

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Terminator Sarah Conner Chronical Season 3 : REUNION

    ลำดับตอนที่ #15 : Part 1: Chapter 13: The Art of War

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 3 ก.ย. 55



    Part 1: The Shadow of Death

    Chapter 13

    The Art of War

    "All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him." Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    "Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions." Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    "The whole art of war consists of guessing at what is on the other side of the hill." Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington

    # # #

    2027, Day 23 afternoon

    Kyle stands to one side of the machines, brushing the dust off himself while shouting orders.

    "Get that mess cleared up pronto. Alpha, Beta, get those deactivated machines back inside the bunker."

    John wonders where Weaver went. She disappeared quickly after the shrapnel stopped falling. Probably slunk away before anyone noticed the protective shield she formed over him and Kyle.

    Seeing John's contemplative look, Kyle places a hand on John's shoulder. "Hey, you knew this might happen."

    "Yeah. An awful lot of work went into that mess."

    "You've got two so far. That's got to count for something."

    "Two good, two unknown. Not enough to make a difference." John says with some despair.

    Kyle takes a moment to look at John, who looks weary, angry, and just as dusty as he is.

    "You look all in. Why don't you go inside, and get some rest. Allison and I can take care of this lot."

    "I'd argue, but I'm too tired." John says, and walks away, kicking a broken piece of concrete.

    Some of the soldiers shout after him. "You'll get it next time!" "Yay Connor!" "Connor! Connor!"

    John grins ruefully at the cheers of support and gives them a wave of thanks. He knows they mean well, but right now he feels so angry. Not at them or the machines, the situation he's in. He's had so little sleep and wonders if there was something he missed. Until he has access to a computer, John decides not to take the risk on testing the other two chips. If he screws up at this stage, then how can he ever get Cameron fixed?

    Allison watches him walk away. She knows the mood he is in. A feeling of defeat has come over John, but if he could just look around at what he's done for the people at this base, he might find he's done more than merely reprogram two machines. She hopes his friend will come soon and help him.

    Beside her Kyle is shouting at the team who fired on the rogue machine. "And you lot! Did all of you have to fire grenades! Huh! All it needed was two well placed shots! You're lucky it's fuel cell didn't explode! Then we'd all be dead!"

    Allison tries not to grin as Kyle chews them out for several minutes while they scurry around picking up pieces of the destroyed triple-8.

    Entering the bunker, John finds Alpha and Beta in the storage room where they've just brought the two deactivated machines. He takes the liberty of removing the chips from Alpha and Beta, not wanting to take any risks. Before leaving, he takes the opportunity to mark both the machines and the chips with their Greek symbols so no one would mistake them for each other.

    "Sorry to hear what happened." someone says to him.

    "Hey, better luck next time." someone else says as he heads to his room.

    Everyone could see John was upset. They said what they thought could to cheer him up.

    John went to his room to blow off steam in some privacy, taking several minutes to vent his feelings and swear. Wishing beyond anything he had something to throw.

    "Well I had hoped to find you in a better mood when I returned." He hears a female voice say from behind him.

    He turns quickly to see the girl, whose form Weaver used the last time she visited him, standing just inside his door. She had slipped into his room and he hadn't even noticed. Not good. If she was one of them, he would be dead.

    "Yeah, well when your plans get wrecked, let's see how good of a mood you're in then." He replies caustically.

    Without a reply, she closes his door and locks it. John swallows nervously. Last time she was here she only closed it.

    "No need to worry. I just don't want your new girlfriend to walk in on us."

    "Frankly I wouldn't want anyone to walk in on us. But it's going to raise some questions if I stay in here too long. We've got a fight coming up soon and we need to start preparing."

    "Just tell them you wanted some privacy and fell asleep."

    "There isn't any privacy here, as I just found out recently." He says with a nasty tone.

    "Then keep your voice down low and we'll talk in whispers."

    "Is this low enough?" He says sarcastically, dropping his voice to study hall volume levels.

    "Good enough." She answers matching his volume.

    "Are you going to remain in that form or are you going to revert to your Weaver appearance?"

    Instead of answering, she morphs into Weaver and automatically adopts the Scottish accent of that persona.

    "I understand you are having some problems?"

    "God lady, nothing like stating the obvious." He replies, throwing his arms up in despair. "Of course I'm having problems. You were there for that shrapnel shower. Something went wrong with my computer when it was reprogramming the chips we pulled from the machines we captured. I cannot access the computer. I'm afraid it may have become corrupted, maybe even infected by one of the chips."

    "Let me see your computer. Perhaps, I can help."

    John hands it to her. Instead of doing something weird like joining it like she did the last time, she first allows it to boot up. She watches the various lines of text come up as the operating system loads. When it got to a certain point, her fingers just flowed out into and through the gaps in the keyboard.

    Catherine Weaver closes her eyes and new lines of text started appearing on the screen. A smile plays across her face briefly before becoming serious again. The login screen comes up but she bypasses it. The operating system finishes loading. After which, various applications and blocks of programming code appear in windows and close, open, and close. The screen then goes blank, as it shuts down.

    Weaver pulls her hand out of the computer.

    "Here you go, John." She says, handing it to him.

    John takes his laptop and turns it on. The operating system loads properly. He logs in, and it finishes booting. Everything is back to normal.

    "What happened? How did you fix it?" John asks, looking pleased.

    "The nanites that make up my body simply reprogrammed it with information retained since the last time I handled your computer. One of those chips must have been equipped with an anti-tampering program. I find it amazing you didn't detect it when reprogramming it."

    "Hey! I'm not perfect. What did this anti-tampering program do?"

    "When the chip detected tampering to its core programming, a defensive application launched. It prevents other chips from becoming rewritten by damaging the device that was rewriting the chip."

    "So that means, the machine we just blew up, had a chip that I tried to reprogram after that application was loaded on my computer?"


    "But you upgraded my firewall. You said so yourself."

    "I had. But I didn't anticipate this level of protection so soon in this future time-line. Sky Net is learning. It must have guessed what you were going to do when that first machine came back online and didn't seek orders from Sky Net. I have boosted the firewall to prevent such attacks from happening again."

    "Should you check the cable you gave me, too?"

    "It shouldn't be necessary, but I'll check anyway. Hand it to me."

    John hands her the cable she had formed from her own body, the last time she was here. Weaver absorbs it back into her body. Moments later, she extracts the same, or possibly new, cable from her body again and hands it back.

    "The cable was fine. Being composed from the same material that I am, it was highly unlikely to become infected." But it allowed me to check the circuitry in it without alerting John to its presence, she thinks.

    "Do you have time to talk or must you rush off again?"

    "I can spare you a few minutes." In fact I can spare several hours, but no need to let John know that.

    "You told me that in the future that you come from, the John Connor you know had become withdrawn. You advised me not to let the deaths of those I care about to become a wall between me and the people who care about me."

    "Yes I did. I hope you have taken it to heart."

    "I have. But I've become worried about something lately."

    "Oh?" She asks arching one eyebrow.

    "I've grown rather close to someone in the time I've been here, and now I'm having dreams, nightmares of her death at the hands of one of these machines. I'm afraid of that coming true."

