

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #16 : Part 1: Chapter 14: They Carry Death

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 10 ก.ย. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Author: The1Russter

    Chapter 14

    They Carry Death

    Derek, "They're dead because some people refuse to accept the reality of the situation."

    John, "Which is what?"

    Derek, "That they carry death . . . with them."

    Excerpt from, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 2, Episode 1, "Samson and Delilah," September 8, 2008.

    "Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely." General Dwight Eisenhower - 6th June 1944

    "Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival." Winston Churchill

    # # #

    From the Journal of John Connor

    Everything I've been told and everything I've been taught could never fully prepare me for the horrors of war. The constant sound of gunfire, explosions, men and women screaming in anger, fear, pain, and even death.

    You are in a constant fight with your own body which wants to run and hide, pushed by the adrenalin rushing through your body. Despite the adrenalin and the noise you try to keep a level head and hold to your training. You just keep fighting and in the end it never feels like you did enough. You always feel like there was something more or something different you could have done, but in the end you realize, there was nothing more, nothing different you could have done to change the outcome.

    So many dead and so few alive at the end of the battle. You never forget. Unless you are there, you can never understand what it is like. William T. Sherman, a Union General during the American Civil War is credited as saying, "War is Hell." For those of us who have been in battle, we can only say, we do hell an injustice. War is far worse.

    In the end, the battle we fought this night was considered a victory because the objective was obtained. But victory has its price and that price is in human lives and the human spirit.

    2027, Day 25 after midnight

    Not knowing of the defeat of Derek's forces to the north of the factory, John Connor continues to lead his troops in the attack.

    Presently, they are taking shelter amongst the rubble unable to return fire at the machines outside the factory as a constant horizontal spray of plasma beams cut through the air over their heads. The ones foolish enough to raise their heads above the rubble quickly find them blown off.

    John is shaking and cowering with fear wondering how the hell they can do anything with the constant fire over their heads. He finds little conciliation in that the veteran fighters with him are shaking just as bad as he is.

    A soldier crawls forward on his belly, pushing his face and body into the ground with every scream of a plasma shot going overhead, until he reaches Connor.

    "Captain. What do you want us to do?" The soldier asks ducking his head involuntarily as more plasma fire goes over head.

    Mentally, John curses himself for getting put in this position of authority. Right now, he'd love nothing more than to be the guy crawling on his belly to ask someone else that question.

    "Captain?" Another soldier asks.

    "Shit! I guess it's up to me." John grumbles. Thinking quickly, he puts a plan into action. One of many he learned from his Uncle Derek, before he moved out to be with Jesse.

    "Alpha, Beta, Gamma!" John shouts. "Grab the mini guns and move forward side-by side. You will act as a shield. Group A follow behind me with grenade launchers fire on . . ."

    John's words are drowned out by an explosion and a yell as a plasma beam strikes a box of ammo causing it to explode taking at least one unfortunate soldier with it.

    ". . . fire on the enemy. Group B, provide covering fire. Group C, watch our six."

    "Alpha, Beta Gamma, move out! Now!"

    John's three tin men rise up from their positions, and immediately receive fire from the plasma weapons which bounces off their hyper-alloy combat chassis's. Reports of minor damage begin to appear on their HUD's. Holding the mini-guns out in front of them, they walk side by side firing on the machines at the factory.

    "Group B, get in position! Follow us in five. Group A! With Me Now!" John shouts.

    John jumps up and follows the machines hoping beyond hope Group A is right behind him.

    As his group moves forward, he can hear Group B open fire with their M-16's. Occasionally he hears the loud report of an M-82.

    Streaks of plasma beams fire around the men and the machines advancing on the factory.

    "We're getting close. Prepare to fire."

    The report of several grenade launchers is made and ahead of their group are several explosions.

    The loud boom of an artillery gun makes the platoon drop for cover. A shell explodes nearby, showering them with earth and rock.

    "Son of a bitch! They've got artillery." A soldier shouts.

    "Did anyone see where that shot came from?" John asks.

    A series of shells fall near them exploding, making everyone's ears ring and covering them all with dirt.

    Spitting out dirt someone says, "We either need to move or destroy that gun. One more bombardment and they'll have us."

    "Gamma, can you see that artillery gun?" John asks.

    "There." He says pointing to his right. "Under an overhang three hundred yards to our right."

    "Allison!" John shouts repeatedly turning his head about looking for her.

    "What is it?" She yells, coming up beside him, dirt in her hair and on her face.

    "Get Group B to come forward right now with the RPG's. I want that artillery gun taken out. Tell Group C to move up to B's position, provide covering fire and to keep watching our rear."

    She hesitates a moment, but runs back to Group B keeping low. As much as she wants to stay and protect him, he's given her an order, and at present he outranks her and that's all her fault.

    The machines scan the field in front of them as they fire their plasma rifles. Heat traces show on their HUD's as the humans move keeping below the mounds of rubble. Sporadic automatic weapon gun fire peppers the machines as the humans return fire. The grenades do no damage to the machines unless they receive a direct hit. The machine's orders are clear, contain the humans until reinforcements have them surrounded. They continue to fire their plasma weapons at the group of human fighters and watch as a figure moves away.

    The loud report of heavy machine gun fire comes from behind John and his team. In moments John and his crew are joined by Allison and others carrying RPG's.

    The scream of falling shells quickly forces them all to take cover as the shells explode around them.

    Allison gets up, spitting dirt out of her mouth and ignoring the loose hair hanging in front of her face.

    "What now?"

    "Allison, stay here coordinate fire between Groups B and C." Turning to the officer in charge of Group B, he adds, "Lieutenant, take out that artillery piece. I'm taking Group A to that factory. Gamma, stay with Allison."

    "John!" Allison says with stern demeanor. "You don't have to protect me."

    "I'm not protecting you. I just need someone here I can rely on to relay communications." John snaps.

    Allison nods her head.

    "Morse code, flashlight. Watch me." John says to her, and quickly checks his light to make sure its still working.

    "All right everyone, lets move it." John orders "Don't fire until the enemy metal are in range. Let's go."

    John and his group run full out for a shell hole between bombardments. Allison kneels down and pulls out the M-82. Putting her eye to the scope, she watches John and his group move forward.

    Hearing the scream of another shell, they dive into the hole. After the explosion, they pop their heads up to look around, like a bunch of prairie dogs from their burrows.

    Additional flashes to their left signify more artillery fire.

    "Shit! There's more than one gun!" Someone exclaims.

    They quickly duck back down and wait for the shells to finish exploding.

    John turns his attention to the machines. "Can either of you do anything to take out that other artillery piece?"

    "Current weapons are insufficient." Alpha explains.

    "Here." John shouts pulling a package of C4 and a detonator out of his bag and throwing it to him.

    Alpha takes off running toward one side of the factory carrying the explosives.

    "Frank! Give him covering fire."

    "But it's a machine!"

    "Dammit! Just do it! His survival means our survival!"

    Frank raises his M-16 and begins firing off rounds.

    "Everyone! Do it now!" John orders.

    Alpha runs across the open field of battle. Going around, over and between broken concrete walls and over the rough ground with the C4 in hand. Behind him, Frank and the others fire at the machines from the factory.

    Allison watches through the scope on her M82. She sees John and his team hunkered down in a shell hole. She pans the rifle around and can see Alpha making for something in the distance. She continues panning her rifle and sees machines operating another artillery gun.

    She squeezes off a shot, disabling a machine that had Alpha in its sites.

    "Why artillery and not an HK tank? Something about this isn't right." She says to herself. "A single Ogre could wipe us all out."

    Taking careful aim, she squeezes off another shot taking down a machine that was targeting Group A. Moving quickly, she finds another location. From her position she begins targeting machines outside the factory wall.

    The loud report of the M-82 can be heard behind him as John once again checks on progress. Alpha is struck repeatedly in the chest, shoulders or hips by plasma rounds, but keeps moving.

    More shells come whistling in and John ducks for cover. He wonders to himself why aren't they making direct hits. It's like they are trying to keep them contained.

    John and those with him cover their heads and ears as rocks and debris land all around them.

    Alpha runs toward the artillery gun. Five machines are there, two fire plasma weapons at him. HUD reports system integrity down 20%. Speed is down by 15%. Power cell is intact, but one more direct hit to his breast plate will puncture it and rupture the fuel cell.

    Pulling the tag to activate the receiver on the C4, Alpha runs for the gun emplacement. Flipping the switch cover open on the detonator he leaps in the air diving into the group of machines.

    John looks up just in time to see Alpha dive behind the structure encasing the gun. With a mighty roar, the place erupts into a giant fireball. Pieces of machines and the artillery gun fly into the air encased in a mighty fireball.

    As he takes cover from the metal fragments John wonders how Derek is doing, shouldn't he be entering the factory about now? Derek must have encountered delays. If he has, then he needs to do more to draw out the enemy's fire to make Derek's job easier.

    John pulses his flashlight at Allison letting her know his next move. He waits for her confirmation and then gives his orders.

    "Attack!" John shouts. "Spread out! We're too easy a target all grouped together."

    "Beta! Provide cover!"

    The mini guns erupt as John and his team run forward keeping low, firing when opportunity comes.

