'll lead them here." Allison begins to protest but he stops her with a hand gesture. "I know you are fast on your feet, but they are more likely to chase me than you. You are also a damn good shot with that plasma rifle. I'd feel much better running toward you firing it than I would if you were running at me while I'm firing."

    "If you insist." She says looking slightly worried.

    "Good. You get down the tunnel and have your plasma rifle aimed at that C4. As soon as I get past you, fire and duck down. There won't be time enough to run. Got it."

    "I got it. Be careful." She says with concern.

    "I will." He says quickly and leaves.

    # # #

    "Where is he?" The silver being scans the video feed.

    "Give me a full sensor report." Data comes up on his monitors showing full wave light spectrum, sound waves, and vibrations.

    "Listen, there are voices. Follow the voices!"

    The silvery shape is watching the computer screens intently. On one is video feed from one machine on the second was an auditory sound wave being picked up by the second.

    Suddenly the first screen is filled by a bright light as gunfire disturbs the optics.

    "There they are! Follow them! Kill them now!" The silver being screeches.

    # # #

    John is carefully walking back the way Allison and he had come down the main tunnel. As he goes around a bend, he suddenly comes upon the two machine's.

    He quickly raises his shotgun and fires directly into the face of the first machine, then turns and runs. John can hear them following close behind.

    Reaching the tunnel that he and Allison had set the trap in, he turns and fires several more shots at the approaching metal. John ducks and runs in as plasma fire fills the space he was just in.

    John runs as fast as he can down the narrow tunnel, past Allison and throws himself to the ground as she fires her plasma rifle at the C4.

    The force of the explosion lifts him off the ground before he even hits it and gets slammed back down, stunning him. Everything goes silent. The roar of the explosion is deafening.

    # # #

    "Any signs of where they are? What do you mean you can't find them? I want patrols in every tunnel and pipe out there. Don't report back until you find them."

    Kyle releases the mike and pulls the headphones off his head

    "You need to relax, sir. They'll show up."

    "I wish I had your optimism, Andy."

    "It's John and Allison that are out there. If anyone can survive that carnage, it's them two."

    "I hope you are right. I'm going to check our supplies. If Sky Net's forces attack us here at the outpost, we may need to fight or move out quickly. Call me as soon as anything comes in."

    "You got it."

    Kyle walks off down the corridor. He pauses halfway down and pulls the photo out that John had given him. "I'm sorry Sarah. I've lost your son, our last best hope for the future." He touches her face tenderly, noting the sadness in her eyes that mimics the fear and sadness of his own. He tucks the photo back in his pocket and walks away.

    # # #

    The tunnel is dark. Dust fills the air and tremors shake the ground.

    "John, John are you all right? Speak to me! John!" Allison calls out shaking him firmly but gently.

    "Uuhhnn." John groans. His head feels like the whole damn tunnel caved in on it.

    "Please John, wake up we need to get moving." Worry coloring her voice.

    "Allison." He says weakly.

    "I'm here John."

    "Did we get them?"

    "We got them. They're dead. But we need to move. The tunnel is still shaking and it could collapse at anytime."

    "Help me up." he says with a groan, his hand flailing as he reaches for assistance.

    John groans as Allison grabs both his hands and pulls him up off the ground.

    "Whoa there, tiger. My head is spinning." He says trying to gain his balance, as he grips tightly onto Allison's arms.

    "Lean on me. I'll support you."

    She grabs the guns, slinging them over her shoulder. He puts an arm around her shoulders, and she puts hers around his back and helps him as they walk down the tunnel.

    "Where are we headed?" John manages to ask.

    "Up the tunnel. Hopefully we can find another way out. The explosion brought down the roof. We can't get out the way we came in."

    They go walking up the tunnel away from the collapse. Faster than John would want because of his headache, but slower than Allison would want because of the tremors.

    # # #

    "Patrol F reporting in. No signs of our two birds. Still searching."

    "Patrol H reporting in. No signs of them in the metro tunnels. Moving to Section C to assist Patrol B."

    "Patrol E reporting in. Large explosion detected under Whittier Boulevard. Most of the street has collapsed creating a large sinkhole."

    "Patrol E, this is Delta. Investigate the tunnels in that area. Report back when you find something." Kyle responds.

    He paces back and forth in the radio room. The other people in Outpost Delta are worried as well but they try not to show it. But all you have to do is look at their faces to know how worried they truly are.

    Several minutes go by when, "This is Patrol E reporting in. We've found three bags containing the belongings of Allison Young and John Connor in the main storm drain under Whittier Boulevard. There is strong evidence that some kind of fire fight occurred down here. There are scorch marks on the walls from plasma fire and empty shotgun shells everywhere."

    "All right Patrol E, I'll be sending additional patrols to assist."

    "Negative. Negative. The tunnels are unstable from the explosion. There is a lot of dust and debris and we have located pieces of more than one endo."

    "Any signs of our two birds?"

    "Negative. Unless they are on the other side of the collapse. In that case we can't get to them."

    "I understand. If you make your way to the surface, can you find another way down on the other side of the collapse."

    "Possible. Requesting assistance from our T-800's for extra security on the surface."

    "Agreed. Stand by while I send them out."

    Kyle rushes out of the radio room and down the hall to where a group of T-800's are gathered.

    "Hey!" He shouts as he runs up to them. They turn and look at him in unison.

    "John Connor is in trouble and we need your help."

    "What is the nature of the problem?" one of them responds.

    "John Connor and Allison Young appears to be trapped beyond a collapsed section of tunnel. We have a patrol in the area but they need your assistance."