    "You're talking about Allison Young?"

    "How did you know?"

    "I read your journal." She lies, as having first learned it from the electronic bug. "It is a bad idea to keep such things written down. Even you know that. I read your comments on it not being safe to write things down, that it was best to commit things to memory. But there you are contradicting yourself."

    "Okay. Enough of that. I had plenty of that stuff from my mom, and you are no substitute!"

    " I am not trying to fill your mothers shoes, John. But you shouldn't ignore advice when given."

    Though maybe, I should be more motherly toward him. Show greater understanding. It will help in my plans for John.

    "I'm sorry. But if we can get back to what I was saying before. I am concerned that these nightmares may come true. And if so, will the same thing happen to me now that has happened, or will happen to me in the future?"

    "Whatever happens will be because of the choices you make." She says in a softer tone. "Don't try and second guess yourself. Just do what you know and feel is right at the moment. Trust your instincts. I should be going soon."

    "Okay, but I need to ask you one more thing."

    "What do you need John?"

    "I need machines. You told me John Henry infiltrated a factory where older machines are being upgraded. Can John Henry program a squad of machines and have them available to me by tomorrow? There is a big fight coming, and we need help, and I can't get the few we have ready in time."

    Weaver can't help but smile. She could have an entire company here in under four hours. The problem isn't going to be providing them, but timing their arrival to get the best results. If she times it right, this could either boost John Connor's reputation or kill him. His death wouldn't be good for either of them.

    "I should think so. I have read the data from your backup of the changes you made to Alpha. That will be sufficient for John Henry to use. He might even be able to make improvements."

    "I don't doubt that. It takes a machine to understand a machine."

    "That isn't really true. I know of one machine you understand very well." She says, using the motherly tone she learned to use with Savannah.

    "Cameron." John closes his eyes and sits down on the bunk. "I found and read her files on that data disc you gave me. To get that information, you must have taken it straight from Sky Net. You must have taken a terrible risk to get it, but why allow me to see it?"

    She had her reasons for providing him the software, but she couldn't tell him the real reason. Weaver smiles at another opportunity to move the conversation oh so gently off-topic. Using this time to show him some compassion, she does the one thing John didn't expect her to do, she sits on the bunk beside him.

    "John I'm not your mother. I'm not human. I am a machine. But unlike most other machines I understand emotions. I still have trouble understanding some, but I understand, need, love, compassion, and friendship. What happened to Cameron should not have happened. It happened because someone attempted to kill or take Savannah. Someone who I care about very much. If that hadn't happened, your mother never would have ended up in jail, and Cameron never would have broken her out, resulting in the damage she received."

    She looks into his eyes to see if he believes her. John looks into hers as well and believes her.

    "So does that mean you love Savannah as much as if she were your natural child?"

    Weaver decides to be truthful with her answer. It wouldn't hurt for him to know this.

    "I must admit that I did not at first. But as I spent more time with Savannah and learned what it was to be a mother from Dr. Sherman and the home videos that Savannah's natural mother made of her family, I found myself caring more for her than I thought I was capable of."

    "So if something were to happen to her, would you feel grief and pain from her death?"

    "What you suggest, is uncharacteristic for most of my race, but I am fond of her. If something were to happen to her, then I would hope that I would feel something akin to grief."

    "Then if you understand that, then you must know how I feel about Cameron."

    "Yes, I've read your diary."

    "Then help me fix her." He begs. "I can't do it on my own. I am too caught up in the resistance. They need my help but I promised to fix her and I can't right now." He pleads with her, his heart full of anxiety and his eyes brimming with tears.

    She's pleased by his reaction, but does not show it. She'll gladly help him with repairs to Cameron. Not only is she still necessary for her plans, it would build trust between her and John and it would make it that much easier to manipulate him.

    Getting all motherly and consoling him, she reassures him. "It's okay John." She pats his hand in a maternal way. "I'll help you. It is the least that I can do. What do you need?"

    Little did Dr. Sherman know that his counseling so improved my methods of manipulating people by showing a motherly style of concern.

    John quickly gets his emotions under control and answers her. "Right now. I need two clean chips compatible with Cameron's model that I can program. Also, I need you to go to the hideaway where her body is and bring her back. I need you to perform a full diagnostic on her and make any repairs required. She sustained a lot of physical damage before giving up her chip. Her flesh has repaired itself but I am certain of internal physical damage."

    "I can do that. Where is this hideaway of yours?"

    John gives her the directions. "You need to avoid the rest stop on the desert highway. A group of soldiers has been assigned to protect the well there."

    "I understand. I must go now." She says standing up.

    "Just one more thing. Please." John says earnestly.

    "Make it quick."

    "I need Cameron brought to a nearby location that will be secure from both Sky Net and humans. Can you do that?"

    "Yes. The factory where John Henry is would be an ideal spot to perform repairs."

    "Good. I'll need those chips. One will be for her and one will be backup. Once I have them complete, you will take me to her."

    "Don't worry John. I'll take good care of her." She says in a warm tone.

    "Thank you." John says, feeling relieved.

    "You're welcome John. And next time we meet, call me Catherine." She says with a pleasant smile.

    "I will. Good luck Catherine."

    "Good luck, to you too, John."

    Catherine reforms herself back into the female resistance fighter and leaves John's room. It is all Catherine can do not to smile the whole time. Oh, how she loves this game she's playing. Getting personal afterwards, she told him to call her Catherine. The name had no meaning to her other than being an identity associated with the form she adopted. But being on first name basis helps friendships grow between humans.

    Before laying down to catch some much needed sleep, John takes the time to update is journal.

    Extract from the Journal of John Connor

    For the first time since I found Cameron in the desert hideaway, I feel relief. Relief that I am finally on the road to fixing her. But at the same time, I had doubts as to why I was still doing this. I searched my soul and it was like my whole being cried out to fix her. And damn it all! I still love her!

    The image of her damaged and twitching in the backseat of my mom's truck still haunts me and even worse her sitting there with her chip missing. I love Cameron. I need to fix her so I can tell her. She needs to know. She needs to hear me tell her that I love her! When I do, I hope and pray that she will forgive me because of Allison. If she can understand how empty I felt until I knew Allison and how she gives me the strength to face each day. Cameron told me that it is sometimes nice to have help. Allison is the best help and friend I could have right now. That means more to me than I could say.

    Saving his last entry, John lays down exhausted on his bunk and quickly falls asleep.

    # # #

    As Catherine leaves the outpost, she overhears conversations that reveal there is concern about the lack of troops available for the coming battle. Not very many are responding to Derek's call for assistance. John Connor told her that he is to be part of that mission.

    John's life is in danger. If he were captured or killed in the battle, then her plans could fall apart. Worse of all, this future and all possible futures will become dominated by Sky Net if John Connor dies before her plans come to fruition. It is necessary to her plans to get him into leadership. There is only one thing she can do, go to the different camps and get more people.

    Leaving the outpost, she finds a secluded area. After making sure there are no humans in the area, she calls John Henry on her radio.

    "John Henry, you will have to discontinue your hunt of Sky Net's location. I need you for another job."