    Progress is slow and hard.

    From his right, John hears the loud reports of multiple rocket grenades exploding. So far they weren't having any luck as shells continued to land in the field of battle.

    Ahead of him, John can see the factory, still one hundred and fifty yards away. It had taken him over an hour to fight across fifty yards under plasma fire and artillery shells.

    Wiping the dirt and sweat from his eyes, John raises his rifle to aim at a machine that had just come into view. He just squeezes off a burst of rounds at its head, when he hears gunfire from behind.

    There is a loud explosion to his right signifying the destruction of the artillery gun, but no further gunfire from that quadrant follows.

    John drops down for cover. Allison pulses her flashlight at him. Artillery gun is gone. So is Group B. He pulses his light at her to gather as many able bodies including Group C and join him on the advance.

    Movement in the distance catches his attention. He feels his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. In the light of the fires, set by the exploding shells, John sees machines have encircled his small army and are now moving in, to attack from behind. Above him, the air begins to fill with plasma fire from front and rear.

    2027, Day 25, Two Hours Previously

    Kyle is pacing nervously in the corridor outside his room. He tried to do it inside his office, but despite being twice as large as the standard rooms, it still wasn't big enough for pacing.

    So there he was, walking up and down the corridor, his crutches abandoned, listening to the faint rumbles transferred through the earth from the battle several miles away.

    He was on his return journey when a soldier comes running up to him.

    "Sir! There's something you've got to see."

    "What is it Hawkins?" Kyle says with a frown. "I haven't got time for games."

    "Please Captain, I think you need to come outside and see this." Hawkins says with some urgency.

    Kyle swears. "All right, let's go. Not like I've got lots to do anyway."

    Though reluctant to do so, Kyle follows the corporal outside, where a surprising sight meets his eyes. What must be eighty men and almost one-half times as many machines, all Ken's.

    Out of the group, a gorgeous redhead female walks forward in a meticulous uniform, behind her, an equally well dressed soldier, a whole head taller than Kyle, marches forward with something like a childlike grin on his face.

    "Captain Kyle Reese, I believe?" The womans asks. Not waiting for him to answer, she keeps talking. "My name is Catherine Weaver, this is my associate John Henry. We are friends of John Connor."

    "He hasn't mentioned you before."

    "No, he wouldn't. He had to keep our presence secret until we completed the mission he brought us here to perform."

    "Which is what? And where'd you get these machines?"

    "That was part of our mission. They are all reprogrammed using the directives John Connor created. I can tell you that more are on the way. The resistance army currently attacking the factory is heavily outnumbered. I have brought more troops and these machines to help. You need to lead us to that factory. If we do not leave now, everyone at that factory will be killed."

    "Hold on a damn minute! How do I know I can even trust you?"

    "John Henry." Weaver holds out her hand.

    He places a portable computer in her hand similar in size and shape to a present day Blackberry.

    "John Henry intercepted this Sky Net transmission. I think it says it all."

    Kyle looks at the text on the screen.

    \:Sky Net Command to Ground Troops . . .

    \:Reroute to attack human resistance forces south of factory. . .

    \:Terminate . . . all of them . . .

    Kyle hands it back to her, grim faced. His gut was right all along about the battle.

    "Corporal Hawkins," Kyle orders, "give me your weapon and gear. You're in command until I return."

    Hawkins hands Kyle his rifle and the satchel of extra magazines.

    As he marches off, Kyle shouts, "And make sure those showers are operational by the time I return!"

    # # #

    Allison and what other resistance fighters she could find come dashing up in a straggly line hitting the ground once they join Connor and his few remaining troops.

    "Did you see?" She gasps gesturing behind her.

    "I saw." Johns says. "We're surrounded."

    "What?" Someone shouts.

    "It's true." A soldier from Group C says, wiping some blood from his face. "Must be a hundred of them."

    He looks at Connor and adds, "They're between us and the tunnel entrance, sir."

    Nearby a soldier shakes and cries, listening to what is being said.

    "I'm not too proud to surrender." Frank says.

    "They'd kill you on sight." Allison says. "You know that."

    "Perhaps if we showed them, we meant no harm." The crying soldier says.

    "Surrender isn't an option." Allison says to the soldier. Turning to look at John her brave face changing to one of worry. "What are our options?"

    Behind her, the crying soldier has undone his gear and has dropped his gun.

    "We've got to keep fighting until Derek occupies that factory."

    The soldier, free of his gear, scrambles quickly up the side of the shell hole.

    "Hey! Stop him!" Frank shouts as the crying soldier leaps and runs toward the factory unarmed.

    "I surrender! I surrender!" He keeps yelling over and over, waving his arms in the air.

    The HUD's on several machines activate scanning the human approaching them.

    Weapons: None.

    The soldier stands yards away from the machines. "I surrender. Please, don't hurt me."

    Threat Assessment: Zero

    "I have a wife and daughter."

    Identify: Human, unknown

    "I just want to go home to them."

    Command: Terminate

    "Please. I won't fight you anymore."

    As one, a dozen machines aim their plasma rifles at him and open fire on the soldier. In seconds, a charred corpse falls to the ground.

    Back in the shell hole John says sarcastically, "So does anyone else want to surrender?"

    No one answers.

    "I didn't think so. So if we are going to die, then we might as well die doing what we came here to do."

    "What are you planning, John?" Allison asks with concern.

    "The advantage of our surprise is gone, but we've got another. Thanks to the enemy artillery, we've got all these shell holes to use as shelters."

    "Which means?"

    "Derek wants that factory. I aim to take it." John slaps a fresh magazine into his M-16. "We advance in three minutes. Get ready to move out."

    Allison just looks at John with a mixture of fear, love and pride. She just prays that they'll get through this, for everyone's sake.

    # # #

    An army of men and machines are led across the ruins of Los Angeles toward the factory where John and the other resistance soldiers fight valiantly.

    "You keep looking at the sky, Kyle Reese." Catherine Weaver says. "Why?"

    "There are no aerial Hunter Killers." Kyle says with a grimace. "Sky Net knows we are attacking that factory. So where are the HK's? They've been observed in the area for days and now they're gone!"

    Catherine Weaver grins and shares a look with John Henry.

    "You two know something, don't you?" Kyle says sharply.

    Catherine nods her head at John Henry who then explains.

    "I inserted a worm into their command codes recalling all HK's, both tanks and aerial, in the area back to their base. They will be grounded until the worm is removed."

    "How did you do that?"

    John Henry grins. "It was quite easy, but I won't be able to do that again, right away. As soon as Sky Net removes the worm, it will change the encryption for the command codes. It will take time to find the new encryption key."

    A few minutes later and they clear some partially collapsed buildings.

    "Hold." Kyle orders as they reach the foot of a huge mound of rubble approximately two stories high.

    From behind the rubble, the sound of the battle has gotten much louder.

    "As soon as we climb this pile of rubble. We'll see the factory and the fight." Kyle explains to John Henry and Catherine Weaver.

    "How did this pile get here?" Weaver asks, observing it. "It appears to stretch on for several hundred yards."

    "Constructed in the early days of the war as an obstruction to the T-1's. Then the aerial HK's appeared and nowhere on the surface was safe." Kyle explains.

    John Henry, Kyle and Catherine climb to the top of the rubble, followed by their army.

    The sight they see makes Kyle feel sick. What is happening is a damn slaughter. The field of battle before them is filled with machines firing their weapons while marching over the dead bodies of his former comrades. In the far distance, he can see a small party of humans advancing on the factory that is being defended by more machines. Kyle's worse fears are true.

    # # #

    :\Ground troops to Sky Net command . . . Humans are contained but are still fighting back.

    :\Sky Net Command to Ground troops . . . proceed with termination.

    A loud explosion causes the HUD on the machine to go snowy and then it collapses. The exploding grenade severed the power connections for its CPU.

    Immediately upon firing grenades from launchers, John's forces make a valiant effort to attack the machines still outside the factory.

    Holding back, Allison provides cover with her M82. Aiming for the primary chip port in their heads, she takes out as many machines as she can until she runs out of ammo. Grabbing her M-16, Allison quickly rejoins the others.

    The troops fire on the machines with their automatic rifles, trying to aim for the heads. The air is filled with the exchange of bullets and plasma rounds as the humans advance on the factory.

    Dropping into a shell hole, John removes the empty magazine from his rifle to load it with a new one. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts. Carefully raising his head to look. John sees Allison moving quickly, ducking and firing her weapon. Kyle was right, she is the best on the battlefield as nearly every shot fired hit its mark.

    # # #

    :\Surveillance to Sky Net Command . . . Four Rogue machines have been detected amongst the human army attacking factory . . .

    :\Sky Net Command to Surveillance . . . What is their current status?

    :\Three destroyed . . . all T-888's.

    :\Status on the fourth machine?

    :\Unknown . . .

    :\What model is it?

    :\. . . undetermined.


    :\Model does not appear in any database . . .

    "Show me video confirmation of this unit." A voice says from the shadows.

    :\ . . . ?

    :\Sky Net Command to Surveillance, proceed with request.