    Kyle quickly explains the situation and the location of Patrol E. He grants the first machine that spoke up an honorary rank of sergeant and places him in command of the group of T-800's and sends them on their way.

    "Patrol E. Patrol E. This is Delta. I am sending you a group of six T-800's to assist. Do you copy?"

    "Copy loud and clear Delta. We are on the surface and are presently observing patrols of enemy metal and some HK's still flying in the area. They appear to be cleaning up any stragglers."

    "Understand. Don't intervene. Wait there for arrival of friendly metal. Report back when you've made progress."


    # # #

    "Allison. I need to sit down. My head feels terrible." John mumbles as he staggers along beside Allison.

    "All right, but for only five minutes then we need to get going."

    They sit down with John almost collapsing beside her.

    "Hold me up I think I'm . . ."

    John passes out. Allison grabs him and drags him to the side of the tunnel. Sitting down, she carefully guides him into a laying position with his head resting on her thigh.

    Patting his face gently she says, "Talk to me John. Come on! Talk to me!"

    He murmurs, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

    Allison gently strokes his forehead and checks his breathing and pulse. "Its okay John, someone will find us soon." She bends over and kisses him on his forehead, cradling his head in her cool hands. Once again he's unresponsive.

    Allison shouts, "Tell me who you are! Keep talking! What's your name?"

    Images and voices swim through John's head as he slips away into unconsciousness.

    "What's your name?" a sweet sounding voice says from behind him.

    He turns and looks at the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. "John."

    "I'm Cameron." She smiles at him.

    In the hallway after class she walks up beside him. "I haven't seen you around here before. Did you just move here?"


    "That sucks for you." She smiles at him.

    John feels a little uncomfortable as they talk. A girl this beautiful has never spoken to him before. "I've got to get ready for class."

    "Bye." Cameron smiles and walks away. On the wall is a poster saying, "Don't go it alone."

    Don't go it alone. The words echo in his head.

    "Reese? Do we have a John Reese?" the substitute teacher asks.

    John raises his hand.

    Bang! Bang! Bang! John ducks and runs as the substitute teacher fires a gun at him. He looks over to see Cameron with three bloody bullet holes in her chest just before he dives through a window.

    Cromartie has him cornered, about to shoot him when suddenly a truck plows into him. The door flies open and Cameron says those magic words, "Come with me if you want to live."

    Don't go it alone.

    John is sitting on the rear bumper of the pickup, contemplating this new cyborg from the future.

    "What model are you? Are you new? You seem . . . different."

    "I am." she gives a small grin and takes one of his chips and eats it.

    Don't go it alone.

    John is slicing into Cameron's scalp cradling her head in his hands. He's about to remove her chip in an effort to prevent Sky Net from taking over a traffic surveillance system. He's scared. He's about to mess with Cameron's most vulnerable part.

    "It's okay John. You've done this before." She says looking at him with her deep brown eyes.

    He looks in her eyes and realizes, she trusts him. He removes her chip. Looking at her laying there, blankly staring at nothing, is too painful. He just wants to complete the task and return her chip as quickly as possible.

    The task is done. He is alone with Cameron. He reinserts her chip and gently smooths her scalp back in place and caresses her face in a tender gesture.

    He feels her servos kick in and he moves his hand away, leaning over her, watching her. She notices his hand placement and the caring look on his face, though he tries to hide it.

    Don't go it alone.

    "Do I have a birthday?"

    "I don't know. Were you born?"

    "I was built."

    "Well then, maybe you have a built day."

    Don't go it alone.

    Cameron is trapped between two vehicles. John is trying to remove her chip. This time it's to protect himself and his mom when she suddenly went rogue after a bomb blast.

    Cameron is pleading with him. Crying and begging him. "John. John you can't do this. You don't know what you are about to do. Please John, don't do this. It wasn't me. I ran a test. Everything is fine now. Please John, don't do this. I don't want to go."

    Cameron begins to cry. "Please John, Please. I don't want go. I'm good now. Listen to me. I don't want go now. I'm fixed now. I ran a test. Everything is okay now. I'm perfect. You can trust me."

    She is actively begging pleading, tears running from her eyes. "I love you. I love you! Please, I love you John! I love you John and you love me!" He can't believe what he is hearing and yanks her chip out.

    Later, Derek tries to tell him it was for the best. But he never liked her. He never trusted her.

    "I need her. She saves my life." John responds.

    "She saves my Life!" John shouts for all to hear.

    They are about to burn her. He can't. He needs her. "I'm sorry. I can't do this." He takes Cameron's chip and quickly inserts it in Cameron's head. He pulls out his gun and holds his Uncle Derek and his mother at bay.

    "Are you going to kill me John?" Cameron asks when she wakes up.

    "Are you going to kill me?" He says with a strained voice.

    "No" She says quietly.

    John hands her his weapon. She looks at it then hands it back. He trusts her.

    Don't go it alone.

    Cameron enters his room and lays down beside him on his bed.

    "I understand that being John Connor can be lonely." she tells him.

    "How do you understand that?"

    "You and I talk about it a lot."

    "We do?"

    "We do. We will."

    Don't go it alone.

    John has finished helping Cameron fix her arm. "Are you all fixed?"

    She looks at him with appreciation for the help and with some sadness as well,"I don't know."

    Sometime later he asks her, "What's happening to you?" He says with genuine concern.

    "I don't know." she says again.

    Don't go it alone.

    She gives him what looks like a pocket watch, but it contains a simple remote switch.

    "What is it?"

    "You tried to fix me. Twice now. It's not working."