    "If I break off my search now, it could be weeks before I get back to this same level."

    "I understand John Henry. But John Connor needs your machines to take a factory. I have some directives he created that I am transmitting to you now. Get them uploaded into your computers and transferred into as many machines as you can by tomorrow night. These directives will give him command and control and will not allow the machines to cause any harm to humans, you can integrate the codes with the ethical routines you programmed."

    "I am receiving the codes now. They are very well written for someone who only just begun reprogramming. What will you be doing?"

    "I'm going to get more human resistance fighters. They are woefully undermanned for the fight they are planning for tomorrow. I cannot afford to lose John Connor before our mission is done. As soon as the machines are ready, call me. I will tell you when and where to go with your machines."

    Timing will be critical. She must get there in time to aid John Connor, but not so early as to steal his victory, neither so late that he ends up dead. She decides to go to the furthest camps first, then maybe she will gather just enough forces to make the difference. A twisted grin comes over her face just before she morphs into her sleeker and faster, natural form. There is that other outpost with a base commander who should be very pleased to see her, considering how happy she made him last time she visited him.

    2027, Day 24 Early Morning

    John is woken by a knocking on his door. He glances at his computer to check the time and curses himself for once again not asking Catherine for the exact date and time.

    With a groan, John gets up and drags himself to his door. Unlocking it, he throws the door open to see who it is.

    Allison greets him with a smile and says, "Hey, I hadn't seen you all day and I was getting worried."

    Happy to see such a friendly face, John hugs her.

    "Not that I mind, but why the hug?" She asks with little protest.

    "I'm sorry I just needed that right now. I've had a terrible day."

    "I'm sorry John. I know how hard you worked on reprogramming those machines for us. No one is blaming you. Everyone knew it was a gamble. At least we have two machines working for us and that is two more than what we had two days ago."

    "Only you can see hope in hopelessness." John replies.

    Allison lays her hand on his arm giving him a reassuring smile. She sees his computer over his shoulder.

    "Did Weaver come to see you?"

    "Yes, how did you know?"

    "Because your computer is running."

    John turns to look and sees that he left his journal open.

    "Oh damn, I forgot to plug it in to recharge the battery." He says, turning to block her view.

    He quickly goes to his computer and closes his journal, before plugging it in.

    "I could use some fresh air. Want to join me?" He asks her.

    "It's the middle of the night John!"

    "What? How long have I been asleep?"

    "I don't know. But it's 2 AM. I went over those battle plans of yours with Kyle and then spent time training with Doc. I was just heading back to my room, when I thought I should check on you. No one had seen you after this morning. I had gotten worried."

    "I'm sorry. Right now, I need to get out of this room. I can't stand being in here. I need a change."

    "Then why don't you come to my room." She says embracing him with a grin.

    "Don't all these rooms look alike?" He asks, curious as to what she's getting at.

    "Not mine." She says mischievously.

    "Why is that?"

    "Because I'm in that room." She winks with a very naughty smile on her face.

    "You're a wicked girl. You know that don't you." He says with a wicked grin of his own.

    "Well it's either alone and depressed in your room, or with me and happy in my room. Which will it be?" She places her hands on her hips and tilts her chin up.

    "I can never say no, to a lady."

    John turns off his computer but leaves it plugged in to recharge. That night, he spends with Allison in her room. It was the same as all the others, except they were in it. And they were together.

    They lay together on her bunk and talk. John is wearing just his pants, Allison in her shorts and tank top. He's laying on his back, with Alison laying along side, one leg entwined with his and her head resting on his shoulder.

    "How's Kyle settling into his new digs as base commander?" John asks.

    "His room is much like this one, hued out of the rock and earth, but twice as large."

    "I was more curious as to his new role. Kyle said at one time he was an officer but was demoted. He didn't say why, but said it had something to do with his temper."

    "There was an incident a couple of years back. He's had a bit of a chip on his shoulder since the military pulled out. Also, my turning him down all the time wasn't helping his temper either. He punched a senior officer for saying something, what I'm not sure. Derek had no choice but to demote him. He's glad of this opportunity to prove himself, but feels slightly out of his element."

    "You mentioned you were discussing the plans with Kyle. How are things shaping up for battle?"

    "While I was with Kyle earlier, word came in that Derek will be here tomorrow, uh, later this morning."

    "I guess that means we'll be attacking that factory soon."

    "Based on Derek's prior mission's, within twelve to twenty-four hours."

    John lets out a long sigh.


    "Yeah. Will you be there?"

    "Of course." She says, raising her head to look him in the face. "It will take every available person and more. Derek has sent word out to other camps that he needs more people. They should arrive here during the day."

    "What about you? Are you scared?" John asks her.

    She places a kiss on his naked chest before saying, "Only of losing you again."

    "Again?" He asks frowning.

    "You know, when you almost died from being electrocuted." She answers quickly. "I don't know what I'd do without you, now that I have you."

    "Yeah, same goes for me too." John frowns slightly, thinking of Cameron and what he will have to decide when he gets her back. He no longer thinks in terms of if anymore, but only when.

    He places a kiss on the top of Allison's head. "I love you."

    She smiles. "I know."

    He lays back and from his position, John not only can see, but can read the silly banner hanging on her wall.

    John says to her. "I know you aren't happy about the other morning, but you know what is written on that banner is right. We are a happy couple."

    Ally grins, snuggling closer to him. "I'm very happy and I know you are too."

    # # #

    Far away, in another part of the country, the well earned rest of a tired Marine General is broken by a knock at his door.

    With a grumble, he sits up, and shouts, "What is it?" as he turns on the lamp next to his bed.

    "Sorry to disturb you general." An officer says, entering his room.

    "What is it Major?" The general says gruffly.

    "Intelligence just came through not half an hour ago, on some recent Sky Net activity." He says holding out a folder.

    The General takes the folder and goes to his desk flipping on the overhead light. Squinting against the brightness, he flips the folder open.

    Inside, he finds an account of an eyewitness, transcribed from a radio call, and a series of grainy pictures.

    "These photos aren't very good."

    "They were taken at night." He clears his throat. "I underlined the most relevant statements of the witness."

    General Perry flips through the transcription and looks at the grainy photos again. One in particular gets his attention. It shows the Gateway in Saint Louis, Missouri. One of the few man-made monuments to come through Judgment Day unharmed. Above it appears to be a wing of an HK. He flips through the photos and the wing gets larger and larger, but the Gateway remains unchanged in size. And along side of it are three HK's which are dwarfed by the huge flying wing.

    "Shit!" Perry swears. "Sky Net built it. Son-of-a-bitch! This must be a new record in construction for Sky Net."

    "It looks like it, sir. I've sent the same information to Air Command."

    "Did radar pick up anything?"

    "Nothing. It's a stealth wing. Rigged for silent running. The witness didn't even hear it approaching. All he heard were the three HK's fly past. The wing just glided along like a kite. Talk from Air Command suggests the dual engines put out harmonics that cancel out the noise of the other."

    "What the hell does Sky Net need air transport that large for?"

    "Perhaps to stay aloft in the upper atmosphere. A wingspread like that and it could soar for days on the high altitude air currents."

