

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    The lost woman

    ลำดับตอนที่ #1 : Harf life

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 15 ก.พ. 64

    Now, my life is empty, like half-life is gone, because the way I walk now without you, you have gone like a cold December, if that day I know you will not leave me. Going today, I would not have been sad and waiting like this, but she said it was tired of waiting, I was never tired of waiting for you to hold hands and open up to each other. He said that I was just lonely and forgot. Love that I didn't ask for time because I love you so I give you time and wait for you to be ready, but it's been 5 months, don't you think I was waiting for you too? This will change without you, you have walked away from me and the promises we used to make friends are just the words that were spoken when I was feeling sensitive, I was sad to know that in 5 months. You can never forget him. Our old messages, have you deleted them yet? I'm sorry to delete your messages, but it doesn't help me forget that we were able to talk. To heal everything, I am asking to be that all the time, I think I give love and self-love like I have never done before, I admit that I am frustrated and that's why. Where he went, but we both regret each other, right? Or am I I am alone, I still have hope, this rainbow will you send me a message and come back to talk, right? I know you go back to your ex My heart is broken, I just understand what it is like to be heartbroken. Today, Sunday would be meaningless if Monday didn't have a good story to wait for. The best way is to take your heart and let you go.
    นิยายแฟร์ 2024

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