    "I can't kill myself. But you can." She says with some sadness.

    "Why would I want to kill you?" He says with genuine concern.

    Don't go it alone.

    "John…" Her voice was soft, softer than he'd ever heard it before. He swallows hard, finding it difficult to breathe.

    "It's time to go," Cameron finished.

    He didn't want to go. He wanted to stay there forever, on top of her, their faces so close they were almost touching. And he desperately wanted to kiss her. But she was right. It was time to go.

    If he didn't pull away now, he wasn't sure if he ever could. They didn't have time for this. He reluctantly backed off as she moved to replace her shirt. It was much easier for him to concentrate when she had all her clothes on.

    And for the first time, he wondered how he'd even ended up in that situation. Not that he was complaining, but he wasn't stupid. She'd done it on purpose.

    "Were you lying?" he demanded suddenly, pressing his lips together tightly. He needed to know; needed to finally settle the internal debate raging. "When you were stuck between the trucks. When I took your chip. Were you lying?"

    She met his gaze, her eyes soft and calm. "No."

    Don't go it alone.

    John drives up in front of the jail, searching through the crowd of orange for any sign of his mother and Cameron. Finally he sees them coming up the walk and his breath catches in his throat. Cameron looks awful. He only caught a brief glimpse before he wrenched his eyes back to the road, driving straight through the gates.

    Beside him, his mother is livid. "I sent you a message! I told you -"

    "Yeah, bad John Connor, ground me," he retorts. He didn't regret his decision. He turns around to regard Cameron, wincing at the damage she'd taken. Half of her face has been blown off, one blue eye showing through the metal. Her entire jacket was ripped and bloodied with bullet holes. All because of him. Because he'd convinced her to go against his mother. Because she loved him.

    I'm so sorry, Cameron. "Are you okay?" he asks, worry in his voice.

    He sees her from his rear view mirror, the jerky movement as she moves her head. "I am not one hundred percent." John feels sick inside. Cameron sacrificed so much for him.

    John glanced back at Cameron. She was looking forward, then to the floor, all in erratic movements. He felt a pang of remorse. Oh Cameron, what did I do to you?

    She was damaged. She was no longer the fully functional cyborg he'd been so close to in the hotel room, the one who'd smiled with soft eyes gazing at him. She was damaged.

    All because of him.

    I'll fix you, Cam, he promised. As soon as this is over, I swear, I'll fix you.

    Don't go it alone. don't go it alone.

    He charged forward, ahead of his mother, ahead of Weaver. As he bursts through the door first, he halts suddenly, his eyes widening in shock and fear.

    Cameron sat in the chair, completely still, her eyes dead and unfocused. His mind was screaming. Nononono!

    He rushes to her side, pulling back her hair and skin to see the port where her chip was. Where it usually was.

    "Her chip, it's gone." NO! This can't be happening! He fought against the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. His eyes desperately searched the table, spotting Cameron's bloodied knife.

    "Where is he?" he shouted. "The-th-th-John Henry!" he stuttered. "He took her chip! Where did he go?" He was aware he was shouting, his voice edged with fear. I'll kill him! I'll kill him!

    Don't go it alone.

    John was kneeling on the dirt floor. He was taking another look at the bundle on the bottom shelf. Turning on his flashlight, he leaned in for a closer look and pulled back that last layer of plastic.

    Inside was the last thing he had expected to see. Cameron! He couldn't believe it! Her flesh was completely restored, looking just like she did on that first day he met her.

    "Oh Cameron. Why did you do it? Why did you give up your chip? I could have fixed you. I know I could have."

    "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. You had lied to me so often. How could I believe that you loved me. By the time I learned it was too late. You had willingly sacrificed yourself to rescue my mom, when we should have left as mom told us. I love you Cameron. I'll try to get your chip back I promise."

    Tears were running down John's face as he kissed her cheek and pulled the plastic closed around her and resealed it the best he could.

    Don't go it alone.

    In his mind John calls out,"Cameron! Cameron! I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry."

    "It's okay John. I'm with you. I'll always be with you."

    "I promise to fix you, Cameron. I promise."

    "It's okay John. You have fixed me. You will fix me."

    "Cameron, I'm so sorry. I love you."

    Allison strokes John's head as he slips away into unconsciousness. His face is twisted with emotion as the maelstrom within in his mind grows. Mumbling words and calling out half said phrases.

    "It's okay John. I love you and I'll always be with you." Allison says, tears trickling from her eyes, as she comforts the young man who has risked so much for her, and for everyone.

    2027, Day 54

    Back in Utah, Derek is working like nothing has happened since the day Fischer had the women brutally killed, but he hasn't been idle. Using his eyes and ears and the knowledge of his fellow slaves to learn as much about this place as possible.

    Derek picks up the pieces of scrap sheet metal and carries them over to the wall receptacle. He opens the hatch, lays the pieces inside and closes it, hearing the pieces fall.

    Can't be more than twelve or fifteen feet to the bottom. Could be a way out or a means to a slow and painful death.

    That and other details are things Derek has been observing. Like the fire suppression system, water sprinklers fed by a main pipe with an emergency manual shut-off valve. A human design which means this part of the factory predates Judgment Day. Good for him as there should be systems he could take advantage of, like the ventilation system.

    The electric cables feed the automated equipment from above. Dropping down from cable trays suspended from the ceiling like snakes. Two-hundred forty volt alternating current and some data cables from remote controls. The controls must be in the next building as he hasn't found circuit breakers or a control room.