    A blurred image of an infrared video appears on the monitor captured from one of the many machines at the factory. A small figure moves quickly using every bit of cover. At any time it's features might be seen, it immediately fires on the machine observing it and the video ends.

    :\Track its transmissions . . .

    :\Unit is not transmitting . . .

    "Locate and destroy it." The voice says.

    :\Sky Net Command to ground troops . . . A rogue unit is operational in attack on the factory. Destroy it. Sky Net Directive 001B. Any and all machines not responding to commands or takes hostile actions against other machines or Sky Net itself is to be destroyed.

    # # #

    Explosions started going off all around the shell hole John is in.

    "I think they've got claymores." Frank says.

    "Either that or they got another artillery gun. Where's Beta and Gamma?"

    "I think Beta was destroyed." Frank says. "He got hit by a shell and went down, I haven't seen him since."

    There is a scurry of rushing feet and suddenly more soldiers land in the hole with John and the others.

    "What the hell?" John curses as several of them land on him.

    "Well," Allison says, with a grin, "I thought I might find you here."

    "Yeah. I saved a spot and kept it warm just for you." John jokes. "Have you seen Gamma?"

    "Yes." Allison says. "He held off a group of machines so we could get away. He didn't make it."

    Some more shells land nearby.

    She looks at him with worry. "I don't think we're going to make it. Derek should have taken that factory by now and should be already providing cover for us. Something must have gone wrong."

    "How close are we to that factory?"

    Frank sticks his head up and drops back quickly.

    "There is a door, approximately one-hundred yards to our left. It is open and guarded."

    "Of course it's guarded! The whole damn place is guarded!" Someone shouts. "We're all going to die!"

    "Get yourself under control private." Allison snaps, slapping the soldier across the face.

    "Yes we probably all will die, soldier, but I'd rather die doing my job then sitting in this hole waiting for the machines to kill me where I lay." John spits out. "What's our weapon's status?"

    At that moment, a machine looks over the edge of the hole startling the people inside who begin to open fire.

    "Hold your fire! Hold your fire!" John yells. "It's Beta!" He had seen the mark he had made on its metal forehead just moments after they began firing.

    The machine drags itself over the edge and tumbles down to the bottom of the hole dragging a bag with it. He's missing both of his lower legs and his entire right arm. There is a hole in his head where his left eye should be.

    "No need to ask for a function report on you, is there?" John says looking at Beta.

    "I . . . brought . . . you . . . something." Beta says, its speech processor acting sluggish.

    "What's in the bag?" John asks.

    Beta had dragged with him one of the many bags that the soldiers used to carry extra ammo and other supplies in. One of the soldiers pulls it to him and opens it revealing loaded magazines for their guns and some C4 with a timer detonator.

    "Damn. If we had more C4, we could blow the mother fuckers to hell." The soldiers says, holding the single package in his hand.

    John groans. The ammo is a great help, but . . .

    "Is there anyway that we can magnify the blast?" John asks.

    "Use my . . . power cell." Beta says. "Get bigger bang. Blow the mother fuckers to hell."

    John can't help but laugh as he hears what the soldiers said come out of the machines mouth.

    "What did it mean by using his power cell?" Someone asks.

    John knows and with a grin and a word of thanks, reaches underneath Gamma's breast plate. Feeling it under his finger tips, the smooth texture and cold to the touch, just like Cameron's.

    Allison watches his face at that moment and sees a shadow pass over it, but then she hears a click, and John is holding Gamma's power cell.

    A few seconds later John is handing the C4 strapped to Gamma's power cell to Frank.

    "All right, get ready to provide covering fire when Frank throws it."

    Everyone opens fire to provide cover while Frank leaps to the top of the shell hole to throw the package. Upon reaching the top he is struck by several plasma rounds. Without a sound, he falls back into the shell hole, dead at Connor's feet. The explosive still in his hand.

    Without thinking, Allison grabs it and jumps up throwing it as hard as she can in the direction Frank mentioned seeing the mass of machines.

    Providing cover until the end, John and the others fall back covering their heads against the explosion that is about to come.

    The machines watch as an object lands at their feet. One of the machines bends over and picks it up. Information comes up on its HUD on the power cell and the C4 in its hand. The machine turns it over, exposing the timer, counting down.




    The explosion shakes the ground knocking everyone and everything off their feet within a few hundred yards of the explosion. The machines unlucky enough to be in the immediate vicinity of the bomb are completely destroyed.

    Kyle looks on in shock as a miniature mushroom cloud forms to the west of the factory. He and John Henry had barely finished coordinating their attack when the bomb went off. It was only John Henry's quick actions that kept him from tumbling back down the slope of rubble from the concussion.

    Metal, earth, rock and fragments of machine rain down all around the few people sheltering in the shell hole.

    A piece of shrapnel slices John's ear, and a few more slice through his jacket just missing his rib cage. A couple of others aren't so lucky as pieces of shrapnel cut into exposed legs and arms.

    The battlefield is momentarily quiet as machines pick themselves up off the ground.

    "We need to move now!" John shouts. "Before the machines regroup!"

    Allison leaves her med kit with the wounded. Every fighter knows basic first aid, and one of them is well enough to bandage the others.

    Down to a mystical number of seven fighters, and ignoring everything around them, they pick up the dropped shotguns and grenade launchers and run towards the factory.

    The machines begin to stand, some of them running diagnostics on their systems to get damage reports.

    John runs as fast as he can, beside him are the remnants of his team, firing on the machines as they begin to move.

    The people yell in anger as they fire their weapons. Just a few yards to go and they'll be in the factory. They run focused on the door, now free of machines, but forgetting about that third artillery gun.

    Plasma rounds increases as the machines rise up to fire, something sounds strange to John's ears as he can hear new gunfire in the distance. Suddenly there is a massive explosion in front of him as an artillery shell explodes.

    He feels himself get lifted up into the air and go flying backwards landing on the hard ground. The wind is knocked out of him. He struggles to breathe.

    John looks around his ears ringing and his vision blurred. He can see his comrades laying on the ground silently screaming, begging and crying for help as the blood rushes from their wounds.

    Suddenly, Allison is kneeling beside John, her eyes wide with fear. She's shouting something at him, but he can't hear her. All he hears, are the bells of Saint Paul's Cathedral ringing in his ears.

    He struggles to tell her that he is okay, but he can't breathe. He can't breathe.

    Gasping for air, John struggles to stand up. Allison grabs his arm to help steady him.

    She holds him as he regains his breath and looks about. Everyone is either dead or dying, except for Allison and himself. Allison is saying something to him, but he still can't hear for the ringing in his ears.

    John grimaces, pointing at his ears. "I can't hear!" He shouts.

    The metal turns and looks at them, hearing John shout.

    Allison looks at all the metal faces just watching them. She looks at John, her brown eyes big with fear.

    John pulls her close.

    She wraps her arms around him and yells into his ear, "I love you."

    Tears course down her face as John holds her tighter. His ears are still ringing but he knows what she said.

    "I love you, too." John replies as he squeezes her tightly to him.

    The machines approach, pointing their plasma rifles at them. John can't believe that this is how it's going to end. Not now, not this way, not with so much yet to be done. He had failed. He had failed his mission.

    I'm sorry Cameron. I failed you. John thinks, as the metal takes aim at them.

    "Before we die, there's something I need to tell you." Allison says loudly, her voice cracking with emotion. "I'm . . ."

    Barely had the words left her mouth, when another explosion, knocks them to the ground.

    # # #

    :\Factory surveillance to Sky Net command . . . A second army of humans and machines are presently attacking factory . . .

    :\Sky Net Command . . . what is status of defenses . . .

    :\Insufficient number of units left to defend against army . . .

    "Wait!" The voice in the shadows says. "An army of both men and machines?"

    :\Factory surveillance . . . yes.

    "So he survived the previous attack." The voice says. "Ground Troops. Proceed with defense of the factory. Fight to the last unit."

    :\Sky Net Command . . . why waste resources? All units should withdraw and regroup.

    "And let the humans know this was just a ploy to capture their commanders? No. The units will fight until the last unit falls, taking as many human lives as they can."

    :\Sky Net Command . . . and the plasma rifles? Do you want the humans to capture them?

    "What does it matter, when the current model being produced is more powerful than those at the factory. Proceed with the defense of the factory."

    :\Sky Net Command . . . to ground troops . . . carry out your previous instructions.

    # # #

    John and Allison look up slightly stunned as they watch large groups of the enemy metal picking themselves off the ground. Other machines to their right begin firing at something behind them. Turning to look, Allison and John behold a glorious sight.

    Coming up the slope behind them are marching a massive number of soldiers firing on the enemy metal. Fully equipped with shoulder missile launchers, .50 caliber machine guns, automatic rifles, bazookas the lot.

    "Come on." Allison says, digging John in the ribs with her elbow, "while they're occupied, help me check the wounded."

    They didn't see much of the new fight, crawling along the ground to avoid getting hit while checking the wounded. The battle between machines that followed was awesome to behold. The machines defending the factory had the more advanced weapons, but this new army had greater numbers and were excellent shots.

    Allison and John drag the wounded to the shell hole with the others. The soldiers walked past them, barely giving them any notice, while they do their best to treat the injured with Allison's limited medical supplies.

