

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    [fic; GokusenxNwP]It could be better, but it’s good enough.

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Chapter 1 (English Version)

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 97
      15 ต.ค. 53

    It was an ordinary Saturday morning, peace and quiet once in awhile though, because Akira wasn’t up yet. Shuji was cooking breakfast for the three of them, yeah 3, but the third one wasn’t Nobuta. He was someone Akira’s father sent to stay with them, no not them, only Akira.


    Being one of the richest men’s sons in Japan wasn’t something easy. But Akira was acting like it was nothing. Kidnappings were not something new to Kusano family, but in these past 6 months, there were 3 attempted kidnaps, Shuji thought that snapped Kusano-san’s last string of tolerance.  Because the next day after Akira came home slightly injured and whinning to Shuji that some strange men were chasing him, Shuji opened the door of their penthouse (Kusano-san’s gift to his son on his 20th birthday) and saw 2 bald scary looking guys standing behind Kusano-san. They were bodyguards.


    Kusano-san wanted Akira to have bodyguards with him 24/7, but Akira refused, he said he didn’t want these scary guys near him, he could take care of himself and nothing was going to happen to him. But Kusano-san countered back that the last time he barely escaped with a nearly broken arm and a sprained ankle. They argued back and forth for hours, then came to an agreement that Akira would accepted that if his father want him to have bodyguards with him all the time, he’d only have ‘1’ bodyguard with him and the said bodyguard had to not be yakuza-like scary looking guy like the ones his father brought that day.


    In Shuji’s opinion, though Akira was not a little kid, he could take care of himself, he could even break the bricks with his bare hands, but kidnappers were not bricks. At least Akira should have someone to help him, but Shuji himself couldn’t be with him all the time, so having a bodyguard wasn’t a bad idea.


    So it settled, at the moment they had Akira’s bodyguard living with them, and speak of the devil, Shuji heard one of the bedroom’s door opened, he turned to look, only to see the said bodyguard was coming out of Akira’s room. Wait, what he was doing in Akira’s room?


    “Morning, my-friend-look-alike, what do we have for breakfast today?”


    This guy, Akira’s bodyguard, Yabuki Hayato was 22 years old. According to his profile, he was a delinquent in his high school.  Wandering around for 6 months after graduated then joined this bodyguard company. Kusano-san thought this guy would fit his son’s require best because they were around the same age and Yabuki didn’t look scary. Or so he thought.


    At first, Akira was kind of scare of him. He would attach himself to Shuji and hid behind Shuji every time Yabuki was around, which was all the time. But that was 3 months ago, now Akira decided that he could trust Yabuki and stopped using Shuji as a barrier all the time.


    But that didn’t mean that Shuji liked this guy. He was a loud mount, annoying and stupid somehow. Shuji didn’t understand why Kusano-san chose the guy to be his son’s protector. If Akira was acting like a 5-year-old, Yabuki would be 8-year-old then. And there it came again ‘My-friend-look-alike’, one of the thing that annoyed Shuji the most. Yabuki dragged them to see this friend of his, Odagiri Ryu, a few weeks ago. And yes, even though they looked exactly alike (the moment he saw Odagiri, he wanted to call his father and ask if he has any long lost brother), that didn’t give Yabuki any right to call him that.


    “Stop calling me that. And why were you in Akira’s room?” asked Shuji.


    “To sleep, of course. What else?”


    “You have your own room, why don’t you sleep in it?”


    “Well, you see, after we left Kusano-san’s office, Akira wanted to see a movie, so we went to see one, a horror one. And he was really scared but when we got back you were already sounds asleep. He didn’t want to disturbed you but didn’t to sleep alone, so he asked me to sleep in his room , no dragged me to his room…… Man, your friend is really a cuddly………… And don’t give me that look, I’m not some pervert, OK? I didn’t do anything to your friend…………yet…………” Yabuki answer with amusement in his voice.


    Shuji glared at him before asked, “Is Akira still asleep?”


    But when Yabuki was about to answer, Shuji raised his hand to interrupted him and said “Wait, don’t, I’ll go wake him up.” Then he turned on his heels to walk to Akira’s room.


    “You don’t have to go and check upon him yourself, I swear he’s still good in one piece, nothing’s broken, mama.” Yabuki shouted after him.


    With one final glared at Yabuki, Shuji opened the door to Akira’s room. The room was dark and there was a lump on the bed. Shuji opened the curtain to allow the light in, and then carefully pulled the blanket down revealing a sleeping Akira.


    “Akira, Akira……wake up.”


    “……uhmm……unnn……Shuji?.....morning already?.....”


    “uhm..get up, breakfast is ready. You don’t want to be late for meeting with your father, right?”


    Kusano-san’d been calling Akira to go the company often recently, because he wanted Akira to learn about his work. And of course, Akira was reluctant to go.


    Akira nodded and yawned before got up and followed Shuji out of the room.


    “Akira……help me put this on the table will you?” Shuji called out from inside the kitchen.


    “…Hai…” answered a sleepy Akira.


    “…Shuji-kun…where is my mamechichi?...”


    But before Shuji could answer, Yabuki interrupted him.


    “Stop calling it mamechichi, will you, it’s ‘Tounyuu’” [A/N: soy milk]


    “It’s mamechichi…….right, shuiji?”










    Shuiji sighed ‘Here we go again, didn’t they just sleep in the same bed last night?’


    “Just let him call it whatever he wants, Yabuki. There’s no use to try to change it.” Shuji tried to stop their stupid fight. “And here you go Akira, your mamechichi.”


    “Thanks Shuji-kun!” smiled sweetly at Shuji then turned to Yabuki and sticked his tongue out at him before drinking his beloved mamechichi.


    “You spoiled him you know, Kiritani-kun”


    Shuji just sighed and continued to eat his breakfast. When Akira said…


    “Shuji-kun, I forgot to tell you that have to come with us today to dad’s office, ‘coz he wanted to see you.”


    After Shuji worked as a trainee in Akira’s father’s company last summer break, Kusano-san wanted him to work at his company after graduate. And of course, to help his son in working too. Shuji realized now that he would stuck with Akira for the rest of his life.


    “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”


    “I forgot Shuji-kun, and you were so busy with some reports and barely had time to listen to me” Akira said, pouting a little at the last sentence.


    “You should be busy too, after all you’re taking same subjects as I am. And Yabuki Hayato-kun, please stop taking him to wherever you’re taking him to now these days beside university and his father’s office, it’s his last semester, he’s going to graduated this March, he HAS to graduated this March.”


    “You are not my boss, Shuji-kun. And beside he said he was bored, so I had to find something to entertain him.”


    “Yes, I’m not your boss, but his father is. And I don’t think he would like it when you were taking his son to weird places instead of let him concentrate on his study.”


    “But Shuji-kun, I was the one who asked him to. I was bored and you were ignoring me.”


    “…I’m sorry, okay? …But you have to study Akira or you won’t be graduate…”


    Akira reluctantly nodded and continued with the rest of his breakfast.


    “You have such a loving boyfriend Akira-kun! He really care about you and your future.” teasing voice from Yabuki.


    “Stop saying staff like that already. I’m not his mother or a boyfriend, ok!” Shuji was extremely annoying right now.


    “wo, easy, I’m just kidding.”


    “Shuji, you are my boy friend! Why you say we are not?”


    “I’m your friend Akira, not your boyfriend.”


    “You are my boy friend, Nobuta are my girl friend, we are best friends, why are you denying it?”


    Shuji could only sigh, arguing with Akira first thing in the morning is such a tiresome.


    “Anyway, let’s hurry or we’re gonna be late”








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