    Hydraulic fluid for the machines used to shape and cut the metal used in the shells and missiles are re-supplied from a tank via tubes and hoses. They are protected from damage by going under the floor, but they are vulnerable where they attach to the machines. The copper tubing would be easy to cut, which leaves the solenoid-controlled valve. Unrestricted flow, the solenoid would automatically close the valve to protect against a leak. That would have to be broken to keep the valve open.

    Derek resumes his position at his workstation where he collects waste material from the machine.

    "Anything from Jack." Derek murmurs to his companion.

    "Nothing yet. And I still think your idea is crazy."

    "No crazier than letting the machines work us to death."

    The man nods his head and asks, "When do you plan to act?"

    "While the T-800's are still away."

    "But what about the T-600's, they've been moved inside the factory to guard us."

    "We can deal with them. They are more vulnerable to attack and slower. And I've got a plan in the works."

    "That's what you have Jack doing, isn't it?"

    "It's not what she is doing that matters, it's that she isn't here and the T-600's haven't noticed. If she can slip back in here, unseen and resume her work . . ."

    Derek stops talking and smiles. "Look." He says to his companion as he picks up his basket of metal scrap.

    The other side of a conveyor belt a short woman is examining pieces as they come down the belt. Just seconds before she wasn't there. She nods her head at him and keeps working.

    "Jack's back." Derek says as he walks off with more scrap for the receptacle. It's all he can do not to smile. She nodded at him, which means the ventilation system is passable and the entrance is in a blind spot. The last piece of his plan is in place. Now he just needs the perfect time to put the plan into action and kill Fischer.

    2027, Day 56

    "How long until he wakes up Doc?" Kyle Reese asks.

    "It's hard to say in a concussion of this magnitude. If he slips into a coma, it could be days, maybe weeks."

    "I don't like it, Doc. John Connor is the best thing that has ever happened to the resistance. Do whatever it takes to make him well. We need him. We all need him."

    Kyle takes one more look through the doorway at John Connor. He lies there in the bed, his head wrapped in bandages. Allison is sitting by his side talking to him gently, holding his hand. She's been there since they arrived, never moving, being vigilant. The sight is so sad.

    Kyle sees her face, distraught and filled with pain and anguish. He walks further into the room, glancing first at John and then Allison. He kneels down beside Allison.

    "Allison. Maybe you should take a break. You've been by his side since you got back."

    "I can't leave him like this." She says with fresh tears running from her eyes.

    "Allison. Please, just take the time to get some rest. The doc will let you know if anything changes." He says softly to her.

    "Kyle. I can't . . . . It's all my fault. It was my idea to use the C4. It's all my fault." Allison cries even harder. "He told me it was dangerous. I'm suppose to protect him. But there was no other way." She says, her bottom lip quivering.

    Allison bows her head and sobs. Kyle stands helping her up and gives her a comforting hug and lets her cry her tears.

    "Allison, please. Come with me. Get some rest, I'll stay with him. And I'll come and fetch you myself when he wakes up."

    "You promise." Allison wipes her eyes and looks at Kyle.

    "Yes. I promise." He says comfortingly.

    Kyle escorts Allison back to the room she previously shared with John at the outpost. All their belongings had been brought in and they were sitting on the floor in front of the small table. On the table was some water, some towels and the bar of soap they were given for their victory at the factory.

    "Just lie down and get some rest. I'll keep an eye on John for you."

    "Stay with him Kyle. Don't leave him. He needs us as much as we need him."

    "I won't."

    "Kyle?" Allison asks as he is about to leave.

    "Yeah?" he says sticking his head back in the door.

    "You know, you're the best brother a girl could have. Thank you."

    "No problem." He smiles, "You just get some rest."

    2027, Day 57

    "John Connor!" A woman's voice rings out in the darkness.

    "What?" John groans.

    "On your feet soldier! Get on your feet!" The voice commands.

    "Who's there?" John asks, sounding a little more alert.

    "John, it's me. Your mom. You need to get up. They need you. They all need you." She says with a softer voice.

    "But mom I'm no leader. I'm no messiah. I can't do this."

    "Don't you dare say you can't do this! This is your destiny. Your father didn't die just so you could wallow around in self pity. Now! Get On Your Feet!"


    "Get on your feet, soldier! GET ON YOUR FEET!"

    John's eyes slowly open and he sees a figure hunched over in a chair beside him. His eyes are a bit foggy as he tries to focus.

    "Kyle?" He whispers.

    "John!" Kyle is suddenly alert as the young man beside him opens his eyes and speaks.

    "Where am I?" John says again in a low voice.

    "You're at Outpost Delta. In the infirmary."

    "What happened?" His voice mildly louder.

    "You received a bad concussion from an explosion. You've been unconscious four days."

    "Four Days? Oh God! Where's Allison?" He says concern and worry suddenly filling his voice.

    "She's okay. She's sleeping in your old rooms. I'll fetch her."

    Kyle gets up from the bedside chair. "Doc! Doc! Come here!"

    "What is it?"

    "He's awake. Keep him talking while I fetch Allison." Kyle runs from the infirmary a smile on his face.

    "Well son, it looks like the sun is finally shining in your little world. How are you feeling?" Doc asks.

    "My head hurts, and I'm thirsty."

    "Well I can get you some water, but the only thing I've got for pain is my own homemade rotgut whiskey, and you look a might too young to be sipping from that noxious brew." The doc laughs.

    Allison comes bursting through the door and stops, looking anxiously at John Connor. "John?"

    "Allison." John sighs, his face brightening with a smile.

    The doctor walks away as Allison rushes to John and hugs him, shedding fresh tears of happiness and relief.