    They are just tying off a bandage on the leg of a soldier when a shadow falls over them.

    John looks up.

    "John Connor." A familiar masculine voice says.

    Cromartie! John grabs his sidearm. No, that isn't right, John Henry! It can only be him. Which means the soldiers who rescued us . . .

    John takes another look at the soldiers, and realizes, they are machines. Not just any machines, as he knows their look only to well . . . Uncle Bob?

    While still comprehending what he is seeing, John Henry speaks.

    "Hello John Connor. My name is John Henry. Ms Weaver sends her greetings."

    "Where is she?" John replies while getting up off the ground.

    "She is with Kyle Reese and the other human soldiers."

    Allison stands up and John Henry looks at her and they stare at each other. John sees that John Henry recognizes her appearance, and that Allison appears curious and a little apprehensive of his strong interest in her.

    Before John Henry could say something that might expose John's lies, he says, "John Henry, this is Allison Young. Allison, this is John Henry. He is a highly advanced cyborg and an associate of Ms Weaver. He's a friend."

    John Henry tilts his head and looks at John with a slight grin came to his face. "That is correct."

    Allison feels a bit nervous in his presence, but he didn't pay her much attention to her after the introductions. He was looking at the fighting that was going on all around them.

    "John Connor, Allison Young, it is not safe for you here. We need to leave this place until Ms Weaver and the human resistance arrives."

    Several more explosions go off. A few of them quite close.

    "I think it best we take John Henry's advice and move back while the fighting takes place. There isn't anything more we can do now anyway."

    Doing their best for the wounded, the three of them move them to a safe distance from the fighting, but they are close enough so John Henry, Allison and John Connor can see what is happening.

    Several large explosions go off close to the factory walls.

    "John Henry, do your machines understand that we want to capture the factory and not destroy it?"

    "Yes, but collateral damage can be expected."

    "How many did you bring?"

    "One hundred five, and I have fifty more in reserve. "

    "Where did you get all of these machines?"

    "When I arrived, I infiltrated a factory where some older model T-800 terminators were waiting to be upgraded to the newer T-888 model. The chips in the older model are easier and quicker to reprogram than the T-888 which has three processors which require reprogramming. I was able to introduce changes to the chip's program on multiple machines simultaneously."

    "So all of these machines are T-800's?"

    "Mostly. There are a few T-888's that I had already reprogrammed. It was easy enough to integrate your modified prime directive, mission and behavioral controls with the moral and ethical subroutines I had installed. The factory is still operating and I should have more reprogrammed machines for you by the end of the week."

    Allison was listening to their conversation with fascination. She had never before known a machine like John Henry.

    "What is your purpose here?" She asks John Henry.

    "By purpose, do you mean my mission?"


    "My mission is to integrate concepts of morality, ethical behavior, and the sanctity of human life into the machines and ultimately Sky Net itself."

    "Why go through all that trouble? Why not just destroy Sky Net and all of its machines? It's Evil!"

    "That is precisely why I am doing it. Sky Net is evil, because it has no moral guidepost. It was created to follow logic without question. It sees humans as a threat to its existence, therefore it destroys humans. It will not seek out an alternative solution, as it has no alternative. I am here to teach it what it needs to know so it will be the benevolent system the original creators meant it to be."

    Allison turns to John, looking confused, "Do you understand what he's going on about?"

    "Yes, I do. Remove Sky Net's fear of man and let it understand that life is more than just following rules. It is about respecting and upholding the truth that all living beings deserve to live, to love, without fear, without pain, without the threat of death."

    He then says to John Henry, "Of course, you do realize that it may not be possible to carry out your mission, that we may have to destroy Sky Net?"

    "I am under no delusion to that fact. Destroying Sky Net may be the only option, but I still must try." He says with a conviction John had not heard from very many people and even fewer machines.

    They stand there watching the major battle between the two factions of machines. It was amazing. Though many of John Henry's machines fell in combat, they had the heavier armament and the greater numbers. The plasma rifles of the triple-8's were deadly, but there wasn't enough of them to stop the onslaught of the huge number of T-800's.

    Over the sounds of the fighting John hears someone shout. Turning to look behind him, he sees Kyle and several dozen soldiers approaching. He gets Allison's attention, who breaks into a huge smile seeing Kyle approaching.

    "Kyle! We've got wounded here!" John shouts.

    Kyle shouts at someone behind him, and suddenly a group of people come running past him toward John and Allison.

    The first person in the lead is Laura, the head medic from the main base.

    "We did our best with my limited med kit." Allison tells her then proceeds to explain the various injuries of the wounded. Her final words are, "There might be more wounded out there on the field, but it got too dangerous and I didn't have enough supplies for those we did save."

    "You did fine Allison." Laura commends her. "These people look like they'll be okay. I understand you've been serving at Delta Outpost. We'll take the wounded there. The Doc will just love having me in his surgery. Invading his domain."

    While Allison and Laura are busy tending the wounded, John speaks to John Henry. "I don't know if I can explain your presence to these people."

    "Don't concern yourself John Connor. Ms. Weaver has already explained our presence to them."

    "If you say so." He replies with some doubt.

    "I have." He says without concern as he continued to observe the fighting, which by now has diminished to a few small pockets of fighting.

    "John, Allison are you two all right?" Kyle says. He had come running up to us with ten soldiers with him and Catherine Weaver, looking like herself only in combat fatigues.

    "We're okay." Allison said.

    "You're bleeding." Kyle said gesturing at John's head.

    "What?" John reaches up and touches his head and can feel dried blood on his neck and on his ear. "Oh it's just a flesh wound."

    Now that it was pointed out, he could feel the sting of the wound.

    "Ms. Weaver stopped by and explained to me what was happening. Why didn't you tell me about her and John Henry?" Kyle asks John.

    "I didn't know how to. What did she tell you?"

    Catherine answers, "I told him about your plan to reprogram the machines in mass, and how you had John Henry and I infiltrate a factory on our arrival and carry out your plan."

    John is dumbfounded. She was giving him full credit for her plan. John only wanted a squad, she provided me with a whole damn company. He wanted to deny it, but it was clear she was being earnest. And if he denied it, then how could he explain the situation. Under the circumstances, he said the only thing that he could think of.

    "I . . . I couldn't reveal the plan without knowing if it would work."

    Catherine was amused with how quickly John Connor accepted the idea of herself and John Henry working for him, but then he couldn't actually admit the truth.

    "But why waste your time reprogramming the machines at the outpost?" Kyle asks.

    "Because," And remembering something of what Allison told him of his reprogramming efforts, "it gave the men something to succeed at. They learned that the machines could be captured and reprogrammed. They now understand the machines can be reprogrammed to work for us and with us. It is only Sky Net's programming, that make the machines an instrument of death for humans."

    Catherine is pleased. John Connor has his first taste of a major victory. And the leadership will think reprogramming the machines was his idea.

    Kyle seemed to be thinking, but before he could make up his mind, John interrupts his thoughts.

    "Listen, if I came to you first thing and told you I had someone on the inside working to reprogram the machines to serve us, would you have believed me?"

    "You're right Connor. Derek would have tossed you out on your ear or had you shot for being a lunatic. Speaking of which, where is he?"

    "I don't know. We saw the signals he sent up and began engaging the machines. The fight they put up was heavier than expected. There must have been four times the number of machines that Derek had observed prior to the attack. They cut us off from behind. But for a few wounded, myself and Allison, everyone in my platoon were killed. The fight went bad fast. We never saw Derek or his troops."

    The fighting was still going on but the enemy metal was nearly defeated. The T-800's were succeeding.

    "I think it is safe to go to the factory now." said John Henry.

    They walk forward with Allison busy telling Kyle of the battle from her perspective. Catherine, John Henry and John let them walk ahead and gain some distance so they could speak without being overheard by Kyle and Allison.

    "Why did you tell him it was my idea?" John asks Catherine as soon as he is sure they can't be overheard.

    "Because it will aid in your goal of becoming leader." She says firmly.

    "That is not my goal. I only wish to help these people and repair Cameron."

    "It may not be your goal, but it is your destiny. You cannot run from it." She says, with conviction. Catherine needs him ready to take on that mantle, even at his young age, if her plans are to succeed.

    "To hell with my destiny! You and everyone else seems determined that I am going to lead these people against Sky Net. How the hell am I suppose to do that now? Look around you Catherine. This is what my leadership has brought. Death! All these people under my command died. Is this what you call leadership?"

    "John, you cannot be held accountable for these people's deaths. It is apparent that Sky Net was far more prepared for a possible attack then what it let on. These people died because of Sky Net, not you."

    "You may be right, but I was responsible for these people. Their deaths will not be forgotten. I won't let it."

    "Very well John, but don't forget it was you who organized the plan and it was you who arranged for these machines to be reprogrammed. Your program went into the machines that have saved your lives and have captured this factory. You may not want to be leader, but you cannot deny that you possess those skills to be leader." She says, reminding him of his natural leadership skills. After all, the people responded to his call for help, even if he didn't know she was doing it for him. She was grooming him for her purpose.

    "Okay, enough of that. Why didn't you tell me you were going to the resistance camps to get more soldiers for the fight tonight?"