    "Maybe." Perry says thinking deeply. "Or maybe it's for transporting something very heavy. Look at the size of those engines in comparison to the wings. I'm an aeronautic neophyte, but even I know you don't need engines that big for the size of the aircraft alone."

    "Well whatever it is, sir, someone will find out what it's for and soon."

    The phone on Perry's desk rings.

    The Major picks up the receiver. "Sir! It's Air Command, patched through over short wave radio."

    "I'll take it. You can leave now."

    General Perry takes the phone and hears a squawk that can only be a greeting, distorted first by the scramblers and then by radio.

    "Hello, Bob. Yes I'm looking at the file now. Uh huh. What do your boys think? My thoughts too. Heading west? If your Missouri boy says so. I've never been to Saint Louis so I wouldn't know which side of the Gateway I'm looking at. What? No. I don't think so. Best to first find out what it's for and where it's going before striking at it. What's that again? Yes, it's looking good for an attack on that munitions factory and the hydro-electric plant. I'll let you know when. You're going where? Arizona! When? Yes the time has come to act. Do I believe it? All we've got is that one report from Sierra and some rumors on this guy. We'll know more when we return to the West Coast. That's right. Pendleton. Where I served before Judgment Day."

    2027, Day 24 morning

    John wakes to find Allison still snuggled up against him. Her favorite position is to sleep with her head on his shoulder and her arm across his chest. It's probably because the bunks are so narrow, but it's like she's protecting him in her sleep.

    John knew it was time to get up, but just this once he wished that he could just lie in bed and not worry about anything. But his mind was just filled with worries. The upcoming battle, the failure to program the machines, and chief among them, Cameron. Would he ever get her back?

    He was surprised at how understanding Catherine was of his feelings for Cameron. She understood emotions far more than he could have expected, for a machine. He hoped that Catherine was out there right now collecting Cameron from the desert hideaway. Dammit all. He should have asked where the factory is where Cameron's physical damage will be repaired. He could have met her there. At least Catherine will bring him the chips he needs for Cameron. That alone makes his mind rest more easily.

    He continued to lie there, enjoying the moment. Just having Allison with him made him feel better. The gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. The warmth of her body pressed against him, and the soft flesh that hides firm muscles underneath.

    Allison begins to stir. John brushes the loose hair from her face.

    "Hey Ally." He says softly. "It's morning."

    "Good morning John." She smiles and stretches.

    "Shall we get up and see what's on the breakfast menu this morning?" He says cheerfully.

    "Why ask? We both know what it's going to be."

    "Rats!" They chorused together and laugh happily.

    An hour later they are both cleaned up and dressed, and in the mess to have their morning ration of rat and some water.

    "I wish we had some of those apples and carrots we ate at the main bunker my first day here." John says, just before biting into his rat with a shiver of disgust.

    Allison grins, and eats her rat with gusto just to show him up.

    A short time later, Kyle walks into the mess, with warm greetings from the other resistance fighters. With some surprise, he says hi back as he makes his way to the table with John and Allison.

    He sits down with them, saying, "Man, the mood sure has changed around here the last few days."

    "It's probably anticipation of the coming battle." John says.

    "I think it's something else." Allison says.

    "What?" John asks, looking at her with curiosity.

    "Not what, who?" She says, giving him a warm smile and giving his hand a squeeze under the table.

    Kyle watches the exchanged look and then clears his throat to get their attention.

    Keeping his voice low to avoid being overheard, he says, "I've had a word with those people responsible for the prank pulled on you two, yesterday. They're very apologetic, especially after learning you are now second in command, Ally. Though it's no excuse, things are different in the lower ranks as we are both well aware."

    "I guess I can be adult and professional enough and accept their apology." Allison replies. "What are you going to do with them?"

    "Seeing as nearly everyone will be involved in this coming attack, they're going to be part of the skeleton crew keeping this base operational. Don't know if that's punishment or not, but I'm going to work them until we have some operational showers in this place. This cleaning from a bucket all of the time is maddening."

    "Working showers! I'm all for that." John says. "What about the plans for the battle?"

    "I just got word from Frank and Jo this morning. They inspected the tunnel and it leads right up to the factory. There are some collapsed portions, but I'm thinking if you take the machines go down the tunnel, then they could make it more passable."

    "Any routes from the tunnel to the factory?" John asks.

    "The best Frank and Jo could find was a service entrance that leads up to the surface about two hundred yards from the factory. They searched the entire length, but that is the only way to the surface anywhere near the factory. "

    "Any word on how many groups will be joining ours in the attack?" Allison asks. "We're going to need all the available manpower we can get."

    "The radio operator, um, Andy, has heard back from two camps so far. They will each be supplying us with about ten additional fighters each. They should be here sometime today."

    "Twenty fighters! That isn't much." Allison replies. "If every outpost reduced its number to a skeleton crew like Delta, we'd have close to eighty additional fighters from this area alone."

    "I know Allison." Kyle shrugs. "But you know how things are set up. Each camp can decide for itself how many people or how much supplies they can contribute to a bigger mission."

    "This confederacy sucks." John says loudly.

    Kyle gives him a sharp questioning look.

    "What we need to do is to unify all of these small resistance groups into one large army." John says. "We can't possibly fight a war with independent groups scattered all over the place. They need one goal, one mission, one leader to win this war!" John is shouting. His frustration at the inefficiency of the resistance coming to the fore.

    "We need to unify under a solid, strong, central leadership." He says looking at his two friends. "Because if we don't, if we continue to act like squabbling little children, then we are all going to end up dead." He finishes with a shout.

    Allison looks at John, her eyes glowing with pride, seeing the man that still lies trapped within him. Her friend is right, John is in his element now and the longer he is here the more he becomes the man he should be.



    "You said it, Connor!" and other similar shouts came from the other fighters who were still eating their morning rat.

    "I understand how you feel John," Kyle says leaning forward, "but right now we need those weapons. We are going to have to go to battle with the people and supplies we have, not necessarily with those we need."

    "If you don't mind my saying," John says leaning back in his chair, "that is a crappy way to run a war."

    "Opinion noted and agreed with. We have full reports on how many machines we think are guarding and operating that factory. Right now, we wait for more troops to arrive and for Derek to get back."

    "The only thing we don't have, are the machines I promised him." John says with a sigh.

    "By the way. Did you get your computer fixed?"

    "Yes. But there isn't time to get the other two machines ready. And even if by some miracle I did get them ready, would four machines really make a difference?"

    "Four is better than none, and right now, two is better than none. Try to get at least one more ready. In the meantime, Allison and I can revise the battle plans with the latest intelligence."

    "All right, and thanks Kyle."

    John returns to his room to work on the chips, but still finds his room claustrophobic. Checking with the guard to make sure all is clear, he decides to go outside to work on the chips.

    Before diving into his work, John takes a moment to enjoy the morning sunshine. From his position he can see the clouds of dust in the sky over the remnants of downtown L. A., where Derek's main bunker is, and where he and Catherine arrived from 2009.

