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    ลำดับตอนที่ #261 : Solar Prominence

    • เนื้อหาตอนนี้เปิดให้อ่าน
    • 97
      28 ก.พ. 54

                  A solar prominence is a feature from the Sun’s surface that reaches out to space. It is often shaped as a loop and, although actually very large, cannot be seen without the aid of a strong telescope and some filters. Just how large they really are? Well, the largest ever to be observed, which was captured by SOHO, was estimated to be 350,000 km long. That’s nearly ten times the entire circumference of the Earth! 

    While a solar prominence appears very bright against the darkness of outer space, it appears darker than the Sun when the latter is used as the background. In which case, it is called a solar filament.

    In some instances, a solar prominence can develop into a coronal mass ejection or CME, a massive body of plasma that can reach up to tens of millions of degrees. CME’s are ejected at very high speeds – between 20,000 m/s to 3,200,000 km/s. That’s about 1% of the speed of light in vacuum. If you think that’s awesome, just imagine 100 billion kg of solar material rising outward at those speeds.

    The entire length of a typical solar prominence can stretch from the photosphere up to the corona. Like the corona, a solar prominence is made of plasma. However, prominences are much cooler.

    These large features can sometimes last for many months, during which lengthy observations can be carried out by observatories. SOHO or Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, a joint project of the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA, is one observatory that has made extensive research on sun-related phenomena including solar prominences.

    Other observatories are the two STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) satellites, which have captured magnificent images of solar prominences since their launch in October 2006. In one particular event, the sun ejected a solar prominence which lasted for approximately 30 hours. This enabled the two satellites to capture several views of the event.

    As the two satellites, dubbed ‘ahead’ and ‘behind’ move closer to the Sun, scientists hope to unravel more secrets and obtain more information about these bright, magnificent features. Until then, let’s enjoy the amazing images, videos, and time-lapse sequences of solar prominence occurrences from these awesome observatories.

    In the article entitled “solar prominences”, here in Universe Today, we’ve pointed out NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day pages and other links that feature these events.

    Universe Today has some spectacular depictions of solar prominences. Check them out here:

    SOHO Sees A Huge Prominence on the Sun

    Here are some nice animated images from NASA:

    A Twisted Solar Eruptive Prominence
    Solar Cinema

    You might want to have your ears work for a change. Here’s a podcast from Astronomy Cast.

    Life of the Sun
    *Thep etorrerak ekarri hondamendia eta 02/21/54.  ..


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