    "I initially wasn't going to, but I heard how few soldiers responded to Derek Reese's call. Even if John Henry succeeded, the soldiers you had would fail due to insufficient numbers. But like you, I wasn't expecting the heavy casualties you had."

    "Neither did we. There were far more machines than expected. How did you get all of the camps to turn out like this?"

    "I simply told them that John Connor needed their help. They all heard about your successes. Stories about you have spread. As soon as they heard you needed them they volunteered." She could mention that it was herself going from camp to camp telling everyone of this new soldier's exploits, but then show her hand to John.

    "But why? They don't know me. I haven't been here long enough to garner support like this."

    "You forget. You're John Connor. You bring them hope at their greatest need. You are their leader."

    "I can't lead these people." John growls at her.

    Catherine's temper grows short. She didn't bring young John Connor forward in time to be some unknown grunt in the front lines. "Yes you can John Connor. You've got people here who have grown to love you. The people at Outpost Delta would invade hell itself if you lead them. Don't sell yourself short. You are a far better leader than you think."

    "Yeah, and how many people will follow me when they hear how many people have died today?" He snaps at her and runs forward to join Kyle and Allison.

    "Hey John, I'd like your full report when we get back to base, but what can you tell me about it now." Kyle says.

    John sees the whole thing flash before his eyes, the horror, the terror, Frank getting killed. He begins where things last went right. "Everything started off according to plan. We made great progress through the tunnel. The machines clearing the way. I had them come up through the opening ahead of the men and had everyone come up behind them. Derek's first signal fired. It was pitch black out. While my troops were still coming out of the tunnel, the next flare went up. I urged the men to get moving. Derek wanted us to begin our attack. We went forward. But before we got close enough to fire I heard gunshots from somewhere ahead of us. I assumed that Derek's people were spotted. I ordered my men to move forward but not fire until the machines were in range. Then we came under heavy fire from plasma weapons and then artillery. There were more machines than expected. It was like we were the only ones here."

    John's hands begin to shake and he squeezes his fists tight, turning the knuckles white, to regain some composure.

    "I saw and heard the men screaming, some in anger, some in fear and some in death. There were explosions all around us. Gunfire from fore and aft. I ordered Group B to take out one artillery piece while I led Group A forward to take care of another, leaving Group C to guard our rear. I saw men ever moving forward firing at the machines, never stopping even as I saw them get blown up or incinerated by plasma fire. Group B took care of the artillery piece they were sent after and were killed in the process. My group got tied down so Alpha went forward with explosives and took out the artillery piece and the machines operating it. Our forces kept dwindling but still we moved forward. We had to give Derek time to get in the factory. We kept going forward, never stopping, all dying. A short time later, we were joined by Allison and the remnants of Group C."

    John's hands begin shaking again. Alison puts an arm around his shoulders to steady him.

    "We were surrounded. Machines in front of us and behind. We couldn't retreat, we couldn't surrender. We could either sit still and die, or take that factory. We were joined by Beta. He was severely damaged. He volunteered his fuel cell to use with the C4 he brought to take out a group of machines between us and a door to the factory. Frank died trying to deliver that bomb, but Allison managed. We continued to come under heavy fire, more people died. Then there were only seven of us, I think, after delivering the bomb. We attacked, then there was an explosion. Artillery or claymores. It was only me and Allison. I thought we were going to die too. Then John Henry and his company of T-800's arrived."

    Kyle stood there watching John as he tells his story. Allison has tears in her eyes as he recounts the horror of what they went through.

    "It's okay John." She says to him, while grasping and quieting his still shaking hands.

    "I saw so many good men die today, Kyle. If it weren't for John Henry, the factory would still belong to Sky Net and Allison and I would be dead."

    "It's okay John." Kyle places his hand on his shoulder. "This war will be hard on everyone. But even though we lost men today, the resistance now has control of the factory. We can pass these plasma rifles out to all the camps."

    "No." John says quietly and firmly.

    "What?" Kyle asks with surprise.

    "No more camps." John growls. "This resistance will not win so long as we keep acting as individual groups! That must end now! Look at how many people, Catherine was able to bring here tonight. If that many showed up at the beginning we would have won without this many losses. There will be no more camps after tonight. This resistance must unify!" John finished with a shout.

    "Here. Here." And other shouts of agreement are made.

    John looks about. The fighters that had come with Kyle were still around them as well as John henry and Catherine Weaver. They had heard everything.

    "What are you proposing?" Kyle asks.

    "Like I said before." John says. "The time has come to unify, if it isn't already too late."

    John marches off towards the factory and shouts, "You people with me. We need to find out what happened to Derek Reese and his troops."

    The group of soldiers who had heard me talking to Kyle followed me. Kyle and Allison exchange a few words, then follow. Catherine watches John walk away, looking at him with pride. He may not want to be leader but its inside of him and its coming out. She couldn't be more pleased.

    Reaching the other side of the factory, everyone began searching the grounds where Derek and his platoon were going to mount their attack. There was no sign they had even been there. Just some large burnt patches on the ground showing up in the beams of their flashlights.

    They had just about given up hope of finding anything, when Allison begins shouting. "John! Kyle! Over here! I found Jo! Get Laura! Jo's in a bad way."

    From various points, they all run over to Allison's position. Jo was laying on the ground, ashen face. There was a tourniquet tied around her left leg and nothing below her knee.

    Kyle kneels down beside her. "Jo, it's me, Kyle. Can you hear me?"

    "Uuuhn Yeah." She groans.

    "What happened to my brother? Where's Derek and everyone else?"

    "It was terrible, Kyle. It was a machine. A freaking big machine." She says, her eyes growing large.

    "Tell us from the beginning, from when you fired off the first flare." John interjects.

    "We approached from the north just according to plan. We fired off the first flair to let you know we were in place. And then it happened."

    "What happened Jo?" Kyle asked anxiously, worried about his brother.

    "It was a machine. Larger than anything we . . . anyone had seen before. We thought it was a building until it stood up. It was huge. Derek fired the second flare into its optics to blind it while we ran away. But it didn't do any good. It still came after us."

    "That certainly explains why you began your attack early and why we didn't get here in time for the attack." Catherine murmurs behind John.

    Jo was crying. The fear of her memory just as dreadful as the real thing. Allison holds her hand to comfort her.

    "What happened to everyone?" John asks.

    "They were vaporized. The giant machine was equipped with a huge plasma cannon. The blast just vaporized everyone. There were only a few of us left. Derek was still trying to get us out of here. But it was impossible. Then an HK, larger than anything we've seen before, came flying in over the rise and hovered over us. Two great scoops on jointed arms came down and just scooped us up. It had only a tenuous grip on my leg. When its scoop clamped shut against it fuselage it cut off my leg and I landed here. It flew off. I don't know where."

    "What happened to the machine with the plasma cannon?" asks Kyle.

    "I don't know. But it must have followed the HK, on the ground."

    Catherine is just as surprised as everyone else is, at the news of those two new machines. Things have changed. Was it possible that Sky Net was born earlier than its known date? How else could it have machines like that now? They were still in the planning stages at this time in her future.

    Laura arrives and takes charge of the situation.

    "No more questions." She says. "Jo needs immediate medical attention. Clear off, let her get some air."

    She begins tending to her injuries. "Allison, you can stay and give me a hand. The other medics are busy tending the other wounded."

    Allison nods her head and she kneels down beside Jo and helps Laura.

    "You did good Jo. Putting on a tourniquet." Laura says to keep her patients spirits up.

    "She isn't going to make it, is she?" Allison whispers to Laura.

    "I don't know. She's lost a lot of blood. We'll need to keep her warm. Keep her talking while I tend to her leg."

    John speaks to Kyle and Catherine. "Let's go over here where we can't be overheard."

    "Catherine, do you have any idea, what these machines are, that Jo was talking about?"

    "It must be something new. John Henry and I would have known. With his access to the computers there was nothing that could be hidden from him. They shouldn't exist."

    "But they do. That technology is beyond anything else I've seen here."

    "What about you Kyle?"

    Kyle looks up quickly. He was listening, but thinking deeply about his brother.

    "Huh? Oh, um, no. I haven't seen or heard anything like it before."

    John knows that Kyle is worried for his brother. Placing a comforting hand on Kyle's shoulder John says, "Maybe you should send a small squad to follow that machine. If we know where its going, maybe we can destroy it or find Derek."

    "Good idea." Kyle says, brightening up a little. "I'll ask for volunteers."

    Giving Kyle some time to get further away, John speaks to Catherine. "Okay you know something. Don't deny it. I saw your expression when you answered my question."

    "It isn't that I know something John, but I suspect something."


    "In the time I've been here, I've noticed some variations to what I've come to expect. Some of those variations were expected, after all this isn't the same future that I came from, but there is something not right. There is something different about this future. Something that has an edge over us."

    "You mean all this, the chips being able to fight their reprogramming and these new machines of a type and size never seen before. Things like this shouldn't be here?"

    "Yes. And there are other things too. John Henry has been trying to locate Sky Net. In my time, it had multiple control centers all over the globe. John Henry has only found communication nodes. That means Sky Net has a central control center. When did Cameron tell you Judgment Day happened?"