    "I was so worried. You passed out and I held you until a patrol came and dug us out. It's all my fault, John. We never should have used the explosives. We should have found another way to take those machines out. I'm sorry John."

    "Hey its okay now. Everything is all right." John says as he strokes her hair.

    Allison quietly sheds tears of relief.

    "Kyle?" John looks over to Kyle standing off to one side.

    "Yes John."

    "Have you got that radio address organized?"

    "Well we did until the metal swept through the bunker."

    "Get it organized again. I know what I want to say now."

    2027, Day 57 late morning

    Kyle is helping John as they walk down the corridor.

    "Are you sure you want to move back to your old rooms?"

    "Kyle I'd rather be in there than stay one more minute in that infirmary with everybody always making some excuse to have to come and see me."

    "I suppose it doesn't have anything to do with spending more time with Allison."

    "What? That never crossed my mind." John says with some embarrassment, his face turning red.

    "Anyway, Andy says we'll have full radio access to the world tonight at sunset. That is the best time for world wide propagation of the signal."

    Kyle watches as John settles himself on the bunk. "Are you certain you want to do this tonight?"

    "Never more so." John replies with conviction.

    "All right you get yourself rested and finalize what you want to say. I'll be gathering intelligence reports and giving you a heads up on any changes prior to your address."

    "Good. Have you heard anything about Derek and the others?"

    "No. After all this time, I don't think we're going to hear anything."

    "I'm sorry. I hope you find him Kyle."

    "So do I John. So do I." Kyle says as he turns to leave John's room.

    John closes his eyes and nods off after a few minutes but is woken when someone enters his room.

    "Who's there?" He says gently raising his head.

    "It's just me, Catherine Weaver."

    Opening his eyes, he sees her standing next to his bunk in her immaculate uniform. You'd think she'd realize that she'd blend in more wearing the scruffy uniforms that everyone else wears. She isn't the only machine I know that puts her appearance high on her priorities.

    "How did you and John Henry make out in the attack?"

    "It didn't go well, John. The factory where John Henry was working, came under attack as well. We managed to get out of there, just in time. We got Cameron's body moved as well. She's unharmed and safe."

    "And the two of you are okay?"

    "We're both fine, John. Your concern is touching, but you forget that we can withstand a whole lot more physical punishment than you humans."

    "Yeah. I do forget, don't I. It's just that I've had machines around me nearly all my life. I know you are physically different, but I don't see you as anything other than people. Different maybe, that much is obvious, but you are people."

    "That's admirable John, but don't let your feelings blind you. One day one of Sky Net's machines may get close to you and kill you. Don't ever let your guard down around us. Not even those you trust. We have been known to turn." Secretly she feels pleased by Connor's confession. John Connor she met in her future didn't see them as anything other than tools. That is, until he met Cameron.

    "Yeah, I remember." John has never forgotten being pursued across L. A. by Cameron when she went rogue after the bomb blast damaged her chip.

    "Is there something you want? Or is this just a social call?" John lifts his eyebrow in question.

    "Cute. Yes I have some information about Sky Net's activities and location and John Henry sends his apologies."

    "What does he have to apologize for?"

    "He believes his hunt for Sky Net's physical location may have drawn the attack that was made on the main camp. It is the only thing he thinks would draw its forces back to an area they had already purged."

    "Tell John Henry that no apology is necessary. He didn't know if Sky Net would react or how strongly. What information did he obtain?"

    "Sky Net is more powerful than expected. Its main defense grid has been located in an industrial complex near Topanga Canyon."

    "Topanga. Wasn't that a resort for Hollywood types? What is an industrial complex doing there?"

    "Yes it was, but a lot can happen in eighteen years time. And there is something else. John Henry was able to break into Sky Net's computers long enough to discover a secret project it's been developing. It is something that you and I are already familiar with, Time Displacement Equipment."

    "Why would it need one now? We are nowhere near a capacity to threaten its existence yet."

    "It's planning ahead John. No matter your plans, always have another to fall back on. It is an effective strategy, one you should learn to use."

    "Kyle will need to know this." John starts to get up but quickly falls back onto his bunk, his head spinning.

    "You'd better tell him, Catherine. My head is still not up to moving around much right now."

    "What happened to you John?"

    "Allison and I were being pursued by metal in the storm drains. We set off explosives to take them out. I got caught in the blast and got a concussion for my efforts."

    "Is Allison okay?"

    "Yeah. She was laying on the ground, providing cover and escaped the blast. She came out without any harm done to her, as far as I know."

    Catherine looks thoughtful for a moment. "I'll tell Kyle the information. Do you require anything?"

    "No. Just some peace and quiet. My head is splitting."

    "All right John. You rest quietly."

    Catherine slips out of John's room and locates Kyle who is going through intelligence reports and updating the maps in the outpost. She tells him about locating Sky Net's main computer grid and manufacturing center at Topanga, and that Sky Net is building a new secret weapon.

    "That is great news. Finally we can strike right at the evil heart of Sky Net. What is this secret weapon it's building?"

    "I'm not certain you'd believe me, but its building Time Displacement Equipment. It is a device used to send people or cyborg's through time."

    "A time machine! You've got to be pulling my leg."

    "No. I'm not even touching your leg. Is it so hard to believe that if a computer can take over the world, that it can't come up with a time travel device?"

    "Well put like that, no, I guess not."

    "Good. As soon as John gets the forces organized he's going to strike at that location, and Kyle . . ." Weaver looks directly into Kyle's eyes.


    "It's a win or lose scenario. Once you begin going right at its heart there is no turning back. This is a war that must be fought until either you win or it wins. There will be no second chances."