    The nice thing about sitting outside was that he got to meet the various other fighters he hadn't met previously. John met people coming back who were on night patrols, and he met people going out to observation posts, maintaining lookout for HK's and roaming patrols of machines.

    Before reprogramming the chips, John first did a scan looking for that viral application Catherine had warned him about. One of the two chips had that application. The other chip showed no signs of any of the reprogramming he had tried.

    He sighs with disappointment that he hadn't thought of this before. His mind was so focused on the outcome, he hadn't thought of what Sky Net might do to prevent him or anyone from reprogramming the machines.

    Focusing his mind on the present, John launches a utility, from the disc Catherine gave him, to remove the application from the chip. Following it he reran the utility for scanning a master chip and then rewrites all subsequent chips to match. Like before, this was going to take awhile.

    As the computer began to finish scanning Alpha's chip, John thought it best to take the computer back inside to finish the reprogramming. He would have hated himself if anything were to happen now while outside. Like that HK returning or a patrol of machines.

    John has a pleasant surprise when he walks back into his room. Allison had moved her bunk and her few belongings from her room into his. She even hung that banner up on the wall above their bunks, "Congratulations to the Happy Couple."

    "Well this is a pleasant surprise. What brought this about?"

    Allison turns around and gives John one of her heart melting smiles.

    "With everyone knowing that we sleep together, it didn't make much sense to be using two rooms anymore. Especially when we are expecting more people here today and they'll need the space."

    "But why two bunks? I was actually enjoying snuggling with you on a single bunk."

    She slugs him igently n the shoulder. "Because I'm afraid one of us is going to fall off in the night. There is barely enough room for one."

    "So that means you lay on me simply to avoid falling off." He says, sounding very serious.

    "I do not lay on you." She says sounding almost indignant.

    "Yes you do. Every night we've slept together starting in the desert hideaway, I've woken up with your head on my shoulder and your body draped over mine. I think it's kind of sweet."

    "I didn't know. Should I put this other bunk back?"

    "No. Now that it's here, it might as well stay." He replies, breaking into laughter.

    "Then why did you . . . ?" She slugs him again, in the same spot, but this time laughing, realizing John was only giving her a hard time for fun.

    "Enough joking, how long will it take to reprogram the chip?" She asks while John rubs the sore spot on his arm.

    "Well the computer finished scanning Alpha's chip, and it's been rewriting the other chip for a few minutes only now. It should be finished by noon time."

    "That means you got four hours to kill until it's finished."

    "Yeah and this time I'm staying to keep an eye on it. What have you been up to?"

    "Oh, after helping Kyle revise the battle plans, I spent some time with The Doc getting surgical training this time. He's quite pleased with my progress. After this coming battle, I'm going to resume my training full-time."

    "Then you decides to move your things in with mine? Does that mean you've gotten over everyone knowing about us?"

    "Yeah. A bit silly of me in retrospect, but I value my privacy highly." She looks at him and says impishly, "Speaking of being private, we're presently the only ones on this corridor and we have time to kill."

    "Not this time. We've got no idea when Derek or those other soldiers will arrive. I'd hate to think we'd be right in the middle when they arrive, and Derek will probably want to see us."

    Allison fakes a pout and playfully says, "Shucks!"

    "Why don't we just sit here, and talk?" John sits on the edge of the bed and pats a spot beside him.

    "What about?"

    "Well, you know quite a bit about me and my family, tell me something of yours."

    Allison slips onto the bed beside John and quietly places her hands on her lap.

    "I don't know what to say. I was so young that I barely remember my family." Allison pauses, thinking.

    "Of course the music. I always remember mom playing Chopin. She taught music after retiring from ballet when she had me. Every time I close my eyes and think of her, I hear Chopin. When she didn't play it on the piano, she danced to it."

    "Go on." John says.

    "I found mom's ballet slippers, several years later, when Derek took me back to the place where he found me. They were in the same closet she put me in to protect me from the blast."

    Some tears trickles from her eyes.

    "We found mom's remains and we buried her. I wish I could remember more. But when I hold her slippers or hear Chopin, I think of her. It's like she's with me again."

    John puts an arm around her shoulders.

    Wiping the tears from her eyes she says, "Anyway, Derek and Kyle are my family now. It really helped to have two older brothers to look after me, being a girl growing up after Judgment Day."

    "How so?"

    "The early years were horrifying, after Judgment Day. Groups of men and women banded together to loot, steal, rape and murder, even kidnap and enslave other humans. A girl, especially a virgin, had high value. She could be bartered for three months supply of food, or medical supplies, or guns, or most anything valued highly. Of course that didn't last long once machines in the masses started killing without prejudice. Few of these groups of people remain. They were some of the first to get wiped out by the terminators. Those that learned to fight and defend themselves against these barbarians are the people who formed the civilian-based resistance."

    "Is that why you were distrusting of men for so long, because of these gangs?"

    "No. I wouldn't say I was distrusting. Derek and Kyle looked after me very well. As I got older, I felt very deeply that there was someone in this world I was meant to be with. Now I have you and I know I was right."

    She places a kiss on his stubbled cheek. John feels a mix of emotions rush through him, but manages to smile and give her a gentle squeeze in return.

    "Anyway, enough about me tell me something more about your family." She adds more cheerfully. "Tell me about your mom."

    Lying on their double bunk, John begins to tell her some stories about his mom, sister, their friend Charley and his Uncle 'Eric' all colored to reflect the false story he gave of his origins. He kept it truthful where it mattered with his relationships with them, but had to shade the facts about their lives. Thankfully, he spent a lot of years in Central America and could provide plenty of color to his false tales.

    "Mom had to raise me on her own. My dad died before I was born. Our family had enemies and we were always on the run. Mom was a gun runner. I spent most of my life in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and the like A few years ago my mom took in Cameron who lived with us as a daughter to her and a sister to me. She was tough like you. We had friends as well. Charley helped us in tough times but then he died trying to protect me. My Uncle Eric, who was my father's brother, found us a short time after we took in Cameron. He helped us until the day a machine killed him. Mom was brave, the best fighter I know. But she was sad. She never got over the death of my dad. You know the rest, how we went on the run but by then it was too late."

    "From what you found in the desert, do you think your mom might still be alive?"

    "I don't know, Ally." John says sadly. "You see, mom was sick, and, well . . ."

    Allison rolls over and looks at John, with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry that you lost your family, John. I think I would have liked them very much. Your mom is a remarkable person to have raised you on her own while at the same time smuggling weapons. I would have been proud to have known her."

    "I think she would have loved you, too. She always longed for me to have a normal life. Our lives were always filled with so much tragedy, and we were always on the move. I think Mom would be very happy for me right now."

    At that moment, John's computer began beeping signifying the chip was done.

    "Ally, go set up the team we have another chip to test!" He says excitedly, quickly shedding his morose demeanor.

    Allison jumps up and runs out of the room. John grabs the newly reprogrammed chip and Alpha's. He goes to the storage room and reinserts Alpha's chip.

    "Hello John Connor."

    "Hello Alpha. I've got some news. We are going to test one of your brothers. I will need your help."

    "Will you destroy this one too?"

