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ลำดับตอนที่ #3 : Pain
There is a rule that when the guards get attached to the test subjects, they have to be executed. I don't know why they would do this to humanity, but all I know is that I lost my best friend. I lost the only human being that cared about me. Tears were dropping on my book. Anyway, sorry about that. I still miss her every day. She wrote me that book. It's about me. She wrote that book when I was dropped here until she befriended me. She left about 10 pages for me, and left a sweet message for me that will forever be my motto
"This is your story book. Write your life and destiny." I would write my story every day, but I didn't have a pen nor pencil. Then, the guard gave me my "food". It was rotten, smelly and disgusting. I had to eat this garbage because they haven't fed me for over a day. When I was done, they escorted me to the testing chamber. "Ahhhh, Jen. How are you?" asked the owner of the lab, A.K.A, Dr. Randy Adams. He was adjusting his glasses and holding his trusty clipboard. "It doesn't matter anyway! What do you want to do with me? Drown me?"
I responded shouting at the top of my lungs in rage and anger. He didn't understand my pain. The only person who understood was my friend. Tears started coming down from my eye holes. I was trying to show him that I'm tired, sad and angry. "Oh Jen. That was only 15 times. Get over that," responded Adams. His tone was happy! I'm crying and he's happy. He was definitely a psychopath who only cared about himself. I was put into a stray jacket and locked down onto a chair. He injected a brown liquid into my neck.