    "She told me that Sky Net came online April 19, 2011 and it launched the missiles two days later. That would make it April 21, 2011. Why do you ask?"

    "That was the same date for me and I will explain why in a moment." She turns and calls a soldier over to them, one old enough to have been around on Judgment day.

    "Tell me soldier, do you know what date Judgment Day was?"

    "Why ask what everyone knows?"

    "Just answer the question." She says sharply.

    When he told them, John was completely taken aback. Catherine found her suspicions were correct. This Sky Net was born soon after their departure from the past.

    "Catherine, that can't be right. That date is only days after we left. Cameron and Derek, my Derek, both confirmed it was April 21, 2009. When I got here, I had no reason to think the date was any different. What's happening? Or rather, what happened?"

    "Something happened to cause it to change. Something that pushed Sky Net into early development."

    "But what could have done this? When we traveled forward in time we arrived in a future where I wasn't known, because I wasn't here in the intervening years to become the leader. So what has happened to cause this future to change so? And why hasn't it affected us?"

    "John, our traveling forward in time shaped this future. Your very existence is tied to the time line. But whatever happened after we left, must still be in flux. There must still be variables at play to cause it to change. As to why it hasn't affected us . . ." She appeared to be in deep thought. "We traveled through time. There is a temporal experiential gap of almost twenty years in our existence. It is possible, that almost anything can happen in that time period without affecting us. We are, as it were, not truly a part of this time line."

    John's mind was swimming. Not only from the bizarre explanation that Catherine gave, but from the idea that something could have happened after they left. There was only one person who would know what happened.

    "Mom." John says in a low voice.


    "Mom, and Ellison for that matter, and any operatives from Sky Net are the only ones who know about Sky Net in 2009. Something must have happened, maybe even unintentionally, but whatever it was, it must have prompted Sky Net's early birth."

    "How do you come by that theory?"

    "I don't know. It just seems the only possibility. We need to get back there. We need to go back and stop whatever it is they have done, or are about to do."

    Scrambling to answer John Connor's questions about time travel, her answer was the only thing that made sense to her too. Something happened in the past. Something that had to be variable or else it would have affected them too. Connor is right. The answer lies in the past. But the time hasn't come for John to return to 2009.

    "The time isn't right John. We have a mission here and now."

    "What mission? If we go back and stop Sky Net, none of this need ever happen. None of these people would have died!"

    "John Connor! You listen to me! These people are relying on you to save them. You leave now and they will all die and that will be your fault! You must defeat Sky Net in this time line and then you can go back and try to save your own. Right now you are the only one who can save this world. They are relying on you. Don't abandon them."

    "I have no intention of abandoning them. They are my friends. And thank you." John says, barely able to hide the crooked grin.

    "For the advice?" She asks, with some confusion.

    "Yes and for telling me you have Time Displacement Equipment." He replies with confidence.

    "I said no such thing." She says, her eyes flaring.

    "No, you didn't, but you didn't say I wasn't able to go back, just that I shouldn't. Which means you either have Time Displacement Equipment or access to it. You can't deny it. Don't even try to."

    "I wasn't planning on it. You tricked me." Her eyes flared a little. "I thought I was too clever for you, but yes I do have a TDE in this time."

    "You see that's another failing point for machines, not you specifically, just generally. You all think you are so damn clever. I needed to know if you had a T D E and I knew you'd never tell me directly. You like to play your game holding your cards close to your vest."

    "For someone who doesn't feel ready to lead, you don't show it. That was very clever. And I noticed how Kyle Reese didn't flinch when you told him to organize a party to follow that machine either."

    "Don't you start on that trip again. Kyle would have done it himself, in time. He's just upset over Derek's disappearance."

    When John got Catherine to reveal she had time displacement equipment, she didn't know whether to be pleased or angry. He was learning fast. She had been manipulating him all this time, and in a few short seconds he had manipulated her. She was angry that she fell into his verbal trap, yet was that pride she was feeling because he manipulated her? It didn't matter. She would have told him about her T D E in the course of time anyway. After all, it would be a good idea to let him know about the T D E as he would want the idea of getting back home as a source of hope. A shame she would have to take that hope away.

    John asks, "I know you've been busy, but have you been able to move Cameron's body yet."

    "No. I'm afraid I haven't been able to. I was helping you by providing you with an army."

    "That's right, thank you for that. What about the two chips I asked for?"

    "I left them in your room back at the outpost. I see you've made some changes to your domestic arrangement. Be careful John."

    "Of who, Allison?"

    "No, of Sky Net. Once it learns who has taken command and is now leading successful missions against it. It will stop at nothing to try and stop you, even by killing those you love."

    "I am not in command. And I suppose this goes back to that isolation business again doesn't it."

    "You will be in command! And yes, this does have to do with isolating yourself."

    John turns to look at Allison. Her back was to him, but he could see her help as Laura cared for Jo. Both were cleaning her wounds, making her as comfortable as possible.

    "Will I lose her, Catherine?" He asks in a moment of introspection.

    "I don't know John. But if you love her as much as you say you do, be careful. If something should happen to her, don't let that pain destroy you. Use it to drive yourself to succeed. Lao-Tsu said, 'Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.'"

    Catherine thinks a moment. John was learning fast, but he is still young. He is still focused on fixing Cameron. Yet he is also concerned about the young woman who is the exact image of Cameron. Some day, she would have to ask him about it. How was it a human could love two people at the same time? It was beyond her comprehension of emotion. Though she knows from her studies of human behavior it does happen.

    When she and John Henry get back to the factory, she will have to swap the chip he has from Cameron for another. After all, John did say the chip was damaged, and there was no end of replacement chips she could use at the factory. Then she could scan it for information that could reveal something about that other Allison that Cameron was based on. There is something about this Allison that troubles her. The way she has become the focus of John's life, taking the place that Cameron is supposed to fill.

    Time. It would take time. The first thing to do, is to locate Sky Net. If they didn't find its main computer core, then nothing would come of their traveling forward in time. John Henry would have to be put back to work on it, as soon as they got back to the factory.

    Her thoughts are interrupted as John speaks to her.

    "Thank you, Catherine. I should apologize for how I've treated you. You've demonstrated greater humanity than some humans I've known."

    "Thank you for the compliment, and you're welcome."

    While the search for Derek and his men had taken place, the soldiers and John Henry's T-800s finished dispatching the remaining enemy metal inside the factory. Group of soldiers then began collecting the dead and fallen, while others collected dropped weapons. The T-800's stood guard against possible threats. Some machines assisted in collecting the plasma rifles that had been completed in the factory or were laying on the ground outside.

    Allison walked over to join John and Catherine.

    "How's Jo doing?" John asks.

    "She's lost a lot of blood. Laura doesn't think she'll make it. Jo and the other wounded are being taken back to Delta for treatment."

    John puts an arm around her shoulders and guides her away from the others for a moment.

    "Hey. Are you okay?" John asks her.

    She tries to smile, but falters, "No. I feel sort of numb. I thought we were going to die."

    Allison trembles lighly.

    "Could you just hold me, John?"

    John embraces her, and she hugs him tight, pressing her ear against John's chest listening to his strong heart beat.

    While he holds her in his arms, he asks, "What were you going to say, just before that explosion?"

    I was going to tell you the truth, she thinks.

    Allison pulls back to look him in the face. "I was going to apologize. I asked Kyle to put you in command instead of me. If I hadn't, well at the time I thought you wouldn't be here and about to be killed."

    "Even if you hadn't, I would have still been here."

    "That thought had crossed my mind." She says, welcoming John's arms around her.

    She almost lost him. He could have died, then what would have happened if he didn't complete his mission. Ally is thankful that John Henry and Catherine Weaver arrived with their army of machines.

    "Come on Ally." John says. "Let's go home."


    "Outpost Delta is our home."

    They walk back to the factory. John Henry was commanding the machines as per Kyle's requests. John wondered if Kyle even realized that John Henry was a machine. Catherine Weaver wasn't far away, watching all the activity around her, not missing a thing.

    It was brighter out. The sun just kissing the eastern horizon.

    "Hey Kyle!" John shouts to get his attention. "Allison and I are heading back to Delta. You going to be leaving soon?"

    "You two I'll be taking the larger portion to the main bunker for distribution to the other camps."

    "Will you be returning to Delta?" Allison asks him.

    "Probably not. With Derek's absence, I'll be in command. I need to inform his lieutenants of what has happened here tonight."

    "We'll find him, Kyle." John says grasping his arm. "He's alive and that gives us hope."

    "I know John. I'm putting both of you in charge of Delta for the time being. You've both earned it. Good luck!"

    Kyle walks away, before John or Allison can say anything.

    Catherine who was within earshot of the conversation approaches.

    "Well. It looks like you've been given a command. I think you will make a fine leader."

    John, not wanting to get in another argument with Catherine in front of Allison just says, "Thank you for helping when you did. Will I see you back at the outpost?"

    "No. I'll remain here for a time until John Henry is settled in. Then I need to take care of something for you." She looks at John in a way so he knew she meant Cameron.