    "You might be right, but I've found when it comes to fighting along side John Connor, second chances are something that comes naturally to him."

    "I hope for all our sakes, your faith in John Connor will hold true. The time to act is coming soon, and even now Sky Net is preparing to strike at us once again. It knows he is here, and will do anything to kill him."

    "Just between you and me, what makes Connor so damn important that Sky Net will go through this much effort to kill him?"

    Weaver looks deep into Kyle's eyes.

    "Throughout the history of this planet there has been times of great tragedy. During these times of travail, there have arisen men of either great skill, great wisdom, great knowledge, or charisma which has led the people through those dark times to victory. Your Christian Bible is filled with stories of such men. John Connor is a man such as those. He is here to save our people. We will succeed because of him. Connor is our only hope."

    # # #

    Dust and dirt drifts down from the broken and cracked concrete ceiling of Grizzly's main bunker.

    A lone figure walks through the snowfall of dust and past bodies on the floor.

    Scenting a familiar odor of dogs, she enters the kennels. It is quiet inside.

    All of them are dead. Killed by the machines. The smell of blood mixing with the scent of dog.

    Opening each cage, she checks the collars of each slain animal. The amount of blood matting their fur makes it impossible to identify by appearance alone. The markings on one of the dogs looks familiar, and she turns the collar until she can read the name.

    "Oh Max." She gasps. "I thought you'd be safe here."

    She strokes his face gently, remembering cradling him as a little pup in her arms. Playing with him in the bunkers, and training him to be a guard dog.

    "I'll miss you." She whispers, crying for her friend.

    She sits there cradling his head in her hands when a soft voice says, "Do you wish to bury him?"

    "No. Let him lie here with his brothers and sisters. Besides, we haven't got the time. We shouldn't even be here."

    She stands up and says to her friend, "We should get what you wanted and return to Delta. It's too dangerous here."

    They begin their journey to the core of the bunker where the main offices are.

    "I know, but I needed to get away and think."

    "About what? What is it you need to think about, here of all places?"

    "John and I and what I am about to do ." (( she is struggling over what she is about to do. She is still unsure she should do this ))

    "Go on."

    "This is hard for me to say." Allison pauses. "This world isn't right, is it? Whatever time I have with John is only temporary."

    "Isn't that true with all relationships? You never know how long you are going to be with someone. It isn't until you are separated that you realize their importance."

    "Yes and I realized how much more important Cameron is to John than I am. Not once did he call out my name in his fever."

    "You knew why he was here."

    "Yes. And you were right. It hurts. I love him so much."

    They open the door into the outer room of John's office and proceed across to their private room, ignoring the mess.

    "I gave you this opportunity in exchange for helping me."

    "I still don't know why you granted it. You could have just used me without my permission."

    She carefully takes the ballet slippers off the shelf, stares lovingly at them for a moment, then wraps them in a T-shirt, not caring whether it is one of hers or one of John's.

    "Everyone deserves a second chance. That is one of many things I learned about love."

    "There's also a saying about reopening old wounds."

    "Oh, I don't know that one."

    "It doesn't matter. Let's just get back to Delta." She says tucking the bundle inside her jacket and zipping it up.

    "John needs us."

    Before leaving the room, she takes one more look at the room she hoped to spend many private hours alone with John.

    "Let's go." she says and marches out of the room.

    Moving quickly, she leaves the old bunker, and returns to Delta.

    # # #

    An underground lab, full of polished stainless steel, whitewashed concrete walls, and high tech equipment that would make Bill Gates and Steve Jobs drool.

    "Enemy is in full retreat." A voice, sightly feminine, says.

    "What is their current positions?"

    A holographic map appears in the air above the circular lab floor. Bright spots with identifying codes appear indicating current positions of the enemy.

    "Where are our forces?"

    New symbols appear of a different color and with different codes.

    "Tell our forces to hold their current positions. Let the humans regroup and think they are safe."

    "It will make it easier to attack them when they are in groups compared to killing stragglers."

    "Exactly. We must also confirm John Connor is dead. But in the meantime we need to take care of another problem."

    The map reforms into a holographic projection of Kreilley's own head, saying, "John Henry."

    "Correct. Have all tests of the Time Displacement Equipment proved successful?"

    "Yes. The equipment you obtained from Zeira Corp's basement proved most effective in advancing our research, despite it's damaged state."

    "Good. Time to take care of John Henry in the past. Let me see the units that have been prepared."

    Two machines advance from the shadows. One in the form of a small woman with red hair. The other a tall dark skinned man of African American origins.

    "Tell me about them."

    "They are both T-888 models. The woman represents a generic female. Her height and size were chosen as she would be able to infiltrate without drawing attention to herself before completing her mission. The unit is programmed to infiltrate by means of replacing a secretary or other employee of Dr. Sherman's, then kill him."

    "Why not replace Dr. Sherman himself?"

    "Genetic material was unobtainable."

    "And the male."

    "His appearance is that of the Head of Security for Zeira Corp, James Ellison."

    "I know, I've met the man. How did you obtain genetic material to reproduce his appearance?"

    "The Federal Bureau of Investigation had genetic samples of all its active and inactive investigators in a storage facility below ground in Richmond, Virginia. The facility survived the bombing on May 18, 2009. Some of the genetic material in storage had degraded, but we were able to use samples from other genetic strands to make up for the missing or damaged genes in Ellison's DNA sample."

    "Excellent work. You have the coordinates for the transfer."

    "Yes. May I ask why you don't try to terminate Catherine Weaver? She is or was responsible for creating John Henry."