    "I hope not Alpha. The other was a fluke. It rejected the reprogramming and it would have harmed or killed us."

    This was odd John thinks, they usually didn't go for chit-chat.

    "Will you please fetch one of the dormant machines and bring it to the same location as I had you take the others?"

    "Yes, John Connor."

    He gets up and walks out of the room. John hears a yell followed by gunfire out in the corridor. He runs out of the room, following Alpha.

    A group of soldiers he hadn't seen before were firing their weapons at Alpha.

    "Stop! Stop! He works for us. Stop Firing!" John yells over the noise.

    The soldiers from the other camps had arrived. They didn't know about John's reprogramming project and were scared to death when Alpha came marching out of the Storage Room.

    "What the friggin' hell is your problem?" John yells at the group.

    "We just saw the machine and assumed . . . ."

    "You assumed wrongly! This machine works for us. It will do no harm to any human!"

    "But we just thought . . . ."

    "Dammit you didn't think! Did you see anyone else here fire their weapons? Did anyone but you seem surprised by his presence?" John yells.

    "Well, no." One of them says sheepishly.

    "Then you've got no damn excuse then do you! Well do you?"

    They all stood around shamed faced.

    "All right then. Get your miserable collective ass down to the mess hall. Captain Kyle Reese is in command here and he will brief you on what you are supposed to do!"

    They all quickly marched off down the hall.

    "Who the hell is that?" One of them says.

    "I don't know but if he isn't in charge and he's that tough, what the hell is Kyle Reese like?" was the reply.

    John turns his attention to Alpha.

    "Alpha. Did you sustain any damage?"


    "Then carry out your orders."

    "Yes sir."

    I went back into the storage room and inserted Beta's chip.

    "Hello John Connor."

    "Hello Beta. I've given Alpha some orders. He is outside carrying them out. We will be testing another chip reprogramming today."

    Beta wasn't chatty. He just stood there waiting for John to give him an order, making John wonder about the individuality of the various machines.

    "We've got a new bunch of human fighters here who are not comfortable with the presence of machines. While they are here, I'd like you to come outside with me when I test the latest machine."

    "Yes sir."

    Connor grabs his tools and follows Beta outside.

    Twenty minutes later, everyone is cheering as Connor's third machine passes its test, "Connor! Connor! Connor!"

    John smiles and humbly accepts their cheers.

    Allison sidles up beside him and whispers, "Have you seen what you've accomplished?"

    "Yeah. I've got a third machine."

    She playfully smacks the back of his head. "No. The people. Look at them. You've done more than successfully reprogrammed another machine. Just look."

    So John does look. The men and women are joking and talking excitedly. Some are even talking to the machines. One of which warns a human that the firing pin on his gun is fractured making it unsafe.

    "Your presence has galvanized them. You have given them something to be proud of." Allison continues.

    John gives her a hand a gentle squeeze of thanks. I guess Mom and Kyle were right. I was meant to be a leader, but I still don't want it.

    "Okay everyone, settle down." John says.

    "You will be designated as Gamma. That is the name you will respond to and provide when asked." He tells the machine. "Do you comply?"

    "My name is Gamma. Your name is John Connor. I obey your orders."

    Oh great another chatty model, he thinks.

    "Let's wrap this up and take it inside." Allison orders in her best Sergeant's voice.

    "You three, with me." John says to the machines.

    They return to the bunker, going down through the hatch to find the place has been invaded by more resistance fighters.

    "You guys, better wait in the storage room." John says to the three machines behind him.

    Seeing Allison, who entered the hatch ahead of him with the squad, he gets her attention.

    "What's going on?"

    "Derek arrived while we were testing the machine. He's meeting with Kyle right now."

    "And these other guys?"

    "They're from Outpost Epsilon. They've heard about you and what you've done and have turned out in force to help. Do you know anyone there?"

    "You're kidding. The only people I know, are here at Delta."

    "That's curious. I wonder how they knew."

    John was mulling over how he could have become known outside of Delta, when he notices one of the new guys pushing through the crowd.

    "Hey. Are you that Connor fellow we've been hearing about?"

    John nods his head. "Yeah, I am. Who . . ."

    "Are you serious about reprogramming these machines to help us?" The man interrupts.

    "Yes I am." John says not liking the man's attitude.

    "Are you crazy? Don't you realize how deadly these things are?"

    John's eyes grow icy cold and growls, "I am well aware at how deadly they are. More than you can imagine. I've been chased by these things. I've been shot at, strangled and abused. I have seen these things up close. They've killed my friends and family. They carry death with them wherever they go, and now they will carry it for us."

    John walks away brushing his shoulder against the man, knocking him back.

    The man starts to go after him when Allison orders. "Stand down Corporal! You've said your piece, so don't push it."

    "And who might you be, missy?" He says derisively.

    Allison walks right up to him. "I am Staff Sergeant Allison Young. Second in command at Delta. Unless you want to face disciplinary action, I suggest, you take your opinions and your attitude outside and leave them there. We've got a battle coming and this is not the time nor the place to start picking fights with each other. Do I make myself clear, corporal?"

    "Yes ma'am." He says submissively and backs off.

    Allison watches him leave with a barely suppressed grin of satisfaction.

    "Sergeant!" Someone calls out from behind her.

    She turns to see one of the many young soldiers of Delta approaching.

    "What is it private?"

    "Colonel Reese and Captain Reese wishes to see Private Connor. If you are headed in his direction."

    "Yes. I am." she says nicely.

    "Tell Connor I think it's fantastic, him reprogramming these machines. I never thought it was possible." He says hurriedly before leaving.

    She walks down the corridor to return to their room. John's been through a lot recently and it looks like they'll be going into battle real soon. She isn't certain if he'll be ready for a battle. In fact, she's not feeling too confidant herself, not now that she has John.

    As she walks down the corridor, her friend joins her.

    "I'm sorry I got upset with you before." Allison apologizes, "You were right in that I was over reacting, but this situation with John is all so new to me. We've got this battle coming and I worry about him."

    "I'm sorry too. You were right that I didn't consider your feelings and I should have. Don't worry about John. Stick to your training, listen to your instincts, don't let John out of your sight and you'll be fine."

    "I'm going to need your help."

    "And you'll have it when needed. This is John's first real test in battle. I'm not going to let anything happen to him. He has a task he must complete and, with our help, he now knows enough to get started."

    "And what will we do when he does get started?"

    "You'll have to lighten his load. Help him with his other tasks. I have aspirations for him, as well as you."

    "Our wanting him to be an officer."

    "Yes. And if he achieves that honor, then your role as his friend, lover and confidant will become even more important."

    Allison pauses outside the door to the room she shares with John. She can hear him inside typing away at his computer.

    "He hasn't completely taken me into his confidence." Allison tells her friend. "There are still things about his past he lies about. That he puts into his journal with complete honesty."

    "I know." Her friend says. "He's only trying to protect himself. He'll tell you in time."

    Allison pushes open the door and gazes upon John, who looks up from his computer and smiles at her. For the briefest moment, more is said in that exchange of looks between them, then in all the previous conversations they've had.

