

  • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ
    Beside (english version) **ลองอ่านก่อน สนุกจริง ๆ : D

    ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : Chapter 3: Before the accident

    • อัปเดตล่าสุด 20 ธ.ค. 52

    This is the 10th day that I came to school early and talked to the boy again. At lunch time, I tell Keira that I’ll meet her at the cafeteria because I need to send work at the teacher’s room. But who’ll know that, it’s not a good time…My hands are dirty because of the ink from the printer so I go to the toilet, which is quite far from an area that people are.
    On the other side, an angry man walks suspiciously into the school. No one sees him. He walks around the school and then walks to the toilet, where he hears a girl singing in the toilet. A girl doesn’t seem to know that someone is behind her. But when she see a man behind her, making a strange look from the mirror. She stops singing and scream out loud. But it seem like no one hear the noise because its lunch time everybody all in the cafeteria.
    “Who…who are you!!??” I shouted. 

                “Sing! Continue singing!! Don’t stop!!~” the man said. 

                I know that this man must not be normal so I try to escape from the room. But the mad man grabs my shirt. 

               “Sing Sing!!” He shouted. 

               “No!! Let me go!” I shouted back. 

               The mad man swings me and slam to the wall. “Ouchh!” I said it in a pain voice. “Uckko want to hear a girl sing sing!” the mad man said and gives a creepy smile.
    “Uckko?” I remember it now, yesterday I saw on the newspaper. A mad man named Uckko, escape from the hospital. He loves to hear a girl sing, and when he hears one, the singer must sing non-stop or else he’ll become crazy. But now I can’t sing anymore. The pain from hitting the wall is too much. I begin to black out. The mad man walks out of the toilet. Then I hear someone coming. 

                “Arrest him!!” a man that seem to be a policeman order 3 men to catch the madman. But they don’t seem to know that I’m in the toilet. 

                “I’m safe now, aren’t I?” 

                At least safe from that madman. I smile, then black out...

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