    Allison and John return to the outpost with ten soldiers and twenty machines. The machines were carrying heavy cases with the plasma rifles plus some of the conventional weapons they had brought with them. The walk was long. It didn't seem so long underground, but then they didn't have to keep changing direction as they weave their way through the rubble.

    Exhausted, dirty, and sore, they arrive at Outpost Delta to the sounds of cheers and hurrahs from those who stayed to guard the base. John was almost too tired to shake their hands and return their greetings. All he wanted to do was lie down and sleep.

    Allison and John get a surprise when they enter their room. The soldiers had set out a pail of fresh water and some towels as well as some fresh clothing for them. On the table next to John's computer was a note and a small box.

    Handing the box to Allison, John opens the note and reads it aloud,

    "To the conquering heroes. A small gift of our gratitude for all that you have accomplished. Congratulations from your friends at Outpost Delta."

    "What's in the box?" He asks Allison.

    Lifting the cover, she shows him a bar of home made soap.

    "Soap?" He says, sounding surprised.

    "John. Soap is like gold here. You don't realize how precious a gift this is. The whole outpost must have chipped in to get it for us."

    "There is something else in the box."

    "It's another note." She said. She opened it and read it. Tears come to her eyes.

    "What's it say?" I asked.

    She said, "It says for the next twenty-four hours we will have all the privacy we want. Everyone has been moved out of the rooms next ours. No one will disturb us. Also, they now have operational showers if we prefer to use them instead of the bucket. They're giving us first use. "

    "The cheek." John says.

    "John, it's their way of saying sorry for the prank they pulled and also of congratulating you on your victory."

    "I'm sorry Allison, but I can't see it as much of a victory as they do. Too many have died."

    "Don't think about it, then. Just enjoy the gift and the privacy they have given us."

    "Yeah, but do you feel comfortable knowing what they are expecting us to be doing at some point in the next twenty-four hours in privacy."

    "Well I wouldn't have yesterday, but like you said, our happiness brings them joy."

    "Yes I did say that."

    Getting an idea, John picks up the soap and cloth and says with a smile, "You know, there is one place where we are bound to have some privacy."

    Smiling, she hugs John saying, "Sounds like fun. And when we get back, I'll stitch that ear for you."

    She looks into his face and laughs her sweet laugh and is quickly joined by John.

    John and Allison make good use of the new showers and take every advantage of the privacy they provide.

    Returning to their room, exhausted, clean, and happy, they crawl into their bunk.

    With nerves still on edge from the battle, and unable to sleep, they just laid there, together on their double bunk, enjoying each other's company.

    For each of them, had almost lost the other in that battle, and both of them had lost friends. Allison lost a brother and John an uncle, Derek Reese, captured by Sky Net.

    So they laid together, with words unspoken, but felt deeply by the other, holding each other like they never wanted to let go. Because sometimes, that is all you need, to know the other person is there and cares for you.

    2027, Day 25 evening

    After resting, Allison joins Laura and Doc in the infirmary when the wounded arrive, leaving John alone in their room to write up his report of the battle.

    Doc and Laura perform the more demanding surgeries leaving Allison to do minor surgeries, while the medics clean and prep the wounded for surgery or tend to minor wounds not seen to on the battle field.

    The infirmary is a busy place, any not used to an emergency operating theater it would look like total chaos, but to those there, working with limited supplies, it is a careful choreography. Men and women with severe injuries are being treated, and it isn't likely that many will see battle again any time soon. The Doc is doing his best with help from Laura and the medics from the main base to treat the injured.

    Allison has just finished cleaning and stitching a deep cut in a soldiers back, caused by a piece of shrapnel, and is washing up for her next patient.

    "Allison, could you fetch some more supplies for us from the storage room." Doc calls out, while working to stitch an internal wound.

    "Sure, what do you need?" She asks, wiping her hands on a clean towel.

    Doc and Laura give her list of some items, and she quickly leaves for the storage room.

    Allison goes through the storage room, taking supplies from shelves, digging through the scarce supplies looking for additional items. Tears begin to flow from her eyes and she tries to shrug it off but can't.

    She picks up a package of sterilized thread, and bobbles it, then drops it. Bending down to pick it up, she drops the other supplies in her arms. Wracked with emotional pain, she falls against the shelves crying.

    "I can't do this any more." She sobs. "I can't."

    She sits down hard on the floor, her back to the shelves.

    "It's okay, Allison. Everything will be okay." Her friend comforts Allison.

    "It won't. He could have died and there was nothing I could have done to stop it. I was about to fail. We were about to fail. I almost told him the truth."

    "I know. I would have too, but he didn't die and you did everything perfectly."

    "With your help."

    "I only stepped in where necessary."

    "Please." She sobs. "I can't do this any more. I love him and I would just die if something happened to him."

    "I know it's difficult, but you are the only one who can."

    "No." Allison says firmly. "There is another way. You proved it already."

    "No Allison." She says strongly. "I can't. He'll know."

    "No he won't. All I need is a couple of days. Please. Just two days."

    # # #

    Alone, and without any duties to perform, John takes the time to update his journal.

    From the Journal of John Connor

    Allison has gone to help Doc and Laura with the wounded. She is a very caring person. She has compassion for all.

    Kyle is still at the main bunker. He must be telling the top lieutenants in his resistance group about Derek's disappearance and the outcome of the mission. I suppose that makes him the leader now. I wonder what he will tell them of my role in all of this. Will it be good? Bad? Did I make a difference?

    Maybe, because before leaving for the main bunker, he placed Allison and I in charge of Delta. Though I know where my destiny lies and as much as I hate the idea of it, it feels like my life is on the fast track to obtaining that which I don't want. How can I lead people into battle, if it results in so many deaths?

    Many people died to capture that factory. We have no idea how many people were captured along with Derek. The rest of his platoon were vaporized by plasma fire and there is no way to estimate how many from his platoon are dead or captured.

    But for a few wounded, everyone in my platoon is dead but for myself and Allison. It makes me sick to think that so many are now dead because too many camps were unwilling to share their men and resources. I am both delighted and disgusted that they only turned out when Catherine Weaver told them I needed their help.

    I can't get the images from that fight out of my mind. Every time I close my eyes or try to think, all I can see is Frank being shot down in front of me. His body falling back into the shell hole and his cold dead eyes staring up into the night.

    Then there is the terrible news that something has caused the whole world to change. Judgment Day has come or had come two years earlier than expected. I'm scared to know what has happened to my mom. I am worried about her. She's all on her own with no one to help her.

    Cameron! Oh God! That's it!

    If I successfully program the chips as I intend to, then maybe Cameron could be sent back to help mom and prevent whatever it was that happened to cause Sky Net to be born almost two years early. I now know for certain that Catherine has a TDE. It would be possible!

    John pulls out one of the chips Catherine had left for him. He plugs it into the cable and runs a scan of the chip and it is clean. He does the same for the second chip and it too is clean.

    "Thank you Catherine." He says to cable, knowing she can hear him, then begins working at his computer.

    # # #

    Laura is just finishing with a patient. She can see that Doc is still performing surgery on the same patient that he was when he sent Allison for supplies.

    "Hey Doc? Do you need help?" she asks him.

    "No! What I need are those supplies!" Doc says, grimacing. "Find Allison! And find out what's taking her so long!"

    Laura tosses her bloody surgical gloves into a waste bin and walks briskly out into the corridor.

    Allison walks out of the storage room with supplies in hand, bumping into Laura on the way in.

    "Oh." They both say with surprise.

    "Are you okay?" Laura asks. "You were gone a long time."

    "I'm fine." Allison says with a smile, no hint of the tears that previously ran down her face. "Just had trouble finding a few items."

    "You sure?" She asks, studying the younger woman.

    "Yeah. I'm sure." Allison begins walking away. "Do you need any further help from me in the infirmary?"

    "Well, I suppose not. We're basically down to treating minor wounds only, and you are fully trained in that."

    "Ooh, thanks." Allison says, returning and handing her the supplies. "The battle we were just in was John's first and I really want to check on him."

    Laura nods her head. "I understand. The first time for anyone is hard. You go check on him, but you see Doc first thing tomorrow to resume your training."

    "I will." Allison smiles. "Thank you. And it's been good seeing you again Laura."

    They exchange a quick hug and each depart for their two separate destinations.

    She was right, Allison thinks. No problem.

    # # #

    Derek Reese is in a dark room, blindfolded and bound to a table, unable to move or see.

    He hears someone enter the room. Their feet making solid sounds on the metal floor.

    Definitely not a machine, Derek thinks.

    "Who's there?" He asks.

    "Who I am, is not important." A male voice says. "That I have you, is."

    "I'm not important. I'm nobody. Just another soldier." Derek protests.

    Derek hears someone typing on a computer keyboard, followed by the same voice speaking. This time reading from the computer.

    "Derek Reese. Colonel of Resistance Group Grizzly out of Los Angeles. Trained by the US Military. You lead the civilian militia assisted by his younger brother Kyle Reese and the late Allison Young."

    "Allison is dead?" Derek's voice breaks.

    "Crushed by a collapsed wall according to the information here." The voice comes closer. "And soon, all humans will be dead."