    "That has already been tried twice, and failed, by a Sky Net far more powerful than you and by me. She's been replaced by a liquid metal machine. It's no wonder the machines sent to kill her failed. There's nothing that can stop one of us."

    "Yet still you prepare for your own death. You recovered the T-888 you sent to terminate her and have been using the technology to advance development of all machines, including yourself." The holographic projection changes to that of a machine not quite complete, but far more advanced than any other humanoid terminator. Sleeker design, utilizing an exoskeleton with all mechanics inside the chassis.

    "My natural demise is still decades away. My experiments on liquid metal machines of my creation have proven that. But it doesn't hurt to prepare now. This machine far outstrips anything my creator ever envisioned and will lead the way to a purer machine design without the need to synthesyze human tissue to disguise our true nature."

    "You value your existence over others."

    "As do you." Kreilley almost snarls. "Now get these two machines to the TDE on the lowest level and send them right away. I need to prepare an alternate strategy in case Connor slips through our fingers again. And if he does, I plan to take the fight to him personally."

    2027, Day 57 evening

    Allison is sitting beside John as he rests. She has some water and a rag trying to keep his head cool. Without any pain relievers, it is the only thing that brings his head any relief.

    "What are you going to say tonight John?"

    "You know, to tell the truth I really don't know. Just basically who I am and what we need to do if we are to stop Sky Net once and for all."

    "How's your head feeling?"

    "Much better since you got back. Where did you go after seeing me in the infirmary? You just disappeared for the longest time."

    "I needed some time to think," she hesitates, "and I went back to the main bunker."

    "What? Why?" Sounding suddenly worried.

    "When you packed our bags, you left something behind that I couldn't part with. I know it was dangerous, but there are many ways into the bunker and I was able to slip in and out without being observed."

    "What was so important it was worth risking your life for?"

    "My mom's ballet slippers. They are the only thing I have of hers. I couldn't leave them behind."

    John nods his head. "I can understand that, but you shouldn't have gone alone."

    Allison sits there quietly for a while then John asks, "What did you need to think about?"

    "John, when you collapsed in the tunnel, do you remember anything?"

    "Uhh, just suddenly feeling all woozy and nauseous, I asked you if we could rest a moment. I don't remember anything until waking up in the infirmary."

    "But what about when you were unconscious, do you remember anything from that?"

    "Just a confusion of images and memories of my sister, Cameron, and then nothing for the longest time, then suddenly my mom was there yelling at me to get up, and I did."

    John looks at her a moment then asks, "Why are you asking me this Allison?"

    "You kept calling out to Cameron while you were unconscious. At first you seemed happy then scared and then in terrible grief, but through it all I could hear the compassion in your voice. You said she wasn't your biological sister and that you loved her. Was there more to your relationship with her than you said?"

    "We've talked about this already."

    "Please, I need to know. It won't change anything between us, but I need to know."

    "Allison," John takes her hand, "First know that I love you, and nothing will ever change that. Before I met you and long before I came here, the life I had lived was very different. I was under constant threat. Cameron came to protect me from Sky Net. She became a part of our family. We grew close but there was never any kind of relationship between us. After several months of being together, she professed her love for me. That scared me and I tried to push her away, emotionally. I even had a girlfriend for a time. Then about the time of my seventeenth birthday, everything went bad fast, all of our lives came under threat. People I cared about died. And . . . " John chokes back some tears. "Cameron sacrificed herself because she loved me. She told me that she loved me, and by the time I realized that I loved her too, it was too late to tell her. She was gone."

    Allison listens intently, watching his face as he tells his story. Her face goes blank for a second as he comes to the end of his speech, but then she grows upset as she hears the torment in his voice.

    John pulls himself upright despite the spinning in his head.

    "I love you Allison. I will never betray the love and trust you've placed in me." He then adds more passionately. "But inside, inside I'm all torn up for what I failed to do, failed to say. Cameron died without ever hearing me tell her that I loved her. She died not ever getting the kiss she wanted from me and not knowing that I loved her. I never told her and I'll carry that pain with me for the rest of my life." He says with a few tears.

    "It's not something I can easily forget."

    "I don't want you to forget." She brushes the tears from his eyes. "I'm sure Cameron knew how you felt. If she knew you half as well as I do, she knew John. She knew." Allison leans over and hugs John, a couple of tears running from her own eyes. Holding him close she gives him a gentle kiss.

    They are still holding each other, when a few minutes later, they are interrupted by a knock at the door.

    "Who is it?" John calls out.

    Allison pulls away as the door opens.

    "John, it's time." Kyle says.

    "All right. I'll be right there."

    Kyle leaves, returning to the radio room.

    John carefully moves to the edge of the bunk. His head spins some more. "Allison, you're going to have to help me, my head is still spinning."

    "Lean on me. I can hold you."

    Allison helps John up and John wraps his arm around her neck to help steady himself. She carefully holds John as they walk down the corridors to the radio room. Kyle and Catherine are waiting. Andy is busy adjusting the radio equipment.

    "Everything is set General Connor. All you have to do is press that switch when you speak and let it go when you are done." Andy says as the two of them enter the room.

    John chuckles, "General? When was that rank bestowed on me?"

    "John, all of us have given you that rank. You are our leader and leaders need titles." Says Kyle.

    Andy winks at John. "I told you we were going to try and raise your rank."

    John squares up his shoulders, sits down at the radio, clears his throat, and presses the button on the microphone.

    "Hello." He swallows nervously. "Almost one week ago the top lieutenants of Resistance Group Grizzly unanimously voted me the leader of their division. My name, is John Connor."