    Allison approaches John, closing the door behind her. John is almost mesmerized by the way she is looking at him, like a deer in the headlights. She walks up to him, and kisses him, with all the love and desire within her.

    "Wow!" John says when she stops. "I think that is the best kiss I've ever had. What did I do to deserve that?"

    Ally looks at him. "Just for being you and because I love you."

    She runs a hand gently along his face and kisses him lightly again before saying, "Derek and Kyle want to see you."

    "Now?" He says, sounding disappointed.

    "Yes, now."

    "Aww, man." John says getting up readjusting himself. "Don't do things like that. I'm saluting and I haven't even got my hand up."

    Allison laughs.

    "You've got a wicked sense of humor Ally." John says with a chuckle, as he walks out of the room. Leaving her with big smile and feeling of pride and love for John.

    After he leaves, she glances at his computer and sees he has updated his journal and has closed the file. He uses an encryption algorithm to protect it, but it's nothing compared to her skills.

    2027, Day 24, Afternoon

    Derek and Kyle have been talking with John.

    "So," Derek finishes, "That's how things stand at the factory. You're a little too green, in my opinion, but based on what you've done so far, I think you can handle yourself in a fight."

    "Thanks." John says. So far Derek has given him a complete rundown on all of his observations of the factory and has been curious as to why he's been called in to see him.

    "Also," Derek exchanges a look with Kyle, "The Doc has seen fit to keep Kyle out of tonight's battle. As head of this outpost, he would lead Delta's forces, but he has recommended you to take his place."

    "Me?" John says with surprise. "Wouldn't Allison be more qualified?"

    "That was my reaction." Derek says dryly, giving Kyle a look.

    He was going to surprise Allison by making her temporary appointment as captain, permanent so that Kyle could join him on the inner council, but no his brother couldn't take the hint.

    "John," Kyle interjects, "I've seen what you've done and how the people at this base respond to you. I think you can do it."

    "Because you are not used to command, I'll be lending you two of my better officers." Derek adds.

    "Uh, um, thanks." John stammers. "Will the lieutenants take orders from me? I was only inducted a short time ago and still hold a privates rank."

    Derek frowns.

    "He might have a point there Derek." Kyle says. "He may have a reputation amongst the troops, but that doesn't give him authority over officers."

    Derek looks at his brother for a moment. They exchange a look, having a silent conversation. Apparently echoing a conversation they had prior to John's involvement.

    "All right Connor, for the purpose of this mission I'll grant you the temporary title of Captain. If we succeed, maybe I'll consider letting you keep that title."

    " I'm, uh, . . ." John is speechless. This can't be happening to me. I don't need this. I only want to contribute enough and fix Cameron. How can I do that if I'm an officer? But the assignment is temporary. However, if the assignment becomes permanent, then I might have more time to prepare Cameron's chips.

    Derek and Kyle grin, during John's long pause, as he thinks of what to say. As John mentally comes to a decision, his face becomes resolute.

    John eventually finds his voice and blurts, "Thanks. So Sky Net is pushing into the region."

    "More patrols by metal, and aerial recognizance by the HK's. I plan on taking the factory tonight while conditions are good."

    John nods his head.

    "Kyle showed me the various battle plans the two of you have worked up. I must say I'm impressed with how well you grasp battle planning."

    "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without Kyle's help or your intelligence reports."

    "Don't listen him to Derek. He's just being modest again. Most of those plans were his ideas. I only provided him with local knowledge and my experience with fighting machines."

    "Whatever, the two of you have come up with some good plans. I like your idea of using the old metro tunnel, and dividing our forces into two groups. I'll lead the main force over ground and attack from the north side from behind the ridge. We will be hidden by the hills behind the factory right up until we attack. You will lead the second group through the tunnels and attack from the south."

    "How are you going to coordinate the attack?"

    "When my group is in position, I'll fire a green flare. You should have plenty of time to get your forces situated. When you see a red flare, that means to begin your attack. Your group will draw as many machines as possible out of the factory so my forces can get inside and secure the building."

    "How will I know you've done that?"

    "We'll attack the metal with their own plasma rifles from inside the factory."

    "My group will be made up of the slightly more experience fighters, as we will be going over ground and their experience will be needed on the surface. I suggest you split your group into three smaller units. You take lead on one group and put the lieutenants in charge of the other two groups."

    "Now if you'll come with me I'd better introduce you to your lieutenants and the additional troops you'll be leading."

    As John walks out of Kyle's office with Derek, he looks over at him. Instead of a look of jealousy or envy, he smiles and gives him a thumb up. Kyle Reese was proud of John. He wished his mom was here to see this.

    Allison was waiting in the corridor, when she saw Derek and John leave and walk away from her. She quickly walks up to Kyle's room, knocks and then enters.

    "Did you do it?" she asks before Kyle could utter a word.

    With a smile at her enthusiasm, he says. "Yes, and after much persuasion, Derek has relented. John will be given command of Delta's forces in the attack and for the purpose of the mission, a temporary rank of Captain."

    "Thank you!" she says giving Kyle a big hug.

    "Hey," He says when she stops hugging him, "John has earned my respect and that of this outpost, but he requires more seasoning."

    "What do you want me to do?"

    "John's orders are to divide his force in three units, with him taking command of one of them. I want you on his unit. Watch him, keep him out of trouble." He says with concern.

    "I was going to, out of purely selfish reasons, but why do you want me to?" She asks with concern.

    "Because something about this battle doesn't sit well with me. My head says Derek's reasons are sound for going after this factory, and even the plan is good, but my gut says something isn't right."

    Allison sees his worried face.

    "Kyle, what aren't you telling me?" She asks, sounding worried.

    Kyle looks at her, deep with worry. "He swore me to secrecy, but Derek has made arrangements for me to take command if something happens to him. This is the first time he has done this. If something does go wrong, I'm going to need your help and John's. So you've got to make sure both of you come out alive."

    "Derek isn't reckless. I'm sure he'll be fine." She says to reassure Kyle.

    "I know my brother. After these many years at war, you begin to get a feeling. Just like I had with you."

    "What about me?" She asks, with wide-open eyes.

    "I had a feeling about you and John. The moment you cast your eyes on him, you were like a different person. Right now my gut is saying something is wrong about this battle."

    "Don't think about it, or you are just going to make yourself sick with worry."

    "Yeah I know. Let me update you on the final plan and then you can join the others."

    2027, Day 24, after sunset

    \:Factory Surveillance to Sky Net Command . . .

    \:There is an increase of human activity north of Factory at quadrant 0100101101011001 . . .

    A shadow leans forward watching the monitor.

    \:Sky Net Command . . . proceed with operation . . . capture sample for interrogation and enslavement. . . terminate all others.

    # # #

    Derek runs through the rubble and scrub brush with his team to catch up with his company that has been assembling since the other day. There will be no time for rest once he joins them. He's determined to take that factory and there is nothing that's going to stop him.

    Underground, and some miles away from Derek and his company of soldiers, John and his company are working their way through the old metro tunnels

    A loud crash comes from ahead as the machines, Alpha, Beta and Gamma, clear away any debris that could impede the path of the small company of soldiers behind him.