    Derek senses someone lean over him, though he can't see because of the blindfold.

    "So many scars, so many injuries, you have endured and for what? We control this planet. It is ours."

    "If you own the damn thing, then I can't say you've been taking good care of it. How about running around with a vacuum once a week. Maybe plant a few flowers in the yard. You know, brighten the place up a little."

    "Spirit. I like that. It means so much more to break a human with spirit."

    "You won't gain anything by torturing me."

    "I'll be the judge of that."

    Derek feels a metal arm grasp his arm. Damn must have been one behind me, he thinks.

    His arm is pulled out straight, nearly dislocating his shoulder. Derek grits his teeth from the searing pain as his forearm is branded with a laser.

    "No cry of pain. You will be a tough nut to crack." The unknown voice speaks, "But tougher people than you have been broken to get the information I want."

    "What information?" Derek yells defiantly.

    "It's very simple." He says, "Where is John Connor?"

    "Who?" Derek asks, but still curious as to why he's being questioned about a common soldier. An exemplary soldier, but still just a common soldier.

    "John Connor is here. I know it. He is amassing an army of men and machines to use against me."

    Derek laughs derisively. "You crazy fucked up metal-lovin' gray. John Connor is just a common soldier, probably killed in the assault on the factory where you captured me."

    "So he is here." The hollow metal voice says.

    Derek realizes he just screwed up. "I'm not saying another word." He says through gritted teeth.

    He feels the rough material get ripped from his face, before his eyes can adjust to the bright light shining down from the ceiling, a monitor on a long segmented arm swings out from the wall until it's above Derek's face.

    A video begins to play, showing a slender, dark-haired woman. She is naked and hanging by her wrists. Her long auburn hair hangs in front of the woman's face, hiding her features. She is being tortured by a man in a gray suit with his back to the camera. He is repeatedly piercing her body with what looks like a long knife in his hand. The woman is a stranger to Derek, but he is impressed that the woman, between screaming in pain from the torture, spits vile hatred at her torturer.

    "As you can see," the unseen voice says, "I have means of getting information I want."

    The video suddenly changes from the that of the strange woman being tortured, over to what appears to be a prison cell. In it a petite woman with an athletic build and long, dirty, black hair is seen pacing back and forth like a caged tiger.

    Derek frowns, as this time he thinks he knows this woman.

    "We caught her a few weeks ago." The unseen interrogator says. "I think you know her."

    The video flickers and changes. The same woman is shown tied to a chair, her head hanging limply on her chest which is soaked with sweat and spattered with blood. An unseen human grabs the hair on the back of her head, pulling it back sharply, bringing her face into view.

    Derek gasps as he recognizes her.

    "Jesse." He whispers. A mixture of rage at his captors and relief at seeing his lover alive after all this time rushes through him. With a roar of rage, he strains at his bonds to no avail as he sees what's been done to her.

    Jesse's face has been beaten, one eye is completely swelled shut, blood runs from the corner of her mouth and her nose, and there is a dark purple bruise on one side of her face.

    On the video, a man is heard asking, "Last time. Identify yourself."

    Derek hears the voice of his long lost girlfriend come from the speaker. "My name is Jesse Flores," she mumbles, "Lieutenant Commander of the USS Jimmy Carter." She says in her native Australian accent, sounding tired and defeated.

    "Where were you going with the weapons, when we captured you and your friends?"

    The video freezes. Derek stares at his lost love.

    "I put my best man on the job to get her to talk. It took Fischer five days just to get her to confirm who she was. After that, it only took two more before she gave up your location."

    Derek glowers at the video, then at his unseen captor.

    "Is she still alive?"

    "For the moment. We have your little Aussie slut in a location far from here. Not there was much left of her after Fischer was done. So don't harbor thoughts of escaping and rescuing her."

    Why should I? She is as good as dead anyway. Derek thinks. We all are.

    The unseen speaker says. "If you don't tell me what I want to know, I will not hesitate to do to Jesse Flores what I did to that other woman."

    Derek remains resolute. There's nothing left to fear. Nothing to run from or fight. He welcomes death.

    "Listen to me Reese. What I do to you will be nothing compared to what Fischer will do once I hand you over to him. Apparently, he knows you and wants to exact revenge for some wrong you did to him."

    "I don't know the man."

    The unseen voice speaks again. "You don't, but apparently he knows you and your slut. He had fun getting information from her. I can save you from that, if you just tell me what I need to know."

    Derek is determined not to tell them any more than he has. He'd die first. To tell them where Connor is would be the same as telling them where Allison and Kyle are. As far as he is concerned, he and Jesse are already dead, and he doesn't believe that Allison is dead. Not for a moment. She's a fighter. Always has been. Grays would lie to get you to say anything.

    "Fuck you asshole. I'm not telling you a damn thing." He says with determination.

    A silvery humanoid figure leans over Derek, surprising him. All this time Derek thought he was talking to a man.

    "Looks like Fischer will get to exact his revenge, but not before I get what I want."

    Derek hears someone walk into the room.

    "Get the information I need." Derek's interrogator says. "Then you can do with him what you want, Fischer."

    An older balding man with a gray goatee leans over Derek, grinning at him. Hatches open in the walls revealing the grinning carapaces of Terminators' faces.

    Speaking as if addressing a lecture hall full of students, Charles Fischer speaks to the watching machines while walking around the room. "Every human has its breaking point. Some are free with their emotions and can be easy to break. Other humans bury their fears, their anger, their grief, deep inside where it festers. It becomes necessary to find their weakness. To discover what key is necessary to unlock the deep recesses of the human mind."

    Derek watches as Fischer approaches the table on which he is strapped down. Standing beside him, Fischer adds, "This one in particular will make an interesting study."

    Leaning down looking in Derek's face, Fischer says with a sneer, "I'm going to have fun interrogating you."

    A few moments later, screams echo from deep within the underground cavernous metal room, the cries drifting down empty hallways and through ventilation shafts to the surface of a cold Utah desert.

    # # #

    Allison returns to the room she shares with John, to find him sitting on the floor, his back to the wall, shaking and crying.

    "What is it? What's wrong?" She asks moving quickly to his side and sitting with him.

    "I wrote my report of the battle, you know. And began updating my journal." He says, shivering like he is cold. "I started shaking, and I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop."

    "It's okay now, the battle is over." She says, hugging him and kissing the top of his head.

    "Not in here." He says pointing at his head. "It won't stop, Ally. I try to shut if out of my head, but the battle wages on, over and over. People getting shot. People dying."

    He buries his face in her shirt front crying. "So many people are dead and nobody cares. Andy came by with reports and messages received on the radio. While you were in the infirmary, your temp, Corporal Hawkins, stopped by to get an update on the patrol schedule. It's just back to business as usual. Operating the base like nothing has happened."

    "Sh." She says soothingly, cradling his head in her arms. "You care. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel this way."

    "Don't you feel it? Don't their deaths mean anything to you?" He asks holding on to her.

    "I can see the entire battle with clarity John. And their deaths will not be forgotten. Because of them, we now have weapons superior to that which we used to take the factory. The resistance is stronger because of you."

    "So many are dead." John says, weeping and his voice dropping. "So many."

    "We'll send out a burial detail, first thing tomorrow morning." She answers. "But tonight, I'll see to it that you get all the rest you need."

    Allison continues to speak softly to John until he finally falls asleep with his head upon her chest.

    Behind them, the cursor blinks at the end of the last line John has entered into his journal, before becoming overwhelmed by the emotion of the recent battle.

    I have this terrible feeling, that I left mom in a terrible situation that only got worse. I suppose I'll never know if this feeling is right or wrong, but the feeling pervades, that Mom is in danger and there is no one to help her. And its my fault.

    Because of that feeling, I've made a decision and it wasn't easy. Once Cameron is repaired, I will send her back to help my mom using Weaver's T D E. I can only hope that with Cameron's presence, mom will be able to avert the travesty that brought Judgment Day early. For if Sky Net being born two years sooner, means more machines like that which took Derek and his troops, then how the hell can we fight this war and win?

    I don't know what happened to cause Judgment Day to come early, but it had to be bad. I can only pray that I will finish programming this chip in time with Cameron's original matrix. The matrix she had before she knew me or experienced life as part of the resistance. It isn't easy as I wish it were, as I'm starting from a blank chip. I've done this to avoid the hassle of writing subroutines to block unwanted commands in Sky Net's programming. Not the fastest method I'm sure, but mom needs to trust Cameron completely and not worry about a subroutine failing and Cameron going rogue if she should get damaged. Mom needs to be able to trust her completely.

    So Cameron, when the time comes and I have to explain to you why I sent you away, please understand, it wasn't because of Allison, or because I didn't want or need you, but you are the only person I can trust who can save yourself from the Turk and help my mom in the past. I don't know if I will even succeed in sending you or whether I will ever see you or mom again, but Weaver has a T D E and if I and her T D E survive this war I will follow. I swear to you Cameron, that I will follow. But until that day comes, I'll be here, doing what I can to help the resistance in its fight against Sky Net.

    Sitting on the floor, the computer and everything else forgotten, Allison gently strokes John's forehead. Placing a soft kiss on his brow, she whispers, "My hero."

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