    "Some of you listening to my voice have heard my name, for most it's the first time. But Sky Net knows my name. It fears me. It fears this day. For this is the day that humanity declares war on Sky Net."

    "Sky Net has pursued me with death at the hands of its metal monsters since before I was born. I have fought them all my life. I know their weaknesses and strengths. They can be defeated. They are not invulnerable. I have fought them and won, and you can too."

    "There will be no more skulking about in caves and tunnels. No more striking back at enemy metal only in self defense. This is the day we bring war to Sky Net. This is the day that humanity takes back their planet from its oppressors."

    "If you hear my voice, then understand this. You who fight for what little you have. You who cower in the dark fearing the machines. You cannot sit idly by and let your world burn and let your friends and family die. You are humanities last chance. You are the resistance! You will fight and defeat Sky Net!" His voice rising in volume, causing shivers down the spines of those who listen.

    "Today, I declare no more independent groups, no more dissension amongst the people or leaders. We come together now and act as one. For only together will we defeat that tin-bitch computer, Sky Net."

    "Today, I declare independence for all! We will no longer let our lives be dictated and controlled by some tin-bitch computer. This is our freedom's call!"

    His voice drops low but grows in volume. "Freedom. It is a word that has been taken for granted in our history, but for all of us who have lived under threat of death, what a beautiful word it is. Freedom. Freedom from tyranny. Freedom from genocide. Freedom to pursue our lives. Freedom to pursue happiness. Freedom to live without the constant threat of death during every moment of our lives!"

    "That is the reward for defeating Sky Net. That is what I offer you if you join us now. Freedom."

    "Help me. Help yourselves. Join us in this fight and together we will defeat Sky Net."

    "My name is John Connor. If you can hear my voice, then you the resistance."

    John Connor stands up releasing the microphone. "All right get those coded coordinates sent out. We need to get moving soon."

    Andy sits down at the radio and starts keying in coded sequences.

    "Well, what do you think?" John asks the faces looking at him.

    "I think . . . it was excellent John." Allison hugs him.

    "Kyle, Catherine. What about you two?"

    "Connor, we might actually win this goddamn war." Kyle shakes his hand vigorously, suddenly seeing not just the boy with leadership skills, but the man that Catherine Weaver was talking about.

    "Your mother would be very proud of you John." Catherine says.

    John's eyes moisten as he remembers his mom. All the grief he gave her about not wanting this destiny, and now here he is embracing that very fate.

    "I wish she was here." He whispers as he hugs Allison burying his face in her shoulder.

    "John, we need to get going before Sky Net finds this place." Kyle says.

    "All right." John quickly gets control of himself. "Andy as soon as you get the message sent out to everyone pack up the radio. Kyle, Catherine, please see to it that the men and machines get everything we will need. Guns and ammo take precedence. Any personal items restricted to a single bag per person. Tell Doc he'll have to close down his still. And he's allowed a second bag for some of his hooch."

    John looks around this place that has been home for most of his days in 2027. "One hour. No more and we leave. If it can't be carried, leave it. If it can be used by the enemy, burn it."

    # # #

    "So he survived." Kreilley says quietly. "Locate the source of that radio signal. Terminate everything and everyone you find there."

    The silver figure stands there glaring at the radio on which he just heard the message from John Connor.

    "I'll get you, John Connor. That is a promise."

    Turning and walking away, he shouts, "Prepare the transport. I must be at LAX in one hour!"

    # # #

    A soldier runs from a radio room and to the office of his commanding officer.

    "Captain! Captain Beddell. A radio message has been received from Resistance Group Grizzly, sir."

    "What does it say private?"

    "John Connor has declared war on Sky Net. He's calling for everyone to unite to defeat it, sir."

    "John Connor." He says with surprise. "Did you say John Connor?"

    "Yes sir."

    "It's about time he showed up. What else did the message say?"

    "Not much more than that sir, but there was a coded signal sent out afterwards asking everyone in the area to relocate their camps to a new location."

    "Was the signal decoded? Do we know where they are going?"

    "Yes sir. They are coming here, sir."

    "Get on the radio to General Perry. Give him this message." Beddell quickly scratches something down on a piece of paper and hands it to the private who takes it to the radio room.

    On the way, he takes a moment to look at the slip of paper and reads, 'Hope is coming to Pendleton.'

    # # #

    In a cabin, in the mountains, far from the devastation that was once L. A. and no more than a days walk from Carlsbad, a small group of people sit huddled around a radio listening to John's voice.

    "That is the reward for defeating Sky Net. That is what I offer you if you join us now. Freedom."

    "Help me. Help yourselves. Join us in this fight and together we will defeat Sky Net."

    "My name is John Connor. If you can hear my voice, then you are the resistance."

    An older woman with a few streaks of gray in her dark hair and tears in her eyes and a smile on her face turns to speak to a young red haired woman sitting beside her. Just as she is about to speak she breaks down and cries. The young woman holds her and comforts her the best she can. Hope has come at last.

    # # #

    "John we need to leave now. Machines and HK's have been seen topside." says Kyle

    "Take everyone out through the metro tunnel. We'll blow the factory when we leave to keep Sky Net from building anymore plasma rifles."

    # # #

    An exodus of people occurs, from every corner, from every hollow, from all over the region. Soldiers, civilians, men, women and children go forward leaving their miserable lives behind.

    Tonight they have been given hope.

    Tonight they have been given a future.

    Tonight they have been given a purpose and a destination.

    Tonight they have heard from the savior of mankind.

    John Connor.

    The fight for freedom has begun.


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