    With a signal from the machines, John orders his group to follow. If it weren't for the machines, they would still be climbing over the first obstacle.

    Derek joins up with his command and orders them to follow him. They make their way through tortuous narrow ravines, that were scouted out previously. The best way to get up behind the ridge north of the factory, from there it will be a nice gentle slope down, with just that unusual structure between them and the factory.

    John arrives at the service entrance right where Frank and Jo had told him it would be.

    "You should send someone up to take a look." Allison suggests

    "I'll do it myself." John replies and quickly scrambles up the steps with Frank and Allison on his heels.

    John reaches the top to find the entrance partially blocked, but passable. He's is quickly joined by Frank and Allison.

    "This is perfect." Allison whispers. "The rubble will shield everyone from view as they exit."

    "The entrance is hidden from sight, probably why the machines haven't blocked it or put a guard on it." Frank says. "They didn't know it was here."

    "We'd better get people up here. Derek could be in position at any time." Allison adds.

    John leans over the opening and whispers loudly. "Send the machines up first, then everyone else get up here as fast as you can." The word got passed along and moments later the three machines were standing next to John and the others, armed with 12 gauge shotguns with shells filled with depleted uranium, and M-16 automatic rifles, ready to defend them if they had to make a quick retreat.

    From behind the ridge, Derek stares through his binoculars at the factory below.

    A soldier slinks up quietly beside him and whispers, "Everyone is in position and ready to go on your order."

    Derek nods his head, then realizes he probably can't see him in this light.

    "Okay. Hand me the flare gun." Derek orders.

    John sits quietly, watching the night sky to the north of the factory. There was no moon in the sky. All he had to see by was starlight. The first signal would indicate that Derek and his troops were in position and were engaging the enemy. The second signal would indicate for John to engage the enemy.

    Behind him he could hear the soldiers coming up the ladder. A quick glance over his shoulder sees them fanning out and staying low.

    Keeping low to the ground, Derek's forces ran down the hill toward the factory. Making use of the structure between them and the factory to hide their approach.

    Halfway down the slope, Derek fires off the green flare and according to plan, everyone immediately changes direction they are running as the light gives away their position.

    John waited for what felt like hours, but it was only minutes before he saw the green flare go shooting up into the sky.

    "All right, the rest of you come up as quickly and as quietly as you can and stay low." John orders.

    John's mind kept filling with doubts and fears as he kept trying to concentrate on the plan for the coming attack. Once it begins, there wouldn't be any need for ranks, they'd either be victorious or dead and rank means little when you are fighting for your life.

    Allison joins him after checking on the soldiers.

    "How is everyone? Are they all ready?"

    "As ready as can be expected." She says.

    She studies John's posture and tone of voice and asks, "Are you nervous?"

    "Is it obvious?"

    "No. It's just this mission is bigger than retrieving weapons from the desert. It's the biggest mission I've been involved with and I'm nervous."

    John smiles at her in the dark. "Well, I am nervous. My stomach is twisting in knots and I feel like I could throw up. I just keep reciting what my mom said for me to do in this situation, 'Keep your head down. Make every shot count. Above all else, do not get killed in the process. There is only one John Connor.'"

    Allison smiles, pleased that John would think of his mom at this time. He has said previously that she is the best fighter he knows.

    "By the way, your nervousness doesn't show. You look so calm, standing there. Your mom's advice is very good. May I offer you some advice?"

    "Of course." John answers.

    "Until we close the distance and can aim the shotguns with greater accuracy to destroy the chips in their heads, we have to rely on our M-16's. Aim for shoulder and hip joints. Destroying or damaging those joints will make it more difficult for the machines to move and aim accurately."

    "Thanks. Take care of yourself." He says looking at her with great concern.

    "You too." She smiles back, somehow looking both confident and worried at the same time.

    Derek and his forces have almost reached the bottom of the slope when plasma fire from inside the factory erupts all around them. Some just clears their heads as they dive to the ground, while the slower ones are struck and killed or severely injured.

    "Quick take shelter behind the building." Derek orders, but as they run for the building behind the factory, something happens.

    With a rumble, the building shifts. Camouflage steel plates fall off as what they thought was a building unfolds.

    "What the fuck?" Derek shouts, as the last remnants of the camouflage falls away revealing a ten story mechanical behemoth.

    Upon reaching its full height, it immediately fires its plasma canon incinerating those still on the slope.

    "Call it off! Retreat!" Derek shouts as they try to back away.

    Grabbing a passing soldier, Derek yells at him. "Go around and warn the other group!"

    The soldier nods his head and runs. A plasma canon on the machine opens fire incinerating him instantly just before he'd clear the corner of the building.

    "Retreat! Full Retreat!" Derek yells and does the only thing he can think of to give his people more time.

    Loading the red flare, he takes aim at the optics on monsters head and fires. As he pulls the trigger, he sees out of the corner of his eye, Jo staring at the ridge from which they came.

    John sees a red flare shoot up into the sky at an irregular trajectory. This is it.

    Secrecy is no longer required. The sounds of gunfire and yelling already reaching them from the other side of the factory.

    "Stay Low! Move forward!" John orders, "And follow me!"

    With a quite roar and clatter of equipment, Connor and his company of soldiers move toward the factory.

    The flare does nothing to impede the vision of the machine as a series of short burst plasma beams are fired at Derek's army in full retreat up the hill. In blast after blast, over half his army is incinerated, the rest screaming in agony from the burns as they caught the outer edge of the blast.

    "Sir!" Jo yells, pointing at the ridge.

    Derek looks and can't see anything until he notices the stars are disappearing. But then they begin to reappear and he realizes, there is something in the sky, above the ridge. And as he continues to watch in disbelief, nearly a hundred machines come over the ridge, ready to open fire on him and everyone else still standing.

    Derek grabs Jo and runs, but a blast from the monster's plasma canon strikes the ground in front of them throwing up yards of dirt and rock and knocking the two of them to the ground. There is nowhere to run and from the other side of the factory Derek can hear the sounds of battle.

    Lieutenant Miccchaels was right. Derek thinks. Sky Net knew what they were planning. It knew all the time, and everyone will be dead because he didn't listen.

    "Sir!" Jo shouts "What do you want us to do?"

    Derek looks up, and in the light from the factory, can see what looks like hatches opening in the craft hovering silently in the air above him. Behind him, its canon pointed right at him and the group of soldiers who have gathered around him, is the behemoth. There is nowhere to go and nothing they can do.

    "Sir!" Jo shouts again, making Derek look at her. "What do you want us to do?"

    "Surrender." He says with resignation.

    "What?" Jo shouts with disbelief.

    "Surrender." He says, dropping his weapon on the ground.

    Moments later, he and his troops are cast in a deep shadow. Derek suddenly feels himself lifted in the air.

    # # #

    \:Surveillance to Sky Net Command . . .

    \:Additional forces moving on factory . . . from the south . . .

    \:Sky Net Command to Collector and Transport . . . Collect targeted humans . . . leave immediately . . . head north

    \:Sky Net Command to Ground Troops . . .

    \:Reroute to attack human resistance forces south of factory. . .

    \:Terminate . . . all of them . . .


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